Bright Warlord of Nulgath FD Light Armor Melee: 46 Ranged: 40 Magic: 46 Elemental Modifiers: Fire 82 Water 90 Ice 82 Wind 42 Earth 95 Energy 56 Light 39 Dark 100 Effects Takes -6 blocking for -10 poison potence and -10 burn potence. Skills: Heaven’s Brand: Costs no SP, just your turn. You deal -100% damage. Auto hits. You attempt to inflict Burn (Power 4.05, 3 turns, [WeaponElement], Inflict with MainStat/LUK, resist with DEX/LUK, -20 save) (STR takes precedence over DEX and DEX over INT, if stats are equal.) (If INT is mainstat, burn power is 3.03) Seraphic Toxin: Costs no SP, just your turn. You deal -100% damage. Auto hits. You attempt to inflict Poison (Power 4.05, 3 turns, [WeaponElement], Inflict with MainStat/LUK, resist with END/LUK, -20 save) (STR takes precedence over DEX and DEX over INT, if stats are equal.) (If INT is mainstat, poison power is 3.03)
< Message edited by Andlu -- 2/16/2025 0:04:34 >