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RE: =AQ= Frostval Season of Gifting Returns

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12/5/2024 19:08:46   

Everyone donate at least 100 gold a day (and maybe 25 tokens) so you can get at chance the frostval crown misc everyday at midnight EST and grab the frostval giftboxen in the guardian tower! I recommend grabbing at least 2 items for each item category in the guardian tower. You can vault the items but the 0 gold versions can't be unvaulted to adventurer characters until they upgrade.

Good luck getting donations on all of your level 25+ characters :)
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 26
12/5/2024 20:30:24   
Bu Kek Siansu

So, it's LIVE now, right? Thank you.

Post #: 27
12/6/2024 14:54:19   

I'm not too interested in getting gold for my characters.

Filling my Vault miscellaneous spots with gold chests was a hobby over the last few years
Donating Gold Chests to Tibbles might be interesting?
But probably too hard to program a random distribution to characters who could own them.

Tokens are always handy for re-gifting. Thanks in advance for any tokens that come my way....

I'm looking forward to the Frostval Gift Delivery as usual.

Merry Xmas to everyone!
AQ  Post #: 28
12/6/2024 16:13:19   
And Pun-isher


Feedback request ahoy!

Hello everyone! We hope you're enjoying the start of our festivities. You may have noticed the new version of the Frostval Crowns. While in the middle of the holiday rush, we made an elemental clone of an item without an elemental effect. While we don't have time for a revamp of its effect, as that's best saved for when we figure out how to overhaul LS while keeping it fun, we can implement an elemental effect for them to keep later. How would you all feel if we buffed the crowns with elemental resistances? It would keep the versions distinct, but that would have to come with a very small SP upkeep.
Post #: 29
12/6/2024 16:16:00   
Dreiko Shadrack

That'd be fine. Extra light and now earth miscs.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 30
12/6/2024 16:16:02   

Perfectly acceptable to me - would also make them useful defensive miscs for LUK users!


AQ  Post #: 31
12/6/2024 16:22:13   

Absolutely down for buffing them
Post #: 32
12/6/2024 17:22:30   

I would be ok with an elemental resist on one condition and one condition only.

But before I give my request, I want to say that currently the crown costs zero SP. So offering an SP add-on isn't really a buff. it's just costing something to do something. Many players may enjoy the 0 cost of leans.

I personally never use a misc for it's elemental defense. I feel as though times have changed, and I will use a misc for it's other abilities. As such, I will never use a frostval crown in my active inventory for the sake of elemental defense. I will use it for the other stuff it does.

However, this might be an appropriate time to bring back up an old suggestion of mine. Why pay the upkeep for an effect if I'm not using it for that affect? Ele resist is the single biggest cost on most miscs, but I think a huge swath of players don't use miscs for that aspect unless they're "bossing" and fighting "unbeatables" and such.

So my proposal here is to only have the miscs take the cost if A. The mob actually attacks with that element and B. The effect doesn't work if the player doesn't have enough SP. With more and more shields having an effect on hit/dodge, this might be possible.

This IMO would make it better and then I'd be inclined to say fine, give it the elemental effect. I don't see the point in paying for something that's not even being used.

If this can't or won't be done, I'd rather someone find a diff idea that's considered an elemental effect. Seems better than slapping something on it IMO.

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 12/6/2024 17:30:10 >
Post #: 33
12/6/2024 17:54:00   
Grace Xisthrith

We have two LS based earth miscs: Clover Essence and Lunar Wood Dragon Ornament

Notably, clover essence is a misc that performs identically to the precise toggle of the crown, however it also gives 50 LUK and 10 BTH, for the small cost of ~25 SP (the other 44-45 comes from the earth resistance). For this reason, I think it would be an odd choice to make them earth miscs.

I think there are pros and cons to making them defensive miscs. Going from zero SP cost to 44-45 SP cost is a big jump. Not much else to say about that, obviously if you're against an earth monster, it's worth it, if you're not, it's a significant SP tax compared to before. Paying more SP doesn't necessarily make an item better, for example Void Visor is preferred by many to horo show void visor because Void visor doesn't pay 30 extra SP for mostly undesired effects.

There are elemental effects that are offensive. They could inflict an earth status, they could pay for earth elempower, or any other variety of player buffs, or damaging effects. They could scale LS based off of enemy earth resistance (objectively a terrible idea but imagine how funny it would be).

My opinion is that adding earth resistance to them is a bad idea because they'd redundant because of gear that already exists and does nearly 1:1 what the proposed item would do (of course barring the 2x LS damage mode which clover essence doesn't compete with, but I hardly think that's worth it). If it's really worth spending time to add an elemental effect, I'd propose it be offensive.

Seems like a reach, but if Entropy and Infinite Dark caster are energy armors, a green misc doesn't have to be earth element: change the misc to Ice or Wind or Light because those have less miscs, and certainly less LS specific miscs.

Options for other elemental effects to save on Dev time:
Clone phoenix feather elevuln but earth (LUK vs LUK major roll could be fun and unique as it's a dedicated luck item, not to concerned about it really, although I'd say a DEX roll would be a bit odd, Vstat would make more sense in my opinion if LUK is too different)
Clone reign misc elempower but earth
Clone time warwolf defloss but earth (idk how complicated just taking one effect from that would be)
Clone spirit of autumn burn but earth, choice of burn, poison, siphon poison, or earth res scaled bleed
Give +22% earth damage and +X BTH, or one of the two
AQ  Post #: 34
12/6/2024 17:57:45   

Would give the crowns earth res or earth dmg bonuses if you wanted to do somerhing simple.
AQ  Post #: 35
12/6/2024 19:08:59   

As ever, Grace gives a well-balanced, and fantastically well informed view. I'd +1 to all of that.

Personally, am opposed to adding a elemental resistance (and therefore a cost) to a misc that many do not want a cost on. I don't think this adds anything to this item.
Post #: 36
12/6/2024 20:27:44   
Telcontar Arvedui I

Personally am ambivalent - Frostval Crowns are perma-rare, after all. If you miss them, it's an uncertainty if they'll ever come back. Maybe we'll get some Twisted variant in GGBs down the road, but based on @Lorekeeper's's statement, that will probably happen only after the LS overhaul.

That said, if we want to elementally differentiate them, resistances seem to me to be the lowest-impact and therefore most-obvious-slash-conservative choice. While I admit Grace Xisthrith suggested interesting ideas, I do think they potentially could end up in (un)intended item interactions (stacking pure damage boosts, EleVuln, EleEmp, or Eaten DoT statuses that further buff player output on top of the Crown LS modifier) that hamper LS-related design space in the longer run.

So, conclusion - I'll be happy if they end up being just aesthetic-reskins with no elementally-differentiated effects, or if elemental-specific resistance is introduced to them. A third option could be to allow the Frostval Crowns to be swapped between 4 modes in the item upgrader - 2 with EleRes, 2 without.
AQ  Post #: 37
12/7/2024 0:26:07   
Red Blood

I personally could go either way but chances are if you are using a crown a fight isn't going to last long enough for a resistance to matter. If you are using a crown right now it's for massive damage output rather than taking hits.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 38
12/7/2024 1:53:47   

Could I ask if there will be a shop for the Sanuinomancer Arsenal weapon or do we have to buy Artix Points again and then get another code to get another copy of it?
AQ  Post #: 39
12/7/2024 4:36:47   


Notably, clover essence is a misc that performs identically to the precise toggle of the crown, however it also gives 50 LUK and 10 BTH, for the small cost of ~25 SP (the other 44-45 comes from the earth resistance). For this reason, I think it would be an odd choice to make them earth miscs.

I agree with Grace here, we already have an earth res and better stats on the Precise version with Clover misc and if your using Ferocious version youll do soo much damage that an ele res would be moot on that version.
I typically dislike ele res and they dont mash well with the gameplan of LUKy hits.


I personally could go either way but chances are if you are using a crown a fight isn't going to last long enough for a resistance to matter. If you are using a crown right now it's for massive damage output rather than taking hits.

This is my point as well, either keep it no resists or give it something like Earth/Light scaling of the effect to make them different, in fact i would like to see scaling on LS with monster element way way more than having a defensive resisstance because LS are not defensive but hyper offensive!

< Message edited by LUPUL LUNATIC -- 12/7/2024 4:40:19 >
AQ  Post #: 40
12/7/2024 9:47:39   

The points others have made are WHY I suggested to have the misc only charge the SP when the monster attacks with the given element. This way, they can be used at the 0 SP that people will probably be using the misc for.

I personally disagree with adding an offensive effect. The effect is already offensive. Just make this an elemental mod but only charge the cost if the mob attacks with the element instead of it always taking the SP every turn.

This new code will bode well for future miscs, too. Win-win

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 12/7/2024 10:19:15 >
Post #: 41
12/7/2024 16:49:38   

Let's goooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"I'm sorry, can I get you some zard juice or something? my gott" -Slavoj Zardzek

Making kin with the Chosen-thropocene since 2006
AQ  Post #: 42
12/7/2024 17:40:05   
Grace Xisthrith

I'm curious about the gold versus token donations. Tokens tell you who they're from, but gold does not. I really like that feature, it's fun to know who to thank for a donation, is there any chance it could be ported to gold?
AQ  Post #: 43
12/7/2024 19:09:09   

I get what you're saying, however given the proportionate volume of gold to z-tokens and their overall value (you can't buy gold with cash, only tokens), it seems like a bit of a data management disaster to include gold tracking. I could be wrong!
AQ  Post #: 44
12/7/2024 21:21:45   
Strange Doctor

Man they better insert an armor in the gold donations. Already a trillion now
Post #: 45
12/7/2024 22:03:28   

Can we please make the gold storage chest a level 135 item?
Post #: 46
12/8/2024 1:53:48   
Bu Kek Siansu

Lust and Envy were released almost 4 years ago.

May we have a Guest version of Lust and Envy like other GGB-UR Pets/Guests?

< Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 12/8/2024 2:38:23 >
Post #: 47
12/8/2024 9:48:02   

I think lucky strike enhancement items likely won't be made until they revamp lucky strikes in general. Frostval crown is a lean system and doesn't have the same level of "issues" as other stuff. I don't particularly like how the crown is made, but it's not terrible.

A Guest Lust/Envy would likely cause fire/earth LS rates to add another +45% - +60% (depending on how they'd value it, but likely +45%) and when partnered with the pet version, simply equipping both would almost guarantee lucky strikes every single hit for fire/earth. That seems extremely strong for simply equipping something. I doubt Lust/Envy will even stay as they are, personally, much less them releasing guest versions at this time.

Even after the revamp I don't know that they'd continue with this idea at all.
Post #: 48
12/8/2024 12:29:04   

Personally, I'd prefer not to have additional effects and SP cost on the crowns. I find it very appealing that they have their cost and power contained entirely within the Lucky Strike mechanic itself. Heck, as someone that likes to use the Shadowfeeder Pendant for passive SP generation, I already lose out on that SP when using the crowns.

Also, completely unrelated, but something that AQW has done: Could we please get a set of Giftboxes that never open (to be brought back every year), so we are be able to enjoy AQ's wonderful giftwrapped set all-year around?
Post #: 49
12/13/2024 15:02:11   
Dreiko Shadrack


Extremely good changes that have long been needed.

EDIT: Now all we need is for donations on the top X to all be changed from character to account so you can't place several of your own characters in them and have them hog spaces.

< Message edited by Dreiko Shadrack -- 12/13/2024 15:06:54 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 50
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