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RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - This week, Cyrus - online

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3/22/2005 6:50:10   
Almighty Dragonlord

You the same Cyrus who tried to kill my RP character in a new beginning?

I guess you learned that you should read PMs from that, didn't you?

Whose a weredragon?


And invented the Vorpals?


< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 7:34:03 >
AQ  Post #: 51
3/22/2005 10:13:51   

Wow I see u answered most of our questions unlike Kaley... (actually not talking bad about her)

How do you feel about ur current life?

It could be betteer, but it's not that bad.

Do u treat this job as a career or as a leisure?

It's a leisure. I like to do it, or I wouldn't have asked for the job.

You are young to be a staff, Wow, your parents ... do they know this?

I've mentioned it once, but it's not an incredibly big deal.

Sorry to edit this...
Are you the one who created the new steel armor?

I don't do artwork. I have trouble drawing stick figures.

I see in ur character there's also an "Immortal" in your subrace? Why u like that?

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 11:08:09 >
AQ  Post #: 52
3/22/2005 11:08:53   

Um, Hole? The square root of any number other than a perfect square is an irrational number. Just like you. Now, to the questions!

What is your favorite subject in school?


Do you have a girlfriend?

Presently, no.

Do you think I could win an RP tourney someday? (Please, no sarcasm.)

Possibly, but I've noticed they are generally never finished, since tourneys(sp?) in general tend to take far too long for everyone involved to stay interested.

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 11:11:07 >
AQ DF  Post #: 53
3/22/2005 11:45:54   

Okay, one final and last question, because you scare me. :\ But not as much as Krimmeh. Yay to that.

What are the Top-10 reasons you have as reasons to kill me?

...You really can't take a joke, can you? I don't want to kill you!

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 16:22:40 >
AQ  Post #: 54
3/22/2005 12:16:11   

why do you use blue fonts to answer questions?

Ice color doesn't show up well on white backgrounds

why don't you use ice color?

See above

do you like ice dragons?


do i annoy you?

Not really

can i ask you where you live?


if i can where is your house in lore?

can i go there?

can i beat you with a heartbreaker(lv50)?


< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 16:24:18 >
AQ DF  Post #: 55
3/22/2005 12:50:34   

I offer the same excuse as Cyrus did for my failure to do math correctly. Math isn't a sport to be done at 10:00 at night. I suppose I have to ask another question now though..

Why do you choose to roleplay a powerful creature, like a dragon, instead of something more of the heroic sense, a weakling who overcomes his weakness to conquer the powerful?

It's hard to roleplay something you've never seen. And let's face it, a powerful, malevolent creature is closer to reality than a kind, heroic one.

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 16:26:10 >
AQ  Post #: 56
3/22/2005 15:38:32   

What is your favorite thing about being a dragon?

Chicks dig the scales.

Do you like toes or fingers better?

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 16:26:36 >
AQ  Post #: 57
3/22/2005 16:07:40   

For your info (and possible further use of the words), it's "tournies". Don't ask me why, but I used to be an Magic: The Gathering player, and it was always spelt that way.
... Now for questions!

What aspect(s) do you search for when you're gaming?

Actual depth and replay value

What non-video games do you play?

What AQ problems would you like to eliminate first-hand?

Abysmal spelling and grammar on the boards

And, finally, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

What do you mean? African or European Swallow?

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 16:28:28 >
AQ  Post #: 58
3/22/2005 16:56:57   

Hmm.. that's the second mod who thinks Goro cant take a joke. And right you two bez!
Yar, I usually think everyone is out to kill me. :\ So, I try to get as much information about HOW are they going to kill me, using sneaky aliases and then hope to counter the attack.
But I think I'll ask every mod if they hate/want to kill me : \
Because I can!

And because I dont want to look like I'm spamming with stupid stuff, here's a final question!

Which is better: That Lore newsletter that's done in flash or BTN?

BTN, since that's the only one I have a clue about.

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 19:08:03 >
AQ  Post #: 59
3/22/2005 17:01:57   

What is your favorite Final Fantasy game?
Final Fantasy 7
Do you have the power to make people mods? (you know with magic dragon breath or sumthin)
Have you ever played Halo 2?
If yes did you enjoy it?
If yes what is your favorite part?
If yes then you answered wrong!
What is your favorite food?
What is the next class? (it's ranger isn't it?)

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 19:11:03 >
AQ  Post #: 60
3/22/2005 19:34:32   

if you could kill one person in the world who would it be?

if you could save one person who would it be?

if you could become a fire dragon would you?


if you could become the ultimate monster in all of lore would you?


< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 19:51:00 >
AQ DF  Post #: 61
3/22/2005 19:47:25   

I have not played Final Fantasy 7 yet. I can't get a hold of a copy. They either have made or still making a sequel to 7. They made a movie in Japan about it but it's different than the game is.
the sequel will suck. It's a rule of the universe
Do you like Final Fantasy 9?
How about Tactics (PSX)?
Yeah...Makes me wish I had the time to play through it again.
What about 8?
No...too many changed gameplay elements, and plotholes big enough to send an airship through.
What is your favorite computer game?
Deus Ex.
Have you seen my baseball?
No, and I don't want to.
Am I as of yet, asking too many questions?
Considering you've asked more than everyone else combined...perhaps...

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/22/2005 19:50:16 >
AQ  Post #: 62
3/22/2005 19:58:54   

do you think i can ask more questions about nothing then deathmage?

if i can do you think i can annoy you so much you will ban me?

should i just keep on asking why?







AQ DF  Post #: 63
3/22/2005 20:02:15   

I am sorry but to know things I must ask questions. That is a law of the universe.

What genre of computer games are your favorite?
usually first-person shooters
Have you ever played the Monster Rancher games? (PSX and PS2)

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/23/2005 6:41:18 >


AQ  Post #: 64
3/22/2005 20:10:32   
kurter is the best

Did you like ffx?

Somewhat. At least the plot wasn't quite as messed up as the last one.

Are you proud to be a snuggler?


Can you post a pic of yourself?


Who do you want to win the NCAA tournament?

Already answered this

Is it Illinois?

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/23/2005 6:42:45 >
AQ  Post #: 65
3/22/2005 20:12:28   

why do hybee soldiers wear lipsticks?

It makes them look stupid so adventurers will underestimate them.

why does my mouth hurt?

Asking too many questions will do that

do i annoy you now?

Not really...

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/23/2005 6:43:48 >
AQ DF  Post #: 66
3/22/2005 20:12:52   

Why is the sky blue?

Why is there so much hype about Nostradamus?

I wouldn't know. I just know that he probably saw it coming.

Do you think you could've beat Genghis Kahn in a fight?

Easily. He's not that great without his army.

If Ghandi broke the rules, would you edit his message?


If the world was to end after you read this message, what would be your last thought?

Danke. :)

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/23/2005 6:45:14 >
AQ  Post #: 67
3/22/2005 20:25:13   

how can i do 200+ damage against the hybee queen?

Lots of INT and dark magic.

do you think i am off topic?

...There was a topic?

do you think i like annoying mods?

It is a possibility.

what should i ask the next mod that makes this board?

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/23/2005 6:46:19 >
AQ DF  Post #: 68
3/22/2005 20:31:31   

Just to be stupid ( and earn the stupid title next to my avator, hint, )

You'll wish you got the stupid title...

Can i have a hug?


If not can i have 2 million gold?

If not can i have the stupid title under my avator?

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/23/2005 6:47:23 >


AQ  Post #: 69
3/22/2005 22:00:31   



There are eleven, today, and thats a definite statement of fact?

this is not a question?
Post #: 70
3/22/2005 22:17:10   

1.Are you bored?


2.Are You an Alien?


3.Are You a Hamster?


4.Can You Turn Into a Hamster Or An Alien?


5.Can You Turn inot an Alien Hamster?


6.Am I Annoying You?

7.Do You Have A SiteKick?


8.Do You Know What A SiteKick Is?


9.If I Keep On Asking (Stupid) Questions Will You give me A Title And The Ability To Use Custom Avatars? (And Mabey the Ability To give myself A Custom Title?)

You'll get one, but you won't like it...

10.How Old Are You?

11.Can You Post A Picture Of YourSelf?


12.Whats your Job? (Other Than Being A Mod)

13.Whats Your Favorite OutDoor Activity?

14.Whats your Favorite Game?

15.Are you Bored Yet?


16.Can I Have The Ability To Give MySelf A Custom Title?


17.Can I Have The Ability To Use Custom Avatars?


18.What Languages Do You Speak?

English and a bit of Spanish.

19.Where Are You From?

20.Whats Your Favorite Monster?

21.Whats Your Favorite Weapon?

22.Favorite Sheild?

23.Favorite Pet?

24.Favorite Armour?

25.Favorite Spell?

26.Unique Abilities? (Eg. Translating,Rock Climbing,Swimming, Math, ect.)

27.Favorite Vacationing Spot?

28.Can I Have Some Gold Or Some Kind Of Special Treat for Asking All These Questions?


I Would Like To Thank You For Reading All These Questions And Answering The Ones you Could

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/23/2005 7:23:25 >


"In Nautica we trust, to the depths of the ocean, through the rivers so long, in the waters we pledge, this unbreakable bond"
Please ask my permission if you wish to use this in your signature

AQ  Post #: 71
3/22/2005 23:43:49   

Heh...oh boy. I love how these Meet the Mods threads turn out...

Cyrus, what kind of education are you taking/what kind of job do you have outside of being a mod?

I'm still in high school, but will be going to college later this year to start on a computer science degree.

Are you annoyed with the people competing for "Most questions" on this thread yet?

No. I have a sick sense of humor and the power to change titles...There is much fun to be had.

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/23/2005 6:52:04 >
AQ  Post #: 72
3/23/2005 11:57:46   

what is your favourite food

Already answered this.

what food do you wish you could destroy!

can i have a custom avatar
heres link http://img182.exs.cx/img182/9018/me8ow.jpg


thanks for answering my questions

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/23/2005 16:52:46 >
Post #: 73
3/23/2005 16:00:09   

Which Monster Rancher games have you played?
1, 2, and 3
Which is your favorite?
I have the second one for PSX. Have you played that one?
How many hours a week do you mod?

4 to 5.

< Message edited by Cyrus -- 3/23/2005 16:53:35 >
AQ  Post #: 74
3/23/2005 16:10:11   

how do i get subraces?


we must save princess zelda
Post #: 75
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