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=AQ= Frostval Season of Gifting Returns

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12/1/2024 14:15:08   


Frostval Season Begins
Decorate the BattleOn Tree 2024: A snow-covered BattleOn can mean only one thing - the Frostval season has arrived! Yulgar has replaced the fountain in BattleOn with a new tree just waiting for a player with an eye for decorations. So team up with Robina to find the best and brightest decorations to make your BattleOn Tree a shining beacon of joy. Frostval is one of AQ's oldest holiday traditions, and a favorite among players, as there are tons of rare and powerful items to collect all month long.

Guardian Giftboxes: Make sure you head over to the Guardian Tower and pick up your giftboxes as we wait to see what's inside at the end of the Frostval Gift Delivery!

Frostval Season Limited-Time Shop: Stop by and pick up gear to help get you in the festive spirit! Returning holiday favorites like the legendary axes of Artix, and the new Grim Noel Hoods!

2024 Frostval Season of Gifting
Kibbles and his cousin Tibbles have returned to spread holiday cheer with new Season of Gifting contests! This merry elf duo collects gifts and randomly gives them to your fellow players - meaning you could receive gifts up to 5000 Z-Tokens or 100 million Gold just for playing! Embracing the generosity of the season, Kibbles is gathering gold to distribute community prizes to all! As Kibbles accumulates increasing amounts of gold, reaching every milestone will unlock incredible rewards for the entire AdventureQuest community, promoting a spirit of unity and shared accomplishment! The Gingerbrute community prizes will release at the same time as the Sovereign of Nightmares gear, after the contests end.

  • This year Kibbles is crafting powerful Gingerbrute items for our amazing community, with a special Giftmaster variant for the top 100 generous players!
  • Not to be outdone, Tibbles is introducing Sovereign of Nightmares gear exclusively for the top Z-Token Giftmasters.
  • That means for crazy generous players there are 14 possible prizes to win!
  • 10 new Verdant Earth Frostval Crown Misc items are being given away DAILY for everyone that gifts either gold or Z-Tokens (5 daily for gold, 5 daily for Z-Token). You can double your chances of winning if you gift both gold and Z-Tokens in a single day!

    You will find Tibbles and Kibbles randomly throughout the game or visit them directly through Today's Event page. This contest will end 11:59 PM January 31st, so don't miss out on these exclusive prizes before Tibbles and Kibbles return home!

    Current Limited-Time Shops/Monster Hunts:
  • Limited-Time Shop: Fall Season
  • Limited-Time Shop: HarvestFest
  • Rare Monster Hunt: Harvest Golem
  • Rare Monster Hunt: Aurora the Bright Huntress

  • Z-Token Sale: Get 50% off ALL Z-Token gear and Golden Giftboxes - Ends December 2nd!
  • Z-Token Bonus: Get 50% additional Z-Tokens from ALL packages - Ends January 6th (11:59 PM EST)!
  • 2024 Frostval Season of Gifting: Earn Prizes for Yourself AND the Community - Ends January 31st (11:59 PM EST)!
  • Z-Token Sets: Black Friday Token Packages (Predator Protean + Past Years' Sets) - Available Until January 31st!

    Newsletter Link: https://mailchi.mp/artix.com/2024-frostval-season-gifting

    Tis the season of giving. Here's a merry gift tag for you. ~Anim

    < Message edited by AnimalKing -- 12/1/2024 14:38:24 >
  • Post #: 1
    12/1/2024 18:37:15   

    I’m given to understand that Slay Belle Holly has competent housekeepers coming over for the coming festive season? Is that right?
    Post #: 2
    12/1/2024 18:49:25   

    Since the Donation Contest returns this week and could give Z-Tokens to some players who desperately need some, can the Black Friday sale be extended until the beginning of next week?
    Post #: 3
    12/2/2024 11:07:48   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    However, I think, it'd be much better if it could be extended until like 50%
    additional Z-Tokens from ALL packages - Ends January 6th (11:59 PM EST)!


    could give Z-Tokens to some players who desperately need some

    My heart is touched by these words, I hope some of the crazy generous players can feel it as well.
    I'm willing to help but just limited to some of you, I hope they're also willing to help as well.

    My apologies for doing this here.
    If you are a player who desperately need some Z-Tokens, would you like to let us know here?
    1. How many Z-Tokens you think you really need to have?
    2. What's the reason? Do you want to buy a Z-Tokens item or a GGB UR/R or?
    3. Would you like to let us know when you've received the Z-Tokens and bought the item(s)?

    I'm going to buy a gift certificate and give the code by PM, is it possible?
    Can someone explain how to exchange from Artix Points to Z-Tokens
    by using the code of a gift certificate?

    Is there another much easier way than by using a gift certificate?
    I mean, just about how the easier way to give some Z-Tokens to someone.

    I'll try my best to help some of you.
    I hope some of the crazy generous players are willing to help as well.

    Also, since Grace Xisthrith was the only one posted here,
    sadly it was not enough to stimulate someone.
    Would it be possible to post it here as well to help someone?
    What kind of items should I get more while it's less than 1 day about some hours left?

    Post #: 4
    12/2/2024 11:13:41   

    Could we please have the Paintings of the Pre-2014 Frostval Events be re-released?
    AQ  Post #: 5
    12/2/2024 12:56:29   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    Sir, would it be possible to release a Shield that gives +105 Initiative
    instead of a Stat Drive, etc as a Z-Token Package or GGB UR/R item?

    Thanks in advance, sir...

    Post #: 6
    12/2/2024 13:10:14   
    Dreiko Shadrack

    Initiative bonuses are locked into being an armor exclusive bonus specifically because if you still lose the initiative roll you'll suffer the consequences of that. That will not happen if it's tied to any other item slot.
    The only exception being the Ambush potion from Lucretia's potion shop in Granemor.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
    12/3/2024 10:02:23   

    That’s mostly accurate but there is a weapon that triggers to give initiative against certain types of monsters as well. I think for the most part generally speaking I would agree that initiative should primarily be on armors, but you could legitimately argue that it could go on a shield as well since you’re also sacrificing defenses, similar to how you are with armors albeit slightly less costly. Maybe the initiative bonus could be lower than the typical +105. Smaller risk, smaller reward type of deal.

    < Message edited by dizzle -- 12/3/2024 10:05:23 >
    AQ  Post #: 8
    12/3/2024 10:50:09   

    Good ol' Stalking Paw! https://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21073051&mpage=1&key=�
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
    12/3/2024 12:09:54   

    I personally wouldn't consider a weapon from over a decade ago when discussing modern item design trends.

    < Message edited by CarrionSpike -- 12/3/2024 12:13:04 >
    Post #: 10
    12/3/2024 12:40:33   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    Things that give Initiative bonus:

  • Kindred Armors with the full set equipped
  • Whispering Raiment (Heightened Senses passive skill

    I don't see the Initiative bonus with the full set equipped.

  • Post #: 11
    12/3/2024 12:53:18   
    Dreiko Shadrack


    That’s mostly accurate but there is a weapon that triggers to give initiative against certain types of monsters as well.

    This is true I had completely forgotten about stalking paw's existence.


    I personally wouldn't consider a weapon from over a decade ago when discussing modern item design trends.

    However, this is also true.



    I don't see the Initiative bonus with the full set equipped.

    Don't use the encyclopedia threads for the most part, they haven't been updated in a very long time. That's referring to the old kindred before its revamp into what it is now.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
    12/3/2024 12:54:43   


    I don't see the Initiative bonus with the full set equipped.

    That status condition page hasn't been updated in a long time, it's probably referring to the old pre-updated version of Kindred.
    Post #: 13
    12/3/2024 19:47:07   


    I personally wouldn't consider a weapon from over a decade ago when discussing modern item design trends

    I wasn’t using Stalking Paw (thanks kaizoku) as some sort of example to set precedent. Dreiko made an innocent misleading statement claiming all initiative has come from and will only ever come from armors with the exception of ambush pot. I pointed out that this isn’t the case for anyone interested because stalking paw does have some niche use cases like when fighting nightbane. More to your point though, I think this is actually a poor take. I’m not saying it should be done incessantly, but there’s definitely plenty of inspiration to come from some of those old lost gemstones we’ve gotten over the years.
    AQ  Post #: 14
    12/3/2024 22:26:52   
    Grace Xisthrith

    The brief discussion got me thinking about situations where the player wants to win initiative but can't, and I think there's pretty much only one realistic scenario where that happens, a Mainstat END CHA player (250 / 4 = 62.5 initiative base) goes up against a lucky monster (275 / 4 + 225 / 2 = 68.75 + 112.5 = 181.25 initiative base) and they don't want to or cannot use Lucretia potion. ***this ignores unusual stat spreads / old monsters often having DEX, notable flaw in the scenario

    If the initiative boost didn't give any damage, I don't really see any issue caused by having initiative on a shield, because initiative is basically guaranteed for anyone who wants it, unless they're unable or can't use lucretia potion. If my scenario is realistic (which is up for debate but I'm rolling with it) then the only real increase in meta player power would be freeing up 0 LUK builds to use a different Lucretia potion. Also a shield does have defensive value so that argument doesn't really work in this case.

    I should also admit that I have vested interest in this for getting a reliable first turn against void nightbane so I'm a bit biased
    AQ  Post #: 15
    12/3/2024 22:29:35   
    Bu Kek Siansu


  • That means for crazy generous players there are 14 possible prizes to win!

  • Which ones are the exact 14 possible prizes to win?


  • 10 new Verdant Earth Frostval Crown Misc items are being given away DAILY

  • quote:

    This contest will end 11:59 PM January 31st, so don't miss out on these exclusive prizes

    This contest will start on next Thursday, right?

    Post #: 16
    12/4/2024 10:15:56   

    I'm aware that bringing back the paintings before 2014 is not that simple, but I and some other people are hoping for them to return as there are surprisingly some items from those Frostval events before 2014 that we would like to acquire for our own personal reasons.
    AQ  Post #: 17
    12/4/2024 10:54:07   

    With the limited changes made to the contest format from last year, I wanted to provide a few tips for any new/returning players that intend to participate:

  • Donations are distributed per character. Having 10 characters means you have ten times the chance of receiving donations compared with a player that only has one.
  • To be eligible to receive Z-Token donations, your character must be at least Level 25. There are community levelling guides that can help you with that.
  • You're only eligible to receive Z-Token donations up to 24 hours after you last logged in, so make sure to log in every day. The window is even smaller for Gold.
  • Even if you don't donate yourself, you'll still be able to purchase the Gingerbrute items that the community collectively unlocks over the duration of the contest. These will be made available with Ballyhoo after the end of the contest (you can also visit her to obtain the Heroic Titan items from last year's contest too!).
  • The Verdant Frostval Crown will only be given out to 5 Z-Token and 5 Gold donating players daily. However, there's no lower limit to the donated amount, so long as it's >0. As such, if you want one of these miscs, make sure to donate the lowest denomination of both Gold/Tokens until you're successful. Doing this will maximise your chances of receiving one.
  • Precedent suggests that the majority of Gold/Tokens are going to be donated during the first and last week of the contest. Being around then will maximise your chances of receiving a donation.
  • You can transfer both Gold and Z-Tokens through your shared vault. This is useful as it allows you to concentrate the Gold/Tokens you receive on a single character for regifting. Gifting on a single character will maximise your chances of placing highly. You can transfer Z-Tokens directly, but for Gold you're going to need to buy items and move them through the vault.
  • The most efficient way to store gold is the Gold Storage Chest in the Guardian Tower. It's the most expensive item in the game and has a much higher resell value than other items (which are also less efficient with regards to their Buy/Sell ratio). Adventurers don't have access to this item, so will be at a disadvantage. Remember: you can store multiple of the same item in your shared vault.
  • If you intend to donate towards the end of the contest, bear in mind that you can only donate up to 100,000,000 Gold or 5000 Z-Tokens at once. You also must wait at least 20 seconds between donations, so make sure you leave enough time!
    Good Luck!

    EDIT: The Gold donation window is 8 hours, unless subsequent changes have been made.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 12/5/2024 17:36:42 >


  • AQ  Post #: 18
    12/4/2024 11:18:13   

    What's the gold window again?
    Post #: 19
    12/4/2024 12:11:23   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    I'm aware that bringing back the paintings before 2014 is not that simple, but I and some other people are hoping for them to return as there are surprisingly some items from those Frostval events before 2014 that we would like to acquire for our own personal reasons.

    +1 A good idea/reason, and just to support it, is it OK?


    You can transfer Z-Tokens directly, but for Gold you're going to need to buy items and move them through the vault.


    The most efficient way to store gold is the Gold Storage Chest in the Guardian Tower. It's the most expensive item in the game and has a much higher resell value than other items (which are also less efficient with regards to their Buy/Sell ratio).

    Would it be possible to release a low level version of Gold Storage Chest
    in order to help a ( new ) ( low level ) character for the training cost, etc
    instead of to buy/store/sell an item and repeat it which is a bit annoying?

    Post #: 20
    12/5/2024 8:44:56   


    +1 A good idea/reason, and just to support it, is it OK?

    Gonna need more support for that though.

    Also, could I ask if there will eventually be a shop for the Sanuinomancer Arsenal weapon?

    < Message edited by Bolter -- 12/5/2024 8:50:35 >
    AQ  Post #: 21
    12/5/2024 13:52:22   
    Aura Knight

    Gold Storage Chest should just be a level 0 item accessed by all. If anything place a limit on how many we can have with higher cap for Guardians.
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 22
    12/5/2024 15:15:11   
    And Pun-isher


    We're aware of the need for the paintings, and have said that we want to do them, so rest assured that we've read your feedback! However, it's not just a matter of support, but needing time to dedicate work to them. Anything before the year of the oldest painting that isn't specifically set up for the quest hubs will need to have a new hub and painting set up. It would be something good to look at once we've decompressed the accumulated workload for a while.
    Post #: 23
    12/5/2024 17:38:08   

    In addition to my post above, I think it's also important to mention that @Hollow has just posted in the guide section with some basic information about the contest.
    AQ  Post #: 24
    12/5/2024 18:04:06   

    The weapons in the decorate quest are panic inflictors. Potentially good news for those who like panic. (Like me) Is a light panic spell in the works? -crosses fingers-

    Also the magic weapon inflicts panic when you cast any spell, as long as you do more than 0 damage. Hopefully that stays, as well. Keep it good. Thanks!

    < Message edited by Sapphire -- 12/5/2024 18:29:10 >
    Post #: 25
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