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RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: Swallowtail

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2/28/2006 8:35:05   
Crystal Lion

Hello Swallowtail.
Howdy Crystal Lion!

Do you like lions?
Yes I do. I love Simba and Alex the Lion... and lions in general.

Are you allergic to prawns?If not,then what?
No. I think if I'm allergic to anything, strangely enough it would be caterpillars.

Do you want to read 'The Young Adventurers"?Click on the second link in my siggy.
Sure, I'll take a look at your story! ^_^

Do you tolerate Runescape?I'll show you another one of my stories if you do.
I'll look at your story any way! I don't play Runescape... I never tried it.

What inspired you to write in the first place?I was inspired by an old Disney show.
The stories I'm writing now? Or in the first place? I think at first I wrote stories just for fun... I wasn't inspired. I guess for Spellbound I was inspired and didn't know how to let that creativity out. I tried drawing a picture, and that made me want to write a story.

Ohhh yeah,are you Chinese?
...No. I'm American... and my great-grandparents came here from Poland.

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 2/28/2006 15:16:19 >


Sent away to a leper colony like everyone who once loved Herosmash.
Post #: 26
2/28/2006 9:54:54   
general greivous

Huzzah Swallotail!
Greetings General! *salutes*

Standart question: whats your favourite zard?
I like the GrandmotherZard... simply because it shoots out all those different zards at you.I

Wait, isint your name an attack from Final Fantasy Tatics Advanced? A Fencer one?
Was it? I don't think I played tactics. That'd be cool, though.

ZOMG! j00 ruleszor!!!1
T|-|4|\||c j00. 1 T|-|1|\||c j00 |20x0|2z!!!11one

Erm, gotta go, so long, and thanks for all the fish!
Okay... thanks for stopping in and enjoy the fish-eh.

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 2/28/2006 15:19:42 >
AQ  Post #: 27
2/28/2006 12:20:02   
You`re Tearing Me Apart, Lisa!

Hello Swallowtail! ^_^;
Hi there, Legasee :)

What inspired your name?
The song "Swallowtail" by Finger 11. It's a cool song ^_^

I don't believe we've spoken before so I'd just like to know a few things about you (Favourite hobbies, movies, reptiles, etc...)
I don't think so either... shame! I like to write (obviously) and read and just learn about science. I like comedy movies although I usually don't have to watch any. Reptiles are cool... I really want one but I still live at home and mom says she doesn't want one in her house :P

Are you bilingual? What other languages do you speak?
I'm not bilingual, unfortunately. Most people in America aren't (we're a dumb country...) I did think about making up my own language for I story I wrote a long time ago... But stopped the story so I forgot about it completely (the language was going to be "Gibberish") But I do know some Spanish, a few words in German, Latin, French and Japenese. I always like to learn more.

What were your feelings when you were selected as an AK?
I was so excited! I thought, "Wow... they picked me?" I guess enthusiastic is a good word to use ;)

On what forums, aside of course the RP forums, are you most likely to show up at?
I'm in the OOC room a lot. And I think you meant Story Writing... I did have an RP a looong time ago that never got finished. I want to be in one again eventually.

Do you spend time on IRC?
I am on there a little bit. I'm still learning how to use it, so not much. When I have some spare time I'll sign on.

I'm fresh-out, I'll simply have to review this thread and make rephrased questions out of the rest :p
Lol. Okay well these were good questions!



< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 2/28/2006 15:31:46 >
Post #: 28
2/28/2006 12:59:00   

Sup' Swallowtail?
Not much damiyoghost ^_^

What do you do when you get writers block?
I stop writing for a while (lol) and just try to focus on something else, which usually happens to be school work. I haven't been blocked too much lately, but that's because I have only a very little time to dedicate to writing. All my ideas are piling up on me ;)

What's ur favorite class on AQ?
For now, I like paladin class. I'll see when I become a dracomancer what I like better.

I'll be back w/ moe question l8ter!!
Okay! Thanks for stopping in.

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 2/28/2006 15:34:15 >
Post #: 29
2/28/2006 15:11:43   

Hello Swallowtail!
Hi Ally ^_^

What's your favorite monster of all time?
I dunno... I think Godzilla is cool... I mean a giant lizard who can breathe fire and such stomping through Japan? I think that's neat.

Why do you like Earth weapons?
I think they look pretty cool. Plus, a lot of monsters are either not immune to Earth or have right around 100% defence against it.... There are only a few who it hurts alot, but there are also very few who are not hurt at all by earth. Plus I just picture monsters getting hit by a giant boulder or something.

Did you know your name is a name of a move a Fencer can learn in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance?
I think someone asked me if it was earlier. No, I didn't before just now. Is it a girl I hope?

Do you have any pets?
Yep! I have a dog and two parakeets. Theyre all cuties :3

Thats all for now. Bye!
Okay! Thanks for the questions. *waves*

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 2/28/2006 15:40:01 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 30
2/28/2006 16:04:44   

hi again.
Hi *waves*

oh oh i just remembered what the bird Pokemon your name remebered me of name is Swellow.
Awww! that sounds so cute! I hope it's not one of the ugly ones ;)

do you like math?
I used to... I'm sorry to say the math I have to take is way to hard for me... so I get frustrated with it. I'm a science person.

if so heres an hard one.

3+9915-59 +X likes pie=?
Hungry... pi is 3.1415926353....

do you like jokes? heres one.
Indeed I do.

why is 6 afraid of 7 because 7 8 9
Heehee. That's very punny.

tip: 8 sounds like ate.
Dexter's Lab?

you know what a Degus is!?
Yes ^_^

not many people do know what it is.
I like animals. I guess you and I are unique that way.

they are so huggly and snuggly and ..... wait forget that they are fast speedy noisy and cute at least they can relax sometimes lol and got a tail with fur and can live up to 8 years.
Cool ^_^ Do you own one or something then?

have you ever played any Sonic games or Metroid Prime, Legend of Zelda, Warcraft, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Fable games?
Heh... I've played Sonic 1, 2, 3, Sonic Spinball and Sonic and Knuckles... I'm old school. No Metroids... Legend of Zelda and Legend of Zelda: The Adventures of Link, Mario 1, 2, 3, Dr. Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Kart Double Dash, Mario 64, Mario Party 1, Mario Golf and Mario Tennis, Mario 6 Golden Coins for the gameboy... with wario's 1st appearance... and i dont have xbox or $$ to play WoW.

oops forgot to do in the last post *huggles Swalow*
awww thanks ^_^ *re-huggles lillerare*

what do you like best Snuggle or Huggle?
I like to say huggle, but I do love to snuggle.

hmm il try to find a picture i know i got some place at my computer of one of my Degus il try to find it and edit in later
Aww! I'd love to see it. I don't know anyone who owns one.


edit: yay finally got the Degus picture up!
Awww It's a cutie!


< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 18:04:30 >
AQ  Post #: 31
2/28/2006 16:40:43   

Im Back, prepare for more questions.*more scary music*
I'm ready for you!

Sarkanians or Mermazons?
Sarkanians. I like the gou's sword... it looks like a blue patriot blade.

WoW or EverQuest?
WoW... Everquest is too addicting.... plus, night elves ;)

Star Wars or Star Trek(hehehe)?
Hmm... Thats a tough one! I like Star Trek the Next Generation... but the original 3 Star Wars movies wins.

Family Guy or American Dad?
Family Guy! That show is way cool.

Stewie or Roger(they are both priceless)?
Lol. They're both funny... But I like Stewie better. Besides, when the world is his, I want my death to be quick and painless.

Simpsons or Futurama?
Simpsons. It's a classic, although Futurama has a lot of funny episodes (they might be bringing it back! o_O)

Dogs or Cats?
Definitely dogs.

Evil or Ebil?

Pens or Pencils?
Pencils... I need to be able to erase.

Napoleon Bonaparte or Alexander the Great?
Alexander the Great... he was amazing for the time/situation/his age.

Alexander or Hannibal?
Alexander again.

Napoleon or Hannibal?
Hannibal. Crossing the alps on elephants??!!

Caesar or Hannibal?
et tu, Brute?

Caesar or Alexander?

Caesar or Napoleon?
Caesar... he's why it's called a caesarian section... :o

I wish neither had happened :( But WW2... it brought a lot of the world closer together and its more interesting to study... despite the terrible things that happened.

Nerds or Geeks?
Nerds ;) Although I like geeks too.

English or Reading?
Reading. English is fake... no one ever uses what they learn in it and you read half the time.

Geography or History?
Right now? I like geography... just because of the classes I'm in and the amount I'm learning.

Algebra or Geometry or Calculus?
gah!! I guess algebra. Calc was sooooo hard >_<

Mashed or Potatoes?
Mmmm mashed potatoes. Just potatoes... I like them baked and chipped

Peanut or Butter?
Butter... It's good on bread and such.

Sour or Cream?
Sour candy and ice cream ^_^

Whipped or Cream?
cream! I don't want to be whipped.

News or Paper?
Paper... news tends to be bad.

Tele or Vision?
vision. I like seeing.

Dell or PC?
PC... I have a Gateway and I <3 it.

Do you see a pattern?
A little, I thought I noticed something ;)

Dead or Alive?
Beach volleyball? Alive!! I want to live... and it was a cool movie/book thing.

Apple or Microsoft or Dell?
Dude, I want to be getting a dell!

Windows or Macintosh?
Windows baby! Macs and I don't get along.

Enough for now, I love these, I get to ask meaningless questions to AK's and not get warned. I will be back again.*Even more scary music*
:P Eh, I like answering... and if I don't like the question, I'll just give a silly answer ^_^

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 2/28/2006 23:54:38 >


I am the Ultimate Master of all things Tolkien.
Outspoken advocate of Science, Climate Change, Evolution, and Proper English.
FOR THE LAST TIME, a theory is not an unproven idea, in science it is a explanation that unites many other hypothesises.
AQ DF  Post #: 32
2/28/2006 19:04:51   
Golden Dragon

*looks around*
*looks at ceiling and floor*


Whats up?
Same stuff... I think there's a plane going overhead right now and I'm sure there are some birds too.

Yea same for me too.
Hey! Does that mean you live like next door to me? =Þ

What do you think is the most obvious of the obvious things of the obvious?
Certain obvious things are always very obvious to some and not others.

I have no idea either *looks around some more* >_><_<>_><_<*looks back at swallo and salutes him* XD to you too.
*ahem* .... um... I'm a girl ^_^

I know, I'm wierd.
It's ok! We all are ;D

So...you hungry?
Yeah... I only ate once today :(

I sure am.
Did you eat at all today?

I like pizza...bout you?
I love pizza. I eat it all the time.

Me and my randomness. Tsk Tsk.
No no need for tsk. Random is good. It keeps me on my toes.

Ignore that xD
too late ;)

What do you do for fun?
I like to go to concerts... write, avoid my job and school, see my friends, get outside when its nice out...

Thats boring xD
I know... I don't have a lot of free time... ;P

Well me go Bye Bye for nowzz! Me say Bye bye. Bye bye! *looks around before leaving* >_><_<>_><_<
Heh.. ok Mr. Shifty-Eyes. Bye for now.

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 0:00:53 >
AQ  Post #: 33
2/28/2006 19:06:06   

heh heh the ebil hamsters back woth more random questions

but first, hi (I rembered early this time)
lol hello ^_^

which one do you think was better Final fantasy 7 or final fantasy 9
7. I didnt really like 9 all that much. All the characters looked like they were like 10 years old and it was very difficult to level up. Too much talking, not enough battling!

What you mean the other one is waaaaaaaaaay better! (lol)
ummm... I dont even remember what i was talking about ._. Was it that final fantasy 7 is waaaaaaaaaay better than any game? ;P

whats "n" equial in this question? 843484874984739383483839393838389 x 10/5 + 99 x 1 + 1/7 + 2 x 999999999999999999 +5 x n x 77 + 986321 + 80 - 986401 = 0
O boy! That's no good. If I had some time and I wasn't about to fall asleep I could solve it... But I'm too tired. Maybe I'll come back and figure it out tomorrow... This is prolly wrong but my calculator told me the answer was -4.38173961E30 (so to the 30th power i think...)

If you got that one your the first one out of 7 people
O no! Now I have to figure it out :(

Mmm! Yes I do... I'm getting hungry again...

did you know run around in a hamster ball day to travel around these forms?
I know now... that sounds like fun!

Read my story yet?
Most of it.

if so did you like it?
Yeah. I think it's coming along well ^_^

its no much but it's all i got for now
That's ok.. it's past my bedtime :P

bye bye..............out of my way grandma *throws grandma*
O no!!! Poor granny! *picks up granny*

till next time see you
Bye silly hamster man.

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 0:14:02 >
AQ  Post #: 34
2/28/2006 19:10:07   

Hello I guess...
Hi there Nick!

I don't really know who you are...
That's ok... not many people do. And since you're here, you can get to know me and I can get to know you!

I never really come here, except for this one time when I wrote a story but nobody liked it...
Aww! Send me the link. I'll read it for you.

Ehhh Have a nice day! ^_^
Thanks and you do the same!

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 0:15:32 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
2/28/2006 22:28:17   

Hey Swallotail.
Hi there Sano ^_^

We haven't met before, so nice to meet ya.
It's nice to meet you too :)

How old are you?
Very! I'm 21... o_O

Funny thing: We both joined the boards on the same day and year, and yet have never met before...
Really?? That is weird! Happy belated anniversary to us then ^_^

What's your full name?
I'll tell you my first name and that's all I'll reveal ;) Lynn

What grade are you in?
I'm a senior in college... so I guess in numers thats 16th grade.

What is your favourite TV show?
Possibly the Office or Family Guy.

Do you watch Family Guy?
Of course ;) It's great!

If yes, then who is your favourite character?
I guess I think Quagmire is hilarious... I also enjoy Joe.

What kind of songs do you listen to?
All kinds! Mostly rock though. The songs I listen to depend on my mood... Like I enjoy some songs that are more melodic and then again I really liek songs that have really loud guitar and drums... Like.... I enjoy Wake Up, by Coheed & Cambria and 3 Libras by A Perfect Circle, but I also like AC/DC and stuff by Tool.

Do you play video gameS?
Of course!

Do you own any gaming consoles?
Yes... quite a few.

If yes, then name some of your games, if no, then ignore this question...IGNORE!!!
lol. I have original nintendo, sega, gameboy, gamegear, PS1, nintendo64, PS2 and we used to have atari.

Do you like to act childish?
Sometimes. It depends on who I'm with and who I feel :3

How long have you been playing AQ?
Hmm... Over a year. I think I started right after Mogloween in 2004.

How did you become an AK?
I don't know... I think it's because I've been a regular on Legends in Lore and have been a good forumer, and offered help to new people to that board. And because I'm pretty [/joke]

How do you like being an AK?
I like it alot! I'm meating new people that (as you can see) I wouldn't have met otherwise.

Well, that's it for now I think, I'm hoping to come up with some more though. Till then, see ya.
Okay! Thanks for stopping in and good meeting you forum-joining-at-same-time buddy.

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 0:24:55 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 36
2/28/2006 23:26:42   

hi shallow tail
....hello J. jay :3

do you like starwars?
Yes I do.

do you like art?
It depends on the type of art. I consider anime an art form... So yes, I like art ^_^

are you a fan of mortal kombat?
Yes and no. I've played the games since MK1 for sega, but it frustrates me to no end because there's always ONE fight I cannot possibly win.

what do you like best about being an ak?
Meeting and talking to new people. That and reading more stories ^_^

if you had a light saber what would you do with it?
Lets hope I never get one... No! Kidding. I think I'd show it off and do things like light a campfire with it, use it as a flashlight or maybe use it as protection when walking to my car at school at night.

do you beleive in god?

what are your interests?
I like writing, science, reading, music, cartoons, sleeping, animals... and so on ^_^

do you think dragons are awesome?
Yeah! They kick some serious pa-toot.

do you love animals?
Yes I do ^_^ they are so cool!

are you on the ebil side? or the good side?
It depends wahaha! I mean... I don't know. I'd like to think that I'm on the good side... but who knows? I guess all I can do is tr to be good.

do you like making friends or keeping to your self?
I like to make new friends, like now ^_^ but at parties and such I stick to myself alot since I'm shy

oh yeah *snuggles*
Awww! Thank you *resnuggles*

do you think godzilla is cooler or mothtra? i think both are pretty cool myself.
I think both are cool too... I guess Godzilla is cooler... but I call my mom Mother-a... becase that name reminds me of mothra... Yeah I'm a lil wierd *crazy smile*

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 0:32:24 >
AQ  Post #: 37
3/1/2006 3:59:15   


ORIGINAL: Nickwright

Hello I guess...
Hi there Nick!

I don't really know who you are...
That's ok... not many people do. And since you're here, you can get to know me and I can get to know you!

I never really come here, except for this one time when I wrote a story but nobody liked it...
Aww! Send me the link. I'll read it for you.

Ehhh Have a nice day! ^_^
Thanks and you do the same!

lol...I think it got deleted....meh...
Awww I'm sorry :(

Well anyways have fun being an AK ^_^
Thanks! I <3 fun!

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 13:27:44 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 38
3/1/2006 4:04:19   

OMG! Swallowtail!
Holy cow! Lucius!

Then again... *examines for titanium fist* >_>
*hides all fighting fists of fury in pockets*

Do Swallows have tails?
The bird-type swallows have tails. They're pretty too.

You like cats?
Meh... cats are okay. I prefer dogs tho, because cats never want to be petted... and they hiss.

a few years ago, my friends called me "King of the cats"... and I kill them for that.
My friends used to call me "Lynnie-Pot-Pie"... I hated it then.. but now I like it. Maybe you'll like being the cat King some day.

talking about what lillerare said....

Woohoo! It's not one of the ugly ones! That one looks all strong! ^_^

^_^I think I forgot something....still cant remember it.....
That's ok... My short term memory has.... Hey! Look! A Pokemon!

Got it! *snuggle!!!!*
Ooo! That's a good one! *resnuggle*

bye! got stuff to work on.*falls on his face* ...>_>
O no! *picks up Lucius* Have fun with your stuff.

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 13:32:25 >
Post #: 39
3/1/2006 9:31:50   
Golden Dragon

*looks around*
I'm awake!

Hello again ^_^

Mr. Shifty-eyes eh? I like that...
I thought it was appropriate ;)

I see alot of things you can't. XD
Yeah... I need glasses O_O

Ignore that too xD
Too late XP

Can I call you swellow?
Sure, why not.

Hello Dragonite.

I never knew you were a girl. >_><_<
Heh, well now you know. That's why it's meet the AK's... so you learn ^_^

Lucius was right...are you a pokemon in disguise? LOL
That'd be cool... If I was I'd prolly be charmander or chansey...

If you are...can I battle you? *whips out a pokeball* >_><_<
^_~ Sure, but just be aware that I'm at level 5 hojillion.

OK I'm getting tired. So...early.
I know how that feels!

Come to think of it...don't you feel like you are getting stalked? I mean we are asking alot of questions.
Nah... I know that everyone is just curious. Now if you showed up at my HOUSE asking questions, then I'd feel a lil weird.

Ahh well. Bye bye!
Bye for now!

I tried to not look around this time...my accomplishment for the day. YES!
Nice work!!

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 13:37:36 >
AQ  Post #: 40
3/1/2006 10:27:10   

For all ArchKnights there is a vote in this forum asking is it worth to pay $15 for ArchKnight and the most number of votes stated a full NO because ArchKnight *isn't good* saying there are spelling mistakes poor graphics and one even mention Artix, not believing he can create such a horrible game (ArchKnight).
I'll answer this one for Swallowtail:
*You seem to be confused about just what an ArchKnight is...an ArchKnight is a forum member who has been chosen to help moderate a specific board - in this case, Legends and Lore.
Archknight is a game that was created along with AQ in a different style..you don't pay Guardianization for Archknight, but instead for upgrading your AQ character. It allows you access to Archknight and DragonFable Beta. Next time please make sure you're talking about the right thing before you post. *

< Message edited by Reens -- 3/1/2006 13:41:25 >
Post #: 41
3/1/2006 14:45:56   

Hello lol
Hiya Shade :D

Do you know me?
I do now ;) Nice to meet you.

What is your favorite Archnight(Excluding yourself)
I like them all equally! Everyone is so nice!

Do you know any famous people
No :( It'd be cool if I did, though, right? I've met a couple of semi-famous people. Like Dat Phan, Flogging Molly and Danko Jones

If yes who is your favorite,If no who would you like to meet
Meeting Danko Jones was really cool! But I think I'd like to meet Maynard James Keenan from APC and Tool. He seems like he'd be cool to talk to.

Do you play Fire Emblem
mmm... no i dont sorry.

If yes, who is you're favorite character
Sorry. I can't answer this one :P

Well Byyyeeee
Bye ^_^

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 17:23:27 >
Post #: 42
3/1/2006 16:57:46   

Hello Swallowtail

I'm Jediashley
I know ^_^ I've seen you around here Ashley.

Who's You're Favorite NPC in AQ?
Artix. He's so handsome in cartoon-form ^_^

What's it like being an AK?
It's fun... It's a bit of work, but I get to read a lot of stories and meet lots more people.

What type of games do you play?
All types. I really like RPG's, but I'll play a racing game (as long as it's one of those that are more cartoony than realistic) or a fighting game... I like Tekken. Oh, and of course platform games like Mario or Ratchet and Clank and so on.

Have you seen any movies lately?
Yeah, more than most people probably. I think the last one I watched was Emperor's New Groove 8D

What is your favorite movie?
Lion King is cool... I also liked Butterfly Effect and Catch Me If You Can.

Bye bye!

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 17:27:45 >
Post #: 43
3/1/2006 17:08:08   

Nice to meet you Swallowtail!
Nice to meet you, too Coppo ^_^

On a scale of 10(10 being the highest), how good are you with the opposite gender(referring to your flirting skills)?
Wahahahaha!!! Sorry. I'm not really a big flirter I think... I mean, I've had guys ask me out on dates or think I'm trying to pick them up when I'm really just being myself. I guess it depends on the guy. Nerd-flirting, I'm awesome like a 7. "Cool-kid" flirting, I'd fail... like about a 1.2.

Whats your least favorite chat-up line?
Do your parents steal things? Because I was wondering who stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.

what advice do you have for all those who are new to flirting?
Well... I'd say don't really flirt at all. Just be yourself and try to actually converse with the person you like rather than trying to impress them with one-liners.

Ever danced before in your life?
Yep. I've been to 4 proms, 4 other formal dances, at least 10 regular dances and 2 weddings... you have to dance there. Oh! And one time at work (at my old job as a hostess) a guy asked me to dance with him... only problem is that it was a polka o_O

On a scale of 10(10 being the highest, again), how good are you at dancing?
Wahaha! (again) I'm not the best dancer. At slow dancing I'm ok... like a 6 or 7. Dancing-dancing... I dont know any moves so like a 2. And funny dancing is a little different like with "walking the dog" or "grocery shopping" or "reeling big fish" then I'm pretty good like a 6.

Have you danced to your favorite song before, and if no, are you planning to do so?
No. But I woul really love to do that... I mean... really. I don't know if I'll ever get the chance though.

When was the last time you cried? (And be honest. No need to look like a macho man)
I'm not a guy... I'm a girl. lol! But I don't know. It's actually been a while for me. I think actually it was when I was really stressed out with school and work last semester. I was driving back to school and stopped to get some fast food. I was eating it while driving and had to stop and all my food fell on the floor of my car. I was so upset and tired and hungry that I had to pull over and cry. I know it sounds stupid, but I was beyond exhausted.

If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?
I think I would like it if my hair was different. I mean, I'm happy with the way I look... I just need a different hairstyle or for my hair to actually lay the way I'd like it to.

Could I have a huggle? Its a long way back home, I might not make it.
Awww! Of course *huggle* Get home safely!

Have fun in your job!
Thank you ^_^ have fun in your foruming!

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 17:46:11 >
AQ  Post #: 44
3/1/2006 17:53:48   
Golden Dragon

( 8(|)

Hey...I looked around less today. Ugh...I'm dying...I can just smell it XD.
Ugh... I'm running out of smilies to use!

Hi Hi!

I hope it isn't against the rules to post/pester these threads too much.
Not at all. It makes me feel popular ;)

I read about you crying in the car because you spilled your food. That actually happened to my uncle. He said he came from Brampton and on his way he got donuts and then he was eating them...but then he stopped suddenly because the moron infront of him fell asleep at the wheel, so the box dropped from the passenger seat. He didn't cry...but he was so angry he could have just cried a river of tears. LOL.
Awww. It stinks when you're hungry and pay for food and it gets ruined. It's like doubly worse because you spent hard earned $$ AND you're still hungry...

I dunno why, but I feel so corny right now. Maybe...its...its...nvm
Meh. It's ok ^_ ^ I think it'll help if you stop eating popcorn.

I'm talkin too much jumnk...again. That aint good. Something's gonna happen. I can just smell it.
*sniffs* Everything smells okay to me... I'm wearing vanilla sented deodorant! (TMI???)

So...how was your day today?
Good. I'm actually finally going to do some homework!

I hope yours went well too.

Gaaaahhh...I can't think straight.
That's ok. *Thinks in paisley*

O well time for me to go. I can't believe this is the most I ever posted in a day.
Nice! I'm glad to be a part of that milestone ^_^


I guess I shouldn't double post like this. O well. Hey!
Did you double post? Or did you edit?

Work? Is it alot?
Work work? Or homework? Work is always alot of work unfortunately :\ And for homework all I have to do is finish my 12 page goals matrix, write up like 3 or 4 questions (only about a page or 2 id guess), write my final draft of my evolution paper, do my worksheet for geomorphology, and get some info for my geohazards project. not much o_o

You're making me scared to go to college/university now.
Don't be scared! You'll get used to doing more and more work and you'll be able to balance your time.

Just curious...are you est time?
Yeah... It's like 7:30 now.

I feel like that poke battle. LOL
*Super AK huggle attack!*

I'm so bored. How about you?
Yeah! I really dont feel like doing tha homework even though I should..

Do you come here to unlead your boredness?
Sometimes... but I come here for fun too... not just because I'm bored.

Yea same here.

I can't believe I left this question out. Where do you work?
I work at a heartless corporation.. I mean Blockbuster. Don't ever get a job there.

Do yoo play KOF?
No... I don't even know what that is :P lol

OOOOOO! OO!!! Aww man...I forgot what I was gonna say. Dammit.
Thats ok. bad words! Ah! My virgin eyes!

Well...I'm out of questions and the like. So I will be back later with some more randomness? Byes! *waves*
Ok. Come back as much as you like ^_^

Hey...I didn't look around this time. You cured my virus! Thank YOu SOOOOO MUCH!!!
O my gosh!!! I have the power!

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 19:45:27 >
AQ  Post #: 45
3/1/2006 19:12:32   
Warrior of Aero...

Hey, how's the thread going?
Pretty good! Better than I thought it would, actually ^_^

Did you check out Grocery Store Wars?
Do'h! No not yet. I will once I'm done with my hw.

So you major in Biology? What is your favorite part of it?
Hmmm... My teacher asked me that the other day! :P I know its not genetics... I get so confused with genetics at times... I guess I like human body systems as well as ecology. There's lots of fun activities for those and i think a lot of people are enthusiastic to learn it... so it makes it easier to teach.

Do you own an iPod? (it seems like everyong does these days)
No... :( My mom and brother do, but not me.

Who is your favorite opsolete NPC? (someone that we've totally forgotten about, like Nilia, the woman in the frogzard quest part III)
Woah! I never really thought about it! I guess I like the Frogzard Hunter. Has he been update? Or given a part at all any more?

Have you ever read the Ender's Game series?

What about the Golden Compass trilogy?
No as well. Sorry.

Harry potter?
Yes... very yes!

Have you read the 6th book yet?
Yeah I did!

Were you surprised that Snape killed Dumbledore?
Sorry, I tried to make that slightly invisible so that way it wouldn't spoil it for those who havent read it. Yeah, I kind of was... then again I kind of wasn't. I mean, I thought, "well maybe he isn't bad". But man... after all Dumbledore did for him... What a jerk!

Have you ever read CAD? (if not, ignore the following question please)
Yes! I love CAD

What do you think of Ethan proposing to Lilah?
I thought that was so sweet! It must have been hard to do ;)

Do you ever visit the Suggestions board?
Every once in a while

Have you been keeping track (even mildly) of the Suggestion Competition going on?

If so, then what is your favorite entry so far? (it doesn't have to be mine{if you don't want to sift through 6 pages of entries, take a look at the Table of Contents})
I looked at it just to check it out. Your angel idea is cool! And good luck in the contest. I didn't really look at the others, though to be honest :D

What is one of the most random questions you've been asked?
I think "Are you Chinese?" struck me as one of the most random things so far lol!

What ganre of music is your favorite?
Rock. Because there's lots of things that fall under rock.. like reggae rock (ie 311) and alternative and punk. ^_^

Do you like Golden Retrievers?
Yes! That's the kind of dog i originally wanted.

What is your favorite movie?
I like the Lion King alot. I think Catch Me If You Can is good too.

Have you ever seen Muppet Treasure Island? (that one's my favorite... :P )
I own Muppet Treasure Island. It's funny! Sailing for adventure on the big blue wet thing!

Is it warm where you are?
No :( well, warmer than it's been. It's about 33F here (so like 0 or 1C)

If so, lucky... if not, then I feel your pain.
Lol. I don't like the cold either.

Who is your favorite comedian?
I think Jim Gaffigan is hilarious! Dane Cook is amazingly funny too.

Do you like Greek/Roman Mythology?
Yes I do.

If so, which is your favorite story? (I like the Odyssy)
I like the Odyssey too. I think the legend of Persephonie is good too (gets taken to Hades and eats a pomegranite...)

Alright, I'll be back with more quesitons later *snuggles* Bye! *waves enthusiastically*
Bye again ^_^ *resnuggle*

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 20:03:52 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 46
3/1/2006 20:48:21   
Golden Dragon


Why do I suddenly have the urge to post here...again. O well...maybe that Super AK huggle attack from the pokebattle is a second sweet scent.
^_^ Yeah huggle attacks will do that!


Done your work?
Yea... no :( Most... I mean some of it. I just get bored typing for a forever.

Good job.
<_< >_> o no! now I'm looking around.

Tell me...why should I never get a job at Blockbuster?
Long list of reasons! They don't pay well, you have to do a lot of work, higher up managers only want you to sell... and keep the store neat and dont make mistakes and..., customers complain to you about EvErYtHiNg, the trailer plays over and over and over..., the hourse are bad....

Hmmm...thanx...I'll put Blockbuster at the end of my list now XD.
The only good thing is that you can rent 5 free movies or games a week.

How long do you stay on the PC? Just curious..I think I'm the only one that stays on 24/7. I know I have no nightlife...yet.
Lol. I like to be on when I'm home. Since I have wireless internet, I'm online and can check the boards while I'm doing homework. During the week... I dunno between 0 and 5 hours a day. Less on the weekends because of work and wanting to see some of my friends. I still have no night life -_-

You read Harry Potter? like OMGOSH! I'm like total harry potter freak...I watched 3 of the movies, managed to read 5 of the books...and like wow.
Yeah... It's a great series... I totally can't wait to find out how it ends... I've seen all the movies and read all the books. They're good.

So you were kinda surprised when (you know what) happened in the half-blood prince?
Yeah. I was sad too.

I kinda was too.

Man...you are cool. XD (that just came outta nowhere)
Aaaawwwwwww! That's so nice of you to say. I think you're cool too 8)

Ignore that :P:P
Too late! ^_^

Do you have msn? I wanna add you. PM me it if you don't want it public.
Yes I do. I think it's already in my profile...

OOOO! I remembered what I forgotten. What school you go to?
Buffalo State College

You seen any good movies lately? I wanna go this weekend LOL
Hmm... none at the theaters... I kind of wanted to see Date Movie :3

You said you had no idea what KoF is. Well since you said you like tekken (in some other post) thats kinda what KoF is. The same idea. You should definately try it out.
Really? Ok. What does KoF even stand for?

Um...don't answer this is you don't want to. How many times were you...heartbroken?
Hmm... I'll answer.. but to be honest I don't know the exact #. I mean a few times because of a guy (how lame am I? lol) and I guess a few times when something I was looking forward to fell through or things in my life really didn't go the way I planned them to. And definitely when my grandma passed away... I mean, I guess having your heart broken is an inevitable part of life.. and since I'm an old lady it's been a few times.

Hmmm...I had more than that XD.
Lol! I hope not

Well its kinda late here. I gotta go now. Bye! Goodnight!
Ok, get some sleep! Sweet dreams.

And yes, you have the power...but I think I might need some more help again. I'm starting to twitch alot. *twitches more*
Here, take these Mexican Jumping Beans and put them in your pocket. *gives* It'll even out the twitching.

I like my ludicolo.
I like it too.

Ignore that.
Too late ;)

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/1/2006 21:45:36 >


Jinzo's PokePet

Cuppy the level 99 Mew!
AQ  Post #: 47
3/2/2006 3:07:41   

Bah Humbug!
...But it's past Christmas...

Dumbledore is not dead! Well, I hope he's not. See here. READ IT ALL. It's worth it. http://www.dumbledoreisnotdead.com/
I will have to look at that. In the mean time are they going to keep McGonagol as Headmistress? And then who will be the head of Griffendor House?

In accordance to my other questions, 'Dish and Chips' was actually meant to be 'fish' I was just asking it the other way around. Reverse psychology! Literally! And you made me think, actually, about the colour of my hair. It's not blonde, but then, it's not brown either! O_o
Weird-d-d. you can call it golden... or if you prefer, "dirty blonde". lol.

Oh, more questions? Umm, later. Busy. The other questions were a bit hard, I know. Sorry. :S
Meh thats okay. Sorry I dont remember more. Did I get any of them right?

...That was only an excuse. Too hard to lie. I have to think of more questions first, actually.
That's cool. Come back when you think of them, Sammy.

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/2/2006 14:06:22 >
AQ  Post #: 48
3/2/2006 3:32:51   
Crystal Lion

What do you think of my story 'The Young Adventurers'?
It's pretty good so far ^_^

Ah well,here's the Runescape fic anyway.Don't criticize Artix's posistion since it's a satire on discrimination. The Diplomats of Lore.

It's only the prologue so far right? It's interesting

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/2/2006 14:19:38 >
Post #: 49
3/2/2006 3:50:29   

hi again:)
Hello Mr. J.

J. jay :3? what does that mean?
I was trying to give you a nick name for jayjay. and the :3 is a kitty smilie face.

do you find insects interesting or creepy?
Both. If they're crawling on me, creepy. If I can observe them from where they cant get me, interesting.

are you a sith or jedi?
I don't think I'm evil enough to be a sith. So I guess Jedi. But I'd rather hang out with Han Solo.

do you have aim? your the nicest ak ever!
Yes I do. And awwww! Thank you ^_^ You're nice too.

what creeps you out the most?
Spiders!!! *shudders* they give me the chills!

who is your most favriote star wars and mk characthers?
Han Solo is cool. And I always play as either Sub Zero or Scorpion in MK. In the newer ones, Cyrax is cool.

do you think galanoth is awesome?
Yeah. Anyone who would want to take on dragons and has cool battle-worn armor like that is really cool.

*snuggles and huggles*
Aww! I got a double dose! *rehuggles and resnuggles*

you and wallo and sharpie are the coolest ak's ever!!!!!
Aww! That's really nice of you to say *blushes time infinity*

which starwars film did you love best? mine is episode six
You know, that one is my favorite too. I think it's because it closes everything out and stuff. Plus there are ewoks and you find out Lea is Lukes sister and the race through the forests on those speeder bikes

do you like writing books?
Yeah. I love writing. Its just a way for me to relax.

whats your favriote harry potter movie?
I think 4. It was also my favorite book.

do you think the basilisk is worst then the dragon?
Yeah... I think being turned to stone would be worse than getting eaten... I dunno actually. Getting eaten would hurt more, but it would probably really suck to be stone.

do you read books?
Yep. Whenever I can.

< Message edited by Swallowtail -- 3/2/2006 14:29:03 >
AQ  Post #: 50
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