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Deimos Mortis

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3/8/2025 15:27:47   

ArchKnight DragonFable

Deimos Mortis

Location: Deimos Mortis, the Beast

Level: As player
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee / Magic
Element: Evil

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

STR: Level*15/4
DEX: Level*5/8
INT: Level*5/8
CHA: 0
LUK: Level*5/4
END: Level*5/2
WIS: 0

Boost: 0%
Bonus: 30 + Level/5
Crit: 10 + LUK/10

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
Crit: [175+INT/10]%

Melee: 10 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Pierce: 10 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Magic: 10 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Block: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Parry: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Dodge: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%

Good: -200
Silver: -200
Light: -200
Shrink: 600
Immobility: 300

Attack Types
Attack Type 1 / 1.1 - Slams its fists to target multiple times for 4 hits of 100% Melee Evil damage, amounting to 400% damage; determines the order of attacks used for the next 4 turns.
Attack Type 2 - Slams its left fist to target for 1 hit of 400% Melee Evil damage; applies 'Crushed' (-10X% Boost, where X is equal to the number of times 'Crushed' was applied in a row while active; X will reset to 0 if purged or expired) to target for 3 turns, where X is equal to the number of times 'Crushed' was applied while it is active.
Attack Type 3 - Slams its right fist to target for 1 hit of 400% Melee Evil damage; applies 'Smashed' (-5Y All Resist, +5Y Health Resist, where Y is equal to the number of times 'Smashed' was applied in a row while active; Y will reset to 0 if purged or expired) to target for 4 turns inclusive,.
Attack Type 4 - Slams its fists on the ground, unleashing a blast on target for 1 hit of 800% Melee Evil damage; applies 'Rolling Aftershock', a 100% Melee Evil DoT effect, to target for 5 turns.
Attack Type 5 - Permanently applies 'Low Siphon' (see other information) to itself; fires eye beams on target for 3 hits of 100% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 300% damage.
Attack Type 6 - Uses its sigil to siphons its target for 4 hits of 100% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 400% damage; each hit that lands removes target's MP equal to 20% of the damage dealt.
Attack Type 7 - Uses its sigil to siphons its target for 4 hits of 100% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 400% damage; applies 'Sapped Will' to target, stunning it for 2 turns.
Attack Type 8 - Uses its sigil to siphons its target for 4 hits of 100% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 400% damage; each hit that lands heals Deimos Mortis for 200% of the damage dealt.
Attack Type 9 - Purges 'Low Siphon' from itself; blasts its target with a pulse of energy for 2 hits of 750% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 1,500% damage; the stats of this attack are affected by 'Low Siphon' (see other information); applies 'Call of the Otherside' (+60 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
Attack Type 10 / 10.1 - Permanently applies 'High Siphon' (see other information) to itself; casts a sigil before firing eye beams on target for 3 hits of 100% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 300% damage.
Attack Type 11 - Purges 'High Siphon' from itself; blasts its target with a pulse of energy for 2 hits of 1,250% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 2,500% damage, with +90 Bonus and +100 Crit; the stats of this attack are affected by 'High Siphon' (see other information); applies 'Call of the Otherside' (+60 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
Attack Type 12 / 12.1 - Casts a sigil before blasts its target with a pulse of energy for 2 hits of 500% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 1,000% damage. (Pop-up: Deimos Mortis senses weakness and unleashes a blast!)

Other information
  • While fighting Deimos Mortis, the player can freely switch between three different pads during their turn until the timer runs out; one pad will always be targeted, signified by a blue sigil.
    • Each time Deimos Mortis receives direct damage, the targeted pad shifts down, wrapping around to the top if it is at the bottom; the targeted pad will start at the middle before shifting down.
    • Every 4 turns, Deimos Mortis fires a beam at the targeted pad before attacking, which can only be avoided if the player is standing on a safe pad. (Pop-up: You avoid The Beast's beam attack!)
      • Top Pad: 4 hits of 100% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 400% damage, with +600 Bonus.
      • Middle Pad: 5 hits of 80% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 400% damage, with +600 Bonus.
      • Bottom Pad: 6 hits of ~66.6% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 400% damage, with +600 Bonus.
    • Each of Deimos Mortis' beam attacks will apply 'Madness of Deimos' (-5 All Resist, +5 Health Resist) to target for 3 turns inclusive.
      • If Deimos Mortis loses 5% of its maximum HP while 'Madness of Deimos' is active on the target, 'Madness of Deimos' is purged and Deimos Mortis automatically applies 'Will to Overcome' (+20% Boost) to target for 3 turns inclusive.
  • While affected by 'Low Siphon', each time Deimos Mortis loses 2% of its maximum HP since the last time its energy was depleted (or since 'Low Siphon' was applied), its next use of Attack Type 9 loses 100% base damage; this can only be depleted 10 times. (Pop-up: Deimos Mortis' energy is depleted slightly by your damage! / Deimos Mortis' energy has been completely depleted by your damage!)
    • If Deimos Mortis receives 6 or more hits from the player while 'Low Siphon' is active, its next use of Attack Type 9 gains +1,000% base damage, +90 Bonus, and +100 Crit. (Pop-up: Deimos Mortis grows more powerful from your excessive hits!)
  • While affected by 'High Siphon', each time Deimos Mortis loses 2% of its maximum HP since the last time its energy was depleted (or since 'High Siphon' was applied), its next use of Attack Type 11 loses 100% base damage; this can only be depleted 10 times. (Pop-up: Deimos Mortis' energy is depleted slightly by your damage! / Deimos Mortis' energy has been completely depleted by your damage!)
    • If Deimos Mortis receives 10 or more hits from the player while 'High Siphon' active, its next use of Attack Type 11 loses -1,000% base damage, -90 Bonus, and -100 Crit. (Pop-up: Deimos Mortis power is suppressed by your numerous hits!)
  • If Deimos Mortis has Z or more non-permanent status effects from itself, it permanently applies 'Shared Suffering' (+20% Boost, +30 Bonus).
    • Z is equal to the formula 5 - [100 - (A/33)], flooring at 2. A is equal to the percentage of Deimos Mortis' max HP missing, effectively approaching a cap of 2 non-permanent status effects at A = 100.
  • If the player has granted an extra turn, Deimos Mortis applies 'Inevitability' (+20 Bonus, +90 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, +90 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to itself for 2 turns.
    • If the player have granted another extra turn prior to 'Inevitability' expiring, 'Inevitability' will be reapplied to itself for 3 turns.
  • Deimos Mortis follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 OR Attack Type 3 (x4) -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 5 OR Attack Type 10 -> Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 7 -> Attack Type 8 -> Attack Type 9 OR Attack Type 11 -> Repeat., with certain Attack Types used on certain conditions:
    • The order of Attack Types 2 and 3 are determined by the order of the fists used when Deimos Mortis uses Attack Type 1. Each hit of Attack Type 1 corresponds to the attack that will be used in the following 4 turns.
      • Left fist = Attack Type 2; right fist = Attack Type 3.
      • Regardless of attack order, Deimos Mortis will only perform Attack Types 2 and 3 twice per rotation.
    • Deimos Mortis alternates between using Attack Types 5/9 and Attack Types 10/11, starting with using Attack Types 5/9.
    • Once per battle, if the player falls below 50% HP, Deimos Mortis pauses its rotation to use Attack Type 12.

    Thanks to Darkflarezero for attack information and rotation information.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/8/2025 15:36:54 >
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