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=AQ= Ring in the New Year with Epic Gear!

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12/22/2024 15:16:23   


Limited-Time Shop - Happy New Year
Wishing you an incredible holiday season, and a heartfelt THANK YOU for battling alongside us in 2024 as we celebrated 20+ years of BattlingOn together! We’re excited to have you with us as we aim to make 2025 another unforgettable year in Lore.

Let’s send off 2024 in style with epic gear to ring in the New Year! Unleash the power of the ChronoPhoenix Spell and sear your foes with a stunning temporal blast. But what’s a New Year’s celebration without fireworks? Check out the New Year Season Limited-Time Shop and also find a spectacular lineup of explosive gear to light up your adventures.

Cheers to many, many more adventures in the coming year!

It's your last week before the HarvestFest shop leaves, but look who's back... the Hedgemogs return to the general LTS! These little Moglins are superfast, but in order to move at such blazing speeds, they need some gold(en rings) to attack!

20K Z-Token Package - Sunstrike Guardian Dragon Blade
Wield the Sunstrike Guardian Dragon Blade and command the legendary might of one of Lore's most powerful dragons! Adaptable to any battle with Melee, Ranged, and Magic damage options. Unleash its ultimate ability to transform you into an awe-inspiring Light form of the Guardian Dragon

Current Limited-Time Shops/Monster Hunts:
  • Limited-Time Shop: Frostval
  • Limited-Time Shop: Winter Season
  • Limited-Time Shop: Thursday the 12th
  • Limited-Time Shop: New Year Season - Arriving with release!
  • Limited-Time Shop: HarvestFest - Leaving with release!
  • Rare Monster Hunt: Harvest Golem
  • Rare Monster Hunt: Aurora the Bright Huntress

  • Z-Token Bonus: Get 50% additional Z-Tokens from ALL packages - Ends January 6th (11:59 PM EST)!
  • 2024 Frostval Season of Gifting: Earn Prizes for Yourself AND the Community - Ends January 31st (11:59 PM EST)!
  • Z-Token Packages: Black Friday Token Packages (Predator Protean + Past Years' Sets) - Available Until January 31st!

    Newsletter Link: https://mailchi.mp/artix.com/2024-happy-new-year

    Don't forget to pick up your giftboxes in the guardian tower. Also feel free to pop by my house to Chillax now this season.
    Tag you're it. ~Anim

    < Message edited by AnimalKing -- 12/22/2024 15:26:09 >
  • Post #: 1
    12/22/2024 16:37:04   

    I see a phoenix-related item and thus am intrigued. Looking forward to seeing what it does!


    AQ  Post #: 2
    12/22/2024 18:52:47   

    sry ootl but what's Anim's house number?

    edit: Thanks!

    < Message edited by xPrototypex -- 12/23/2024 0:04:40 >
    AQ AQW  Post #: 3
    12/22/2024 20:01:50   
    Dreiko Shadrack

    ^ID: 19336901


    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
    12/22/2024 22:10:07   
    Grace Xisthrith

    Chillax and I had a ferocious battle, it was glorious

    Roleplaying memes aside, thank you Anim for all these bosses
    AQ  Post #: 5
    12/22/2024 23:06:31   

    I'm looking forward to having another time-based toy to play with.
    AQ  Post #: 6
    12/23/2024 12:53:46   

    Does anyone have the new weapon Grovebreaker? What does it do?
    Post #: 7
    12/23/2024 15:07:53   

    @J9408 No info subs currently. However, from my personal experience so far using the item:
    MC Melee/Ranged/Magic 0/100/0-proc Earth Axe/Bow/Staff. No true special, so *1.08 damage in Melee/Magic mode and *1.1 damage in Ranged. Click to toggle between the different forms. Normally, the weapon deals standard damage. MC compresses a second toggle that pays 40% Melee in weapon damage (so Magic has a greater damage penalty) and 40% Melee in HP (137 HP at max tier). This inflicts 3 statuses:
  • Bleed (Power: 0.2)
  • Drain Poison (Earth Element; Power: 1; 3 turns)
  • Burn (Earth Element; Power: 2; 3 turns)
    Each of these is resisted at a +0 Save Bonus.

    EDIT: Definitely check the subs! Proof you can't always trust based on in-game experience alone!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 12/23/2024 16:20:22 >
  • AQ  Post #: 8
    12/23/2024 15:59:23   
    Heroes of the Scape

    That post didn't age well.

    Here's the subs
    AQ  Post #: 9
    12/25/2024 14:15:41   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    Z-Token Bonus: Get 50% additional Z-Tokens from ALL packages - Ends January 6th (11:59 PM EST)!



    Completely unrelated, my apologies but may we have the Water variant this month?

    Not this month, this month will be a Light variant of the Guardian Dragon Blade. We will have a water variant coming the next time the Doomlight releases in the Spring.

    Currently, since there are still 12 days left
    for the 50% additional Z-Tokens before it ends.

    We ( mostly ) already have purchased any of
    the Z-Tokens Packages included a bonus item.

    Sir, I have an idea.
    Would it be possible to add a Redeem Prize Code
    to any of the Z-Tokens Packages that someone
    can purchase it, at the same time receives
    current Z-Tokens and will be able to redeem
    the Prize Code for a bonus item at any time?
    This is similar to the Redeem Prize Code from Heromart.

    The purpose of a Redeem Prize Code is to stimulate
    someone to purchase it in advance whenever someone is
    really desperate in need of some or a lot of Z-Tokens or
    in a dilemma situation about which a Package is to purchase
    since there is no option to select as the Z-Tokens Packages
    have been purchased
    while there is a limited time of
    a Special Offer like a Z-Token Bonus of a 50% additional
    Z-Tokens from ALL packages and/or other Z-Token Bonus.


    Z-Token Bonus: Get 50% additional Z-Tokens from ALL packages

    For example:
    I have purchased a Redeem Prize Code
    from 50000 Z-Tokens Package for $100.00.
    + 50% additional Z-Tokens.
    I have received 75000 Z-Tokens.
    So, I'll be able to redeem the Prize Code
    for Doomlight Water variant in the spring.

    Otherwise, would it be possible to add
    a Redeem Prize Code to any
    of the Z-Tokens Packages in the future
    whenever you have some free time?

    Thanks in advance.

    < Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 12/25/2024 15:28:52 >
    Post #: 10
    12/26/2024 14:36:51   
      The Hollow
    AQ Lead

    ^While that's definitely an interesting idea, our current system is unable to support that functionality.

    Hope everyone's enjoying a wonderful holiday season with friends and family. The update is now live!
    AQ  Post #: 11
    12/26/2024 22:02:04   

    Just for posterity - this new (and extremely nice looking) phoenix spell has celerity cost 140% melee while the pumpkin spice weapons have it cost 119%; is there official confirmation on the correct valuation? If one needs changing I assume it's best to do while the effect has just recently been released in a new form.
    Post #: 12
    12/27/2024 17:51:48   

    Well, for starters, pumpkin spice is player only and this spell is for pet/guest, too. Not saying either or one is correct, but these should not be the same as one another regardless
    Post #: 13
    12/27/2024 18:26:55   

    Pumpkin Spice Rune Tablet's Spell costs 705 MP to use (135% Melee). 261 MP of this goes towards an efficient damage spell dealing 125% Melee. The rest (444 MP) goes to the celerity (as is described on the info subs). 444 MP is worth 444/(653/1.25) = 85% Melee, and applies celerity to the player and item. Player celerity should be worth 100% Melee if it is automatically applied. If the celerity applied only if the attack landed, this wouldn't be a problem. However, as celerity is applied before the attack starts, the cost paid is too little. It should be paying 100% Melee for its celerity.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 12/27/2024 20:16:05 >
    AQ  Post #: 14
    12/27/2024 18:42:21   

    Ah as usual I gave wrong numbers from not fully thinking things through - yeah pumpkin spice has a /0.85 and the new spell doesn't so I figured they could be put on the same standards while "fire thing that gives celerity and scales off fire resist" is relevant.

    In a similar vein, the pumpkin spice weapons get a discount from elevuln (or at least the subs say they do - however from my testing they don't benefit from Elevuln All; I haven't tested with fire elevuln) and from the enemy being frozen (I confirmed this works) while the phoenix spell says neither and Kamui mentioned that elevuln does apply but that freeze doesn't. Is it intentional that freeze works on one but not the other?

    < Message edited by Dardiel -- 12/27/2024 19:36:32 >
    Post #: 15
    12/27/2024 19:48:57   

    I'm pretty sure that Elemental Vulnerability doesn't interact with the Pumpkin Spice weapons since EleVuln doesn't mess with monster resistances and instead applies a multiplier to incoming damage (this can be tested any number of ways). Freeze should work, as you have noted, because it adds 150% of one resistance to another resistance. In fact Freeze should work with any effect that scales based on Fire Resistance.
    Post #: 16
    12/27/2024 20:21:55   

    The info subs for the pumpkin spice weapons ( link is here) do say that elevuln is accounted for, unfortunately I don't personally have any fire elevuln to check with.


    This SP cost is divided by the mob's Fire resist (so if they have 150% Fire resistance the cost gets /1.5, things like EleVuln and Freeze are factored for this

    Edit: A fellow gamer confirmed that fire elevuln also doesn't apply to the pumpkin spice weapons either

    < Message edited by Dardiel -- 12/27/2024 22:43:54 >
    Post #: 17
    12/28/2024 14:37:56   

    Kam has made the mistake of saying elevuln, but what he means is things that physically alter the resist, like freeze. It's just mistake. Elevuln doesn't alter the resist, it just boosts damage of the element.

    Anyway, came to post to say that the chrono phoenix spell IMO is the best spell released in a very long time. Kudos to whoever thought of it.
    Post #: 18
    1/3/2025 18:07:45   

    Greetings Hollow, I was wondering if the "Starforged" variants of the Light of Destiny axes are seasonal or scheduled to return (tried asking around, but there are so many axe variants that nobody knows; also tried digging through my paintings with no avail). I personally think they look really nice.

    Also wanted to ask if there's any decent chance for elemental clone/s of Grinning Jack in the future.

    Thanks, and Happy New Year!

    < Message edited by Gateless -- 1/4/2025 1:45:07 >


    “Thus, because the wise do not find that an illusory horse and elephant are a horse and an elephant, they do not qualify as nonexistent, but because they are found by fools, they qualify as existent.”
    Post #: 19
    1/5/2025 16:17:13   
      The Hollow
    AQ Lead

    Happy New Year to you and everyone in the community as well! The Starforged Destiny axes are located in the May the Fourth Limited-Time Shop and will be returning again in May. I see you've already discovered the Item MECHANIC Clone Requests thread - that is perfect, as it's the ideal place to submit your suggestions. We monitor that thread to determine which elemental variants of existing gear should be prioritized.
    AQ  Post #: 20
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