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RE: =AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: jecht_the_vampire

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4/4/2006 2:10:56   
Bloodluster warrior

hey jecht its me, like i said on msn im gonna post
oh, mans, here we go...
when will you make me a gift?
NEVER!!! :p
you wanna rematch?
I'll just win again :p
who's your fac character from FMA?
Roy Mustang
why do you close your eyes when we make love?
ummm because u mess with me while i'm sleeping :p
Don't hit me
too late

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/6/2006 10:50:04 >
AQ  Post #: 26
4/4/2006 2:28:56   

muhahaha...TmB is in the house :p
uh...whats your favorite drink?
um...whats your favorite game(s)?
the Final Fantasy games
whats it like working at GameCrazy, if you still work there?
uber fun though some days it may be boring we start the game tournaments soon so...:d
lets see...
*looks around*
Pie or Waffles?
um..favorite anime?
Full Metal Alchemist
you knew that you are going to die in this thread before you made it right?
yes i did
You might be a vampire, but i'm a deadman :p with a mask even :P
u are my minion
if a vampire and a deadman went against each other, who would win?
i'm guessing me since i can't die
Rath likes pie, what do you like?
i told u Blood :p
i think i've been this way before >.>
then go this way <.<
Oh noes, i have been here before >.>
quick turn around
Make up your mind already >.>
you know i'm trying to make this post as long as i can?
thats cool i guess
yea your right it's not that cool
its not that long...
Yet :p
he he he
keep it comin :p
i will be back, so i'm done for now :p
aww is that all you got
One Day, When I'm better than i am now, i'll be calling you out ;)
I 'll be waiting

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/6/2006 10:58:16 >
Post #: 27
4/4/2006 3:14:03   

Sup Jecht
Dang my questions ran outa my head...
ha ha ha
Ah,my memory's coming back to me ^.^
Ok,so,here we go. *ebil laugh*
mu ha ha ha
Large piece or Signature?
Large peice
Favourite graphics little trick/effect?
my lighting idk why it's simple yet fun
Photoshop or,hmm,Photoshop? (Yes that is just my imagination floating around infront of your eyes,I do hope you choose Photoshop.)
tough one i'll...say Photoshop
How long have you been on these forums?
it'll be a year May 24th
Is being AK hard or worth all the special err... powers? (Not sucking blood and all that.But I'm sure you're good at it anyway. :p)
definatley worth it
You think I could ever be AK/Creative?
of course
Your favourite graphics idol?
Favourite Show? (Oh please dont say Play School.Pwease? o.0)
meh...i guess Angel
Favourite song genre?
wayy to hard to choose
Before I forget,thanks for showing me where to get C4D.Your large peices are great so far!
no problem and thanks
Are you getting bored?
a little :p
Same here.
he he
Ok,i'll let you go,probably got better things to do than answer all my questions.
yup lots of things :p
Trust me,got heaps more....Somewhere.

I'll be back soon.
oh mans, :p
Catch you later.
k l8r

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/7/2006 3:57:40 >
AQ DF  Post #: 28
4/4/2006 3:15:28   

j00 PwN?
I think i annoyed you didn't i *hintmsnsiggyrequesthint*?
OMG i forgot about that i'm sorry
paint or gimp
gimp i don't have the patencie required for paint :p
Terragen or Potatosnap
umm potatosnap??? hrmm i'll go with terragen
You or me
definatly me
i pwn?
if you want
rate me.
on what :d
i r noob?
Give me tips
always brush your teeth
I wanna be a vamp, teach me.
no way!
Um, how long do you think this is gunna be.
knowing you i'd say endless
annoyed yet?
nope keep tryin though
Fav Game ( Other than AQ/RS/DF/FireSpawn/Stuff )
Final Fantasy 7
Xbox360 or PS2
Xbox 360
You or metal
Skype or msn?
Should i stop talking?
Uhh....Sorry, i aint talking.
I is teh typer! ™©®£œžº?`¹Žžž
u r teh misspaller :p
see ya
Uhh, *hugglesnuggles*
Ok....i'll be bak 4 mor!
Scared yet?

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/7/2006 4:12:25 >


NightVortex's PokePet

Karuri the level 99 Lucario!
AQ  Post #: 29
4/4/2006 3:34:41   

I came to say,
"jecht you rock, keep it up"


ZOMG it's teh tar i luvvv u soooo muuuch<3

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/7/2006 4:14:02 >
AQ  Post #: 30
4/4/2006 4:38:32   
Tim Coool

remember me i made a sig for u
yup i remember
who asked you to be an ak
i wanna be one any tips
be yourself, contribute to the community hrrmm i guess that'd be it
thats all for now seeya
k bye bye

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/7/2006 4:54:41 >
AQ  Post #: 31
4/4/2006 10:26:33   

just hanging
how long have you been an archknight?
couple of weeks
do you plan on any hostile takeovers of boards?
*looks both ways...no:p
have any tips for a starting sigmaker?
umm the biggest thing is stay true to your own style what u like is what u like don't let anyone tell u otherwise
thats all for now...riiiiightttt NOW! *runs away*

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/7/2006 5:08:49 >
AQ DF  Post #: 32
4/4/2006 15:51:10   
Squirrel Fu

whats up?
remember me?
i posted last page.
...yea i remember :p
remember clouds last question/warning?
uh huh
Cheese is my friend.
hes coming.
please no!
very soon
oh mans....,,,,,
and when he does......................
whats...whats he gonna do to me?????
he will........................
noooooooooooooooo :p

< Message edited by Colar snap -- 4/7/2006 17:48:27 >
AQ  Post #: 33
4/4/2006 16:57:42   
Da cheese

Hey jecht, wasup!?
oh no,
Even ghost_of_cloud can't keep me away!
(why couldn't he have stopped you
Well, if your a vampire, then doesn't that mean that you fear cheese? Cheese shall rulez you (don't know were garlic came from... must have been a mistranslation from an old story, it's cheese, not garlic! garlic can't do anything)
now that you mention it i am a little nervous around cheese...
Before we get to the "fun" questions, i have a few "not so fun" questions.
Do you predict annoyance in your future.
a little
Are you lactose-intolerant (like ghost says he is)
yes very :p
How do you respond to the fun questions?
by anserwing them
Do you know why ghost tried to throw me off the new AK trail by not telling me were your thread is? *cough* I suppose he was trying to protect you from "them" (more on "them" later)
will you do aaaaaaaaaaalllllllll my homework? (that's alot)
yea if u don't like good grades
now for the "fun" questions ^_^
Do you like cheese?
Will you "eat" me?
lactose-intolerant :p
Do you think the vorpal-gecko empire and the cheese empire can ever get along?
nah Gecko empire wayyy to strong
Do you like *evil laugh*... crazy ornary freaky demonic ninja-soldier bunnys!?
Will you be my fwend?
sure if you tell me who/what "them" are
will you be my friend?
do you like bunnys?
vampiric ones
Cheese is good?
nope hehe
What would you do if you were stuck on an island with a pancake, a squirrel, and a spoon, and nothing else? (heh, different items than ghost's island... i bet he stole that question from me... my insanity is rubbing off!)
i'd put the squirrel on the pancake and crave a message in the spoon and send the squirrel to sea
What number am i thinking of?
Am i annoying?
no way
Wish you'd taken ghost's warning now?
i did but there was nothing i could do to stop your crazy question powers
Do you think i'll come back and ask you more questions?
Am i annoying?
Favorite smiley?

Favorite text smiley?
Text or normal smileys?
If you could have one thing for an AQ pet, what would it be (non-existant ones count)
cheese :p
Can i get sued for animal abuse if i go to RA right now?
Ninja bunnys?
Demonic ninja bunnies
What do you think of this song?
What about this one?
Am i annoying?
not yet
Am i annoying?
close to it
Am i annoying?
Now do you know why ghost of cloud warned you about me?
I asked him most of these questions ^_^ and most of them were asked exactly like this ^_^
poor cloud
If you were stuck in a closet, couldn't move at all, and there was a twig doll that kept saying twig phrases constantly, what would you do?
go crazy
what was the name of the princess you saved to become an archknight?
Is your's from the same cult as ghost's?
Do you like shiny things?
don't we all
if someoneweretotypelikethiswouldyougetrealymad?
nah just confuse me
Hmm... i can't think of anymore right now, strange, i usually have a million of them... i guess that means more for later *ebil laugh*
ha ha i defeated u this time
I will be back! ^_^ (you can get a confirmation of this statement from many people)

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/8/2006 2:52:26 >
Post #: 34
4/4/2006 18:16:50   

I'm Bob.
me Jecht
I have a job.
me too
Do you know what it is? or...what it was...?
no, tell me
It was annoying Metal on his MtM thread!
I asked him 249 questions in 4 posts.
Your turn.
uh oh
Pizza or apples?
Pie or Pi?
22/7 or pi?
Caesar or salad?
Knife or Dagger?
Me or Metal?
X or Y?
Hi or |-|1?

Largo or Piro?
Big or Mac?
Junior or Whopper?
Am I annoying you yet?
Having fun?
very much so
Muhahahaha. We're just getting started. You're new at this, so I'll give you a break this time. Good luck... next time I go for 50+!
ha ha thanx k see ya

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/9/2006 1:40:05 >
AQ  Post #: 35
4/4/2006 18:30:45   

IM backkkkkkkkkk!
u ebil
most def
because i like to be

y r u ebil
cuz it's fun
just did
ill get on your nerves this time
psh yea right :p
whats up hommie g
not much just chillin
u like slang?
fa sho
i do dog!
i can see that
its cool
its 5:28
after midnight here
gwa ha ha aha hahb
will u b my friend?
if u want me too
if i pm u qquestins on critisim will u answer me?
sry if im bugging u
it's ok
Ill b your ebil twin
twin eh.......
i would like that would u?
can i order you around
well bye
k l8r
haha j/k
haha got u there again
why u........
k see ya
Edit:as u said in a differ post u like vampire bunnies right?
i read a book called "Bunnicula"

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/9/2006 1:45:24 >
AQ  Post #: 36
4/4/2006 21:09:02   
chaos dragon rider

well 'ello ol' chum (:P boredom)
hi m8
would ya like a spot of tea? (more boredom)
well ain't that just a bit of a spicky wicket (sry im done know)
no witty remark there :p
hows it goin' there?
good u?
doin'good i hope
doin ok
im doin' great
aren't you glsad that you get to edit all these posts
you know it
its amazing i don't know how you guys do it
i like it
i tip my hat to you
well good chattin' with ya
you too
im out cya

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/9/2006 1:48:02 >
AQ  Post #: 37
4/4/2006 21:46:18   


How are ya?

Is being an AK fun?

Does it enhance any of you vampiric abilities like sucking the life out of your poor victims?

Does it make you happy to kill?

Does it make you feel empowered? (the AK thing, not killing, cause we all no the answer to that....)

Are you a good AK? (In your opinion)

Sony or Microsoft?(Microsoft for their X-Box, not PCs)

Werewolves or Vampires?

I can guess!

I'm good at guessing!

Werewolf right?

Werewolves rule!

Vampires drink blood.

Blood has high cholestrol or w/e.

Favourite cereal?

Favourite Artist other than you?

Bike or Car?

Hair or Forum?

Internet or Blood?

Jecht or Tidus?

Food or Drink?

Forums or Games?

Mad or Insane?

DragonFable or AdventureQuest?

Mine is DragonFable.

Pointless or Dumb?

Do you like my poor attempts at digital art?

Are you happy this is my last question?

I might be back....

Scared yet?

Haha, my last question question wasn't the last question!

Didn't think so...

< Message edited by Kimmuriel0 -- 4/4/2006 22:16:54 >
AQ  Post #: 38
4/5/2006 6:43:34   

awww jecht!! i go away for some time and come back to find you AK :PpPpP

uhh yeh ill make some questions.

Fire or snow

Mr. Potato head or woody :O

fish or jellyfish :P

umm yeh ill come bakc when i have some more questions
AQ  Post #: 39
4/5/2006 11:31:13   

mwhaha well this is a little thing i have done an a few meet the MODS and you

so how many people have asked you the same lame question more than once?

I will tell you my answers to them as well then you puit yours underneath that ok?

to lazy to read through and check if these have been answered (don't hurt me)

so....*takes a big breath*

whats your fave food
peparoni pizza

where do you live
merry old england

how old are you

whats your job
paper boy

what job would you like to have
paper girl he he

fave drink
DR. peper

sex( you know what i mean)

any "relasionships" at the moment? you don't have to tell me not even my mom tells me... wait

snow/skate/sufe board which one do you like
i do some skateboarding but i'm not very good

coke or pepsi
coke all the way

what games do you have
meh to manny but i have a PSP and a XBOX

all time fave game
metal gear solid the first not any of these new wussy ones

ever been in a fight?
naa i'm to peaceful

do you like simpsons
hell yes

family guy
oh yeah

american dad
don't watch it much

fave TV show
CSI all 3 of em

quick look behind you

naa you missed it

there it is again

na went behind that fanboy

like CAD
hell yes

i like ted
rock on ted

play Guild Wars?

i do
well done?

do you PWN
hell yes

do i PWN

you lie

dam you

i'm going
ight then..
don't try to stop me
i won't
no to late now
ok then
why dose no one like me is it because i smell
was that you
i smell noooooo
oh well NEXT
*runs out screaming like a little girl*

ok then now you...

< Message edited by ~911~ -- 4/7/2006 5:54:08 >


by reading my post you I.Q. has droped by 3

have a nice day
AQ  Post #: 40
4/5/2006 16:15:22   

im bac =P

which statement is true?

Cheese>chicken<jelly=cheese<Wu>all -or- Jecht=chicken<cheese=jelly<Wu

im cool right?

tag or sig

me or me

mario or dogs

cool or popualr

xD or lol

roflmao or rofl

the creative flare or wu

popular or unpopular

gud or bad

sweet ot awesome

rp or rpg

yugioh is wierd rite?

u should have said no, u did didnt u....

car or bike

Nelly or Ludacris

Rap or Hip HOp

Shmexy or sexy

uber or really

merlin the wizard or zelda

nes or snes

poerty or fantasy

dream or no dream

Game imformer or Nintendo Power?

sig or tag

did i ask that already?

pencil or no pencil

am i getting annoying or am i not

that is the question...

am i freaking u out?

yes or no

tiger or dolphin

mispell or misspell

binder or notebook

iron man or colosuss

x men or mario

aco or aco

GMV or because

wu or wu

Tmd or Tmd

devon or yofo

wu or josh

which is true

wu=josh=uber cool -or- wu=josoh=magically uber delicously sexy

thats it for now
AQ  Post #: 41
4/5/2006 17:54:47   

Guess who's back for more >:D

Well whilst I was busy, I decided to make you a garlic steak.

I spent days marinading this thing and barbequing it to perfection and you don't want it!?

Y'know what.. fine, I don't care.

'Like penguins?

Eagle88 doesn't like penguins..

Would you teach antarctic animals the ways of alchemy and revolt against Eagle?

What's is your favourite piece of art done by yourself? Mind posting it for us?

Have you by any chance.. Xbox live? Halo 2? If so then would you mind posting your gamertag?


They wouldn't let me do hellbringer or hellsoldier and I like the word utopia. Damn Microsoft..

Whatcha think of the Semi-crew? You want in?

I like Aco's sig with all the members of the group... Hehehe, Penguins.

Have any allergies?

Mine is weird.. I'm allergic to silver. Go figure.

Favourite smiley? ex. =)

Mine's: XD

Tired of questions yet?

Well if not than your about to. In other words.. Pages and pages, waves and waves of spammy annoying questions. Mua-haha!

What you need is a spam-proof jacket. I wear mine whenever I go on the forums. Comes in handy In OOC and Polls.


I like saying that.

Often use leetspeak?

Favourite leetspeak word or saying?

Mine is: T3h pwnag3

Anyways I'm just about done with..

What out for Metal, I heard he was coming back with Wooden steaks O.o


Post #: 42
4/5/2006 19:06:36   

your a vamp?

i'm a werewolf! you know what that means right?

what do you like to eat, or do you just drink blood?

are you mean or nice.

*slaps face with garlic blade* muahaha annother dead vamp.

yet annother ak falls before my meaningless questions of doom.

< Message edited by jayjaykirby -- 4/8/2006 3:44:50 >
AQ  Post #: 43
4/6/2006 17:13:41   

Why are ju never on msn!

Gah Jecht is such a gfx looooser!

P.S tell me what the times are when ur on (u already have me as crave8891@hotmail.com)

< Message edited by Rathger -- 4/6/2006 17:14:37 >
AQ  Post #: 44
4/6/2006 17:57:55   
Mr. Zarnac

Ahh I'm back! :O

Did you like my last questions? :P

I thought so. ;)

Dude you're so much better than Rath at gfx, don't listen to him he's a nub. ;D

Would you rather be rated beginner or pro? O.o

Ok cya later. :)
AQ  Post #: 45
4/7/2006 7:46:20   

Time for another round of questions!

What do you think of everyone here?

Do you like munster cheese?

What about beef?

Peanut butter cookie, or chocolate chip?

Do I have to bow to you next time I see you in IRC, since I'm your minion?

How were my last set of questions?

what do you think of when I say, "SHWA!"?

Who is the coolest ArchKnight ever? (this is a trick question)

Do you hate school?

Why did you set yourself up for this torture?

Should I stop now?

Is your computer fast?

Do you have an nVidia video card?

which is better, bacon or cereal?

Why did you want to be a vampire?

Huh? Sorry was sleeping, what do you do in your spare time?

Why do you answer these long lists of questions?

I'm gonna go now... so that I can be nice ~_^

Byes! /me waves
Post #: 46
4/8/2006 9:25:50   
Da cheese

Heh, i'm back, i forgot about you *evil giggle*

You are more powerful (against annoyance) than cloud... i'll soon change that.








YAY! or w00t!





Do you think after this you'll need to join cloud and myself in the rubber room?

If you do they give you this realy nice white jacket that makes you hug yourself :)




ice cweam or fish?

They are.... (you thought i was realy going to tell you didn't you)

You liked the songs didn't you?





crazy ornary freaky demonic ninja-soldier bunny attack!

Do you know the muffin man?

What ever happened to Waldo?

What would you do if i used white out to take out the R in vampire?

If there was a grenade coming at you, what would you do!?


Am i annoying?

Man this was a long post.

Man i'm not done yet.

Man i love cheese.

Man i bet your faking lactose intolerance.

Not all AK's can be lactose intolerant you know.

Sigs or not?




Giant squirrels?

In the time it's taken you to read this post a squad of crazy ornary freaky demonic ninja-soldier bunnys have snuck into your room.

What do you think of the LORE comic?

Isle D'Oriens?

The Eternal?

Hide 'n seek?

You are so far behind on these questions.

I wish i could torture you more tommorow, but chances are there will be no one to post... meaning it would be double posting :(



Do you ever run out side and dance in the rain? (it's fun no matter how old or young you could be)

If it took me this long to write this, i'm wondering how long it takes you to respond.




I'll be back (if i can, i'm bored writing these questions right now)

< Message edited by Da cheese -- 4/9/2006 8:47:13 >
Post #: 47
4/8/2006 9:39:18   
Cloud 23

i'll post for you XD

do you have any skills

whats your favorite fourm on battleon

in your opinion does any game on battleon suck like frogzard raceing

Whats your favorite color

What would be your editing color

Why are you not as fat as a house

IM anoying arent i

Yeah i would say i was

I like cheese do you

Ok im going to grow up a little

if givin a choice which would you be in real life jeht the vampire or the wear-wolf


AQ  Post #: 48
4/8/2006 15:57:20   

ZOMG! Jecht!

How exactly do you say Jecht, like Jet?

WoW or AQ

I like AQ more personally.

Do you play hacky sack?

If you don't, you should.

You should play the Monkey Island games.

Guess what egnops is backwards.

I have teh uberest name ever.

D0 y0u sp3ak 133t?


AQ  Post #: 49
4/9/2006 5:09:35   

Just Checking on how everything is going

You sure have alotta questions

I thought ill have one final crack before this gets locked

Then there will be no more MtAK for Jecht...

Unless you become a Mod...


Your never gonna trick me again!

Well good luck and all...

<3 jecht

bye! *snugglewave*
AQ  Post #: 50
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