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I don't understand "elecomp" and having trouble finding information about it.

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8/2/2024 4:30:14   

I keep seeing elecomp being mentioned but can't find any information about what it actually is except somewhere i found a complicated formula which helps me calculate a value say 1.7, but I still don't know what that value actually represents.

my best guess, based on how people seem to mention it and the word itself- you get a multiplier bonus for using a spell that is the same element as your armor and the complicated formula I found is used to figure out that multiplier. is that right?

if it was that simple to explain though i feel like i would have been able to find that sentence written somewhere, but since I haven't i assume there must be more to it than that. is it only some armors? or are there some other conditions outside the variables in the formula to get this multiplier?
Post #: 1
8/2/2024 8:48:17   
Dreiko Shadrack

The following page from the community wiki should have all the information you wish to know and its reasoning: [LINK]


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
8/3/2024 0:08:40   

that's the one i found does a great job calculating the value but does a terrible job describing how to trigger it...

Elecomp is the compensation received (increased damage of reduced skill cost) for having to break this assumption > that the player would normally defend against the monster base element and attack with the opposite element.

so to break the assumption i have to wear armor of the same element as the monster and attack with a weapon of the same element as the monster?
or do i just need to wear armor and attack any monster with the same element as the armor?
do i need to break both parts of the assumption or just one part of the assumption?

its a very confusing and vague two paragraph description... and I got all the questions right in my formal logic exam....

maybe someone can tell me when its triggered without using multiple negations and composition statements?

< Message edited by Michael074 -- 8/3/2024 0:13:09 >
Post #: 3
8/3/2024 1:21:58   

The simple explanation is that an armour or shield with a element locked skill will have elecomp automatically.

If you use, say, an energy armour, you're expected to fight against an energy monster with a water weapon. But when the armour has a skill, sometimes that skill is the same element as the armour- which isn't very useful on its own. You will either do less damage, or you'll use it against a water monster and take more damage. In exchange for this awkward situation, the skill gets elecomp- you do extra damage to make up for the elemental resistance. Or your own elemental weakness. The more resistance you can take advantage of, the less elecomp you get (So if your energy armour also has good water resistance, you'll get less elecomp).

With the exception of some special set bonuses and effects that don't come to mind now, you can't force regular attacks to have elecomp. If you can choose the element of a skill or attack, you probably won't get any. If your skill or attack is locked to an element, you likely will.
DF AQW  Post #: 4
8/3/2024 3:29:55   

@BioKirkby explains it well - essentially elecomp is already in-built on items that deviate from standard elemental assumptions. What I mean by that is: In battle, the player is assumed to attack and defend against opposite ends of the elemental wheel - Attack with Fire, defend against Ice. Attack Water, defend against Energy, and so on. Elecomp is applied when an item forces the player to deviate from this assumption, such as if you have a Fire armour that has a Fire element skill, or if a Water shield has a Darkness Skill. Either you're forced to defend against, or attack with, an inappropriate element. It doesn't need to be the same element - You can be forced to attack with Water and defend against Darkness, for example. The key is they aren't opposite one another on the elemental wheel (e.g., Fire vs Ice, Light vs Dark). The power of the elecomp varies depending on how far it deviates from the assumption. For example, a Fire skill in a Fire armour will have higher elecomp than a Fire skill in a Light armour. In the former, they are the same element, in the latter, they are only neutrally aligned.

No, you can't just trigger it by attacking with the same element as your armour. Only attacks that force the player to break the assumption are grounds for elecomp. Of course, you can still break it yourself, but you did that of your own volition and thus no elecomp is applied. For that same reason, elecomp is only ever inherently built into items that break at least one part of this assumption. Like Svadilfari's Oath (energy defence, locked energy attack), or the spell on Pyromancer Bloodmage (fire defence, fire spell). You don't get any elecomp on Bloodmage's regular attack even if you use a fire weapon - that was your own choice.

Hope that helps I'll also fix that two paragraph section!

< Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/3/2024 7:09:28 >


AQ  Post #: 5
8/3/2024 22:27:10   

thanks for taking the time to explain it to me I think I get it now:

elecomp is a bonus you get for using certain armors and shields that have a skill that deals damage of the same element the armor is supposed to defend against.

so all I have to remember is if i see an items like this instead of thinking

"well that's stupid why would i ever use that skills either it does wrong element damage, or I'd have to use the wrong element armor to use it against targets it's strong against"

I can instead check that the skill has elecomp and then think

"wait this skill has elecomp so don't need to worry about matching resistances with it, it's probably not useless after all."

then i have to work out how generous the elecomp is to see if its worth using it compared against my other skills.

< Message edited by Michael074 -- 8/3/2024 22:30:06 >
Post #: 6
8/3/2024 22:40:52   

what a weird mechanic. probably would have been easier to just give those skills a buff in raw damage and then let players decide if they are worth using in certain situations where they want to deal more damage in exchange for taking more damage.
Post #: 7
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