Dreiko Shadrack
I've had time to reflect on my actions and I wish to apologize for them. My frustrations on these situations have been increasing, slowly but steadily, over several months due to a seemingly circular argument where no resolution can be achieved. In my attempts to inform I let said frustrations influence my arguments to include personal attacks. This isn't truly all that new, those that know me know I can have an explosive temperament when having to repeat the same things multiple times in search of the "correct" combination of words that will illustrate my points, this however was far beyond an acceptable outburst of emotion. My arguments, I believe, were sound. They were however needlessly aggressive and personal, for which I do sincerely apologize. I will as such refrain from engaging with these sorts of discussions for the foreseeable future beyond private circles. Again, my apologies for my frustration led contributions to an escalation that no one truly wished for.