^ That sounds OP and goes against standard assumptions and should be nerfed! Kidding aside, I am personally having a difficult time getting excited for most of the items. Maybe I'm being petty. But both giftbox and Frostval quest rewards are the same element. That's that. Also, the BF sets, giftbox set, and war rewards set are all catered to specific builds it seems, and although I love the Sinister Set, it still has a ranged lock . I would be cool with the festive magic weapon if they'd have left it alone as released, to work with all spells, but since there's no light panic spell to stack it with, that killed it for me. ANd they blew it by making the spell a guest..and not even a summons, but a stinking call. The worst of all possibilities IMO. A light panic spell would have been killer. Is this the 3rd or 4th year in a row the Frostval War reward armor is made for Rangers? Seems like overkill. Maybe the stuff will grow on me, esp if the bugs being reported are bugs and them getting fixed makes them better (unlike LY)