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RE: Meet the ArchKnights ~ Aquadorian

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10/27/2006 22:49:53   


*Appears from The Shadows*
Greetingsss... ~Hello~

Do you believe....in the Dark Artsss? ~Living in the depths of the sea I have no need of light, and the dark is all the same to me~

Are you a non-believer of the Living Dead? ~No~


Is it reasonable to compare games with reality to make it make more sense and realistic balance?(On behalf Of Mastikator) ~Maybe ("Yes" or "No" would not be balanced presumably)~


That iss all...
I ssshall hope you are not dead by the time Iii feel like killing you... ~Keep hoping~


< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/28/2006 16:20:40 >


AQ  Post #: 26
10/27/2006 23:15:29   

Greetings and salutations, fellow archanian knight ~Greetings to you~

I gotta ask...

What's with the whole moderators or df movie or df in personal? ~You're confusing me with someone who knows these things. I'm only an AK (albeit a scary monstery one) not staff~

how about stuff like mogloween or frostval? ~Yep they're good~

And the dragon amulet? i mean, c'mon I already paid twice to become an X-guardian. ~You can't really expect that money wouldn't come into it somewhere~

Man, i think this whole website may have a down fall soon.....or not. lol ~It gets ever more popular I believe~

Oh one more thing....

Artix is the maker right? ~Could be. We don't talk. Not since I ate his cat~

But like c'mon, he gives himself a permenant dragon blade and a guardian blade? ~He probably needs them~

Honestly Artix, be fair.

Anyway keep up the good work with the management and whatnot, and uh keep us running and not bored...i guess ~Bye~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/28/2006 16:27:27 >
Post #: 27
10/27/2006 23:49:49   

Meh, I want to ask some questions too ;P. I'll just answer what Id put in here too, just so I can make you read a bit more ;P.

47 eh? Meh, at least you're not over the hill just yet ;P. Lol... only 18 here, still young and bucky ;P. ~Well, I certainly don't feel old~

Hows life? Mine's personally quite stressful right now, college... ugh ;P. I do believe in education so its a must for me ;P. ~College - ok a bit stressful maybe but it's also a good time of life. Education's definitely a good thing. Work's a little stressful for me (in fact, not the work - more the "middle management" who prevent me getting on with it) and then I get back to having three small kids to look after, then there's you lot . . . oh that's the bit that's not stressful of coure (*twitch*)~

most unusual... posit.... you've ever done :P, j/k (if you got that), meh, most interesting aspect of AQ to you other than comparing? ~Like a lot of people, the regular (at least weekly) updates are great - if you didn't play it for a few months and then came back, it would be a completely different game to you and a lot of those ubers you had would now be ordinary ;)~
Just the simplicity (in a way) of it and the fact that I mainly use it as a lunch-break game ;P.

Any anime? why/why not
~No - haven't had the time to get involved in that ~
I prefer Inuyasha and Rurouni Kenshin for action myself and Love Hina and Ah! My Godddess for more romance/comedy types ;P.

If you could travel back to any time period whatsoever, where and when would you go?
Im not quite sure on this one, Id rather travel to the future. History never interested me much except for a select few ;P. ~History's never that interesting when you're young, but you might well find it interests you more when you're older. Sometimes I think I'd like to go to
back to a time when the pace of life was slower - needn't be too far back - the early 20th century maybe~

If you had one wish in the world, and it could be absolutely anything, what would you wish for? Absolute power, world peace, riches, etc.... ~That one was asked earlier! I'd wish that everyone would think of things from other people's points of view as well as their own.~
Id wish for the ability to of knowledge.Knowing everything in this universe ;P, course my head might implode, it'll be worth it ;P. ~Hmmm - that's a case of "careful what you wish for" I think!~
Absolute favorite holiday is... Thanksgivings for me. It marks the day that most of my family and I went over to America from Commy VN... Also in a way, marks the beginning of a new, better life for me and everyone else ;P. Have more meaning to me than any other holiday out there. ~I don't really have a favourite - but any time off work is good!~

Favorite opening move in chess and/or favorite strategy? I know some players just go with the flow and others take their time but I just find once you get to know someone, they always have a specific strategy that they tend to go for :P. To help explain my point, my friend loves using a queen dependent strategy, so he'll most likely move his pawn out so that his queen can move diagonally out and strike fast andn quick. If you take it, then he'll start using rooks to double strike ;P. As for me, Ive mainly use a skewer (I think thats what you call it) with my bishops ;P. Absolutely love them ;P. I tend to move my the pawn aboce my queen out two spaces and try to adapt to my opponent's strategy. Meh, not that great though ;P. ~(Borrowing this from an earlier answer - hope that's ok) I tend to play Queen-pawn openings as White (so Queen's Gambit Declined or attacks against the King's Indian / Nimzowitch etc.) but if I'm up against someone who knows a lot of "book" I'll try the Bird/Larsen attack which is an unusual opening with pawns f4 and b2 (big pressure on square e5). My main in that one is to castle queenside and throw all the kingside pawns up with two rooks on g1 and h1, queen on e2, a knight on e5, bishop on b2 - in an ideal world. But getting to the position where that's possible can be tricky!~

Ever play GO? When I dislocated my knee this past summer, I spent a great deal of time at home alone, so it was chatting at night mainly, playing various board games with random people, and watching anime ;P. Of the board games, GO was one of them ;P. Im not that great though, only rank about 50k-60k ;P. ~I've never played it, but it sounds like a game I should try~

Do you gamble? Prefer to gamble? Favorite game if so... Meh, I always prefer to gamble myself ;P. A betting man ;P, poker perhaps or maybe Tien Len ;P. ~I've played bridge for money, and a bit of poker (big mistake - never again!), and I enjoy going to horse-racing occasionally and I place the odd "flutter". But just a bit of fun, nothing heavy~

Change anything in your life, what would it be?
My age ;P. Id want to be a bit older, just for the fact that college life would be over and Id do somethign in which I prefer to do ;P. ~Ah, I shouldn't wish to be older because it would be a waste of a wish. Just enjoy the life you've got and hey, wish that good things will come your way, and maybe they will!~

Ummm, I guess thats it for now ;P. Have a nice day Aqua...Watcher of the Deep ;P. ~See you my friend! Keep up those comparisons!~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/28/2006 16:56:07 >
AQ DF  Post #: 28
10/28/2006 4:59:55   


Are you related to water? ~No, but I live in it~

which chess piece(s) do you usually use to beat your opponent? ~All of them! But I suppose if you mean which ones tend to deliver the final flourish, that would be the queen and the rooks~

which piece(s) is your fav and why? ~I like the knights best since nothing gets in their way~

ever watch Lord of the Rings? do you like it? ~Many times - I like it very much. I also read the books over and over when I was in my teens (even the Silmarillion, which is hard going)~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/28/2006 17:00:42 >
AQ  Post #: 29
10/28/2006 8:26:02   
crunchy chix

Is it fun being old ~47's not really that old, but yes - it has its good points. ~

Do you think i can be an Archknight ~Anyone can be one but it depends on forum behaviour and you need to wait to be asked.~

Have a Crappyy new year ~Likewise~

Edit: What does he mean, "old"? - Ice

< Message edited by Icemaster Yeti -- 10/28/2006 18:54:32 >
AQ  Post #: 30
10/28/2006 9:12:35   
halo nerd

'ello. ~'ello~

What is your favorite season? ~Spring~

Weather? ~Sunny but not too hot~

Aminal? ~I'll take it you mean animal! Err, a dolphin.~

food? ~Fish~

Do you like colors? ~Yes, err, and no (black and white are good too)~

Do you like puppies? ~Fairly much - they're less chewy than monkeys (for which you'd need to see and earlier post in here)~

Colorful puppies? ~I guess so~

Will you answer this question? ~Reluctantly~

what about... THIS ONE?!?! ~OH, ALL RIGHT THEN~

That es all, adios.

ha-ha! I fool you!

If you could have any animal DNA in you, making you a horrible mutation, what would it be? ~Heh - I already am a horrible mutation: half ArchKnight, half seamonster~

That is all. :] ~Bye~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/28/2006 17:12:09 >
Post #: 31
10/28/2006 14:03:14   

What up?

Favorite Band? ~Genesis. If you don't them, make sure you go for an album made while the guitarist Steve Hackett was still there. As a starter I'd recommend the album Selling England by the Pound, although my actual favourite would be The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway~

How is your term as AK going so far? ~Very well I think. We've got some good guys doing great work in Equipment Comparison, and keeping out the spam hasn't been too hard since we put the new structure in place~

Favorite song? ~Again it's a Genesis one, called Supper's Ready (I prefer the live version from Seconds Out~

Favorite food? ~Fish. But I had roast duck today - that comes close~

How would you go about talking to a crush? *I'm having this problem* ~Put yourself in their shoes and try to think what they would like you to say. If you don't know what they like, do some research (ask their friends etc.). Works a treat. But if that's not your style, just be yourself~

What's your favorite part of AQ/DF? ~The ever-changing world of equipment comparison.~

Why'd you pick your name? ~Typical RPG stuff. A sea creature from the land of Aquador, hence I'm an Aquadorian.~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/28/2006 17:23:49 >
AQ DF  Post #: 32
10/28/2006 16:25:17   

dundundun*pause*dundundun u noe whus here ~Indeed - back for more!~

well wat du we hav here? A Aquadorian!

Du u wanna go 2 Aquador? ~Already there. It's the sea surrounding Atlantis~

Hav u played Singstar?or Guitar Hero? ~I haven't - just had a look and they look cool, especially Guitar Hero. It would have to be when the rest of the family aren't asleep, cos it could get LOUD~

R u veri smart? ~Maybe a little above average but I wouldn't boast~

Well cya in Aquador ~Ah - you knew where it was already! cya there~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/28/2006 17:46:19 >
AQ  Post #: 33
10/28/2006 17:30:17   

I never knew so much things about you. I would've asked some questions if it wasn't for the fact they've all been answered(thread stealers!).

Until next time then... ~No worries my friend! Glad to see you on here - come back again soon maybe!~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/28/2006 17:48:31 >
AQ DF  Post #: 34
10/28/2006 18:52:44   
Icemaster Yeti
Snuggably legendary


Sawubona, Aquadorian! ~G'day Ice! Not often that I get to edit one of your posts ;) Now, considering where you're from, I thought maybe Sawubona might be of Australian origin but it's a Zulu word in fact? You're full of surprises . . .~

I couldn't NOT visit a MtAK topic now, could I? ~Indeed not. I'd have been most disappointed if you hadn't!~

I see you are a chess player - perhaps we could organise a "play by PM" game? (not that I'm that good a player .. heh) ~Definitely, a great idea. I'll start the game off later!~

So, old-school art rock, huh? That's the advantage of being older, I reckon - we know all the original stuff that people are covering or sampling LOL. ~Ah yes. And the great thing about music is you listen to it and the years all roll away - it's like you were back where you were when you heard it "big time"~

I like what you've done with Equipment Comparison - those trophy heads on the walls add that "explorers club" touch. ~Heh XD~

Not that happy with the Yeti head though, of course .... ~It was only one of the unfriendly Yetis, not one of your family, so no worries~

Interesting that your kids led you to AQ ... for me it was the reverse. Is there something you'd REALLY like to see in AQ?
~In terms of the forums: Either we (in EC) ideally need to be given details of new item stats, or encyclopedia entries need to be in place as soon as new items are added (lol - maybe too much to ask?). That's not meant to be an attack on the 'pedia people by any means; what I find odd is that the info doesn't get to us or them for ages. For example, the Pummeler weapons were released over two weeks ago but there's nothing official posted for them yet. Even Ultimate AQ doesn't have them. OK there could be reasons for their non-appearance - like waiting for balancing changes, but then when balancing changes are made there's nothing published anywhere to say they've happened. It's left for everyone to find out via the grapevine. So yeah we find out everything eventually but it's very tedious.~

~In the game itself: I'm looking forward to the Beastmaster Class; and by the time we get to see Ranger I'd expect some changes in the stats formulae. Currently it makes no sense (to me) that a Ranger - in build terms - is really just a Warrior who limits himself to Ranged weapons. To my mind it ought to be a different build entirely: much more on DEX, a little more on LUK and less on STR.

I may think of more stuff later, until then .. hamba kahle. ~Yeah, see you later~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/29/2006 17:40:51 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 35
10/28/2006 22:26:08   
Chilly X

Hello, Aquadorian. ~Hello~

What would you rate my character? ~I don't tend to do character ratings, but yours looks good. Maybe lose a couple of lower-spec shields. Elemental Orbs are handy and you've got some room for those~

Do you like Wal-Mart? ~Not for the greatest quality, but they can be cheaper and more convenient~

Coke or Pepsi? ~Pepsi - with lemon~

What's your religion? ~None~

Have you ever heard of Al Jolson? ~I have indeed.~

That's all I got. Bye, Aquadorian. :D ~Bye.~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/29/2006 17:53:47 >
AQ  Post #: 36
10/28/2006 22:36:03   

[Not A Question]
I love your spreadsheet!
The world (of lore) thanks you. ~You're welcome!~

Ok, now seriousnesicity

Do you ever get jelous of other peoples spreadsheets?
*cough*shadowboy*cough* ~Not at all. I think there's a place for more than one of them in any case - mine for example allows up to 49 weapons to be compared at once, with armour sheets sorting them in descending damage sequence. Shadowboy (Loki)'s one may well be preferred if you want only to compare two weapons. Although obviously I'd prefer mine, being biased ;)~

Do you ever get the burning urge to delete their post, ban thier forum account, and throw them into the pit for all eturnity? ~Up until now I've only ever needed to go the slow route of Mild Warning / Severe Warning / Temp Ban; hopefully no-one's going to post anything bad enough to be immediately bannable. But looking through some of the other forums the mods/AKs must have the patience of Job~

Or any of the above 3? ~Deleting posts is often necessary - nearly always because people don't read the rules~

What did you major in in High School/Colledge? ~Music! I kinda wish I'd stuck to it afterwards instead of going into IT, but I suppose the money's better so I mustn't complain~

Do the AKs have secret underground meetings to discuss their plots to kill me Do Stuff? ~If I told you I'd have to kill you~

What Came first the chicken or the egg? ~That has become such a cliché question that people have lost sight of how deep it is. Cos it really is a riddle, eh?~

How did you think of your forum name? Sorry, I skim...Didnt see that post. ~I'm beginning to wish it was something more clever. It's just an RPG thing - the land of Aquador - therefore an Aquadorian~

You're missing Seige Tower Shield. ~Absolutely - it will literally be my next purchase if I get time to get the gold! My AQ playing's slowed right down since I got AKd. You're absolutely right, at the moment my Ranged defence sucks. But I did manage to get through the Final Challenge, which included plenty of nasty Ranged attack, with NmP + NmS~

You need to slow down before you run out of ZeroHex82s, there are only so many! ~Heh - that's the idea~

Did you spellcheck my post while answering my odd questions? ~Nope - did you think I was that strict? I think I'd only mention spelling corrections (in an EC guide) if there were quite a few.~

Edit- Got some more stuff.

I carry a Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS calculator with me everywhere I go (It sits on my bedside table whilste I sleep).

I like how easy to use it is.

[My question is] What Type of calculator do you prefer when comparing things? ~I use the one on my pc (Programs/Accessories/Calculator).~

I will give you a dollar if you get darknesdragon his stuff ;-) ~Not possible!~

I will give you another dollar if you get me that stuff ;-) x2. ~Nope~

I am going to try one of those random funny questions, but I'm not very good at them...

If Pi and Pie where the same thing, But choclate is equivelent to the variable of 42; How much would Bakers Square food cost? ~The question's flawed because 42 is a constant not a variable. Meh - even random funny questions need to be correct ;) well actually they don't, but making them illegal is easier than answering them (lol)~

If 42 is the answer to existance....What is the answer to nothingness? ~zero~

Did you spell check the second part of my post? ~No!~

P.S. Some of those mispellings are on porpouse. I want to see if your English is as good as your Math... ~Well, porpouse I think is a cross between a porpoise and a mouse (ok, so it's my natural history that sucks)~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/29/2006 18:19:26 >
AQ DF  Post #: 37
10/29/2006 2:08:44   

Hello again! Since this thread soon over.. I post here again! Hmm only 2 pages.. this should've been Forum Announcement. Nobody comes so far away from the normal forums:D ~Well, because for a lot of these posts I've wanted to spend a bit of time answering them, I'm kinda glad that there haven't been too many. It has actually taken me several hours per day to think about the answers and type them up!~

Since you are the oldest ArchKnight/Mod(and probably one of the oldest in the community), so I decided to give you a giftpackage. Normaly, the term for old ones are "Dusty", but you are Aqua, so you gotta be wet, so here: A hair dryer and a duster>_> ~Heh. We scary sea creatures don't have hair, especially at this age. But thanks for the kind thought~

As for the rock, I like "I Can't Dance" Genesis, and Pink Floyd, "Another Brick in the wall". Both videos to the songs are also very nicely made. Now, when I am in this age of mine, I do of course listen to other stuff, some metal/rock(Disturbed, Soil) some Eminem, Weird al Yankovic, and some Meatloaf.[Plus everything else random I hear that I like]
Yeah, the Meatloaf part is also inheritance from my father. He just bought his newest album:S ~Good to see the appreciation crosses the generations :) There wasn't much of that at all when I was young: I mean there was no way a father and son would like the same music in the 1970s (or not ever that I found)~

So, how did you like the Short Animated Cartoon? I loved the animation, and the humor. I am interested in what the asaiatic signs means, as I haven't got the option of taking either chinise or japanese:P Also, the music. I think it was too slow, but esle awesome. ~Yeah I liked the music - I wish we could have music rather than just sound effects while playing the games! My 6-year-old son loves the video - he's been playing it incessantly. I can't work out the strange asiatic signs either - just meant to be "spell runes" perhaps?~

Just for a random experiment, I used Quicktimeplayer, and holding in the button of speed up(>>). The music was great then, but the beautiful animatin was ruined:R ~Hey, slow down, take it easy :)~

So, I'll send ya the hair dryer and duster soon, then it'll get there on your B-Day. Just gotta figure out where you live.. you have an apartment! j00 h0u53 ~hah - you found me! OK, I'll be there - bring a bottle (no not shampoo, champers)~

Now, what do you think of "leet speak". I rarely use it, and when I use it, it is usually to make fun of myself. Example: I play counter strike, once in a while. So, me vs. 5 enemies. Then you just gotta type in "j00 4r3 411 d34d" before you get shot. I could imgine the samething happened on the forums if I decided to start speaking it all the time. ~Probably. You're supposed to use proper English . . . but outside of the forums I can't say I either like or hate it - it's just another language almost ~

Speaking of all the time, we just have adjusted the clocks! Effectively 1 hour longer sleep. ~Sleep? Overrated. it's 1 hour more forum stuff / AQ / DF or me!~

Sorry for the random rambling! Morning typing. ~No worries~

Bye! Keep aquatic so you don't get dusty!xD ~Yep. Good to see you - make sure you stick around in EC~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/29/2006 18:32:29 >
AQ  Post #: 38
10/29/2006 9:12:44   

Do U Like Pie? ~Yes, definitely. Fish pie, steak and kidney pie, rhubarb and date pie, oh quite a long list actually~

Hi!!!? ~Hi to you!~

Ummm Do U Play AQ!!?!?! ~Errr, yes - I do have a character under my Avatar. Plus a few others. Levels 93/78/77/76/51~

How About DF?!?! ~Yes, a level 26 Mage and a level 20 Warrior. I don't get a lot of time to play all this as well as do the forum work though!~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/29/2006 18:36:27 >


Artix vs. The Undead (Rated: TA, for Totally Awesome!!!!!!!)
AQ  Post #: 39
10/29/2006 9:14:57   

HI AQUADORIAN! ~Hi syzergy!~

i never saw you on the forums before but your avatar is the coolest thing i have ever seen!!!! ~Hey, that's great - no-one's ever said anything about my avatar before! It's a water droplet with the sun reflecting off it in different directions - so I thought it kind of fitted my aquatic persona and the equipment comparison~

do you like mozart symphony no. 40? ~Oh yes. Although that period in history isn't one I'd say is my favourite, nevertheless you'd have to say that piece of music is one of the best of its time~

your axe of light kicks major undead butt!!! ~My Orc Cleaver of Power? Yeah :)~

how locg have you been moding? ~Only since August this year~

wow you only have two pages ill post again later. ~Tomorrow might be too late (I was going to lock this today) but I might leave it going just half a day longer~

do you have a aqurium in your house cuz i do in my room. ~Yes, ours is in the kitchen~

like my sig? ~Yeah - it's cool :)~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/29/2006 18:51:35 >
Post #: 40
10/29/2006 17:51:37   

haha! i'm back with more questions! ~* Smacks lips *~

what r ur thoughts on the new house feature? ~Awesome. Mine's obviously got to be a Kingdom~

do u know if it's gonna cost gold or tokens? ~No idea yet. AKs like me don't get to hear things any earlier than yoy, in fact~

do u like....

twig? ~Amusing~

twilly? ~Slightly annoying~

kabroz? ~Just another character to fight~

zorbak? ~His less than scary brother~

fried twig? ~Can't get my teeth into it~

roasted twilly? ~Apart from the burnt bits~

IRS agents? ~Shhh~

evil kittie of doom riding on a monkey made of super evil pie? ~Yes~

why is twig so evil? ~Someone took away his teleporter?~

r u gonna make it to an npc 1 day? i hope u do. ~Ah - surely - it would be awesome. Not sure if an AK has yet to be so honoured though - might need to be a Mod for that~

if u're an npc, what would u be? ~A scary sea monster~

if an FBI and a CIA agent fought who'd win? ~We'd never know.~

fish, ice cream or pie? ~fish pie~

blue berry pie? ~hmmm yeah, with ice cream~

cherry pie? ~not quite so keen~

apple pie? ~Yes, not bad~

pae? ~Ebil~

haha trick question

when do u think monkeys r gonna take over the world? ~Have they not already?~

if u r the head staff, what would u change in the game? *cough* better graphics *cough* ~*cough* like you say *cough*~

if u're a monkey, would u eat an elephant? raw? ~Wouldn't get the chance~

if artix dominatied the world, do u think he's gonna base the world on aq or df? ~df, if the new video is a clue~

how come u aren't an npc, u'd make a cool npc alongside ice master yeti ~Hey, I like you already. Yeah it would be cool indeed~

who'd win, u or ice in aq? how bout in df? ~Interesting: Water versus Ice. It would be close, but nothing can quite beat an Aquadorian ;)~

paladin or necro? ~necro~

that is all, for now ~See ya~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/29/2006 19:05:12 >
AQ  Post #: 41
10/29/2006 19:17:45   


ORIGINAL: darknessdragon
r u gonna make it to an npc 1 day? i hope u do. ~Ah - surely - it would be awesome. Not sure if an AK has yet to be so honoured though - might need to be a Mod for that~

Actually There have been many.
ZeroHex is an NPC in the dracomancer saga
And Lord_Asperagus has no special title but he got a DF npc for a few months. ~Oh, that's good then. I live in hope!~

Exuse my offtopicness. ~That's fine~

Do you watch TV? ~Not much any more - it's mostly rather poor quality anyway~

Whats your favorite show? ~Nothing currently. Going back a bit it would have to be Monty Python~

If all the piano's in the world where destroyed, and you came into EC and saw it had 20 pages of new spammy threads because someone let n00bs post in there, what would you do? ~Delete the threads, send out warnings, kick the cat, eat the budgerigar and throw coffee at the wall. (Actually I don't have a cat or a budgie but the coffee bit is probably true)~

Hm....42 cant be a variable....But what if it was the only number that could be? ~Hmmm. A variable constant (**awooga** **awooga** **purple alert** (who's heard that one before?))~

What is your favorite smiley? ~King smiley ~

What is your favorite emoticon? ~Princess Leia @-_-@~

Oh, If you need ranged protection, but dont have Seige Tower Sheild; look into Reign Defender. Its a reorginized NMS ;-) ~Thanks. I'd still need that extra gold though ;) I've already got NmS, Sackleberry Special and Spell Blocker, so I think I'll get Siege Tower next. But when it comes to it I'll consult the awesome guides we have in EC of course!~

.......are you going to say bye this time? ~Bye!~

< Message edited by Aquadorian -- 10/29/2006 19:37:09 >
AQ DF  Post #: 42
10/30/2006 0:55:53   
Watcher of the Deep

OK everyone - all done now!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 43
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