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RE: Town Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting

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7/14/2006 22:39:43   

It seems i have this problem too. Is it because the staff are updating the travel map?
AQ  Post #: 51
7/14/2006 23:02:46   

The Travel button is located just below the Event button (replaced DragonFable), like what WhiteInfernokj said. The "Become a Guardian" button is located on the Travel Map too, where it shouldn't be.
AQ  Post #: 52
7/19/2006 9:21:30   
Dark Seto

I've been having this problem as well I experienced it when I first fought the final boss in the future war wich I thought I had to be the only person but since I found the problem here I had second thoughts.

Even if the server crashed everything should be in top order this could be a hacking of some kind but hopefully with the server theory let's just hope that is it.


AQ  Post #: 53
7/21/2006 22:51:27   

IE6 all updates, lates flash, WiNXP

Eversince the last battle in the future I havent been able to travel. When I log in I dont have the option to, here is a screen shot:


AQ  Post #: 54
7/23/2006 8:28:11   

the go to event button is still there, even though the war is over and when you click it all it does is take you to a black screen
AQ DF  Post #: 55
7/23/2006 12:37:39   
everyones grudge


ORIGINAL: Darknae1

IE6 all updates, lates flash, WiNXP

Eversince the last battle in the future I havent been able to travel. When I log in I dont have the option to, here is a screen shot:

Right next to Twilly, above your character's face, there is a button that says "Travel Map" in bright yellow letters.
AQ DF  Post #: 56
7/24/2006 4:45:00   
VN 10

i'm not sure if this is the right place to post about clan bugs, but look at the pic and you will know. i was using firefox wif flash 8 i think. pic

EDIT: after logging out and going in again, it's fine, i'm quite sure that's a bug

< Message edited by VN 10 -- 7/24/2006 4:51:10 >
AQ DF  Post #: 57
10/7/2006 6:31:48   

Excuse my transgressions, oh great and powerful Yeti. While engaged in battle my harddrive sometimes goes into overdrive: The instruction at "0x01a53e8d" referenced memory at "0x01a53e8d" The memory could not be "read". TDhis problem only occurs while on your site battling monsters, any ideas? Thank you.
Post #: 58
10/7/2006 6:42:39   

Forgive any impropriety in my postings, Oh great and powerful Yeti. Often while battling monsters my hardrive goes into overdrive, The instruction at "0x01a53e8d" referenced memory at "0x01a53e8d" The memory could not be "read" This problem only occurs while battling monsters on your site. Any ideas? Thanks for your help.
Post #: 59
10/14/2006 18:36:10   

When you click on the rip in the sky on the Battleon main town, Artix turns back into twilly.
AQ DF  Post #: 60
10/15/2006 3:42:39   

Recently I was trying out the quest where you go to Lolsia or Lolosioa or however its spelled, and fought the sea monster thing. After the town was destroyed, i went back and was outside the ruins the the inn and i clicked on the door. i was poofed inside of the destroyed(?) inn and everything was normal. I went back outside and the town was exactly like its was before if fought the monster. ?!?!?!?!?!?!?
AQ  Post #: 61
10/19/2006 20:31:28   

Everytime I click "Back to Town" on the Mogloween screen, I'm always transported back to Jack. Thus, an endless cycle is created... xp

Edit: Forgot to mention that I clicked on the Pumpkins near Yulgar's Inn first.

< Message edited by Silverhand -- 10/19/2006 22:59:11 >
AQ  Post #: 62
10/19/2006 21:07:42   
Slayer Zach
Yellow Fellow

If you go to the Ghost Princess quest, and click Leave, you return to the very FIRST version of the Inn... kinda strange.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 63
10/20/2006 1:59:14   

lolosia's discpition is bugged. "here you will find a quest to the to the mysterious island island just off shore" Extra "to the"
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 64
10/20/2006 2:11:22   

Go to princess quest and click leave:

http://img120.imageshack.us/my.php?image=o m f gxe6.jpg(erase spaces)

< Message edited by Luigi -- 10/20/2006 2:12:21 >
AQ  Post #: 65
10/20/2006 2:53:24   

when i go paxia clan war sometimes it will go nuts. The backround around it will MIX UP!???????????????for mine only! i'm not sure if it happens to urs too!!

< Message edited by adthem -- 10/20/2006 2:54:21 >
AQ DF  Post #: 66
10/22/2006 16:27:02   

ok i go inot lolosia, nad there is a sailor named boon. if i talk to him it talks bout how i can find burid treasure but first i gotta bring him a plant. if i talk to boon, i cant get to the inn to get hte plant, and if i get the plant first, i cant go talk to boon. im not ure if his is a bug im just confused
AQ  Post #: 67
10/22/2006 19:13:58   

if you leave the ghost quest it takes you to the old inn. plz dont take it out though its so cool.
Post #: 68
10/23/2006 12:44:16   
Mr G W


ORIGINAL: switchfork

ok i go inot lolosia, nad there is a sailor named boon. if i talk to him it talks bout how i can find burid treasure but first i gotta bring him a plant. if i talk to boon, i cant get to the inn to get hte plant, and if i get the plant first, i cant go talk to boon. im not ure if his is a bug im just confused

same thing here, when u got to a place and reuturn, BOOM the Sea Fiend event starts, PLZ FIX HIT :(((((
AQ DF  Post #: 69
11/5/2006 7:42:54   
phoenix blue

guardian tower doesnt load period it just shows a picture of the old one without an people and you cant do anything

< Message edited by phoenix blue -- 11/5/2006 7:45:50 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 70
11/7/2006 6:40:34   


This keeps happening to me any time i try going to paxia.

Even when the "Contnue" button appears, sometimes the game is not finished loading the area. When you encounter this problem, simply give the game a bit more time to load all the data, especially if you have a slower connection.

< Message edited by Reyn Roadstorm -- 11/7/2006 11:31:04 >
AQ  Post #: 71
9/14/2007 23:08:43   

recently(as there is no more Isle only bug thread),as of the upgrade this week, when going through the rip in the sky through battleon, It no longer makes me open the door to get to the main hub of the Isle(forge,library hall,wall,etc.). in simple, it no longerr makes me do the combintation to get through the big door. I assume this is a bug?


< Message edited by Z.324 -- 9/14/2007 23:08:43 >
DF MQ  Post #: 72
9/18/2007 22:12:06   

I was trining at the stat triners. I trained no error. when I triedd agin I wasnt able.
AQ  Post #: 73
9/19/2007 9:10:33   

Ballyhoo give gold 4 times per day now or is a bug?
Before of "The Seeker", this never happened...


Feel the Shammy!
Read my suggestions:
AQ  Post #: 74
9/24/2007 17:30:28   
Altima XXX

I can't seem to access the Inn anymore. I've tried a few possible variables. Server, Guardianship, and Quality were what I attempted. It doesn't even bring up the loading screen.


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 75
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