Maxx the Caretaker
Can we trust Truth, Lies, and the rest regardless of possible tainting by Makkisar's evil? They could be helping us because doing so is in the best interest of The'galin. The part of the faceless is wholly unknown--no mention in the histories and nothing definitive in the game. For all we know, they could be reinforcements to The'galin's undead. We should always remember that The'galin employs deception, division, and confusion, to accomplish his goals. This applies to the game, the histories, the forums, the IRC, and the web. And if you think nothing in the forums or in the chat or NOVA could possibly hurt our characters in the game, consider how much we're being distracted discussing these topics instead of training our characters. The only character I trust in this saga at the moment is the pointy-eared traveller, even though he is "maddening". And, my trust is limited to about as far as I can throw him.