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Chaos DragonLord, Chaos Lord Thief, Chaos Lord Berserker, Chaos Lord Mystic, Chaos Lord Cleric

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7/11/2023 10:57:36   

ArchKnight DragonFable

Chaos DragonLord

Location: The Chaos Slayers

Level: As player
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee*
Element: ???

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

STR: Level*5/4
DEX: Level*5/4
INT: Level*5/4
CHA: 100
LUK: Level*5/8
END: Level*25/8
WIS: 0

Boost: 0%
Bonus: 20 + Level/5
Crit: 10 + LUK/10

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
Crit: [175+INT/10]%

Melee: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Pierce: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Magic: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Block: 30 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Parry: 30 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Dodge: 30 * Level/90 + LUK/20

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%

Shrink: 300

Attack Types (Heart and Wings)
Attack Type 1 / 1.1 - Flies above with dragon wings before striking her target with chaotic energy for 4 hits of 200% ??? damage, amounting to 800% damage; prioritizes Wings rotation.
Attack Type 2 - Approaches and shield bashes her target for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; applies 'Shield Wall (Wings)' (no effect) to herself for 4 turns; applies 'Shield Wall' (+50% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction) to her allies for 13 turns; applies 'Chaos Bash' to target, stunning it for 1 turn.
Attack Type 3 - Approaches, stabs, and jumps before striking her target for 3 hits of 150% ??? damage, amounting to 450% damage; applies 'Chaotic Rage' (+X% Boost, the Chaos DragonLord cannot go below 1 HP by any direct damage and can only be defeated by DoT effects, where X is equal to the Chaos DragonLord's missing HP% upon applying this effect) to herself for 6 turns inclusive.
Attack Type 4 - Summons a Fire Dragon Spirit to her target for 1 hit of 250% Fire damage; applies 'Chaos Fire Spirit', a 120% Pierce Fire DoT effect, to target for 2 turns.
Attack Type 5 - Approaches and summons a Light Dragon Spirit to her target for 1 hit of 200% Light damage; applies one of the following effects if the hit lands, dependent on the player have a pet equipped;
  • If the player have a pet equipped, applies 'Chaos Resonance' to player for 3 turns. While affected by 'Chaos Resonance', player's pet is stunned for 3 turns.
  • If the player does not have a pet equipped, applies 'Chaos Resonance' (+50% Boost, +50 Bonus) to Chaos DragonLord for 2 turns.
Attack Type 6 - Summons an Energy Dragon Spirit to her target for 1 hit of 250% Energy damage; applies 'Chaos Energy Spirit' (-10 All Resist, +10 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
Attack Type 7 - Approaches and strikes her target for 2 hits of 100% ??? damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'DREAD' (-20% Boost) to target for 5 turns.
Attack Type 8 - Bursts with chaos energy to her target for 7 hits of ~114.2% ??? damage, amounting to 800% damage; prioritizes Heart rotation.
Attack Type 9 - Approaches and shield bashes her target for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; applies 'Shield Wall (Heart)' (+50 Bonus) to herself for 4 turns inclusive; applies 'Shield Wall' (+30% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction) to her allies for 13 turns; applies 'Chaos Bash' to target, stunning it for 1 turn.
Attack Type 10 - Summons a Ice Dragon Spirit to her target for 1 hit of 200% Ice damage; purges all DoT effects from the Chaos DragonLord; applies 'Chaos Ice Spirit' (+50% Boost) to herself for 4 turns inclusive.
Attack Type 11 / 11.1 - Approaches and stabs her target for 1 hit of 250% ??? damage, with +200 Bonus and +200 Crit.
Attack Type 12 - Approaches, stabs, and jumps before striking her target for 3 hits of 150% ??? damage, amounting to 450% damage; applies 'Chaos Surge' (+15% Boost) to herself for 4 turns inclusive.

Attack Types (Burst)
Attack Type 13 - Approaches, stabs, and jumps before striking her target for 3 hits of ~266.6% ??? damage, amounting to 800% damage; if a hit lands while the target was affected by 'DREAD', removes 'DREAD' from it and apply 'ANATHEMA' (-20% Boost) to target for 5 turns. While affected by 'ANATHEMA', if the player has granted an extra turn, applies 'ANATHEMA' (Reflects 40% of any damage taken back to attacker) to herself and her allies for the current turn. (Pop-up: With your extra turn, ANATHEMA takes hold.)

Other information
  • *The Chaos DragonLord will alternate Magic/Pierce/Melee damage types corresponding to the highest mainstat (INT/DEX/STR); if two or all three mainstats are equal, the Chaos DragonLord will prioritize Magic > Pierce > Melee.
  • Upon the Chaos DragonLord's first turn, she applies 'Chaos Unending' (+[5Y]% base damage, where Y is the number of turns that 'Chaos Unending' have applied, capped at +100% base damage) to herself for 99 turns inclusive and is reapplied for the rest of the battle.
  • If the Chaos DragonLord takes direct damage while stunned (including the first hit of a stun), all immobility effects applied on her will immediately be removed and replaced by 'Residual Stun' to herself, stunning her for 1 turn; additionally, the Chaos DragonLord applies 'Durability' (+300 Immobility Resist) to herself for 99 turns. (Pop-up: The Chaos DragonLord manages to shake off some of your stun.)
  • The Chaos DragonLord follows the skill rotations;
    • Wings: Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 7 -> Attack Type 13 -> Transition to Heart rotation; The Chaos DragonLord will use this rotation first on her first turn if the player have <Dragon> equipped as a pet. (Pop-up: Chaos DragonLord: That dragon…)
    • Heart: Attack Type 7 - > Attack Type 8 -> Attack Type 9 - > Attack Type 10 -> Attack Type 5 - > Attack Type 11- > Attack Type 7 -> Attack Type 13 -> Transition to Wings rotation; The Chaos DragonLord will use this rotation first on her first turn if the player does not have <Dragon> equipped as a pet.
  • Alongside the use of Attack Type 13, she will telegraph her allies to use their Burst attacks either coordinated or staggered; refer to this post for more information.
  • Upon defeating the Chaos DragonLord, while her remaining allies are alive, she will apply 'Chaotic Inspiration' (+20% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction) to her allies for 20 turns. (Pop-up: Chaos DragonLord: 'Carry on without me... It can't— it won't end like this!')

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/5/2025 22:08:20 >
  • DF  Post #: 1
    7/11/2023 10:58:34   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Chaos Lord Thief

    Location: The Chaos Slayers

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Pierce
    Element: ???

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: Level*5/4
    DEX: Level*5/2
    INT: Level*5/4
    CHA: 100
    LUK: Level*5/8
    END: Level*5/4
    WIS: 0

    Boost: 0%
    Bonus: 20 + Level/5
    Crit: 10 + LUK/10

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
    Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
    DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
    Crit: [175+INT/10]%

    Melee: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Pierce: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Magic: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Block: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Parry: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Dodge: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: 100%
    Dex: 100%
    DoT: 100%
    Crit: 175%

    Shrink: 300

    Attack Types (Stealth and Smoke)
    Attack Type 1 - Vanishes, dealing no damage but applying 'Stealth' (+140 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to itself for 4 turns and applying 'Enshadowed' (+50 Bonus) to itself for 5 turns; prioritizes Stealth rotation.
    Attack Type 2 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 - Approaches, strikes, and jumps before striking his target for 4 hits of 150% ??? damage, amounting to 600% damage.
    Attack Type 3 - Throws a dagger for 1 hit of 100% ??? damage; applies 'Chaos Venom' (a 100% Pierce Poison DoT effect, +30 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns.
    Attack Type 4 - Approaches and slashes its target twice for 2 hits of 100% ??? damage; applies 'DELUSION' (-30 Bonus) to target for 5 turns.
    Attack Type 5 / 5.1 - Approaches and power ups before slashing its target for 1 hit of 300% ??? damage; applies 'Chaos Entanglement' (-100 Crit) to target for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 6 / 6.1 - Approaches and power ups before slashing its target for 2 hits of 150% ??? damage, amounting to 300% damage; applies 'Chaos Siphon' (-75 DEX/CHA) to target for 4 turns inclusive; applies 'Chaos Siphon' (+75 DEX/CHA) to itself and its allies for 10 turns.
    Attack Type 7 / 7.1 / 7.2 / 7.3 - Power ups before approaching and striking his target for 4 hits of 150% ??? damage, amounting to 600% damage; applies 'Chaos Surge' (+50 All Resist, -50 Health Resist) to itself for 3 turns.
    Attack Type 8 - Cloaks itself with smoke, dealing no damage but applying 'Smoke Field' (+140 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to itself for 4 turns and applying 'Smoke Cover' (+200 DEX) to itself for 5 turns; prioritizes Smoke rotation.
    Attack Type 9 - Throws a dagger for 1 hit of 100% ??? damage; applies 'Chaos Poison', a 50X% Pierce Poison DoT effect, to target for 5 turns, where X is the number of times 'Chaos Poison' have applied.
    Attack Type 10 - Approaches and strikes its target for 1 hit of 100% ??? damage; if the hit lands, steal a HP Potion from the target. (Pop-ups: The Chaos Lord Thief attempts to steal one of your HP potions! / The Chaos Lord Thief successfully steals one of your HP potions!)
    Attack Type 11 / 11.1 - Drinks the potion before slashing the target for 1 hit of 100% ??? damage; heals Chaos Lord Thief for 20% of his maximum HP.

    Attack Types (Burst)
    Attack Type 12 / 12.1 / 12.2 / 12.3 - Approaches, strikes, and jumps before striking his target for 4 hits of 200% ??? damage, amounting to 800% damage; if a hit lands while the target was affected by 'DELUSION', remove 'DELUSION' from it and apply 'ATAXIA' (-30 Bonus, -100 Crit) to target for 5 turns.

    Other information
  • Upon the Chaos Lord Thief's first turn, he applies 'Chaos Unending' (+10Y DEX, where Y is the number of turns that 'Chaos Unending' have applied) to himself for 99 turns inclusive and is reapplied for the rest of the battle. Stacks of 'Chaos Unending' will reset to 0 if the Chaos Lord Thief was hit.
  • If the Chaos Lord Thief takes direct damage while stunned (including the first hit of a stun), all immobility effects applied on him will immediately be removed and replaced by 'Residual Stun' to himself, stunning him for 1 turn; additionally, the Chaos Lord Thief applies 'Durability' (+300 Immobility Resist) to himself for 99 turns. (Pop-up: The Chaos Lord Thief manages to shake off some of your stun.)
  • The Chaos Lord Thief follows the skill rotations;
    • Stealth: Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 6 OR Attack Type 7 -> Transition to Smoke rotation, with Attack Type 6 is used if target is affected by 'Chaos Entanglement'; otherwise, he uses Attack Type 7. The Chaos Lord Thief will use this rotation first if he was not hit in the first turn.
    • Smoke: Attack Type 8 - > Attack Type 9 (x3) - > Attack Type 4- > Attack Type 2 OR Attack Type 10 -> Attack Type 6 OR Attack Type 11 -> Transition to Stealth rotation, with certain Attack Types used on certain conditions:
      • Attack Type 10 is used if the Chaos Lord Thief falls below 50% of his maximum HP and target has at least one HP Potion remaining; otherwise, he uses Attack Type 2.
      • Attack Type 11 is used if the hit from Attack Type 10 successfully lands; otherwise, he uses Attack Type 6.
      • The Chaos Lord Thief will use this rotation first if he was hit in the first turn.
    • The Chaos Lord Thief will prioritize Attack Type 12 on certain conditions; refer to this post for more information.
  • Upon defeating the Chaos Lord Thief, while his remaining allies are alive, he will apply 'Chaotic Confusion' (+60 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, +60 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to his allies for 20 turns. (Pop-up: Chaos Lord Thief: 'The shadows finally caught up to me... See our dream through!')

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/5/2025 22:05:47 >
  • DF  Post #: 2
    7/11/2023 11:00:05   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Chaos Lord Berserker

    Location: The Chaos Slayers

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee
    Element: ???

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: Level*5/2
    DEX: Level*5/4
    INT: Level*5/4
    CHA: 100
    LUK: Level*5/8
    END: Level*5/4
    WIS: 0

    Boost: 0%
    Bonus: 20 + Level/5
    Crit: 10 + LUK/10

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
    Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
    DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
    Crit: [175+INT/10]%

    Melee: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Pierce: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Magic: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Block: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Parry: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Dodge: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20

    Damage Reduction
    Non-Crit: 0%
    DoT: 0%
    Crit: 0%

    Shrink: 300

    Attack Types (Mutation and Breaking Stance)
    Attack Type 1 / 1.1 - Empowers her sword before approaching and slashing the target for 1 hit of 100% ??? damage; applies 'Chaos Mutation' (+50% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction) to herself for 4 turns; applies 'Chaos Mutation' (+200 STR) to itself for 5 turns inclusive; prioritizes Mutation rotation.
    Attack Type 2 / 2.1 / 2.2 - Powers up before approaching and striking her target for 1 hit of 100% ??? damage; applies 'IMPASSE' (-40 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -40 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to target for 6 turns inclusive.
    Attack Type 3 / 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.3 - Approaches, slashes, and stabs her target before jumps and slashes it for 3 hits of 200% ??? damage, amounting to 600% damage.
    Attack Type 4 - Throws a dagger at her target for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; applies 'Chaos Surge' (+[100-X]% Boost, where X is equal to Chaos Lord Berserker's missing HP%) to herself for 5 turns inclusive; applies 'Chaos Bleed', a 60% Pierce Poison DoT effect, to target for 5 turns.
    Attack Type 5 / 5.1 - Drinks a potion before stabbing her target for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; applies 'Preparatory Strike' (+50% Boost, +180 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to herself for 2 turns inclusive; notifies the player with one of two pop-up warnings, dependant if the hit lands: (Pop-up: The Chaos Lord Berserker prepares to strike!)
    • If the hit lands: (Pop-up: The Chaos Lord Berserker has prepared a powerful attack!)
    • If the hit does not land: (Pop-up: The Chaos Lord Berserker gets ready to shake off negative effects!)
    Attack Type 6 / 6.1 / 6.2 - Empowers her sword before approaching, leaping and striking her target for 1 hit of [200+100Y, where Y is the number of negative status effects and DoT effects purged]% ??? damage; purges all negative status effects and DoT effects from herself.
    Attack Type 7 / 7.1 - Empowers her sword before approaching and striking her target for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; applies 'Chaos Siphon' (-75 STR/END) to target for 4 turns inclusive; applies 'Chaotic Siphon' (+75 STR/END) to herself and her allies for 10 turns.
    Attack Type 8 / 8.1 - Empowers her sword before approaching and slashes her target for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; applies 'Breaking Stance' (+100 Bonus) for 5 turns inclusive; prioritizes Breaking Stance rotation.
    Attack Type 9 - Approaches and stabs her target for 1 hit of 100% ??? damage; applies 'Disarming Blow' (-20% Boost) for 5 turns inclusive.
    Attack Type 10 / 10.1 - Approaches, slashes, and stabs her target for 2 hits of 100% ??? damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Distracting Slice' (-100 Crit) for 3 turns inclusive.
    Attack Type 11 / 11.1 / 11.2 - Approaches, jumps, and slashes her target for 3 hits of 100% ??? damage, amounting to 300% damage; applies 'Crushing Chaos' (-10 All Resist, +10 Health Resist) for 5 turns inclusive.
    Attack Type 12 - Throws a dagger to her target for 1 hit of 100% ??? damage; applies 'Chaos Daze' to target, stunning it for 1 turn.
    Attack Type 13 / 13.1 / 13.2 / 13.3 - Empowers her sword before approaching and stabbing her target before jumping and slashes her target again for 2 hits of 300% ??? damage, amounting to 600% damage.

    Attack Types (Burst)
    Attack Type 14 / 14.1 / 14.2 / 14.3 / 14.4 - Approaches and slashes her target with a fierce combo for 4 hits of 200% ??? damage, amounting to 800% damage; if a hit lands while the target was affected by 'DELUSION', remove 'IMPASSE' from it and apply 'NUMBING' (-40 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -40 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense, -75 Immobility Resist) to target for 6 turns inclusive.

    Other information
  • Upon the Chaos Lord Berserker's first turn, she applies 'Chaos Unending' (+5Z STR, where Z is equal to the number of times the Chaos Lord Berserker has missed a hit) to herself for 99 turns inclusive and is reapplied for the rest of the battle. Stacks of 'Chaos Unending' will reset to 0 if the Chaos Lord Berserker lands a hit.
  • If the Chaos Lord Berserker takes direct damage while stunned (including the first hit of a stun), all immobility effects applied on her will immediately be removed and replaced by 'Residual Stun' to herself, stunning her for 1 turn; additionally, the Chaos Lord Berserker applies 'Durability' (+300 Immobility Resist) to herself for 99 turns. (Pop-up: The Chaos Lord Berserker manages to shake off some of your stun.)
  • The Chaos Lord Berserker follows the skill rotations;
    • Mutation: Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 3 OR Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 7 -> Transition to Breaking Stance rotation, with Attack Type 6 is used if the hit from Attack Type 5 connects; otherwise, she uses Attack Type 3. The Chaos Lord Berserker will use this rotation first if the player was not affected by an effect that increases their Avoidance (Melee/Pierce/Magic) or Defense (Block/Parry/Dodge).
    • Breaking Stance: Attack Type 8 - > Attack Type 9 - > Attack Type 10- > Attack Type 11 -> Attack Type 7 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 12 OR Attack Type 13 -> Transition to Mutation rotation, with Attack Type 12 used if a hit from Attack Type 2 lands; otherwise, she uses Attack Type 13. The Chaos Lord Berserker will use this rotation first if the player was affected by an effect that increases their Avoidance (Melee/Pierce/Magic) or Defense (Block/Parry/Dodge).
    • The Chaos Lord Berserker will prioritize Attack Type 14 on certain conditions; refer to this post for more information.
  • Upon defeating the Chaos Lord Berserker, while her remaining allies are alive, she will apply 'Chaotic Frenzy' (+30 Bonus, +30% Boost) to her allies for 20 turns. (Pop-up: Chaos Lord Berserker: 'IT CANNOT END LIKE THIS! ...IT... It can't...')

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/5/2025 22:07:25 >
  • DF  Post #: 3
    7/11/2023 11:01:14   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Chaos Lord Mystic

    Location: The Chaos Slayers

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic
    Element: ???

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: Level*5/4
    DEX: Level*5/4
    INT: Level*5/2
    CHA: 100
    LUK: Level*5/8
    END: Level*5/4
    WIS: 0

    Boost: 0%
    Bonus: 20 + Level/5
    Crit: 10 + LUK/10

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
    Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
    DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
    Crit: [175+INT/10]%

    Melee: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Pierce: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Magic: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Block: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Parry: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Dodge: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20

    Damage Reduction
    Non-Crit: 0%
    DoT: 0%
    Crit: 0%

    Shrink: 300

    Attack Types (Fire and Ice)
    Attack Type 1 / 1.1 - Powers up before approaching and striking his target for 1 hit of 100% ??? damage; applies 'Chaos Growth' (+200 INT, retaliates equal to 50% of the Chaos Lord Mystic's base damage range to the attacker) to himself for 4 turns; prioritizes Fire rotation.
    Attack Type 2 - Casts a fireball to his target for 1 hit of 200% Fire damage; applies 'Chaotic Flames' (+75 Crit) to himself for 5 turns; applies 'Chaotic Flames', a 100% Pierce Fire DoT effect, to target for 3 turns.
    Attack Type 3 - Approaches and stabs his target with his staff for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; applies 'ANGUISH' (-10 All Resist, +10 Health Resist) for 6 turns inclusive; if used in the start of the rotation (see other information), prioritizes Ice rotation.
    Attack Type 4 - Casts a windball to his target for 1 hit of 200% Wind damage; applies 'Chaotic Winds' (+50 Bonus) to himself for 5 turns inclusive.
    Attack Type 5 - Approaches and strikes his target for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; applies 'Chaos Siphon' (-75 INT/LUK) for 4 turns inclusive; applies 'Chaotic Siphon' (+75 INT/LUK) to himself and his allies for 10 turns inclusive.
    Attack Type 6 - Blasts his target with chaos orbs to his target for 5 hits of 160% ??? damage.
    Attack Type 7 / 7.1 - Raises his staff before clawing his target for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; if the hit lands, purges all non-permanent positive status effects (including -Health Resist) from the player and heals Chaos Lord Mystic for [2X]% of his maximum HP, where X is the number of non-permanent positive status effects purged. (Pop-up: The Chaos Lord Mystic attempts to absorb your buffs for healing!)
    • This purge will not remove any permanent effects.
    Attack Type 8 / 8.1 - Powers up before clawing his target for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; if the hit lands, increases the remaining duration of all applied 'Chaos Siphon' effects from himself, Chaos Lord Thief, and Chaos Lord Berserker to target by 4 turns. (Pop-up: The Chaos Lord Mystic tries to extend the Chaos Siphon effects currently applied to you!)
    Attack Type 9 - Casts an iceball to his target for 1 hit of 200% Ice damage; applies 'Chaotic Chill' (-25% Boost) to target for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 10 - Casts a windball to his target for 1 hit of 200% Wind damage; applies 'Chaotic Winds' (-30 Bonus) to target for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 11 - Approaches and stabs his target for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; if the hit lands, increases the remaining duration of all applied 'ENIGMA' effects by 4 turns, including all Empowered 'ENIGMA' effects. (Pop-up: The Chaos Lord Mystic tries to extend the ENIGMA effects currently applied to you!)
    • Array of 'ENIGMA' effects:
      • From Chaos DragonLord: 'DREAD' and 'ANATHEMA'.
      • From Chaos Lord Thief: 'DELUSION' and 'ATAXIA'.
      • From Chaos Lord Berserker: 'IMPASSE' and 'NUMBING'.
      • From Chaos Lord Mystic: 'ANGUISH' and 'ATROPHY.'
    Attack Type 12 - Casts an energy ball to his target for 1 hit of 600% Energy damage.
    Attack Type 13 / 13.1 - Raises his staff before striking his target for 1 hit of 200% ??? damage; applies 'Chaotic Thorns' (Retaliates equal to 50% of the Chaos Lord Mystic's base damage range to the attacker) to himself for 2 turns.

    Attack Types (Burst)
    Attack Type 14 - Blasts his target with chaos orbs to his target for 5 hits of 160% ??? damage, amounting to 800% damage, with +200 Crit; if a hit lands while the target was affected by 'ANGUISH', remove 'ANGUISH' from it and apply 'ATROPHY' (-10 All Resist, +10 Health Resist, -20% Boost) to target for 6 turns inclusive.

    Other information
  • Upon the Chaos Lord Mystic's first turn, he applies 'Chaos Unending' (+15Y INT, where Y is equal to the number of times the Chaos Lord Mystic has landed a hit from his attacks) to himself for 99 turns and is reapplied for the rest of the battle. Stacks of 'Chaos Unending' will reset to 0 if the Chaos Lord Mystic misses all hits from his attacks.
  • If the Chaos Lord Mystic takes direct damage while stunned (including the first hit of a stun), all immobility effects applied on him will immediately be removed and replaced by 'Residual Stun' to himself, stunning him for 1 turn; additionally, the Chaos Lord Mystic applies 'Durability' (+300 Immobility Resist) to himself for 99 turns. (Pop-up: The Chaos Lord Mystic manages to shake off some of your stun.)
  • The Chaos Lord Mystic follows the skill rotations;
    • Fire: Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 7 OR Attack Type 8 -> Transition to Ice rotation, with Attack Type 7 is used if a hit from Attack Type 6 connects; otherwise, he uses Attack Type 8. The Chaos Lord Mystic will use this rotation first if the player was not affected by an effect that increases their Boost or Bonus.
    • Ice: Attack Type 3 - > Attack Type 9 - > Attack Type 10- > Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 11 -> Attack Type 12 -> Attack Type 8 OR Attack Type 13 -> Transition to Fire rotation, with Attack Type 13 used if a hit from Attack Type 12 lands; otherwise, he uses Attack Type 8. The Chaos Lord Mystic will use this rotation first if the player was affected by an effect that increases their Boost or Bonus.
    • The Chaos Lord Mystic will prioritize Attack Type 14 on certain conditions; refer to this post for more information.
  • Upon defeating the Chaos Lord Mystic, while his remaining allies are alive, he will apply 'Chaotic Consumption' (+40 Crit, +100 STR/DEX/INT/CHA/LUK/END/WIS) to his allies for 20 turns. (Pop-up: Chaos Lord Mystic: 'Hmph. I knew we should have gone with a different strategy...')
  • If the player was affected by 'ATROPHY', 'ATAXIA' (from Chaos Lord Thief), 'NUMBING' (from Chaos Lord Berserker), and 'ANATHEMA' (from Chaos DragonLord) status effects, the Chaos Lord Mystic automatically applies 'PANDEMONIUM', a Melee Null DoT effect that deals equal to 4x of player's current HP, to target for 2 turns, effectively ending the battle with a loss. (Pop-up: Under the weight of the evolving Chaos, you are overwhelmed. There is no hope left.)

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/5/2025 22:09:19 >
  • DF  Post #: 4
    7/11/2023 11:03:50   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Chaos Lord Cleric

    Location: The Chaos Slayers

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic
    Element: ???

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: Level*5/4
    DEX: Level*5/4
    INT: Level*5/4
    CHA: 100
    LUK: Level*5/8
    END: Level*5/4
    WIS: 0

    Boost: 0%
    Bonus: 20 + Level/5
    Crit: 10 + LUK/10

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
    Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
    DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
    Crit: [175+INT/10]%

    Melee: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Pierce: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Magic: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Block: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Parry: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Dodge: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20

    Damage Reduction
    Non-Crit: 0%
    DoT: 0%
    Crit: 0%

    Shrink: 300

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Casts a buff spell to herself and her allies, dealing no damage but applying 'Chaotic Infusion' (+20% Boost, +20 Bonus) to herself and her allies for 3 turns inclusive.
    Attack Type 2 - Casts a healing spell to herself and her allies, dealing no damage but recovers 2% of her and her allies' maximum HP.
    Attack Type 3 - Blasts her target with flames for 1 hit of 100% ??? damage; applies 'Chaotic Grasp' (+50 Health Resist) to her target for 2 turns inclusive.
    Attack Type 4 - Casts a defensive spell to herself and her allies, dealing no damage but applying 'Chaotic Barrier' (+40 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, +40 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to herself and her allies for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 5 - Blasts her target with black and purple energy for 5 hits of 60% ??? damage, amounting to 300% damage; if the Chaos Lord Cleric was affected by 'Flux Heal Recharging', removes 'Flux Heal Recharging' and applies 'Flux Heal Prepared' (see other information) to herself for 99 turns inclusive. (Pop-up: The Chaos Lord Cleric recharges her Flux heal!)
    Attack Type 6 - Casts a buff spell to herself or her chosen ally, dealing no damage but applying 'Chaotic Infusion' (+20% Boost, +20 Bonus) to herself or her chosen ally for 3 turns.
    Attack Type 7 - Casts a healing spell to herself or her chosen ally, dealing no damage but recovers 4% of herself or her chosen ally's maximum HP.
    Attack Type 8 - Casts a defensive spell to herself or her chosen ally, dealing no damage but applying 'Chaotic Barrier' (+90 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, +90 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to herself or her chosen ally for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 9 - Casts a heal spell to herself or her chosen ally, dealing no damage but recovers 20% of her or her chosen ally's maximum HP; increases 'Chaos Desperation' stack by 1. (Pop-up: Chaos Lord Cleric: 'Not on my watch.')

    Other information
  • The Chaos Lord Cleric begins the battle with 'Flux Heal Prepared' and 'Chaos Desperation' (+100X% Boost, +30X Bonus, where X is the number of times Attack Type 9 has been used, capped at +500% Boost, +150 Bonus), each for 99 turns. While affected by 'Flux Heal Prepared', the Chaos Lord Cleric can use Attack Type 9 on a certain condition. 'Flux Heal Prepared' is replaced by 'Flux Heal Recharging' upon using Attack Type 9.
  • If the Chaos Lord Cleric takes direct damage while stunned (including the first hit of a stun), all immobility effects applied on her will immediately be removed and replaced by 'Residual Stun' to herself, stunning her for 1 turn; additionally, the Chaos Lord Cleric applies 'Durability' (+300 Immobility Resist) to herself for 99 turns. (Pop-up: The Chaos Lord Cleric manages to shake off some of your stun.)
  • The Chaos Lord Cleric initially follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 OR Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 2 OR Attack Type 7 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 OR Attack Type 8 -> Attack Type 1 OR Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 2 or Attack Type 7 -> Attack Type 1 OR Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 2 OR Attack Type 7 -> Repeat, with certain Attack Types used on certain conditions:
    • Attack Types 6, 7, and 8 are only used if she or one of her allies (depending on priority) falls below 50% of their maximum HP; otherwise, she uses Attack Types 1, 2, and 4.
    • Once per rotation, while affected by 'Flux Heal Prepared', Attack Type 9 can be used if she or any of her allies falls below 25% of their maximum HP and will pause her initial rotation; the Chaos Lord Cleric can only use this attack 5 times.
      • Array of priority: Chaos DragonLord -> Chaos Lord Cleric -> Chaos Lord Mystic -> Chaos Lord Berserker -> Chaos Lord Thief.
  • Upon defeating the Chaos Lord Cleric, while her remaining allies are alive, she will apply 'Chaotic Legacy' (a HoT effect equal to 2% of the Chaos Lord Cleric's maximum HP, +10 All Resist, -10 Health Resist) to her allies for 20 turns. (Pop-up: Chaos Lord Cleric: 'You will live on. I know you can do it!')

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 6/5/2024 11:57:40 >
  • DF  Post #: 5
    7/11/2023 11:04:08   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Other information
  • Every 7 turns, Chaos DragonLord, Chaos Lord Thief, Chaos Lord Berserker, and Chaos Lord Mystic will telegraph their sequence of coordinated or staggered Burst attacks; Burst attacks will be telegraphed again each 7th turn thereafter after all of the mentioned monsters use their Burst attack.
    • Burst attacks will pause current rotations of Chaos Lord Thief, Chaos Lord Berserker, and Chaos Lord Mystic.
    • Burst attacks will continue charging even on stunned; if the mentioned monsters were stunned on the turn they used their Burst attack, they will not perform it.
    • If Chaos DragonLord started with Wings rotation, it will start at staggered Burst attacks;
      • Over the next three turns, the mentioned monsters will use their Burst attacks.
        • Turn 1: Chaos DragonLord will use Attack Type 13 and Chaos Lord Thief will use Attack Type 12.
        • Turn 2: Chaos Lord Berserker will use Attack Type 14.
        • Turn 3: Chaos Lord Mystic will use Attack Type 14.
        • Pop-ups in priority of Chaos DragonLord -> Chaos Lord Thief -> Chaos Lord Berserker -> Chaos Lord Mystic;
          • Chaos DragonLord: (Pop-up: Chaos DragonLord: 'Grind them down!')
          • Chaos Lord Thief: (Pop-up: Chaos Lord Thief: 'Bleed them dry.')
          • Chaos Lord Berserker: (Pop-up: Chaos Lord Berserker: 'SUFFER!')
          • Chaos Lord Mystic: (Pop-up: Chaos Lord Mystic: 'To dust.')
    • If Chaos DragonLord starts with Heart rotation, it will start at coordinated Burst attacks;
      • On the next turn, the mentioned monsters will perform their attacks:
        • Chaos DragonLord will use Attack Type 13
        • Chaos Lord Thief will use Attack Type 12.
        • Chaos Lord Berserker will use Attack Type 14.
        • Chaos Lord Mystic will use Attack Type 14.
        • Pop-ups in priority of Chaos DragonLord -> Chaos Lord Thief -> Chaos Lord Berserker -> Chaos Lord Mystic;
          • Chaos DragonLord: (Pop-up: Chaos DragonLord: 'Together! With me!')
          • Chaos Lord Thief: (Pop-up: Chaos Lord Thief: 'As one.')
          • Chaos Lord Berserker: (Pop-up: Chaos Lord Berserker: 'FALL!')
          • Chaos Lord Mystic: (Pop-up: Chaos Lord Mystic: 'Leave nothing behind.')
    • Coordinated and delayed attacks will always alternate between Burst attacks.

    Individual Chaos DragonLord Appearance
    Individual Chaos Lord Thief Appearance
    Individual Chaos Lord Berserker Appearance
    Individual Chaos Lord Mystic Appearance
    Individual Chaos Lord Cleric Appearance

    Thanks to
  • The ErosionSeeker for Chaos Lord Cleric's rotation information and Burst attacks information.
  • Cosine and Solanaceae for 'PANDEMONIUM' information.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 8/10/2024 1:16:25 >
  • DF  Post #: 6
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