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=AQ= Frostval Sweet Dreams

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12/12/2022 13:51:09   
Heroes of the Scape

Z-Token Holiday Bonus ENDS FEBRUARY 2ND
The weather may be getting colder... but AdventureQuest is heating up with blazing hot Z-Token bonuses and discounts!
Get more Z-Tokens with each Z-Token package, and the larger the Z-Token package you buy, the more bonus Z-Tokens you'll have to spend! Get up to 35% more Z-Tokens and also unlock tons of bonus items with select packages until February 2nd.

Frostval 2022 - Sweet Dreams COMING THIS WEEK!
Everything seems to be going well with the Khain family reunion. Home sweet home is just a little too sweet for Khandie, but her parents have enough of a hidden mean side to give her hope. Unfortunately, the bandits are back to the... Uh oh. What happened to the show?!

Guardian Giftboxes:
Make sure you head over to the Guardian Tower and pick up your giftboxes as we wait to see what's inside at the end of the Frostval Gift Delivery!

Frostval Season Limited-Time Shop:
Stop by and pick up gear to help get you in the festive spirit! Fun holiday gear like the legendary axes of Artix, now further enhanced by the powers of the festive Frostval season!

December 2022 Golden Giftboxes
The final Golden Giftboxes of 2021 are proof that the ukulele is mightier than the sword. Suit up with a new energetic Bard of War Armor, and inspire your companions on the battlefield! Also unwrap new Festive Elf gear to help get you in the holiday spirit!

Frostval 2022 Season of Gifting Contests
Devoured Earth and Shadowstalker Prizes!
Kibbles and his cousin Tibbles have returned to spread holiday cheer with new Season of Gifting contests! This merry elf duo collects gifts and randomly gives them to your fellow players - meaning you could receive gifts up to 5000 Z-Tokens or 100 million Gold just for playing!
• This year Tibbles is rewarding charitable players with powerful Devored Earth items.
• Not to be outdone, Kibbles has brought his own Shadowstalker gear.
• That means for crazy generous players there are 14 possible prizes to win!
• 10 Frostval Crown Misc items are being given away DAILY for everyone that gifts either gold or Z-Tokens (5 daily for gold, 5 daily for Z-Token). You can double your chances of winning if you gift both gold and Z-Tokens in a single day!
• 2 versions of the Frostval Crown are available - Ferocious Frostval Crown for +LSDmg and -LSRate, and Precise Frostval Crown for +LSRate and -LSDmg. Winners will receive the Ferocious crown by default, and it can be swapped for the Precise version via the Item Upgrader. This daily giveaway will end with the contests on January 31st!
You will find Tibbles and Kibbles randomly throughout the game or visit them directly through Today's Event page. This contest will end 11:59 PM January 31st, so don't miss out on these exclusive prizes before Tibbles and Kibbles return home!

Infernal and Abyssal Champion Sets
50K Z-Token Packages
We have conjured 2 demonic sets for the Black Friday and Cy-burn Monday season! The plane of Heck is a chaotic land where only the strongest thrive, ruled by the right of absolute conquest. It is the ever-warring clash of eight domains, each a twisted mirror of the Elemental Realms. This is the only history the Eight Tyrannies share with mortals... Because their conquest was NOT final. Reveal the forbidden knowledge of Heck's rebels with the armaments of an Infernal Champion! Command your allies and drain your foes' life as a defensive firebrand, or take a darker approach by combining efficiency and devastation as a mystical warrior! Let the Tyrannies fear the forgotten name of the First Demon! Each package includes:
• 1 Armor
• 1 Shield
• Melee, Magic, and Ranged Weaponry
• 4 Player Faces
• 1 Title
Grab these powerful sets while you can as they will only be available until January 5th!

Throws candy. Tag you're it. (Also great job formatting the thread.) ~Anim

< Message edited by AnimalKing -- 12/12/2022 14:04:21 >
AQ  Post #: 1
12/14/2022 20:04:58   

Is this just the next installment. I know there will be a war at some point. It would be nice if we were
informed before it happened. Some of us plan for it.
AQ  Post #: 2
12/14/2022 21:00:23   
Dreiko Shadrack

Delivery war is typically only on the last week of december, but it also tends to be on the 4th frostval quest each year. For reference this week's release would be the 3rd quest.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
12/15/2022 14:00:26   

Release the panic eater for damage ice pet!
Post #: 4
12/15/2022 15:22:21   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

The release is live!
AQ  Post #: 5
12/15/2022 18:15:28   

A barrier for the pet?

Panic already reduces damage, I wonder how much further does this reduce.

Also when it comes to art, this is probably the most simple looking pet in the game.

< Message edited by J9408 -- 12/15/2022 20:56:17 >
Post #: 6
12/16/2022 9:33:59   

The healing spell that eats panic is a nice addition, but such a pity it only gets stats from dex or str. The panic meta will soon if not already, dominate the game. Panic IMO is better than choke if you have stacked potencies and it will allow for offensive armors w/ complete disregard for defense, as everything will have defense.

Then the spell comes in and I look at players being very hard to beat by monsters.

The pet is a massive massive massive disappointment. I was, and others I saw, hoping for a panic eater for damage in light of Fae's change. Instead, we have a barrier pet that may get some bonus barrier based on DEX since when the barrier hits it says "ranged". Given the other items in the set, it's a warrior set (as someone on discord said) but it has a healer element to it, which I guess is a neat aspect.

But with LY's being a "hybrid" panic set and this years being a "warrior" panic set, hybrids will be able to take full advantage with it again this year. And because Werepyre contains panic, I view this simply as another opportunity for hybrids to add another armor to their arsenal and keep some of the same synergies that Werepyre offers, tbh. Noted.

I'm beginning to wonder if hybrids have an actual downside. I think the stat revamp is inadvertently causing hybrids to be a more preferred build since you get all the damage of a warrior and a mage, but only lack HP which is mitigated by heals and panics. So no downsides.... And considering Werepyre is head and shoulders above Vampire and Werewolf, it only accentuates the issue. We tend to focus so much on item balance, when things like this are staring everyone in the face.

Maybe next year's frostval set can be a Mage or Beastmaster set.

It is also very very odd to release winter dryad armor being a warrior focused ice armor only to then also release another warrior ice armor for frostval. Takes the luster off both. I'll be willing to bet this armor will have melee-locked stuff to ensure it's specific to them.

Might be a better idea to make frostval sets less build specific, tbh. You're alienating many players by such catering. I get some are/will be happy with this set, but that's my point. Anyhow, ALL HAIL HYBRIDS!!!

Hopefully the Giftbox set turns out better! -crosses fingers-

Post #: 7
12/16/2022 15:24:40   

The barrier aspect is useful if you can get the enemy damage below 200. It is good for long battles.

But yes, a panic eat would probably be better.

It is a warrior set? I'm guessing this set will focus on heal loops right? Lower enemy damage and heal yourself over and over again.
Post #: 8
12/18/2022 7:50:01   

It's *Knight* Mare set, so that should be spoiler enough to let everyone know who it's catered to. I think they're finally creating a Tank Warrior meta somehow. Something that really doesn't exist already. The specifics of the armor could potentially come off very weird. If they wanted to make a true tank warrior, this would be a FD armor with melee-locked attack/skill.... And considering things like this don't exist already, are players willing to throw in an armor for tanking or will they opt for a FO armor as per usual? or will this be FO still but be tankier with the barrier/heal interactions? Will it *need* the rest of the items in the set to justify using it regularly, or will it be ok as a stand-alone? Like I said, it could potentially come out very weird to some.

Regardless, the release of multiple warrior catered *ice* armors in a rather short period of time is odd. Again, it takes the luster off each other.
Post #: 9
12/18/2022 8:13:11   
Korriban Gaming

The healing SPell is very well done and has finally filled in the spot for a warrior healing spell while at the same time being accessible to both rangers and hybrids. The pet however could have been better done. I wished the pet could have just sacrificed all damage for the barrier or better yet, have it eat panic to boost damage and the barrier power instead. Currently I don't see the pet being very useful or good at all
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 10
12/19/2022 7:45:08   

I think since barriers are essentially another form of healing, and since it would be increased via increased heal resistance, I have a hunch this armor will have a +12.5% heal increase attached much like angelic robes. This would mean +25% if using the set misc, and that will increase the pets barrier. This may get a FSB of some sort , but we will see. I don't remember if older frostval sets received fsb or not.

I think this armor will end up pigeonholing itself into needing to using the entire set to get the most out of the idea, but we will see. I like the heal aspect, but until the rest of the items are released it is difficult to see how this will end up.
Post #: 11
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