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RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: dna cupcake

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1/31/2007 3:58:14   


is your dna mixed with a cupcake

or are you cupcake with human as a mix in
The First one.

do you dislike questions
A little.

what is the true cupcake religion
A religion where you give me all your cupcakes for me to eat.

< Message edited by dna cupcake -- 5/8/2007 17:38:51 >


AQ MQ  Post #: 76
1/31/2007 18:04:24   

How freakin tired are u of answering these dumb questions?
Very tired.

Why do u hate pie?
People claim it to be better than cupcakes when it is not.

Have u ever thought of a chipmunk as i football player?

What would u do if u got an email and all it said was peanut a lot?
Reply with an E-Mail that only says cupcake alot.

Wouldn't it be awesome if they brought back cupcake based weapons?
Hell Yeah!

What would happen if u were attacked by a squirrel?
Most lickly it would die, the frosting on me is partially poison and consuming it is lethal.

What color am I thinking of?

DO you have a wii?

Is my charecter good if a draw him in a mega cupcake armor, sheild, wep?
Come again?

Where is the closest Six Flags, do u go there much?
Great Adventure, quite a bit

Why do none of these questions have a point?
Because your asking them.

How many pieces of pizza were in that Mountain Dew commercial?
I honestly don't knokw :X.

Wasn't it a Mountain Dew Commercial?

Do u play FF games?

What is the best Fast food restaraunt?
Taco Bell

Bears or Colts?

I have cupcakes at my house, wait they're muffins, sorry!

< Message edited by dna cupcake -- 5/13/2007 20:50:06 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 77
2/1/2007 0:20:18   

Muahahahah! Another AK for me to experiment on!
Oh dear

By the way, I love cupcakes too. I make a batch atleast once or twice a week.

First some logical questions.

What do you hope to accomplish as and AK? What are your main goals?
Cleanse the 'pedia of outdatedness, but that's probably never gonna happen >.>

Did you expect to become an AK or was it surprise when they asked you?
Surprise! :p[u/b]

In what area(s) do you think you will contribute most in being an AK?
Encyc. Stuff?

What's you favorite type of cupcake?

Now for some crazy questions and stuff.
My favorite

If the world was only 42 years old, how old would you be?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Not Alot

What does the Void taste like?
Goodly Evil

Do you sell seashells by the sea shore?
Nope, bad business

Do you throw pineapples at Pauly Shore?

Drew Carey or Jim Carey?

Peanuts or Butter?

Where's the cream filling?
Inside a twinky. Duh :P

Is your mom a Hostess?

If I ate all the cupcakes in the world, what would you do?
Make more ^_^

Do you like my questions?

Do you like Muffins?
Hell No, they're a burning evil.

Will you be my friend?

Well that's all I got for now. But I'll be back.

Congrats on becomming an AK.
Thanks. Btw, you spelled becoming wrong. :o

< Message edited by dna cupcake -- 5/13/2007 20:54:31 >
AQ DF  Post #: 78
2/1/2007 19:33:25   

i Really like you. you're random. =D

Congratz on becoming an AK by the way.


ZOMG! you're in middle school? ......ME TOO!.....But isn't homework a problem with your forum job thingy?

IF you were given a choice between: a cupcake that would erase the existence of all cupcakes if eaten; a poisoned cupcake that would kill you if eaten; OR one of the most disgusting foods ever concocted by an octopus wearing tights made out of frozen urine.....which would you choose?

thats it for now...but i'll be back.........I SWEAR IN THE NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY WAFFLE!!!!!!!!


ORIGINAL: Alexalex577
No problem can resolved with violence. Only Fire can do that. ^_^

"I reject reality and substitute my own!" ~ mythbusters
AQ DF  Post #: 79
2/2/2007 10:41:18   

whats ur fav color???

how did you gett he name dna cupcke?

do u know what the acronym dna stand for??

what level is your best char??

what do yuo like better, aq or df??

whats your fav console game??

am i a idiot???

do you have any plans to ban me??

do you believe there aere spies everywhere?

are you a more old aq guy(ok graphics and punnyer)or new aq.(good graphics and less punny)??

what si the max amount of ?? you are allowed to put??

do ypu understand cyberslang??

do you like or hate GWbush??

whats your opinion?nerf UM or not??

where do you get the time to answer all my idiotic questions??

am i stupid now??

is the computer made of donkeys or cows??

are you strict on rules??

Anything relating to pie, Cupcakes > Pie

25] Is life good, bad, or evil Cupcake?

are you used to annoying people??

do you have any siblings??

are you put you tube in if you see ***

how many cupcakes do you eat in a day??

do you like this put you tube in instead of ***what kinda bug is this??

what do you spend your day doing??

if you where to make a monster in aq what would it be??

if you where to make a pet in aq what would it be??

if you where to make a guest in aq what would it be??

if you where to make a armor in aq what would it be??

if you where to make a weapon in aq what would it be??

same only in df
if you where to make a monster in df what would it be??

if you where to make a pet in what would it be??

if you where to make a guest in what would it be??

if you where to make a armor in what would it be??

how often do you hit your gold and exp cap???

am i stupid yet??

i think im done

no wait

doy uo know when theyll finish the df boss glicth??

and did you do all the quests in aq and df??


maybe ill ask you some more ии later.

if you where to make a weapon in what would it be??

< Message edited by boomies -- 2/3/2007 13:56:50 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 80
2/3/2007 10:22:32   
paulina pin

hello i love Dragon fable my
character information----------------------------------------------
Level: 12
Class: Warrior
Gender: M
Race: Human
Gold: 884
Dragon Amulets: 0
Created: 11/22/2006 1:40:00 PM
Founder: 0
Sir Jing's Sword
Wyvern's Edge
Icemaster Yeti Helm
Guardian Ghoul Helm
Defender's Necklace I
Pretty Pretty Princess Ring
Wings of The Hundred Flames
Wings of the Vampire Bat
Sand Stinger
Account Created: 4/30/2006 6:09:00 AM
Last Played: 2/3/2007 10:18:00 AM
Upgrade: Not Upgraded
Post #: 81
2/3/2007 10:58:21   

Ahoy matey!Captain cojo is back in black!

Arr,Do you believe in aliens/zombies?

Are you a member of the ethereal cupcake council?

Am I being a weirdo?

What are your special powers?

Do you have the power:Cupcakeinesis?

I will be back.See you in the cupcake realm.Remember,there is no spoon.Wow,I'm so wise .............

< Message edited by cojocaru -- 2/4/2007 5:09:41 >
Post #: 82
2/3/2007 11:13:01   
Legendary Master

Holy **** you actually became an archknight? Lucky ****. [I censored the words myself]

Nice to meet you!

Would you be my friend if I gave you cupcakes for life?

Are you fat and ugly?

Poptarts or Waffles?

What religion are you?

Your a guy, aren't you?

DF or AQ?

Do you think Artix likes dragons a little bit to much!?

Um, would you say bye if I did?

Post #: 83
2/3/2007 12:16:33   


fav food?

df or aq?

chedder or limburger?

Caral or Sheen?

dungens or dragons?

dogs or cats?

lol or omg?

do u like my name?

y r u a cupckae?

dude or dudette?


the flamable fox from planet vegeta


< Message edited by SS4FireFox -- 2/3/2007 12:27:03 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 84
2/3/2007 16:06:28   
hooded figure

How do you plan on taking over nightbane? With cupcakes? Cookies?

What's your favorite hobby?

Who's the most AKish AK?

Who's Icy?

Who Nerfs you around here?

Who hits you with spam destruction?

What's your point of view of being an AK?

AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 85
2/4/2007 11:12:44   

more questions

y si every1 so surprised bout u becoming a mod??

do tyou sapm alot??(like me)??

do you think im stupid yet

can you rate my char?? http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=5149080


do you like pie??

wat bout bran muffins??


how do you answer all these qusestions??

are you in skool?? (like me)??

am i dumb yet???


did you like the 2 you tube things??

how come in the forums when you put you tube it censors it??

do you want to be in the ask the mods thingy in the other forums??

how fast can you type??

blahblah blah


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 86
2/4/2007 11:43:07   


I found your secret!

Mind guessing?


You store your DNA in your cupcake so if you are wounded or in near death state you take a bite and it heals you!

Interesting theory, huh?

So what lenguages can you speak?

Can you speak AAAAA?

Neither can I <.<

You're wondering how I knew you couldn't speak that lenguage?

Cause it's fake, you silly cupcake.

Um yeah, it would be a mess up if you wrote: Yes I can speak AAAA.

Oh noes, me give you ideas!

Anyway, me be back, with PIES.
DF  Post #: 87
2/4/2007 20:30:08   

Hello, Dna cupcake.

Anyway, here are my questions:

Do you RP at all?

Do you write at all?

Do you play any instruments?

Do you know me at all?

Which do you prefer, British Comedy or American Comedy?

If the answer to the above is British Comedy, do you expect the Spanish Inquisition?

Well, I'm done for the day. Tally-ho, neighbor!
AQ  Post #: 88
2/4/2007 21:07:00   


Do you prefer

1. A genetically engineered cupcake
2. A cloned cupcake
3. An Artificially flavored cupcake
4. A made from scratch cupcake
5. A semi made from scratch cupcake, where most of it is a mix from a bag

What are your thoughts on the above question?
If you didnt know, the tags on the left make anything after them invisible, even the edited by legend. Your thoughts on this tip as well?

< Message edited by Siege -- 2/4/2007 21:12:39 >
AQ DF  Post #: 89
2/4/2007 21:50:56   

good job hope you like it have fun congratz well diserved
AQ  Post #: 90
2/5/2007 2:48:51   

*sneaks up, hidden in the shadows*
If dreams are more fragile and fleeting than a glass rose, so then why are we destined to dream?
Did you like my large question sets?
And, those will be my only large questions sets. I ask every ak that's 'Meet the' page I can find the same questions... mostly.
Misc games section:
Look at this. Guess who the female one is. *wink* The MMORPG mentioned is Lusternia, Age of Ascension.
Their variant of the Devourer came some time ago.. Kethuru the Serpent. I despise his undead priestess. If they came out with a 'Whack The Undead Priestess' game, I'd be among the first venting my frustration on her. She drains essence and power reserves from you with her song... What's worse is that I think I created my character's (there) analog 0_o.
Bye, O Master of Cupcakes!
*vanishes leaving a strong smell of cinnamon sugar cupcake behind*
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 91
2/6/2007 20:10:06   
dna cupcake
Legendary SnackCake!

Well, weeks over. So I'll lock this up so I don't get too behind with my answers.

I'll leave this up for a few days everyone to see my answers and give me time to answer my questions.

Post #: 92
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