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=DF= March 14th Design Notes: Book 3: Showdown in Paradise - Gingkage Finale!

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3/14/2025 21:56:28   
Wolf Rider


Book 3: Showdown in Paradise - Gingkage Finale!

Hey there, heroes!

This week, Gingkage's Book 3 side story finale has arrived! The time has come to reclaim Hunter's Paradise from its bandit squatters!

Ever since Hunter's Paradise was attacked by potion-making bandits, it's become a base for their nefarious operations... But now, there's nowhere left for them to run.

Join Gingkage and the Hunters to take back Hunter's Paradise! You can find her south of Falconreach in Book 3 (By the big wolf!)

Also, the Lucky Day Storybook has returned!
Also this week, a new seasonal cosmetic item is here!

The Incandescent Grace cosmetic cape is now available for 300 DCs from the Book of Lore! Made for a lucky adventurer now lost to the unknown, this beautiful cloak can now be yours!

Also, a bug fix! Doomwood Fishing text should be tentatively fixed.

Finally, I'd like to discuss some of our release plans going forward. Book 4's story is still under development (Doing weekly releases of varying intensity really messes with writing and planning!), and as you may have noticed, this week, we've wrapped up our final active Book 4 side story.

We have a couple plans in the works, however!

First up, we have a new side story planned out that takes place after the Book 3 Epilogue. Vilmor and Galanoth request your help in the Northlands to root out the last remnants of the fungal incursion... deep within Ice Dragon territory.

Next, we have a new big project in the works. The Book 1 Clean Up project is something that would be very good for the health of the game, helping out new and returning players alike. We want to replay Book 1, and identify and update major pain points, including adding modern text layering, music, boss battle mechanics, guest restrictions, level locks, fixing typos, and more! Unlike the Reimagined project, we don't plan to rewrite anything, nor do we have plans to add high level rewards.

With all that said, we know some players may not be happy with a post-Book 3 story that isn't Book 4, and the Book 1 Clean Up doesn't quite offer much for veteran players. With the currently active side stories completed, however, we could also try to conclude other side stories that no longer have active writers. We've always wanted to respect our writers' visions for their storeies, but unfortunately, that means if a writer is no longer available, the side story is abandoned. We also have other major projects and updates in the works too!

Next week, we're goign to try out the first step of the Book 1 Clean Up project. We'll keep thinking of ways to engage veteran players with it as well, without being too grindy or busywork feeling, although we can't promise anything in that regard.

We'd love to hear your feedback about side stories and projects as well. Yes, we know Fleshweaver is greatly wanted, and that is definitely high on the priority list. The Doomed Mode update has been getting closer and closer as new mechanics have been added, too!

Please let us know what would you like to see! We'd love to hear your feedback.

You can also join us on Discord ( official or fan-made)! We hang out there for feedback, fan art, and more!

We're also now on Bluesky!

Join the discussion on the official forums!

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Tags: Verlyrus
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
3/17/2025 16:51:19   

I'd like to make a suggestion regarding Items/weapons/etc while you're working on the clean-up for Book 1.

I've been playing through some of the quests on my older accounts that I never really bothered to do the main questline for in general and have run into the various 'you get level x item version that is sword/staff/dagger'.

If at all possible please consider making it weighted towards whatever the main damage stat you're using is.

IE if you've got a Strength focus, you have a greater chance of getting sword/melee related equipment.

If you've got a dagger/pierce focus same deal.

If you've got a staff/magic focus again, same as above.

I don't know how a lot of new players or even just very casual players go about choosing weaponry/equipment but I feel that it'd probably help them customize their equipment a fair amount more if the rewards were related to their 'main' stats and so on.

Also if possible...consider having the equipment level also be weighted towards the player level in general. IE if you're level 14 you've got a greater chance of a level 10 item or a level 20 instead of a level 30 that while neat is going to take a long while to reach even with the XP upgrades. Just a few thunks.
AQ  Post #: 2
3/18/2025 3:27:19   
Laeon val Observis

As you grow older (level up, in this context), you generally will graduate from the Sword/Staff/Dagger construct in favor of the Scythe construct. Makes your inventory less cluttered unless you're quite a hoarder or a fashionista.


Also if possible...consider having the equipment level also be weighted towards the player level in general. IE if you're level 14 you've got a greater chance of a level 10 item or a level 20 instead of a level 30 that while neat is going to take a long while to reach even with the XP upgrades. Just a few thunks.

May I remind you that the DC bypass shops (an example of this would be the glaive shop found on a story quest wherein you probably thought it was a good idea to braindead-ly wreck body parts to unrealistically avoid her possibly nasty mechanics) do exist primarily to offset this. And the class trainer shops are reasonable gear. Just slaughter Nautiloids and Voltabolts until you're strong enough to constantly upgrade DeathKnight hardware, and pretty much you won't need to find yourself wanting too much of anything else in Book 1.

< Message edited by Laeon val Observis -- 3/18/2025 3:35:00 >
DF AQW  Post #: 3
3/18/2025 8:34:01   

I'm don't like your explanation to be blunt. While I do somewhat like the DC bypass shops, for newer players or older returning players who don't want to spend a lot of money on the game because of whatever reason(s) you care to name, the fact is that getting Dragoncoins and then acquiring the weapon/item you want can be...well a frankly exhausting endeavor.

Like, assume a player plays every day for 30 days and gets the 3 Dragon-Coins from the Daily Battle. Thats 90 Dragon-coins which is probably enough for 1.9 Items if their DC cost is 50.

But wait during all that time they've leveled up and have reached a higher tier, sure they can still buy the higher tier weapon but is it worth it? That's hard to say/decide considering the sheer number of varied equipment all with differing effects and bonuses.

For younger newer players, they may not be able to afford the DC packages or they spend them and run out without realizing that they may have just used up a very slowly replenishing resource. Yeah you can sell the equipment back, but whether that's 75% or 25% its still a net loss for them.

Your suggestion of just doing the Nautiloids/Voltabolt challenge to grind money is also kinda...boring? If you're a newer player who wants to get into the game you don't want to spend time doing the same battle 500 times in a row to get enough money/gold to then have to buy the item you want.

The reason I suggested 'weighted' drops trending closer to a player's level is mostly to give a sense of progression without having to pay real money or spend hours at a time doing the same thing over and over again. It seems like it'd be a simpler way to allow newer players, or old but returning players who've not kept up with the thousands of updates over the years to readjust and relearn/learn the game again.
AQ  Post #: 4
3/18/2025 15:30:43   
Laeon val Observis

I've already said what I needed to nail in with regards to DC bypass shops, so zero point for me to discuss on that further.

The main flaw of your weighted drop proposal is that it operates under the tenet that a player will stick to particular classes that depend on the same mainstat, which is slothful at worst and roleplay at best under the nature that this game allows almost free swapping to any class available. Doctor When exists still as a polarizing presence for Book 1 progression. If said class is offensive in nature, minimal consequence. Defensive? With the gear and the possible levels that you would be by your first confrontation with him, well, you'll guess how divisive he became on the inclusivity+strategy department. Don't expect a smooth sailing with Pirate (mind you, while the Endgame wiki recommends STR for this class, it is just as viable with other mainstats sans DEX, which Ninja could cover in the same time that you could unlock it) compared to, say, Techno.

And you highlighted the main argument for the so-called advocacy towards casuals: a lot of gear in the game. Again, the Timelines exist to help narrow that down. Now, how does that tie in to why I pitched in DeathKnight gear and your worries about Gold and levelling? "Casuals" discussions can be volatile, so let's look at the practical big picture. Eventually, you will come to the realization that only a few Gold gear -Book 1 or otherwise- exists to be lasting investments (e.g. Doom and Destiny weapons), which is why you'll hear me as an advocate towards Merge items. Saves you on the Gold expenditure which you will now then have enough for class swapping if you have a nuance to min-max mainstats across them. And I will remind you that there are players that are financially struggling to purchase a DA, and training stats as NDA can be a drain on the Gold. And I've been NDA for a long time before I became a DA holder, so I know how that feels more than you think.

Now, perhaps the detractor to a Merge item advocacy is how it accelerates levelling. I say, then you don't know how reaching level 20 stabilizes plentiful non-base classes. Not to the point that you'll be able to replicate the feats of players who conquer the endgame field, but just enough that you shouldn't collapse too easily anymore for an MP pot to disrupt your rotation too often. Even then, we've had enough classes reimagined that became efficient on MP expenditure. Pirate/Ninja? Look how early they are in the Book 1 Timeline in terms of their associated orb arcs. Accessible enough. And their distance to DeathKnight hardware? Reasonable enough.

Oh, and careful on pitching effort and "hours to spend" and "(re-)learning". There's a fine line between advocacy and getting an "O kawaii koto" on that.

< Message edited by Laeon val Observis -- 3/18/2025 15:45:42 >
DF AQW  Post #: 5
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