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Andlu's Workshop

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2/18/2024 0:46:16   

Hound Master
MC Earth armor. MC goes into compressing a few skills.

Level 153 PLVL example:

Melee: 45
Ranged: 45
Magic: 45

Elemental Modifiers:

Fire 42
Water 70
Ice 84
Wind 95
Earth 39
Energy 70
Light 84
Dark 42

* You gain Armor Lean x0.8
* You are unable to attack in this armor. Spells cast in this armor will deal 50% less damage.
* All Pets and Guests get +10 BTH and deal +50% damage.
* You have a permanent +50 CHA.
* You take -21% damage from any attacks.

MC Effect:


Commando: Skips your turn, but activates any effects you'd activate by attacking. (efficiency at 0.85*0.9*0.9 for auto hit, always useful, non elemental, respectively)
Example given: Havarti Blade would activate its celerity effect, even though you didn't attack, but the chance would be 34.4%.

Toggle: 'Sharp Claws': Your pets and guests will attempt to bleed the target every turn.

Target begins bleeding (power: 0.2 * [hits connected]/[hits attempted] for pets)
Target begins bleeding (power: 0.3 * [hits connected]/[hits attempted] for guests)

Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus

Toggle: 'Sharp Fangs': Your pets and guests will attempt to proc fragile on the target every turn.

Target becomes fragile ( -11.1 * [hits connected]/[hits attempted] END for 3 turns for pets)
Target becomes fragile ( -16.65 * [hits connected]/[hits attempted] END for 3 turns for guests)

Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus

One toggle active: -50% guest and pet damage.
Two toggles active: -50% guest and pet damage and 43 HP and 98 SP cost.

How it could look like:

< Message edited by Andlu -- 3/21/2024 21:58:49 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 1
3/20/2024 15:33:42   

The Frenzied

MC FO Fire/Dark armor. MC goes into compressing a few skills

Melee: 45
Ranged: 45
Magic: 45

Elemental Modifiers:

Fire 40
Water 64
Ice 85
Wind 64
Earth 64
Energy 64
Light 85
Dark 40


Paralyzes, Daze, Petrify and all other immobilizing effects always apply 100% to you without any save.

If there is Paralyze, Daze, Petrify or any other immobilizing effects on you and/or the monster, attempt to convert them to a 1 turn celerity: (Applies before END's Break and LUKy Breaks.)
(Only one status can be converted per turn on each side)

Save for converting immobilizing effects to celerity for the player ONLY (doesn't apply to guests or pets):

Level: PowLvl vs 153 (For level 150 version)
Major: YourSTR vs VSTAT
Minor: YourEND vs VSTAT
VSTAT is 250 at level 150.

This has a -9 save bonus. (9% more likely to convert)

For the monster:

Level: MonsterLvl vs PowLvl
Major: MonsterSTR vs YourEND
Minor: MonsterEND vs YourSTR

This has a +0 save bonus.

Choke-esque effects always apply 100% to you without any save.

If there is any choke-esque effects on you and/or the monster, attempt to convert them to a 2 turn Fire and Dark Ele-Empower(If player) (Applies before LUKy breaks.) or 2 turn ALL Ele-Empower(If monster).
(Only one status can be converted per turn on each side)

Save for converting choke-esque effects to Ele-Empower for the player:

Level: PowLvl vs 153 (For level 150 version)
Major: YourSTR vs VSTAT
Minor: YourEND vs VSTAT
VSTAT is 250 at level 150.

This has a -9 save bonus. (9% more likely to convert)

For the monster:

Level: MonsterLvl vs PowLvl
Major: MonsterSTR vs YourEND
Minor: MonsterEND vs YourSTR

This has a +0 save bonus.

You take -6 MRM.

MC Effect


Dazing Rage: No cost, but skips your turn. You gain 49 STR for 3 turns. Applies a 3 turn -10 BTH Berserk effect on you and your enemy, both with no save. Then applies a 100% chance daze effect to you, and a 71.4% daze effect on your target, both with no save.

The Frenzy: Toggle. Can choose Fire or Dark. After attacking while this toggle is active, you can no longer swap out any equipment for 3 turns. Fire mode makes your attacks get locked to fire and melee, and you pay an extra 174 HP for +50% melee damage.
Dark mode makes your attacks get locked to darkness and melee, and you pay an extra 174 HP for +50% melee damage.

Elecomp numbers: 1.57591

How it could look like:

< Message edited by Andlu -- 3/21/2024 21:56:20 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 2
3/20/2024 23:59:35   

Dragon Tamer

MC Neutral (Lean) Neutral (No specific element) armor

Melee: 50
Ranged: 50
Magic: 50

Elemental Modifiers:

Fire 60
Water 60
Ice 60
Wind 60
Earth 60
Energy 60
Light 60
Dark 60

You deal -5% damage, but Dragon and Dragonkind pets/guests deal +10% damage.

MC Effect


Dragon's Blood: Skip your turn and pay 391 HP; causes all Dragon and dragonkind pets/guests to deal +50% / +25% damage respectively, for the rest of the battle. This effect persists, even if you swap armors. Can only be used once per battle.

Dragon's Calling: Allows you to call (SP Only) a dragon from the 8 main elements, or a void (fake void, effectively harm, just like Juvenile Void Dragon Pet is treated) dragon as a guest. The art used is the normal monster art for each dragon, including their size.

Guests summoned this way will deal normal damage (except for void, that has a -5% penalty), but cost an extra 29 SP (Instead of 117 SP, they cost 146 SP) AND 78 HP. (1.45 cost since you're compressing 9 elements of guests in one armor, 25% in extra SP cost, 20% in HP cost.)

How it could look like:

< Message edited by Andlu -- 3/21/2024 22:02:05 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 3
3/21/2024 15:04:14   

Experimental Barrier Shield

MC Neutral (no specific element) Shield

Melee 9
Ranged 9
Magic 15

Fire -13
Water -13
Ice -13
Wind -13
Earth -13
Energy -13
Light -13
Dark -13


This shield explodes the first time an enemy hits you. This causes you to take a harm 100% melee worth 'other' attack. The enemy take also takes a harm 71.4% melee worth 'other' attack. This damages your hand, making you unable to use this or any other shields for the rest of the battle.

Since you can no longer use a shield, you're expected to take 3x as much damage as you normally would (39 vs 13, worth 280% melee/turn) and also block less than you normally would (worth 20% melee/turn).

After this, applies a permanent prismatic burn to the enemy, no save, 0.926 power (120% melee spent here). Also applies a - 1/3 permanent omni-eleshield to your character (180% melee spent here).

MC: Compresses a skill that pays 100% melee in SP (392 if melee or ranged, 490 if magic): Sacrifice 100% damage to attempt a 3 turn choke x0.858 to the monster.

Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourSTR/DEX/INT (STR breaks the tie between the three, DEX breaks the tie between DEX and INT) vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus

How it could look like:

< Message edited by Andlu -- 3/21/2024 22:08:02 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 4
2/15/2025 13:37:21   

Bright Warlord of Nulgath

FD Light Armor

Melee: 46
Ranged: 40
Magic: 46

Elemental Modifiers:

Fire 82
Water 90
Ice 82
Wind 42
Earth 95
Energy 56
Light 39
Dark 100

Takes -6 blocking for -10 poison potence and -10 burn potence.


Heaven’s Brand: Costs no SP, just your turn. You deal -100% damage. Auto hits. You attempt to inflict Burn (Power 4.05, 3 turns, [WeaponElement], Inflict with MainStat/LUK, resist with DEX/LUK, -20 save) (STR takes precedence over DEX and DEX over INT, if stats are equal.) (If INT is mainstat, burn power is 3.03)

Seraphic Toxin: Costs no SP, just your turn. You deal -100% damage. Auto hits. You attempt to inflict Poison (Power 4.05, 3 turns, [WeaponElement], Inflict with MainStat/LUK, resist with END/LUK, -20 save) (STR takes precedence over DEX and DEX over INT, if stats are equal.) (If INT is mainstat, poison power is 3.03)

< Message edited by Andlu -- 2/16/2025 0:04:34 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 5
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