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5/9/2023 3:20:25   


Location: Carnax (All Versions)

Level: As player
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee
Element: Stone

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

STR: Level*5/2
DEX: Level*5/2
INT: Level*5/2
CHA: 100
LUK: Level*5/4
END: Level*5/2
WIS: 0

Boost: 0%
Bonus: 25 + Level/5
Crit: 10 + LUK/10

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
Crit: [175+INT/10]%

Melee: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Pierce: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Magic: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Block: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Parry: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Dodge: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%

Darkness: -80
Light: -80
Wind: -80
Water: -80
Shrink: 900
Immobility: 600
Nature: 20
Energy: 20
Stone: 20
Ice: 20
Fire: 20

Attack Types (Phase 1)
Attack Type 1 - Carnax roars for 4 hits of 50% Stone damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Terror of Carnax' (-90 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -45 Bonus) to target for 8 turns inclusive. (Pop-up: Carnax: 'EVEN WITH MY MASTER'S DEATH, I OBEY!')
Attack Type 2 - Carnax forms a psychic link with his target for 5 hits of 200% Energy damage, amounting to 1,000% damage; if at least two hits connect, one of the following effects is selected at random:
  • Applies 'Psionic Link', a HoT equal to 100% of Carnax's base damage, to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link', a 20% Magic Null DoT effect, to target for 99 turns.
  • Applies 'Psionic Link' (5% damage reflection to all attackers) to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link' (no effect) to target for 99 turns.
  • Applies 'Psionic Link' (+50 STR/DEX/INT/CHA/LUK) to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link' (-50 STR/DEX/INT/CHA/LUK) to target for 99 turns.
Attack Type 3 - Carnax impales his target with spikes for 3 hits of ~66.6% Stone damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Spines of Carnax' to target, stunning it for 3 turns.
Attack Type 4 - Carnax blasts his target with energy for 1 hit of 200% Energy damage; applies 'Sparks of Carnax', a 50% Magic Fire DoT effect, to target for 5 turns.
Attack Type 5 - Carnax grasps his target with tentacles for 8 hits of 25% Stone damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Entanglement of Carnax' (-20% Boost) to target for 5 turns.
Attack Type 6 - Carnax blasts his target with energy for 1 hit of 200% Energy damage; applies 'Oppression of Carnax' (-25 All Resist, +50 Health Resist) to target for 2 turns inclusive.
Attack Type 7 - Carnax blasts his target with energy for 1 hit of 200% Energy damage; applies 'Oppression of Carnax' (-25 All Resist, +50 Health Resist) to target for 2 turns inclusive. This attack will telegraph the use of Attack Type 8 on his next turn. (Pop-up: Carnax is about to unleash a powerful attack!)
Attack Type 8 - Carnax forms a psychic link with his target for 5 hits of 400% Energy damage, amounting to 2,000% damage; if at least two hits connect, one of the following 'Psionic Link' effects is selected at random; (Pop-up: Carnax: '...DIE!')
  • Applies 'Psionic Link', a HoT equal to 100% of Carnax's base damage range, to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link', a 20% Magic Null DoT effect, to target for 99 turns.
  • Applies 'Psionic Link' (5% damage reflection to all attackers) to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link' (no effect) to target for 99 turns.
  • Applies 'Psionic Link' (+50 STR/DEX/INT/CHA/LUK) to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link' (-50 STR/DEX/INT/CHA/LUK) to target for 99 turns.
Attack Types (Phase 2)
Attack Type 9 - Carnax roars for 4 hits of 50% Stone damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Dread of Carnax' (-200 Crit, -30% Boost) to target for 5 turns. (Pop-up: Carnax: 'WHERE IS THE BOY? WHERE IS MY TORMENTOR?')
Attack Type 10 - Carnax forms a psychic link with his target for 5 hits of 200% Energy damage, amounting to 1,000% damage; if at least two hits connect, one of the following 'Psionic Link' effects is selected at random:
  • Applies 'Psionic Link', a HoT equal to 100% of Carnax's base damage range, to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link', a 20% Magic Null DoT effect, to target for 99 turns.
  • Applies 'Psionic Link' (5% damage reflection to all attackers) to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link' (no effect) to target for 99 turns.
  • Applies 'Psionic Link' (+50 STR/DEX/INT/CHA/LUK) to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link' (-50 STR/DEX/INT/CHA/LUK) to target for 99 turns.
Attack Type 11 - Carnax impales his target with spikes for 3 hits of ~66.6% Stone damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Durability of Carnax' (+30 All Resist, -30 Health Resist, +90 Block/Dodge/Parry Defense) to himself for 4 turns.
Attack Type 12 - Carnax grasps his target with tentacles for 8 hits of 25% Stone damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Durability of Carnax' (+30 All Resist, -30 Health Resist, +90 Block/Dodge/Parry Defense) to himself for 4 turns.
Attack Type 13 - Carnax blasts his target with energy for 1 hit of 200% Energy damage; applies 'Oppression of Carnax' (-25 All Resist, +50 Health Resist) to target for 2 turns inclusive.
Attack Type 14 - Carnax blasts his target with energy for 1 hit of 200% Energy damage; applies 'Oppression of Carnax' (-25 All Resist, +50 Health Resist) to target for 2 turns inclusive. This attack will telegraph the use of Attack Type 15 on his next turn. (Pop-up: Carnax is about to unleash a powerful attack!)
Attack Type 15 - Carnax forms a psychic link with his target for 5 hits of 400% Energy damage, amounting to 2,000% damage; if at least two hits connect, one of the following effects is selected at random; (Pop-up: Carnax: '...DIE!')
  • Applies 'Psionic Link', a HoT equal to 100% of Carnax's base damage range, to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link', a 20% Magic Null DoT effect, to target for 99 turns.
  • Applies 'Psionic Link' (5% damage reflection to all attackers) to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link' (no effect) to target for 99 turns.
  • Applies 'Psionic Link' (+50 STR/DEX/INT/CHA/LUK) to Carnax for 99 turns and inflicts 'Psionic Link' (-50 STR/DEX/INT/CHA/LUK) to target for 99 turns.
Attack Types (Phase 3)
Attack Type 16 - Carnax roars, dealing no damage but setting his target to 1 HP, fully healing himself (unaffected by Health and All Resists), and applying 'Finality of Carnax' (+1,000% Boost, +1,000 Bonus, +300 Crit) to himself for 99 turns. (Pop-up: Carnax: 'AT LAST, I HAVE CONTROL! FATE IS MINE TO DECIDE!')
Attack Type 17 - Carnax roars, dealing no damage but applying 'Will of Carnax' (-300 All Resist, +600 Health Resist) to himself for 99 turns. (Pop-up: Carnax: '...THE GIRL! I— I REMEMBER THE GIRL...')
Attack Type 18 - Carnax roars, dealing no damage but applying 'Cry of Carnax' (-300 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -300 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to himself for 99 turns. (Pop-up: Carnax: '...I SHALL DESTROY NO MORE! NOT AGAIN! NO MORE NIGHTMARES!')
Attack Type 19 - Carnax roars, dealing no damage but applying 'Heart of Talados' (a [1000+500X]% Magic Stone DoT effect, where X is the number of times Attack Type 20 has been used) to himself for 99 turns. (Pop-up: Carnax: '...MY SPIRIT SHALL BE HELD BY ALL THE HEARTS OF TALADOS!')
Attack Type 20 - Carnax roars, dealing no damage but reapplying 'Heart of Talados' status effect.

Other information
  • Carnax has three Phases:
    • Carnax will remain in Phase 1 until falling below 50% of his maximum HP, where he will enter Phase 2.
    • Carnax will remain in Phase 2 between 5% and 50% of his maximum HP.
    • Upon falling below 5% of his maximum HP through a direct attack, Carnax will become impervious to all sources of damage and enter Phase 3 on his next turn; upon entering Phase 3, Carnax will automatically remove 'Terror of Carnax', 'Entanglement of Carnax', 'Dread of Carnax', and all 'Psionic Link' effects from the player.
    • While in Phases 1 and 2, Carnax cannot go below 1 HP by any direct damage and cannot be defeated by DoT effects; upon entering Phase 3, this death resistance effect is removed.
  • While in Phases 1 and 2, in the beginning of the battle and at the start of each turn, Carnax will apply himself one of 'Psionic Barrier' effects at random:
    • 'Psionic Barrier, Vulnerable to Melee' (+180 Pierce/Magic Avoidance) for 1 turn. (Pop-up: Carnax's Psionic Barrier becomes vulnerable to Melee!)
    • 'Psionic Barrier, Vulnerable to Pierce' (+180 Melee/Magic Avoidance) for 1 turn. (Pop-up: Carnax's Psionic Barrier becomes vulnerable to Pierce!)
    • 'Psionic Barrier, Vulnerable to Magic' (+180 Melee/Pierce Avoidance) for 1 turn. (Pop-up: Carnax's Psionic Barrier becomes vulnerable to Magic!)
  • While in Phase 2, each time he is damaged by a direct attack, Carnax will apply 'Mutagenic Armor' (+5Y Resist to attack's element, excluding Curse and Null elements) to himself for 5 turns inclusive, where Y is equal to the number of times Carnax was damaged to a specific element while affected by 'Mutagenic Armor'. (Pop-up: Mutagenic armor increases resistance to <element> by <x>!)
  • In Carnax, during the battle, the player is aided by Maxwell and Hollow, two noncombatants who give the option of 'Fire Away!'; selecting the option deals 1 hit of Constant Null damage equal to 5% of Carnax's maximum HP to Carnax, with +1,000 Bonus and -1,000 Crit and activates the following effects; (Pop-ups: Hollow: 'My cannon's ready, Maxwell. Once it charges, I'll be counting on your aim to hit true!' / Hollow: 'We're almost charged up! Come on... work!' / Hollow: 'There we go! Maxwell, it's all up to you! / Maxwell: 'It's your tech, Hollow. Let's just hope it doesn't blow us up too.')
    • Due to how Constant damage type works, it will always adhere to the global damage cap of SQRT(Level)*100.
    • Removes all 'Psionic Link' effects from the player and Carnax.
    • Applies 'Shockwave' to Carnax, automatically stunning Carnax for 1 turn.
    • Applies 'Psionic Disruption' to Carnax for 4 turns. While affected by 'Psionic Disruption', Carnax cannot apply 'Psionic Link' and 'Psionic Barrier' during the duration.
    • 'Fire Away!' is granted on the 20th turn of the battle and again every 19 turns after the option is clicked.
  • Carnax's skill rotation is dependent on his current Phase:
    • While in Phase 1, Carnax follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 2-> Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 7 -> Attack Type 8 -> Repeat.
    • While in Phase 2, Carnax will reset his current rotation and follow the skill rotation; Attack Type 9 -> Attack Type 10 -> Attack Type 11 OR Attack Type 12 -> Attack Type 10 -> Attack Type 14 -> Attack Type 15 -> Attack Type 9 -> Attack Type 10 -> Attack Type 11 OR Attack Type 12 -> Attack Type 10 -> Attack Type 13 -> Attack Type 10 -> Repeat, with Attack Types 11 and 12 being chosen at random.
    • While in Phase 3, Carnax will reset his current rotation and follow the skill rotation; Attack Type 16 -> Attack Type 17 -> Attack Type 18 -> Attack Type 19, repeating only Attack Type 20 afterwards.
  • Defeating Carnax will yield a special pop-up message. (Pop-up: Carnax: 'IT— IS— OVER!')

    Thanks to DemonicDarkwraith for other information and corrections.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/4/2025 13:50:59 >
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