 ArchKnight DragonFable
Right Arm of Carnax Golem Location: Carnax (All Versions) Level: As player Damage: Scaled Damage Type: Melee Element: Metal HP: Scaled MP: Scaled Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Stats STR: Level*5/2 DEX: Level*5/4 INT: Level*5/8 CHA: 0 LUK: Level*5/8 END: Level*5/2 WIS: 0 Offense Boost: 0% Bonus: 20 + Level/5 Crit: 10 + LUK/10 Damage Multipliers Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]% Dex: [100+DEX/40]% DoT: [100+DEX/4]% Crit: [175+INT/10]% Defense Melee: -5 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Pierce: -5 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Magic: -5 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Block: -5 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Parry: -5 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Dodge: -5 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Damage Reduction Non-Crit: 0% DoT: 0% Crit: 0% Resistances Light: -10 Wind: -10 Water: -40 Fire: -50 Shrink: 300 Immobility: 300 Darkness: 10 Energy: 10 Stone: 40 Nature: 40 Ice: 40 Attack Types Attack Type 1 - Stomps and summon spikes to the target for 2 hits of 100% damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Machination of Carnax' (+200 STR) to himself and Left Arm of Carnax for 12 turns inclusive. Attack Type 2 - Stomps his target for 1 hit of 500% damage; applies 'Crushing Weight' (-1X All Resist, +1X Health Resist) to target for 99 turns inclusive. Attack Type 3 - Stomps his target, creating a shockwave to it for 2 hits of 100% damage, amounting to 200% damage. Attack Type 4 - Stomps and summon spikes to the target for 2 hits of 100% damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Construct of Carnax' (+20 All Resist, -20 Health Resist) to himself and Left Arm of Carnax for 6 turns. Attack Type 5 - Carnax strengthens his right arm, dealing no damage but applying one of two effects;- If the Right Arm of Carnax was not hit by a Fire element attack in the current turn, recovers 10% of its maximum HP and if any of his allies are dead, revives them for 99,999 HP.
- If the Right Arm of Carnax was hit by a Fire element attack in the current turn, applies 'Flame Activation' (+10% Boost, +45 Bonus) to himself for 2 turns.
Attack Type 6 - Carnax slams his tail from above to the target for 3 hits of ~233.3% damage, amounting to 700% damage. Other information If the Left Arm of Carnax was defeated while the Right Arm of Carnax is still alive, he will revive the Left Arm of Carnax at 30% of his maximum HP the next turn after it was defeated. (Pop-up: Carnax is about to shake off the petrification of his left arm!) The Right Arm of Carnax follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 6 -> Repeat., and will pause this rotation to use Attack Type 6 once if the Right Arm of Carnax was hit by a Fire element attack, which has a 5 turn cooldown before it can be used again.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 6/6/2024 14:02:17 >