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RE: Clues VI

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10/3/2006 21:57:33   

Seeker and NOVA could be ends of the same stick, if you catch my drift.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 426
10/3/2006 22:21:28   

maxwells on IRC just to let u know
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 427
10/3/2006 22:34:55   


ORIGINAL: Azerkail

Seeker and NOVA could be ends of the same stick, if you catch my drift.

Could be but different ways of thinking probably...
AQ MQ  Post #: 428
10/3/2006 23:21:50   
Legendary Loremaster


ORIGINAL: Firestorm01

I wonder this: If each of the 8 faceless associate themselves with a different element them the question comes to mind wheither or not they are affliated with or against each of the lords of the element.

How very very astute this question is. You deserve a cookie. Unfortunately I am all out. I would agree with your question being quite quite important.
Post #: 429
10/3/2006 23:23:44   
Legendary Loremaster



All of us are not in danger, but the few that will be are not ready for the challenges to come.
destruction of Lore is not for awhile, so relax and take a breather and just wait for the big red and black message to appear saying the end is near around upgrade 75.5

This is perhaps the most amusingly ignorant thing I have read all day. All of us are not in danger? What pray gives you this great feeling.
Post #: 430
10/3/2006 23:31:00   


ORIGINAL: falerin


ORIGINAL: Firestorm01

I wonder this: If each of the 8 faceless associate themselves with a different element them the question comes to mind wheither or not they are affliated with or against each of the lords of the element.

How very very astute this question is. You deserve a cookie. Unfortunately I am all out. I would agree with your question being quite quite important.

In the "History of Lore" from AQ, the elemental lords are described as the agents to the creators will. Does this mean that the creator is, in fact, Omega? some believe he is alpha. could he, in fact, be both?

Note: just trying to throw out ideas to get the brain juices flowing
AQ DF  Post #: 431
10/3/2006 23:40:52   
Legendary Loremaster

I do not know what you are going on about but Lorithia mother creator if personifed is generally female.
Post #: 432
10/3/2006 23:42:22   

sorry. just assuming Artix is the creator.
AQ DF  Post #: 433
10/3/2006 23:58:50   
Leo Biaxomus


ORIGINAL: medmusician


ORIGINAL: falerin


ORIGINAL: Firestorm01

I wonder this: If each of the 8 faceless associate themselves with a different element them the question comes to mind wheither or not they are affliated with or against each of the lords of the element.

How very very astute this question is. You deserve a cookie. Unfortunately I am all out. I would agree with your question being quite quite important.

In the "History of Lore" from AQ, the elemental lords are described as the agents to the creators will. Does this mean that the creator is, in fact, Omega? some believe he is alpha. could he, in fact, be both?

Note: just trying to throw out ideas to get the brain juices flowing

I'll use that in my theory.

Now if the creator is Alpha and the uncreator is Omega.
Wouldn't the faceless work for Omega and Elemental lords work for Alpha?

The relic, is supposedly made by the Elemental Lords and Hope is inside.
Wouldn't the faceless want it to prevent Hope from being released, or is Hope aligned with the faceless?

The real question we all should be asking is, what is their motive.

< Message edited by Leo Biaxomus -- 10/4/2006 0:02:44 >
Post #: 434
10/4/2006 0:21:04   

Agents? I recall that NOVA referred to itself as an Agency... I wouldn't throw that off as coincidence, but I have little proof to back it up, believers.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 435
10/4/2006 0:31:54   

So maybe if the elemental lords work and do the bidding of the Alpha then could it be that the faceless are the oppisite of the elemental lords and work for Omega? Perhaps the emergence of the Faceless mark the up and coming of Omega and the end of Lore.

< Message edited by Firestorm01 -- 10/4/2006 0:37:26 >
Post #: 436
10/4/2006 0:48:52   
Agent Redemption


ORIGINAL: falerin



All of us are not in danger, but the few that will be are not ready for the challenges to come.
destruction of Lore is not for awhile, so relax and take a breather and just wait for the big red and black message to appear saying the end is near around upgrade 75.5

This is perhaps the most amusingly ignorant thing I have read all day. All of us are not in danger? What pray gives you this great feeling.

being one who would apear well versed in many a subject the answer must be quite obvious to you falerin. risk is: highest posable loss (ajusted) over chance of ocurence.
Post #: 437
10/4/2006 1:04:02   

This is going end up in MAD. Mutually assured destruction. Very Cold War-esque.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 438
10/4/2006 3:15:53   
Legendary Loremaster


ORIGINAL: falerin
being one who would apear well versed in many a subject the answer must be quite obvious to you falerin. risk is: highest posable loss (ajusted) over chance of ocurence.

I can make wild guesses and great speculations but.... when it boils down to it. I feel quite confident in saying that percent risk adjusted by chance of occurence is between 75 and 99.99%

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/4/2006 3:19:40 >
Post #: 439
10/4/2006 6:03:57   

TheSeekers page have been updated, with a picture of monthy pytons white rabbit O_o
MQ  Post #: 440
10/4/2006 6:28:14   

I can make wild guesses and great speculations but.... when it boils down to it. I feel quite confident in saying that percent risk adjusted by chance of occurence is between 75 and 99.99%

Then we're doomed.

Just like a Frogzard facing someone with the Super Set.
AQ  Post #: 441
10/4/2006 6:40:43   
Leo Biaxomus



TheSeekers page have been updated, with a picture of monthy pytons white rabbit O_o

White Rabbit?
I thought we had to find and follow Black Rabbit.
Hmmmm... I just I should of listened to his remblings on, The 'Galin will destroy LORE.
Well, who cares if I cause the destruction of LORE?

< Message edited by Leo Biaxomus -- 10/4/2006 7:50:32 >
Post #: 442
10/4/2006 7:49:19   

The animator of Monty Python also made a movie called Jabberwocky, which is the subject of the poem. The Jabberwocky in that movie is a dragon they have to slay.
AQ DF  Post #: 443
10/4/2006 8:01:32   

what is this?
AQ  Post #: 444
10/4/2006 8:04:15   

thats lies character if i remember right
MQ  Post #: 445
10/4/2006 8:05:04   



thats lies character if i remember right

and that is...
AQ  Post #: 446
10/4/2006 8:37:06   

Ah, this is just what amkes AQ great! Keeps you guessing with its grade 'A' mysteries! You think you have figured it out and then something else happens.


AQ  Post #: 447
10/4/2006 8:39:19   

we dont need to figure it out not only because we cant
im sure it will be reveald in the future
AQ  Post #: 448
10/4/2006 10:23:40   

But figuring it out is part of the fun! In any case, not that many people have much better to do on the forums- there's only so many times you can post on a bunch of threads.

Now, ignoring for a moment the mystery of The'Galin and the Creator (yes, I am too lazy to go look up her name.), I wonder a little about the Elements. In the histories, we are given a reference that suggests that the interactions of the Elemental Lords does not work in the way we think. Now, the Elemental Lords and their Communcants do seem to be of distinctly secondary importance... but that doesn't seem right either.

Now then, on to what I personally know. We know that there is one elemental lord for each of the eight elements- fire, water, ice, energy, light, darkness, wind and earth. Now, it's simple enough to look at that and start constructing graphs of heirarchy and opposition- but that doesn't seem right either. I assume that each element opposes and aids every other element in unique, even situational, ways- but I don't think that every element must be wholely 'in opposition' to another. For instance- Energy. What element is Energy's opposite? Some people would claim it was water, but I don't see how- water doesn't conduct electricity anyway. In any case, it's possible that the Elemental Lords are not bound by the conventions of their elements. For instance, the Water Lord feels free to take a hand in politics, whereas one would think that water would be one of the most passive elements, filling the space alloted to it without complaint.

Now, it's obvious that actually getting a comment from the Elemental Lords could be difficult. No magic I know of lets one speak with them (and if the Drakel knew any, they would have surely done away with that knowledge after they swore off elemental affilation), and so far, I do not know where to find any communicants- unless that is in some fashion similar to the Talosian Psychic ablities.

I'd ask the Drakel, or seek the Elves (they seem to be at least as old as the Drakel), but they tend to attack me.


Actually, now that I think of it, an even stupider and more unanswerable question comes to mind- if other worlds have defeated or kept out the Devourer... how did they do it? Meh. Too bad the only NPC's who would know don't have a 'By the way, how was the Devourer kept out of other worlds' button.

< Message edited by Rimblade -- 10/4/2006 10:43:14 >
Post #: 449
10/4/2006 10:45:58   

Partyboy:Lies is one of the main characters in this conspiracy

hmmm call me crazy but isnt nefaria the elemental lord of fire? i probably just misunderstood but.....
MQ  Post #: 450
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