I myself am quite interested in drawing.. (I didnt see these questions asked already, if they where Im sorry, sleep deprivation is cruel.. And sorry for the lot of questions.. trying to improve) What do you do to improve your skill I draw muchly. What programs do you use for refinement(if any) Gimp, Photoshop Elements, Flash Do you suggest any books/online tutorials to aid in drawing Get a good "human anatomy for artists" book What made you interested in drawing I don't remember...I was 4. What is your general process for drawing heads/faces?(more detailed if possible) I usually draw the shape of the head, sketch a vertical line down through the nose and a horizontal line where the eye will be, draw in the face, then the ears, then add hair. What is your general procces for drawing bodies?(more dteailed if possible) I usually draw the head, then the torso, then draw in each arm and leg as a collection of skinny cylinders (I draw in the knee before drawing the lower leg so that I can remember which way my leg is going), then draw in hands and feet, then add clothes.