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RE: =AQ= Top Giftmaster Prizes

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1/28/2025 14:23:49   
And Pun-isher


Aside from the reasons I already explained, there's the matter that the prizes are meant to copy item mechanics, not powercreep the original ones nor make the originals have to get changed in order to keep up with a clone that was made more versatile.
Post #: 26
1/28/2025 16:40:29   
Bu Kek Siansu

Sir, from my experiences of winning some Golden Tickets,
I might/could exchange from an item to another one instead
as long as it's not an armor because an armor will take a lot of works
/times in order to design/code it. Anything else is doable. For example
to exchange from a Weapon to a Spell/Guest/Pet/Misc/Shield instead.
My apologies I cannot provide it because some PMs cannot be shared.
So, would it be possible to exchange from an item to another one
from the next 2025 Summer Season of Gifting Top Giftmaster Prizes?

< Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 1/28/2025 19:44:37 >
Post #: 27
1/28/2025 21:29:37   
And Pun-isher


The Golden Ticket winners have already had their requested items designed and implemented, and they have already released. That would make it far too late for any of them to ask to instead have another item entirely.
Post #: 28
1/29/2025 3:10:51   
Bu Kek Siansu


The original requests involved a set of rules, and those rules are there for a reason. Sticking to them is not a matter of not releasing any single item with a reduced workload, but the precedent it would set.

If players could ask for changes to someone else's ticket item after the fact, or for the production of a variant to satisfy a different aesthetic, it would infringe on the choices of the original gifter and invalidate the rules they had to work with. Further, that would be time taken away from a subsequent release, reducing what can be done for it. We're in dire need of clearing the backlog, not extending it.

Additional items are a separate matter for future releases.


Aside from the reasons I already explained, there's the matter that the prizes are meant to copy item mechanics, not powercreep the original ones nor make the originals have to get changed in order to keep up with a clone that was made more versatile.


The Golden Ticket winners have already had their requested items designed and implemented, and they have already released. That would make it far too late for any of them to ask to instead have another item entirely.

There must be misunderstanding regarding your posts.
The purpose of this post and this post were for the next an item
in 2025 and in the future
, NOT to change/exchange/etc an item from 2024.


Would it be possible to make an exception to adjust/improve the ruler
from the next 2025 Summer Season of Gifting Top Giftmaster Prizes?


So, would it be possible to exchange from an item to another one
from the next 2025 Summer Season of Gifting Top Giftmaster Prizes?



Top Giftmaster Prizes
Congratulations again to all of our 2024 Summer Season of Gifting
grand prize winners! They've earned Golden Dev Tickets to create
custom weapon and shield skins, and even better - our generous
Giftmasters have chosen to share their prizes with everyone.


Custom Weapon or Shield Skin!
The top five most generous giftmasters will be awarded a golden
developer ticket, redeemable for a custom reskin of one weapon
or shield of their choice, subject to the following conditions:
  • For weapons with multiple forms (Melee/Ranged/Magic),
    only one form may be selected for reskinning.

  • Sir, the purpose is/was to share their prizes with everyone.
    Why is it limited to only one form to be selected for reskinning?
    What's the exact reason behind being limited to only one form?
    We donated together, but it really hurts if it's being limited to only one form.
    Would it be possible to make an exception to adjust/improve the ruler
    from the next 2025 Summer Season of Gifting Top Giftmaster Prizes?

    Custom Weapon or Shield Skin!
    The top five most generous giftmasters will be awarded a golden
    developer ticket, redeemable for a custom reskin of one weapon
    or shield of their choice, subject to the following conditions:
  • For weapons with multiple forms (Melee/Ranged/Magic) may be selected for reskinning.

  • http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22420744

    Sir, from my experiences of winning some Golden Tickets,
    I might/could exchange from an item to another one instead
    as long as it's not an armor because an armor will take a lot of works
    /times in order to design/code it. Anything else is doable. For example
    to exchange from a Weapon to a Spell/Guest/Pet/Misc/Shield instead.
    My apologies I cannot provide it because some PMs cannot be shared.
    So, would it be possible to exchange from an item to another one
    from the next 2025 Summer Season of Gifting Top Giftmaster Prizes?

    Post #: 29
    1/29/2025 9:02:34   
    And Pun-isher


    I understood the prior post to be about room for change in the 2025 one, and don't expect that rule to change for it for the reasons I explained, but of course I can't make guarantees.

    However, there was indeed a misunderstanding for the next one, as it seemed to be about asking for a current ticket to be exchangeable for one in the next contest with a rule change. Thank you for clarifying. In this case, it would depend on what the rules are in the next context, as our artist workload at the time may call for us to have more or less time for creating items with multiple custom animations such as pets.
    Post #: 30
    2/1/2025 0:07:48   

    Hey guys! I the Tibbles battle open around a minute past cutoff and donated 1000 tokens but they didn't reflect in the dono list and aren't back in my character either.

    Any chance they could either reflect or I could get em back? Thanks :)
    Post #: 31
    2/1/2025 4:28:00   
    Deep Stryker

    The tokens I donated also disappeared. I don't remember what time I did the donation but I donated 55,000 tokens and my character is not on the leaderboard and the tokens are no longer in my inventory.
    Post #: 32
    2/1/2025 6:24:53   

    There was indeed an approximately ~4 minute window immediately after the ~11:59 PM EST Leaderboard final update, where players with Tibbles already open in-game could still make a donation. However, said donation would not contribute to their score on the Leaderboard, since it was frozen (as intended) after the final update at ~11:59 PM EST.

    I believe I also donated 1025 Z-Tokens during this window. Though it is personally not a huge deal at all for me (I'm assuming the tokens were delivered on the server side to other players anyways), I think the staff should in good faith take a look at the person claiming to have donated 55k Z-Tokens without it being reflected on the Leaderboard.


    “Thus, because the wise do not find that an illusory horse and elephant are a horse and an elephant, they do not qualify as nonexistent, but because they are found by fools, they qualify as existent.”
    Post #: 33
    2/1/2025 18:13:26   

    On one hand, I really like the Gingerbrute items.
    On the other, this makes the... 4th Earth Bleed Bow released in the span of... 8 months.

    Xalkos Thrax Harbringer (October 2024)
    E Preatorian Boltcaster (June 2024)
    Grovebreaker (Late December 2024)

    For Warriors:

    Xalkos Thrax Harbringer (October 2024)
    Thistle Bane (November 2024)
    Grovebreaker (Late December 2024)

    Granted these don't all inflict bleed in the same manner, Xalkos, for instance inflicts bleed when bleed already exists. Groovebreaker and Thistle also burn. But, earth is very oversaturated with bleed options.
    And we also just got a Earth bleed eater with the Underworld Archfiend Weapons.

    Probably too late to choose another element, if so, can you guys lighten up a little on all the earth bleed? They're great items, it's just a pain we can't use them all together
    AQ DF  Post #: 34
    2/1/2025 20:51:56   
    And Pun-isher


    @Deep Stryker: That sounds very odd. Please send a ticket to Support so they can look into it.
    Post #: 35
    2/2/2025 9:39:23   

    I'm thankful to all the players who donated to keep this game going! Neat rewards, too.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 36
    2/3/2025 6:28:11   

    Appreciate the effort the staff has made with this, and I think the dono contest as a concept is potentially great.

    *edit - and the items so far are great, especially the gingerbrute misc!

    I'd like to give some feedback on the specific format of the Z-token drive however, both from my own view+experience and speaking to other players. Unsure if this should be its own thread/topic but putting here for the moment.

    I've taken part in the past 2 donation events from a donator perspective, and have experienced the "good" (achieving position I wanted) and the "bad" (getting sniped).

    The Issues

    Regardless of which outcome, I’ve become convinced that the format in its current form is a net negative for the game/players. An oppositional FOMO-drive is inherently predatory, and invokes negative feelings on both sides of the outcome in most cases (anxiety, (possibly even financial stress) even over successfully maintaining a spot, and apathy and/or fomo if not competing/no chance to win). (FOMO - fear of missing out - ie. the unknown item could be excellent/essential for some top builds etc)

    I understand the need for strong incentives from a financial perspective but for me personally this current format crosses the line, as well as actually being long-term detrimental for the playerbase; I think the short-term financial gain from this will not offset the longer-term losses from players being demotivated by the contest.

    From my own perspective, in my bad outcome dono drive, I feel I did everything “right” (made the decision very early what I was going for, checked previous year’s totals, ensured I had easily enough tokens/planned for, and watched the lists as much as I possibly could, and donated reasonably well above last years total at the last chance when it turned out I couldn’t be present at the exact end.)

    Unfortunately, real life occurs and globally a hard cut off is not going to suit everyone, and for me personally in this instance it did not. You can argue that this is “fair” because it would be impossible to get a time that suits everyone, and I actually do agree - the point however is the negative feeling that this evokes in many players, repeatedly in each cycle, and as time goes on, an individual is more likely to be affected by this and hence "burned" and demotivated from future contests.

    Side suggestion - an ebay-style “max-bid” mechanic (ie. I set my “max bid” and if someone out-competes me it auto-donates to restore my position) might kind of make sense + partially solve this specific issue, in this format, but I’d argue this may be problematic from another angle (lower-ranked donators thinking they have a chance to take a spot and being immediately one-upped, although arguably this is already very much the case.)

    Yes, you could argue I could have completely nailed down a spot, with a massive donation, and this is indeed true. But for me personally, this is where a line is crossed, because you are strongly incentivising a level of expenditure that is (for both the average and even many committed players) ludicrous, and using fomo to do so.


    I'll try to illustrate my argument via some hypothetical examples:

    - Player 1, complete newbie: Just joined the game, see the contest, and I've bought an initial package to get going. Also received what seems like a huge amount of tokens form a donation so now I'm looking at the top spots thinking "That's not so high". Get tempted into competing and use all my tokens, missing my desired cut-off because I have zero past knowledge/experience. Sunk costs fallacy kicked in and I tried to keep up when experienced whales snapped up top spots towards the end of the contest, and now I feel I wasted 90% plus of those token. Sentiment: very negative

    - player 2, hardcore player, committed top x: Has done the calculations and knows what to aim for/do. Possibly will miss out if unavailable for the final hours. Has to either gamble with whaling or deal with the fomo if unavailable. Even if I wi, this experience may have been largely stressful, and certainly not fun, depending on circumstances. Sentiment: variably negative

    - player 3: experienced player, opting out of the contest: Watches the contest go by to conserve/gain tokens, and makes peace with missing out on the items, gambling that the effect isn't something they would really want that will now be perma-rare/inaccessible. Sentiment: Variable, mostly Negative but possibly positive

    - player 4: money-no-object: Unloads massive donations early, nails down top spots. However as we saw this summer, still needs to be watchful if going for top 5 (NB I think top 5 is a somewhat different point for discussion, and not included in this scope). Sentiment: positive

    As I've tried to highlight here, the experience is variably negative overall, potentially much more punishing for newer players, and even hits experienced players hard in the wrong circumstances. I'd argue by continuing this format, we are pushing these players away from the game, with the resultant long-term negative impact this will have on a) the community and b) the financial health of the game.

    You could argue that the top top donators are all that really matter in point (b), and this may be true, but even they less likely to stick around if the rest of the community disappears.

    Possible solutions?

    This would be different if the player had more information - knowing what they are going for would remove something of the gambling aspect of the drive, and the “fomo” component, alleviating some of the negative sentiment, but not completely solving the issue as it would still be oppositional.

    The issue could also largely be addressed by fixed donation values. However, maybe this would “destroy” such contests and the total donated would completely plummet? Reducing both the overall financial gain, and the joy for smaller players in receiving far fewer donations, which is obviously not the aim.

    I’m unsure of a universally positive solution for this, and would love to hear other’s views or suggestions.

    Tl/dr: the currrent donation format is a largely negative player experience, win or lose, due to the inherently predatory oppositional fomo-driven format, as well as the hard-cut off not suiting all players and possibly creating anxiety based on real world factors out of a player's control. Whilst I can understand the financial incentives for this, I personally would re-iterate suggested changes such as fixed reward brackets, and item info-subs ahead of time, as have been suggested previously, or a new novel solution.

    *edited for formatting and clarification

    < Message edited by KhalJJ -- 2/3/2025 8:39:23 >
    Post #: 37
    2/3/2025 15:04:43   

    Saw the Sovereign of Nightmare items are out now.

    They are ice items but the weapon skill will inflict a darkness burn. If that intended? info subs clarified.
    Also, the magic weapon's spell doesn't do anything.

    < Message edited by Kurtz96 -- 2/3/2025 17:27:06 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 38
    2/3/2025 18:49:09   

    Hey all, I was wondering if it were possible to make the Sovereign of Nightmares Weapon have a trigger on >0 int mobs for its mp hits, so it doesn't waste its damage on mobs who don't intend to use their mp bar.

    Love the aesthetics of the set, just that 50% melee being funnelled into an mp hit on mobs that wont ever use mp decreases the overall utility a lot.
    AQ  Post #: 39
    2/3/2025 19:38:56   

    I might be asking for too much, but hey, no shot taken is no shot achieved.

    Could you guys please check over again the shield? The effect is cool, but only using the MC on it makes it pretty much useless, the numbers are way too low...

    < Message edited by Andlu -- 2/3/2025 19:50:46 >
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 40
    2/3/2025 20:15:30   

    I find it disappointing that Sovereign's Horizon Pendant needs to be used with its set weapon to inflict the status conditions. The Gingerbrute Enforcer Jar doesn't depend on its set weapon to inflict bleeding, which actually makes it appealing for me to use, as it can be put into any pre-existing setup on its own.

    When I tested out the set, the weapon and shield didn't really do it for me, plus my characters already have established Ice weapons. I do very much like the misc, and figured I would just use that on its own, as its conditions could still be quite useful and flavorful. But alas, it was simply not meant to be. So for now the set will just collect dust. Maybe I'll make a dedicated character for it in the future.

    < Message edited by Ninjaty -- 2/3/2025 20:48:33 >
    Post #: 41
    2/3/2025 21:58:40   

    ^Maybe it's a bug? I look at the info subs and it says nothing about the misc must be used with the weapon.
    Post #: 42
    2/3/2025 23:08:54   

    I think it only works with ice hits.
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 43
    2/4/2025 0:16:21   

    From info submission: here

    Also technically boosts Ice weapon/spell damage, but funnels the boost into the following effect: you can toggle between three modes.

    And from my testing, the bonus only works with ice weapon, skill, and spells, but not quick cast like Spectral chain. Also i think there's a bug with the Sovereign weapon's built in skill not applying fear nor panic from the misc randomly (mostly panic, and as in no text of success or fail), if it is the first and the only attack you do, until you attack with anything else first.

    Edit: Not a "bug" but apparently the weapon's built in spell defaults to seeking darkness if ice and darkness have the same resist, resulting in none of the effects triggering.

    < Message edited by ddtheshadow -- 2/6/2025 16:31:14 >
    AQW  Post #: 44
    2/4/2025 0:16:36   

    If possible, could one of the AQ team members update the Infosubs for the Gingerbrute Gumdrop Scepter with more detailed information?

    Specifically, whether it is Weapon Damage or Spell Damage that is sacrificed to inflict the Bleed Spell Effect. And the specifics on Damage in the Harm mode: whether the extra hit is a Weapon hit effect or an extra hit when Spellcasting.

    There is also the minor issue that due to the weapon's design, I suspect that the 3rd mode with both Bleed and Harm is redundant in the case of the Magic Weapon (since you cannot use a Weapon-based Attack and a Spell at the same time).

    There were some issues discussed on Discord around the push of Mages towards Spellcasting, and how the recent trend of Spellcasting-oriented Weapons with a 25% Weapon Damage penalty greatly limits room for a defensive playstyle on an INT build.

    Lorekeeper clarified that the trend of Spellcasting Weapons isn't indicative of a complete standard shift for all future Magic Weapons. And said to me that there has been an attempt to use more relevant non-weapon-damage costs in recent Spellcaster Weapons to remedy the aforementioned issue.

    I was hoping that the Infosubs for Gingerbrute Gumdrop Scepter would clarify the mechanics of the Weapon—and answer the question of whether it can be used normally to inflict full Weapon Damage for Earth or Ice and Harm when playing defensively (i.e. whether it can be used as a standard Element/Harm compression weapon without taking a 25% Weapon Damage penalty that serves no benefit).

    < Message edited by Gateless -- 2/4/2025 0:28:28 >


    “Thus, because the wise do not find that an illusory horse and elephant are a horse and an elephant, they do not qualify as nonexistent, but because they are found by fools, they qualify as existent.”
    Post #: 45
    2/4/2025 3:00:17   

    Thanks Andlu and ddtheshadow! It is indeed only for ice damage!
    The text bubble that appears when moving the mouse over the equipped Sovereign misc now also says it's specifically for Ice weapons/spells. Or maybe it said that all along and I was just being incredibly blind, I don't know...

    Regardless, while still not as universal as the Gingerbrute Enforcer Jar's bleeding (booo...), this is at least much better than what I feared previously (yaaay!)
    Post #: 46
    2/4/2025 17:59:05   

    May i suggest making the weapon spell's default seeking to ice instead when both ice and darkness monster resist are the same? Better yet, make the misc's bonus and/or weapon's self heal work with both ice and darkness damage.
    AQW  Post #: 47
    2/4/2025 23:50:52   

    A few people on Discord clarified on the current mechanics of Gingerbrute Gumdrop Scepter being something along the lines of this:

    Bleed Mode: Weapon Damage unmodified. On Earth(Ice) Spellcast, sacrifices 25% Spell Damage for a Bleed Spell Effect.

    "Harm" Mode: Weapon Damage and Element unmodified. On Earth(Ice) Spellcast, charges 25% Melee in SP for an extra Spell Hit of Harm Damage.

    Both Mode: Weapon Damage and Element unmodified. On Earth(Ice) Spellcast, sacrifices 25% Spell Damage for a Bleed Spell Effect and charges 25% Melee in SP for an extra Spell Hit of Harm Damage.

    A lot of people find the Magic Weapon awful in its current state.

    The main issue posed by translating the Gingerbrute Set Weapon's design to a Spellbooster, is that there is simply no feasible way to translate the Harm toggle of the weapon in a way that makes sense—save for the compromise that I will present below. An extra Spell Hit of Harm is meaningless and anti-synergistic when 75% Melee of the necessary Spell is elementized.

    The majority opinion currently is that Gingerbrute Gumdrop Scepter's mechanics should have been identical to the Melee variant (i.e. an FO Mage weapon), and I agree with this assessment—how the Gingerbrute Set's Weapon design itself is in conflict with Spellboosting is already explained above.

    If the developers, for whatever reason, do not want to Gingerbrute Gumdrop Scepter to be an FO Mage weapon, I propose the following compromise below:

    Bleed Mode: Weapon Damage unmodified. On Earth(Ice) Spellcast, sacrifices 25% Spell Damage for a Bleed Spell Effect.

    Harm Mode: Charges 10% Melee in SP per turn to swap the Weapon's element to Harm without *0.9 Harm Damage Penalty. On Harm Spellcast, charges an additional 25% Melee in SP to deal an extra Spell Hit of Harm worth 35% Melee.

    Both Mode: Charges 10% Melee in SP per turn to swap the Weapon's element to Harm without *0.9 Harm Damage Penalty. On Harm Spellcast, sacrifices 25% Spell Damage for a Bleed Spell Effect and charges an additional 25% Melee in SP to deal an extra Spell Hit of Harm worth 35% Melee.

    < Message edited by Gateless -- 2/5/2025 6:05:13 >


    “Thus, because the wise do not find that an illusory horse and elephant are a horse and an elephant, they do not qualify as nonexistent, but because they are found by fools, they qualify as existent.”
    Post #: 48
    2/5/2025 0:07:29   

    It seems the gingerbrute scepter has a hidden additional on-click effect that wasn't put in info subs that compels everyone to suggest all these changes!  Does anyone have any idea how much %age melee we pay per turn for that? Or is that where the expected harm damage is going?
    AQ  Post #: 49
    2/5/2025 0:11:04   

    I'm not sure what you're referring to, but I still think something like simply making the Magic Weapon an FO Mage Weapon identical to the Melee variant, or the compromise I suggested that makes the weapon into a Harm Spellbooster, would make the weapon much more cohesive design-wise.

    I, like most people, would prefer for the weapon to simply be identical in mechanics to the Melee variant—it would save a lot of hassle.

    < Message edited by Gateless -- 2/5/2025 0:54:47 >


    “Thus, because the wise do not find that an illusory horse and elephant are a horse and an elephant, they do not qualify as nonexistent, but because they are found by fools, they qualify as existent.”
    Post #: 50
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