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=AE= [Merged] Meet the "Hey what exactly are you anyway" - Falerin =AE=

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4/5/2005 10:57:45   
Legendary Loremaster

Ok so I have a somewhat unique role in AQ and while I do moderate the boards to a degree my Titled Role is different. Plus your moderators are all so excited to talk with you that they have the Meet The Mod's calendar scheduled from now until mid summer. With this in mind I am giving you an EXTRA bonus opportunity to get to know one of the staff members, My Self.

As of now nothing is off limits per se but I do reserve the right to refuse to answer or answer in a snide way, XD. And of course DO NOT violate forum rules with your questions Unlike meet the mods I will keep this open as long as seems appropriate and as long as things remain respectful.


< Message edited by falerin -- 11/9/2006 0:53:41 >
Post #: 1
4/7/2005 13:27:38   

tell us the lore of how you came to aq :P

AQ was a pretty new and young web game when I encountered it for the first time what seems like centuries ago but was in reality actually a little over two years. At the time AQ hosted their chat on the Stratics irc network and I was there but stratics had several problems and a period of substantial downtime. By this point I was already the LoreMaster for AQ and volunteered to host the chat functions at my own Network Caelestia as well. The rest is as they say history....

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/7/2005 13:34:04 >
AQ  Post #: 2
4/7/2005 13:31:42   

How did you get your start in writing stories?

I don't really remember I time where I was not writing something. I have always had an interest in fantasy and started out as an avid reader and as a Gamer I guess and my writing sort of evolved from there. Though the stories I have written for AQ and continue to pen are definitely the longest examples of my work.

What are the names and ages of your two beautiful daughters?

Amanda - 7 and Jordan - 6 1/2

Do you remember your wedding anniversary? (Okay, I'm only half-joking.)

October the 7th - I am approaching the 10th one of these this year.

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/7/2005 13:38:07 >
AQ DF  Post #: 3
4/7/2005 13:35:01   
Hero of Winds

Hi, Falerin.

Let's settle this once and for all: Is Carnax a servant of the UnCreator, the UnCreator himself, or is he running from the UnCreator?

Well this might be more appropriate for this thread http://tinyurl.com/6dq6s but I will give some answer on the issue anyway.

1) Quite Possibly he is clearly not a nice being.

2) Probably Not.

3) Also quite Possible even if he were a servant of the Uncreator. The'galin is pretty unpleasant and he has a high desertion rate.

How did Artix decide that everything you wrote was the Official History of Lore?
No one was doing it at the time and someone needed to sort of record things and work out more in depth ideas. That particular thing was not Artix's bag. At first I had just posted an idea on the message board about how it was the elemental lords might interact and what play human politics had in that. It was well recieved and evolved into a retelling of the first undead war from the perspective of another continent. This grew and grew untill I was invited on staff as the LoreMaster which is where I sit now.

Favorite midmorning snack?
Well I tend to eat breakfast late If at all so I dont often have a midmorning snack but when I did donuts and pastries tended to rank pretty high on the list

And now...which is better?

-Pizza, burgers or nachos?

Well it depends on the quality but generally i would have to go for Pizza. If the pizza is not of adequate quality however I might lean toward nachos. I like burgers but their not anything special.

-Twilly, Twig, Stinky, Chico or Zorbak?

Depends... if it is the original "Mysterious" twilly with the oddball sneakers he might stand a chance otherwise Zorbak all the way baby....

-Ice Cream: Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry or other?

My tastes have seriously changed from my youth thats for sure I used to prefer chocolate to vanilla and odd flavors over normal ones. Now... if its soft serve Vanilla wins every time. If its Hard Packed then I tend to like the flavor Denali Bear Claw which is a really Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Cashews and Carmel. Really though Ice Cream Rocks and Gelati and Sorbet rock too...

-Oishii or Kaley in terms of artistic talent?
Oh no you don't. Their both fabulous artists and I think they both show tremendous talent. I am still waiting for Kaley to draw me something Dark and Morbid though... I am not convinced she has it in her....

-Juices: Apple, orange or grape?
Of these choices Orange and I like the Grovestand/Home Squeezed variety with tons of pulp but where juices are concerned I tend to like odd things over the normal. Cranberry Blends top the list and Grapefruit Tangerine is pretty hot too...

What do you as a job (that doesn't involve AQ Team)?
Well I run Caelestia.net which sort of involves the AQ Team though it is a seperate entity and I attend classes during the day at the moment.

What is your favorite thing of all?

My favorite thing? wow thats pretty vauge.... My Family (Which Includes my close friends) I guess...

Why did you join AQ Team?
Why not? Seriously I liked the game at the time and liked the community even more and believed in the project Artix had set out to create.

Am I done yet?
Must be since I dont see any questions beneath this one

Okay then, bye.

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/7/2005 13:59:24 >


AQ  Post #: 4
4/7/2005 13:38:24   

how, you are making him pick between kaley and oishii... shame on you...

He tried. But I am above that

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/7/2005 13:56:15 >
AQ  Post #: 5
4/7/2005 14:20:02   

where do you live(i mean wich country.)
I live in the United States

Do you have pets and waht are their names.
I have a fish though when I moved to my new house and work was being done on it the aquarium was set up in my parents house and has not been returned since.. I am pretty sure my mother has abducted him permanently.... He is a Goldfish and his variety is either fantail or common though his color is actually silver with only a few flecks of Gold and his fins are much much larger then the normal fantail with black ripples at the edges. He's also pretty large for an aquarium raised fish topping 2 1/2 inches and is about the only fish I know that will be "pet" that is If I put my hand at the top of the tank he will run his body along my finger kind of like a cat rubbing at my legs.. oh yeah his name is Metal

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/7/2005 14:36:52 >
AQ DF  Post #: 6
4/7/2005 14:41:05   
Tharg Bloodaxe

Hello there.

What was the very first RPG you played? First RPG that requires interaction? How long ago was that?

The first one would probably have been one that a few friends and I developed based on the Arthurian legends my brothers and I had an extensive superhero and world rescue kind of RPG going on for years. The first "official" one though would probably have to be the first edition of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Where computer and console rpgs are concerned it was probably Roberta William's King Quest one or the original text game Zork. Where MMORPG's are concerned I was a beta tester on the flagship that essentially evented the Genre Meridian 59.

How about favorite RPG? What makes you feel strongly about this one over all others?

THat would depend on what you mean by RPG. Strictly speaking console and computer RPG's are not really RPGs because they all have linear storylines to one degree or another.

What is your favorite profound saying?

I am fond of a quotation from the book of proverbs about profound sayings I especially like to throw it at prooftexters and bible thumpers:


He who keeps his tounge keeps his life but he who parts his lips invites distruction.

In the more secular realm the most common one that comes to mind is some variant of:


Sanity is a relative term put together by a bunch of boring people to define what is "normal" and exclude those of us who aren't

How long have been writing, and what first inspired you to go into that direction?

Pretty much my whole life that I remember and probably my love of reading and of fantasy though I read all sorts of books in all sorts of genres.

Besides what is stickied in the Lore forum as 'Official', is there anything else of yours that pertains to the storyline of Lore? Or other's works?

The original story "War of the Words" which is the first I wrote for AQ qualifies though it is pretty rough... At one point a person had me work on something to create an "official" story with them something I am happy to do... check over the story for "consistency" with the cannon and what not and will continue to do for people who ask nicely but that story is not arround anymore as far as I know.

You mentioned that your role on the site is unique. Does this mean you are the only person who works on the very fabric of the storyline involving Lore?

No. I am the only one who goes as much into the history of it and I am the one who endeavors to connect the dots but I am not the only staff line who crafts stories and plotlines by any means. Gal does that pretty actively as do the quest authors.

If so, do you feel that there should be more people in charge of this task?

I am happy to work with others

A lot of wars and events seem to lack substance, realism, and motive which leads to just "Kill 'blank' opponent". In this department, it seems to be lacking. How do you feel in this regard?

I agree... and to this point relatively little that I have written has been implemented in game except in an idealist way there as signs this is changing. I personally am all for quests and challenges that involve more puzzle solving and allow for several eventual outcomes but there are barriers not the least of which that though I am a programmer I am not a flash programmer. In fact I dont even use Windows for any of my computers at home.

Have you read my thread about how orcs are misrepresented?

Sorry but no... but I Will and I will let you know what I think after I have.

[Edit]I have now and have responded[/edit]

Have anything in the works?

Currently I am working on the new story Confrontation which is very much involved in the both the first coming of the UnCreator/Devourer and his new appearance.

Also doing a World of Darkness game on Caelestia.net in #orphic (channel key is thirdeye)

And am working some with the World Map and the Development of my fiction into quests for the game...

Looking foreward to the part of the interview later on that will be in Orcish? *toothy grin*

Bring it on.... though I will say I prefer a real language variant to the low gutteral english low orcish from UO XD

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/7/2005 16:28:25 >


"Have dream, have hope. Have sword, have everything." - Orcish saying
AQ  Post #: 7
4/7/2005 14:55:56   
Hero of Winds

Skyboy: He didn't have to answer....
AQ  Post #: 8
4/7/2005 16:49:04   
Eternal Wanderer

*Bows deeply.*
I don't really have a question, I just want to say, I've started reading some of your stuff. Now I'm hooked and amazed I didn't start earlier.

I was just wondering, people say writers put themselves into thier writing, what elements of yourself do you put into your writing? Basically, since you write a lot about AQ's gods, what do you see of yourself in them?

I certainly think its true you put something of yourself in your writing but I am not sure its accurate that all of the individual characters are reflective of you... of the Gods themselves I see them more as Iconic of the human situation. Basically trying to be good but messing up anyway. The characters in my fiction I most identify with are Darin and Tralin to this point. Tralin because he is a character destroying all stereotypes and counterignall expectations even at the cost of the destruction of his society and I am all about exceptions to rules. Darin because he is darkness redeemed and I am big on the theme of redemption.....

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/7/2005 17:29:16 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
4/7/2005 17:17:15   

Q. Did you know there's a typo on your character? A adventurer like that should know about proper grammar. (Couldn't think of any better puns) (Frogzard Blade description)
grammar and typing is for the weak.. Besides I was not responsible for the Frogzard Blade

Q. How old are you? I know it's a bit personal, but I've seen some of the stuff you do and just wondered.

The question you have asked has many possible answers and they vary considerably.
Age can mean:

The number of years I have lived on Earth (Chronological Age)
My emotional maturity (Emotional Age)
The effective age of my body (Physical Age)
Knowledge and Experience (Mental Age)
The sense of the age of my Spirt (Spiritual Age)

I will answer all but the first right now...to the first I say Guess...

Emotional Age: 2 or 50 depending on the day and situation
Physical Age: Too dang old.... late 60's or so
Mental Age: Seemingly ancient
Spiritual Age: Definitively ancient

Q. Where did you get your name from? Or is it your real name?

Arthurian Legend.... the character is somewhat obscure occuring in only a few places and in Fred Saberhagen's vampire/merlin crossover...

Falerin was a sorcerer and Nimue's lover and he put her up to seducing merlin to steal his magic and entrap him. Not a really ncie guy...

In my own settings Falerin has a pretty diversified history he is officially the God of Evil of the world of Caelestia but he is more misguided then evil himself. In other settings and situations I have played Falerin as a complete ass and even a lost hero.. so it depends....

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/8/2005 0:18:02 >
AQ  Post #: 10
4/7/2005 18:16:42   

do you like cookies?

Of course they make it so I dont have to log in every five minutes of course sometimes they are data miners...

if so gives a plate of cookies to falerin

OH that kind of cookies.... many different kinds yes... munches...

edit:hehe i guess im a little crazy today

Just today?

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/8/2005 0:20:31 >
AQ  Post #: 11
4/8/2005 7:42:44   

Hmms. Always nice to meet a fellow fantasy enjoyer in the forums. Knowing you have read much over the years, what are your favourites? (i personally like Terry Goodkind's sword of truth. makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. )

Wow...I like so many different things and have liked so many different things at different times its hard to say....I suppose it depends on what "section" of the fantasy spectrum we are looking at...

The single top of the list is probably Good Omens by Niel Gaiman and Terry Pratchett

Others I remember at this moment:
The works of Fred Saberhagen less the beserker series that while his most popular I never got into
The theives world analogies rank pretty high...
Mary Stewarts merlin novels.
Most anythng written by Raymond Fiest
Caverns of Socrates by Dennis L.McKiernan
The Dark Tower Cylcle by Stephen King
Stephen Donaldson
Piers Anthonys Mode Series and Incarnations of Immortality Series

For Younger Audeinces:
Chronicles of Narnia
Anything E. Nesbit.
Half Magic and its Sequels by Edgar Eager
Aurian and its sequels by Maggie Furey
Piers Anthony's Xanth Series

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/8/2005 10:26:30 >
AQ  Post #: 12
4/8/2005 13:19:51   

Hey Fal!

Wow. I thought I was the only person to have Saberhagen's Dracula series.

Nope Read Dominon Falerin features prominently.....

I see a lot of books that I have on that list up there....good reading.

Did all your writing on the old forums get transferred over here? If not, can we access it?

All but my very first story War of the Words which can be accessed in the Player Stories section of [url] http://zard.mooncalled.com[/url]

Yep it is all here now


Right back at ya...

< Message edited by falerin -- 3/26/2006 22:51:47 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
4/8/2005 14:15:02   


Do you know to the Final Fantasy series?
Yes indeedie

If yes, have you played some of the games, and which ones?
All of the ones released in the united states including spinoff games like Crystal Chronicles (blah) and Tactics which despite popular loathing I enjoyed upto and including X-2 but not XI

If no, then i wil really suggest you to try.

Just Recently completed X-2

And none the less, have you seen my suggestions? Suggestions

Thanks for your time

I dont really do the items creation things so I am pretty neutral but I recommend you keep on suggesting.... and no problem

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/8/2005 19:25:41 >
Post #: 14
4/8/2005 19:19:34   


what has been your favorite story you've read?

Again it would depend on what Genre we were talking about here.. but see above... Good Omens definitely ranks darned high

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/8/2005 19:27:32 >


Unincumbered by the thought process!
AQ  Post #: 15
4/9/2005 1:29:20   

Hello Falerin!

I was wondering if you have ever read any books of the DragonLance series

Yes indeed though I must say If talking Weis and Hickman I like the Death Gate Cycle better

and is Margeret Weis and Tracy Hickman planning more?

How would I know I dont know them? Still because you asked so nicely I will bite the bullet but seriously anythings possible I guess... When the 5th Age Dawned at the End of Dragons of Summer Flame that was to be the last cooperative book and for a while Weis wrote some Dragonlance stuff by herself and with another coauthor. But then the two wrote together again.. now War of Souls is rumored to be the last however consider what Tracy Hickman says on his own site about the idea of writing solo or with Margaret in the future:


Are you going to write any more Dragonlance?

War of Souls was the most recent Dragonlance product produced by Weis & Hickman ... itself an interesting story. Someone once asked if it was our last Dragonlance book. I responded at the time that this marks the fourth time we have written our 'last' Dragonlance book. Only time, I believe, will tell whether there will be any further Dragonlance books by Weis and Hickman or not. There currently are no plans for such a thing.

Will there be any more Weis/Hickman Dragonlance Novels?

At the present time, Margaret and I are pursuing different projects seperately. As with the above answer, only time will tell when we will be working together again. We remain good friends and still enjoy working with each other. It is just a matter of the right story for us to tell.

Of Margaret Weis I can respond more affimatively she is still actively writing Dragonlance novels.... her most recent set being the Dark Disciple Trilogy

All my other questions have been asked and answered, so I bid you goodbye!

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/9/2005 2:21:35 >
Post #: 16
4/9/2005 17:59:30   

Hi again...

What did you like most in FF X-2?

Hrmm.... Probably the back story about the Crimson Squad and the ultimate ending that was pretty satisfying

Who is your favourite character in all FF games?

This is really hard...probably Either Edea from FFVIII or Sephiroth from VII

Keep up the good writing...

I wish i could be as good as you...

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/9/2005 23:55:44 >
Post #: 17
4/10/2005 7:42:22   

Sephiroth Rules!!!!
ehr sorry ehem.

i like the FF series to so what do ay so to.............

what would you say had a more satisfying gameplay 7 or 8?

They were different... Though I proably liked the game play of VIII better but the Story Line of VII was generally better

Which has a more........realistic in terms of final fantasy storyline?

Both games are pretty consistently with the way FF runs

What other RPG would you say is better to FF?

Better? I dunno... I have enjoyed many other RPG's... Lunar among them....

do you think AQ will ever compare to FF series?

They are very different and I dont see them as ever being very simmilar

kinda off topic but...............do you think there will be a version of AQ for Consoles not a massive RPG but a game that takes place in Lorre?

I dont know... anything is possible if so it would be very very different from AQ as it currently exists.. it would also take a lot of money and developers with entirely different backgrounds

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/10/2005 16:37:46 >
AQ  Post #: 18
4/10/2005 12:09:59   

i don't know about starwars or dragon ball z so shall we change the topic

???!!! What are you talking about?

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 10:56:14 >
AQ  Post #: 19
4/11/2005 14:06:26   

Ever tried RPing? I imagine with your writing skill you would be quite good at it.

I am an avid RPer and have run settings based on AQ as well but I do not go in for forum RP much because the slowness of response maddens me and I tend to prefer games that have a Moderator/GM/DM/Storyteller. Most of the games I play currently occur via Caelestia.net IRC Chat irc://irc.caelestia.net/ the channel #orphic (the channel key is thirdeye) being the current setting I run which is loosely based on World of Darkness.

Caelestia.net also hosts the chatrooms for this game irc://irc.caelestia.net/#battleon for game related chat and irc://irc.caelestia.net/#yulgarsinn for the more general conversations. At one time this was more publically advertised but no so much anymore. Both of those links require you have an irc client such as mIRC or XChat installed both of which are shareware. There are also freeware alternatives like XiRCON and several clients for other platforms like macintosh and linux all of which I can point people too if they ask. If worse comes to worse SearchIRC provides JavaChat for caelestia.net which can be found here. Just click on the channel name of interest and click on it again after the new window appears (it will look like the irc:// addresses above make sure you click on the channel name and not the irc:// tho or you will get an irc:// protocol address instead of the java chat)

Like my avatar?
Its Groovy Man [:-P]

Do you play AQ much?

Less then I used to thats for certain. The community holds more interest then the game itself

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/12/2005 10:48:29 >
AQ  Post #: 20
4/11/2005 17:59:32   

I don't play AQ that much Because It isn't working. You people gave me something to talk about. But I don't want to talk about it, ok? I'm not in the mood right now.

Some people post the oddest things

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/12/2005 10:50:57 >
Post #: 21
4/19/2005 9:47:22   
Legendary Loremaster

Ahah! People already know all there is to know in just 2 pages... I am just extra informative I guess....


Post #: 22
4/20/2005 1:41:41   

Ahhh....people don't know everything. Consider the following:

What is your name?

Falerin Ardendor.... God of Evil of the Environs of Caelestia and Loremaster of the Lands of Lore...


William/Bill but its rarely used by my intimates.

What is your quest?

To enlighten the world... or destroy it I have not decided yet

What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

What do you mean, an African or European Swallow?

It is also possible you mean one of the various Swiflet species from Asia.

To begin with, I needed basic kinematic data on different swallow species.

Seriously, though, I read earlier that list you posted of the many books you like...yet I did not see the Lord of the Rings trilogy on there. Is this because you do not like it, haven't read it, or simply because you took it as a given that people would know it is a favorite? I ask because LotR was so influential in bringing about the popularity of the fantasy genre that it would seem, to me at least, to almost be required reading for anyone who claims to enjoy reading other fantasy novels and series.

If the answer is "Do not like" to the above, why not?

It certainly was... influential.... Which is not to say I liked it. Tolkien fits in a category of Authors such as Robert Jordan who proves the opinion of one of the other writes on this forum that detail is not always better....

While some consider him deep and moving I consider his obsession with minutae mind numbing. I just do not have the attention span.

That said I think its an epic series... and read "ALOUD" it is thrilling. I greatly enjoyed the unabridged audio book. But to read myself silently.... I would rather read Tolstoy's war and peace.

Whereas I loved The Hobbit because it was the same level of tale telling without the same level of prolonged absurdity. And rather was fond of the uncompleted later works as well though I feel Christopher Tolkien is clearly not on Par with J.R.R.

Jordan on the other hand I cannot stomach at all... WoT is so incredibly long winded and dry that I would personally prefer castration or prefrontal lobotomy over being forced to read...

If the answer is "Do not like" are you prepared for the flamers who will denounce you for being a fool? (Not me of course, I feel that people are perfectly entitled to their opinions, even if they are wrong. )

Quite. I am rather facile at the subject of debate and can most clearly articulate my opinion with support for it. That said it is just that an opinion. I certainly do not reject the admiration, nay worship, that millions of fawning fans pay the work.

And lo! Falerin answered my questions, and that is why the pizza was good.

Remind me not to eat pizza where you do if your assessment of its quality is based on my appraisal of an independent and unrelated subject matter

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/20/2005 12:11:50 >


(OOC: Words in italics denote thoughts.)

"The only ones who fear are those who don't understand." - Sean G., Master of Careel

Celeste Nering: http://www.battleon.com/aq-chardetail.asp?temp=1104060
AQ  Post #: 23
4/21/2005 5:53:28   

What do you prefer?

LOTR or SW (Movies)

LOTR as epic as Lucas' work is Peter Jackson's is better

LOTR or SW (books)

SW see my previous comments about LOTR for an idea why... I really like the Dark Empire period of the SW mythos where Luke Falls to the Dark Side for a time... unfortunately it will never be a movie

What size story do you like writing best(Short story, novella, novel, epic)?

Serial fiction of the sort I write here.. I can write relatively long fiction over a long time. I dont posess the attention span to write Novels in one shot

How many words/symbols can fit on a post? i had to make two posts to fit one story once.

I am not sure what the hard limit is.. as a moderator I can override it

Have you read "The Prophecy" ?

Yes and I found it quite enjoyable to this point

Is it ok to post non AQ tales on this board?

Well its a grey area... The board strictly speakign is for the creative endeavorings of writers in this community. Strictly speaking stories should be at least loosely related however Lore is a big place and has a huge unwritten history so most anything can fit within those guidelines

What would be your prefered affiliation(good, evil, antihero, merc)

The Character Falerin himself is a God of Evil elsewhere but I do not go for black and white divisions... So its hard to say I have one prefered affiliation. What I prefer to do is the unexpected and to blur the lines....

Need more questions?

Yeah bring them on

Do i have any more?

Do you? I dunno.

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/21/2005 20:03:00 >
AQ  Post #: 24
4/21/2005 11:03:56   

Have you Eragon or the first two books in the Bartimaeus Trilogy?

I have not. Are they good?

Do you know what the next war will be?

I cannot speak for the game developers because a whole lot of things are on the horizon... I know that in the future more of my own tale writing as well as a quest whose plot I wrote are scheduled to appear but many things may happen first... it all depends on the whims of fate... Like in the real world you can only predict war when its about to happen

< Message edited by falerin -- 4/21/2005 20:06:06 >
AQ DF  Post #: 25
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