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RE: =AE= [Merged] Meet the "Hey what exactly are you anyway" - Falerin =AE=

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7/31/2006 0:37:30   

Do you like Naruto,or any other anime(Can you please list them?)

I have definitely answered this before. Read above

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 10:37:41 >
AQ  Post #: 226
7/31/2006 8:40:22   
Yrrah Rettop

am i aloud more than one story at a time?

Approved authors are allowed to write as many stories as their fevered imagining allows

in my story,am i aloud to make up non-existent places?

Approved authors are allowed to write in fictional locations

are ther any charecteristecs not aloud in my story?(please list them)

Read the stickies.

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 10:39:23 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 227
8/15/2006 18:24:39   


Have you read Robert Jordan and his Wheel of Time series?

I am pretty sure I said this above but I find Robert Jordan to be very very very long winded and dry and absolutely cannot get into him for that reason. Perhaps when I am retired and have little better to do I will pick it up and enjoy the work but I doubt I ever will feel there is an excuse for being as long winded as he is...

What do you prefer, fantasy or sci fi?

I like them both

Do you want your stories to end like happy films (where no one dies) or with a semi-dark mood, with most of the characters dead or dying but eventually triumphant?

I ended a story with the villain more or less in control and a major protagonist dead. I however would not prejudice any particular story in any particular way. It ends as it ends.

Do you prefer stereotypical heroes like Superman or antiheroes like Hellboy?

I like them both. I am all about redemption though so antiheros have a special appeal

If the AQ team only uses one part of your stories, which part would you rather have it be?

Ah no comment... that would be giving things away

Thanks and good writing.

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 10:46:08 >
AQ  Post #: 228
8/15/2006 21:10:05   
Shadowmaster M

Sorry for taking so long, but I have your results from my elemental quiz:

You are an Elemental of White wind, Nature and Wind. Known for your cunning though not for your physical prowess, you tend to fight more with your mind and are more strategic then the brutes of the Element Fire. You don't tend to like dealings in the wars of the Shadow and Light kingdoms, some call you a pacifist, others a coward, but you know the ways of the land better than anyone else, and soar through the sky with ease and a carefree attitude.

You are a White wind, I'd venture a guess of Sage level even.

Three cheers for Falerin, Sage of the White wind!

Well thats certainly interesting....

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 10:46:58 >
DF  Post #: 229
8/16/2006 2:27:17   
master heartless

yay my turn! whoot!

whats a loremaster?

A collector of history and the defender of knowlledge

why are you the loremaster?

I pretty much founded the collection of stories for AQ

can i have a doller?

Here you go

Do you write any storyies on these boards?

I certainly do. They are marked as official and stickied

wanna read my story called the black castle?

I read very many things as the LoreMaster

If so did you like it?

Why or why not?

My recollection is that you are not a bad author but that you need to make a spellcheck your friend.

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 10:55:22 >


AQ  Post #: 230
8/17/2006 14:05:02   

i need 2 know someting HOW IS THE LORE MASTER!!!

The LoreMaster is Fantastic. Thanks for asking!

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 10:47:36 >


AQ  Post #: 231
10/22/2006 10:56:50   
Legendary Loremaster

I will once again be taking questions and from the peanut gallery.
Post #: 232
10/22/2006 10:59:35   
Guardian Mikey

Hello Falerin. I have but four simple questions:

If the ocean was red, would the sky be red?

The color of the Ocean and the Sky are caused by different phenomena. There is a condition that makes the ocean appear red called red tide and the sky color does not change

Is being a Loremaster fun, hard, or both?

Defintely both

Is it true that UD is still gone?

He is arround somewhere or other

Of these four stories, which one had the most impact, emotionally? Say none of the above if you haven't read them.
-The Silver Crown
-The Catcher in the Rye
-Feirenheit 451
-The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Oludah Equiano

All interesting stories. Salinger is definitely powerful. But no Bradbury wins this debate hands down Farenheight 451 it is...

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 11:19:45 >
AQ DF  Post #: 233
10/22/2006 11:22:42   

Could your rate my writing sample in the approval thread(it's near the end^_^), and point out any faults?

It will be rated when we can get to it. This thread is not to solicit us to get to you skipping others.

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 17:02:35 >


AQ DF  Post #: 234
10/22/2006 11:24:51   
Sir Nicholas

Greetings Lore Master.

My questions for you.

1. If you could have one of your stories put into quest form...Which one would you pick?

See Above

2. What inspired you to start writing in the first place?

I do not know that I can say. I have always liked reading and literature and writing became a natural extension of that.

3. I was wondering if you could approve my friend Vegalok. I very much would like to see his writing again.

Everyone has to go through the approval process. Even my AKs had to...

4. If you were a regular player like us...Who would take your place as LoreMaster?

I do have a regular character too ;D. I cannot imagine who would be LoreMaster if not for me.

Thank you for your time.

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 17:05:32 >
AQ  Post #: 235
10/22/2006 12:00:14   
Sqiggley Worm

Hey fal! :D

1) Do your stories turn into quests in game?

Keep watching.....

2)Favorite colour?
Imperial Purple

3) Whatcha think of my story?

Spaces between paragraphs and quotes are your friends. See the advice thread here in the forums. Your writing itself however is not bad at all.

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 17:07:47 >
Post #: 236
10/22/2006 14:54:05   
Angel of Chaos

So, skimming through this thread, I have seen you had some sort of surgery and were gone for a while. What's that about?

I had stomach surgery in May to fix a Hiatal Hernia and help correct my Reflux Disease... I am fully recovered now and much better then I was before the surgery so it largely has to be considered a success

What do you feel is the best piece you have written that is on these forums?

Well its hard to say. Confrontation and Path of Greatness are both works in progress so their ultimate standing is unknown. Of my finished works probably Manifestation. I feel I have generally gotten a bit better with each passing chapter

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 17:10:20 >
Post #: 237
10/22/2006 15:23:02   

Good morrow, sir. It feels very wrong to talk like this *shudders*.

What polite and formal? Then by all means do not.

During the Trojan war, would you have accepted the horse, or disapprove of it? And if you choose any choice, please explain.

A rhetorical question I cannot answer because from my very youth I have learned and known the lesson of the horse so its easy to say I would be suspicious. If I had lived back then would I have known anybetter then the people of Troy. I cannot say.

Do you encourage reading like many others do? Since you have shown your skill as a writer, I would assume you have fallen to the opinions of the other writers.

Fallen to their opinion? Are they a cabal. Actually some authors are very snobbish about reading. I am defintely not. Yet I do love reading I cannot imagine being an author of any talent and hating reading.

What books would you approve of?

I approve of whatever gives you enjoyment and imparts information. I may no like it myself but thats irrelevant.

In a battle of strength alone, who would who would win in your opinion: The Tharg, Superman, the Yeti or Mario of the Mushroom Kingdom?

Strength alone? Superman has superhuman strength so he would win. I am not at all sure if cunning is part of the equation. My former AK might be able to take him down.

What is your greatest strategy to end Artix's puns?

That is a battle I will never win. Instead I try to ignore them lest they multiply from my attention.

And that would be enough badgering from me.

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 17:15:05 >
Post #: 238
10/22/2006 15:24:40   

What is the average lifespan of a Drakel?

Several hundred years. Though Tralin indicates there is something about Drakel that allows them to pass knowledge on from generation to generation. When asked about an event in the past he says that he was not there but that A Tralin was there.....

And that's all I have. : \

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 17:16:16 >
AQ  Post #: 239
10/22/2006 15:25:07   
Guardian Mikey

I have one, actually two, more questions:

Why do so many people ask you what you think of their story? I mean, you'll tell them when you feel like it, so why even ask?

Presumably they are anxious to hear my opinion and impatient to get my approval. Which is not a bad thing, I can dig it, its actually an honor to be in charge of reading so many peoples creative blood. I would get to it all in an instant if I could but there are only so many hours in a day and I have many other tasks to do.

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 17:18:21 >
AQ DF  Post #: 240
10/22/2006 15:30:42   
The Lesser Demon

Greetings again o'mighty master of all things knowledgable ^^

Have you ever read the book of dead days, or better yet, it's better sequel known as the dark flight down?

If not I would highly recommend them.

I have not but thank you for the recomendation Damien I shall have to pick them up.

If you could only read one more book for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Argh... just one? At this point it would probably be Harry Potter 7 because I am vested in its outcome, but the third installment of the Inheritance Trilogy might be a close second.

Do you go with the typical stereotype that all that is light is good?

Absolutely not. One of the major antagonists in my fictions are the Brilhado fallen servants of the Lord of Light.

If you only had one day left before the world ended, what would be the first thing you would do?

Take a nap :P.

Lastly, got any good books to recommend?

Depends on what Genre you are looking for. Several are mentioned throughout this thread though. Off hands the book I recommend the most however is Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett it's a blast.

Yours fanaticaly,

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 17:22:01 >
Post #: 241
10/22/2006 16:56:41   

H3Y f@l3r1n! \/\/u$$up?

LOLOLOL U R 1 1337 DUDE!!!!1!!!2.

Okay, now I will talk like a normal human.

Please do.

What is your real-life job?

Real life?! What is this real life you speak of. Actually I am interviewing right now for a job working with teaching adjudicated youth (those with a criminal or mental health background)

Are you cool?

Pleasantly warm at the moment XD.

What is your favorite part of being a Loremaster?

Two things probably top the list.

1) The community itself.

2) Getting to see so much creativity on a daily basis.

Can you give me the exact answers to the Truth/Lies thing?

I can do many things. I won't do them however

Are you your favorite staff member?

I like myself if thats what you are asking. Favorite? I dunno. I am not particularly narcissistic

Do you like Naruto? (Please say no!)

I kind of like the character of Gaara but no I do not care for the Character of Naruto or the show as a whole.

Are you intelligent? (I already know the answer XD)

Some people say so.

Okay, that's it.

Okay, now I'm leaving.

This time I'm really leaving.

See you later.


Leaving now.

See you.

*Finally leaves*

I'm really really leaving now.

Locks the door... what a weirdo XD.

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/22/2006 17:27:31 >
Post #: 242
10/22/2006 17:47:33   


Do you have pets and waht are their names.
I have a fish though when I moved to my new house and work was being done on it the aquarium was set up in my parents house and has not been returned since.. I am pretty sure my mother has abducted him permanently.... He is a Goldfish and his variety is either fantail or common though his color is actually silver with only a few flecks of Gold and his fins are much much larger then the normal fantail with black ripples at the edges. He's also pretty large for an aquarium raised fish topping 2 1/2 inches and is about the only fish I know that will be "pet" that is If I put my hand at the top of the tank he will run his body along my finger kind of like a cat rubbing at my legs.. oh yeah his name is Metal

i have 8 dogs (o.0 yes 8) 2 cats and had 3 fish (all emploded)there names are bella muffin colca pupeano velvet fancy robo and the cats are bolka and jingles(he had a collar with bells on them)


AQ  Post #: 243
10/23/2006 20:02:40   

Greetings, LoreMaster! Curiosity has gotten the better of me and I too shall join the "peanut gallery."

1) Your name is the subject of much conjecture and mispronunciation, so I'd like to clear up one nagging question...

Is it fal-ER-in, or FAL-er-in?

I will answer to either accentation though I personally prefer the former.

2) As an avid roleplayer, I'm sure you have experienced what many RPers have, a sort of "role withdrawal" when pulling away from the game and back into normal life. What sorts of things do you do to reorient yourself and keep a proper separation between fantasy and reality? I ask because I have seen many a player slip very seriously and deeply into their role and worry about the consequences of their living their "second life" more fully than their real one.

They are intwined enough that it hardly matters. I do not worry about such things. I just take events as they come. Besides if I live any life fully I lived a full life XD

3) On a different note, I think someone asked where you "wanted" to travel, but have you yet had much opportunity to visit around the country our outside of it? Where to, if so? (Some of my favorite spots - Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Crater Lake Oregon, and Hawaii, although I had a very eye-opening experience travelling to a children's orphanage just outside of Tijuana)

I have been numerous places in The United States. I have also been to the Bahamas, and to numerous locations within Canada, I am particularly fond of Toronto but actually feel the effort to clean the city up in the late ninetys and early part of this century has dulled it down

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/24/2006 19:00:26 >
AQ DF  Post #: 244
10/26/2006 0:16:26   

Morning ^_^

Have you ever had really bad problems with writers block?

I am sure most all writers do at some point. Yes I have.

How did you get rid of it, guessing that you did because I don't know of any writer who hasn't.

Learning to let go and allow my mind to process things rather then forcing the creative process

What would interest you in a story?

Character complexity and depth is important

do you ever read fanfiction?

Occasionally. In some communities it can be quite good. In others quite horrid

Sorry if you've been asked this before, but I didn't read every single one of your questions.. but who is your favourite character? Why?

This question is basically unanswerable. It's not a selection I can make

Why do you like your favourite author?

One would have to define whom that is first. Likely because their language is evocative and fun to read.

what do you call individual, a plot line, or an indivdual writing style?


Who is your idol in the writing world?

I do not know that I have a single individual I would say I idolize

Do you think someone with atrocious spelling can make a good writer?

If they learn to use editorial tools to aid them. In general, horrid spelling makes things impossible to read. There actually is some rare exceptions to this, stories written entirely in vernacular, but they are not the norm at all. On the other hand some individuals have great talent for language but not for the rules of spelling or grammar. Tools can aid this. Be it a program or the services of a professional editor

What came first, the chicken or the egg?


I am told this is a quiz and belongs in UCaG.... XD. I answered this question unequivocally in OOC a long time ago. I disagree with some other biologists on this without question. Taking the question to be. What came first the Chicken or a the Chicken Egg. And taking the word chicken to mean an egg that is laid by a chicken. Regardless of whether one means evolution or creation. The first chicken had to exist before they could lay that first egg. The predecessor would not have in fact been laid by a chicken so it could not have been a chickens egg.

What do you find is the ideal time of day to write?

I do not have one in particular. When inspired I write.

Um... ran out of questions....

What is your f aviourite colour?

Already answered and reanswered and within the past several questions. Do not be sloppy. XD

What is your favourite word?

I do not know that I have a single favorite word.

Do you agree with soemtimes putting in words in other languages in a story? simple, univerally known words, like 'bonjour' or something?

I use languages in my stories and not even just real ones or well known examples

kthxbai ^_^ *hugs*

< Message edited by falerin -- 10/26/2006 12:01:34 >
AQ  Post #: 245
10/26/2006 2:00:14   

Howdy Fally 'ol pally.
Do you like being loremaster?
I hope you do.


On average, how much time do you on these hallowed forums a week?

30+ hours

Now, the unavoidable question.

Are you ready?
Are you really ready?
Are you really really ready?
OK, you asked for it.

Here it is.
Which do you prefer: A fluffy kitty or 1/4 of an inch of peanut butter and 1 inch of jelly on wheat?
I hope you prefer kitties, 'cuz that's a LOT of jelly.
Am I annoying you yet?
Everyone says I'm annoying.
Am I?
I'll go now.

To Eat? No I prefer the PBJ but not by much.. I really dislike grape jelly. A strawberry jam perhaps and definitely not an inch of that either. In a general way? Definitely the Cat.

Ha ha HA! You really belived me for a second, didn't you!
OK, now, I think I'm being annoying.
I'll go, but expect me to be back!!
*leaves, then pokes head back in door*
I left you chocolate chip cookies in the dining room!
*leaves, slamming door on fingers*
*comes back*
Do you have a bandaid?

I am afraid not

If you do, then *snuggles falerin*
If not, *drags falerin to the door, and slams his fingers in the door*
'Bye 'bye!

The door splinters into fragments passing through Falerin's relatively unscathed hand.

"Why did you bring me here?" Falerin asks idly.

< Message edited by GirliePanda -- 10/27/2006 17:32:40 >
Post #: 246
10/27/2006 1:32:34   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

My turn to bother you now. :p

1.) Are you amused by the silly questions, or annoyed? (I'm guessing amused; you haven't smited anyone yet.)


2.) What other writings have you involved yourself in a part from AQ?

A number of things but I must say that AQ has been good to me and So has AE

3.) Are you willing to critique writings that are outside the forums (due to the writer not wanting to give up the rights)?

Speak to me seperately and elsewhere... I am definitely not willing to advertise such a service even if I were to do it. There are many reasons why I cannot commit myself to such a thing the simplest being that I do not have enough time....

4.) What is your favorite genre of books? I'm tempted to put money on fantasy.

I have none. So you might loose your bet. I certainly enjoy fantasy and follow it fairly regularly but I enjoy a great deal of other genres too....

5.) In the last Harry Potter book, do you think WARNING SPOLIER AHEAD
*SPOILERDUMBLEDOR'SSPOILER* death was planned, or is *SPOILERSNAPESPOILER* truly loyal to the... other guy?

Its a fortunate thing I read the book already myself.... I think that


Snape is far to complex of a character to be pidgeonholed one way or the other and something more then it appears is definitely going on here. What that something is I cannot say. I personally would be most displeasured by Rowling if the Redemption of Severus Snape is left unresolved by series end.

I already knew that you had read it due to a comment you made to someone else. See? I can pay attention... sometimes. <_< >_>

6.) When will the artists finally get around to making the transparent spike on the Nightmare Shield gray? (You probably don’t know, but I suppose drawing more attention to it will help get it fixed.)

Trivial things of this nature may persist for Aeons before being attended to

7.) What do you think of the semi-common suggestion to make higher level versions of the subrace armors?

If races are going to be controlled by armors then they should either be levelable or have a higher level variant. Personally I firmly dislike having race set by armor and think its about time we add some sort of race selection system to the game. This however is not something I forsee in the immediate future

8.) Do you think uber sets should or should not go rare, and should the Golden set make a return?

I answered this in the most recent "Should Rares be made illegal in the United States" threads....

9.) Would you enjoy using an uber set that’s formulas are similar to pets in that certain attributes of it either go down or up in quality depending on stats? For example, the resists going down according to how much lower than 100 your END, defense going up for how much higher than 100 your DEX is, and the reverse? (Not necessarily that setup, but something along those lines.)

I trully would not care...I have the staff version of Power Word Die

10.) What would you do for a Klondike bar? (Please don’t smite me!)

* Falerin walks into the grocery store and purchases a package of Chocolate Klondike Bars for $3.99 and also one of York Klondike Bars and eats one of each before leaving the other 10 on the bench and gesturing dismissively watching as the masses kill each other to get the remaining treats.....

I apologize if you have already answered any of those earlier that I have asked. It is a big thread.

You failed to bother me I want my money back

What money? It was free. :P

< Message edited by Genoclysm -- 10/28/2006 1:51:49 >
Post #: 247
10/27/2006 14:39:35   
Sairex the Dragwolf

Hey, Fal!

How's life?

Slow, but at the moment I would have to say pretty good

Why are they called fingers if they dont fing? Blame Time Losh for that!

O.E. fingor, from P.Gmc. *fingraz (cf. O.S. fingar, O.N. fingr, Du. vinger, Ger. Finger, Goth. figgrs), with no cognates outside Gmc.; perhaps connected with PIE *pengke, the root meaning "five."

Hope you'll find time for the aproval page soon.

I tend to the approval page near daily....


< Message edited by falerin -- 10/27/2006 17:28:54 >
AQ DF  Post #: 248
10/27/2006 17:33:42   

Hi again! I told you I'd be back! How's life goin' for ya?


What is the meaning of chocolate? Haha! Betcha can't answer that!!!

To be paired with Chili and Curry

Another meaningless question: What is the meaning of cheese? XD

To cause one to bind up

Do you like big purple people-eaters?

I prefer other things

How many aspiring writers have you approved today?


Do you have pets?

Answered a billion times

If you do, do you like your pets?
*tries to think of another question*
*head explodes*
*puts head back together*
Before I leave, I must do some thing I've always wanted to do: \/\/00+!111!!! U R 4\/\/3$u|\/|!!!!!111!!!!!!
I'll go now, but you shall never be completly rid of me!!! I present my pet skunk!! He will give you something to remember me by!!
*skunk sprays falerin as girliepanda runs out the door*

< Message edited by Falerin -- 10/29/2007 16:18:00 >
Post #: 249
10/27/2006 17:50:54   

More questions:

Do you believe in "magic"? And if so, what kind of magic? And if you say "the magic of being a good person," then please give me your address and I'll spare everyone else from your good person-ness.

The magic of positive thinking

And before you can answer my somewhat open-ended question about magic, I'm going to say Oreos. Stumped, aren't you?

I see your oreos and raise you a Walrus!

If you have the right to do one thing without breaking laws (whether scientific, political or etc., etc., etc,.)and/or paying for it, what would you do?

Fix the Lottery in my own favor.

And adding on to Gireliepanda's 1st array of questions, would you eat a kitten if you were desperate enough?
Would you?

Possibly especialy if prepared sweet and sour style

In a dispute between destroying a few cities, who will win: Gorgonzilla, Godzilla, King Kong, or just a very large pie that is a automaton, owns advanced technology by drakel and the fighting spirit of, say...a beserker?


And if you can't answer it, then give me your phone number and I'll just prank call you :D.

< Message edited by Falerin -- 10/29/2007 16:20:02 >
Post #: 250
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