 ArchKnight DragonFable
Tree of Fortune Plant Location: Covetous Fortune, The Golden Luck Dragon Appears! Level: As player Damage: 0-0 Damage Type: N/A Element: Silver HP: Scaled MP: Scaled Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Stats STR: 0 DEX: 0 INT: 0 CHA: 0 LUK: 0 END: 0 WIS: 0 Offense Boost: 0% Bonus: Level/5 Crit: 0 Damage Multipliers Non-Crit: 100% Dex: 100% DoT: 100% Crit: 175% Defense Melee: -888 * Level/90 Pierce: -888 * Level/90 Magic: -888 * Level/90 Block: -888 * Level/90 Parry: -888 * Level/90 Dodge: -888 * Level/90 Damage Reduction Non-Crit: 0% DoT: 0% Crit: 0% Resistances Shrink: 300 Attack Types Attack Type 1 / 1.1 - The tree pulses, dealing no damage but applying a Potential Fortune effect (see other information).- On first use, the Tree of Fortune applies 'Potential Fortune - New Beginnings' to itself.
- On subsequent uses, randomly applies a Potential Fortune effect.
Attack Type 2 - Does not attack. Other information The Tree of Fortune is impervious to all sources of damage and can only be defeated if the Golden Luck Dragon was defeated. The Tree of Fortune begins the battle with 'Tree of Fortune' permanently applied to itself. Upon using Attack Type 1, the Tree of Fortune applies a Potential Fortune effect.- After 'Potential Fortune - New Beginnings' has been applied, 'Potential Fortune - New Beginnings' is removed from itself and the Golden Luck Dragon applies 'Fortune - New Beginning' (+20% Boost, +20 Bonus, +10 All Resist, -10 Health Resist) to itself for 6 turns inclusive; this attack also increases the Golden Luck Dragon's Golden Level by 1. (Pop-up: The Golden Luck Dragon obtains the Fortune of New Beginning!)
- On subsequent uses, the Tree of Fortune randomly applies one of six Potential Fortune effects, all for 4 turns. (Pop-up: The Tree of Fortune prepares a Fortune of <Conflict Resolution/Safety/Protection/Security/Evasion/Good Health>!)
- The following Potential Fortune effects is as follows:
- 'Potential Fortune - Conflict Resolution'
- 'Potential Fortune - Safety'
- 'Potential Fortune - Protection'
- 'Potential Fortune - Security'
- 'Potential Fortune - Evasion'
- 'Potential Fortune - Good Health'
- After a Potential Fortune effect expires, the Tree of Fortune applies the corresponding 'Fortune' buff to the Golden Luck Dragon: (Pop-up: The Golden Luck Dragon obtains the Fortune of <Conflict Resolution/Safety/Protection/Security/Evasion/Good Health>!
- 'Potential Fortune - Conflict Resolution': Applies 'Fortune - Conflict Resolution' (+80 Bonus, +80% Boost, +80 Crit) to itself for 7 turns inclusive.
- 'Potential Fortune - Safety': Applies 'Fortune - Safety' (+88 Melee/Pierce Avoidance, +40 All Resist, -40 Health Resist) to itself for 6 turns.
- 'Potential Fortune - Protection': Applies 'Fortune - Protection' (+88 Melee/Magic Avoidance, +60% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction) to itself for 7 turns.
- 'Potential Fortune - Security': Applies 'Fortune - Security' (+88 Pierce/Magic Avoidance, +120 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to itself for 7 turns.
- 'Potential Fortune - Evasion': Applies 'Fortune - Evasion' (+180 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to itself for 6 turns.
- 'Potential Fortune - Good Health': Applies 'Fortune - Good Health' (+120 STR/DEX/INT, -80 Health Resist) to itself for 6 turns inclusive.
- Additionally, the Golden Luck Dragon's Golden Level is increased by 1.
- If the Tree of Fortune receives a stun effect upon receiving direct damage while affected by a Potential Fortune effect, the stun and Potential Fortune effects are removed and the Tree of Fortune applies the corresponding 'Fortune' buff to the player, all for 5 turns inclusive:
- 'Potential Fortune - Conflict Resolution': Applies 'Fortune - Conflict Resolution' (+20 Bonus, +20% Boost, +20 Crit) to player.
- 'Potential Fortune - Safety': Applies 'Fortune - Safety' (+22 Melee/Pierce Avoidance, +5 All Resist, -5 Health Resist) to player.
- 'Potential Fortune - Protection': Applies 'Fortune - Protection' (+22 Melee/Magic Avoidance, +15% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction) to player.
- 'Potential Fortune - Security': Applies 'Fortune - Security' (+22 Pierce/Magic Avoidance, +30 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to player.
- 'Potential Fortune - Evasion': Applies 'Fortune - Security' (+45 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to player.
- 'Potential Fortune - Good Health': Applies 'Fortune - Good Health' (+30 STR/DEX/INT, -20 Health Resist) to player.
- Additionally, if the player receives 'Fortune' effect, they permanently apply 'Modest Fortune' (+8 LUK, +8 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, +8 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense, +8 Bonus) to themselves.
- If the player applies a 'Fortune' effect while 'Modest Fortune' is active, 'Modest Fortune' is removed from player and permanently applies 'Misfortune' (-444 LUK, -4 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -4 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense, -4 Bonus) to player.
- If the player applies a 'Fortune' effect while 'Misfortune' is active, 'Modest Fortune' is removed from player and permanently applies 'Greater Misfortune' (-4,444 LUK, -444 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -444 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense, -444 Bonus, -44 All Resist, +44 Health Resist) to player.
- 'Modest Fortune', 'Misfortune', and 'Greater Misfortune' status effects are removed if the Tree of Fortune applies a 'Fortune' effect to the Golden Luck Dragon.
The Tree of Fortune begins the battle with using Attack Type 1 once before using the skill rotation; Attack Type 1.1 -> Attack Type 2 (x4) -> Repeat.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/12/2025 4:57:47 >