Agent Val
[2---Paxia:: 1--) Nautica ---Water Nautica was among The Original Clans -Aerodu, Geoto and Nautica- and the smallest of the three. Nautica have gained a reputation of being peaceful and to be a place for mages and enlightened people. As the very first clan, Nautica had no form of governmental body –and therefore may seem to be a bit more unorganised compared to other clans- and is ruled by the majority of the people. Nautica is and was a place of art poem and intelligent debate -which can be noted by the Canu’r Delyn- In the First War Nautica stayed passive and took no side in the conflict between Aerodu and Geoto, but when the Second War started Nautica launched attacks against Geoto –with the help from Aerodu- in an attempt to stop Jaques –or the Fisherman- from gaining power from Geoto itself. Nautica was the “victor” of that war –though in war no one is victorious-. perhaps you should also say: "Aswell, the war was ended by Jaques(not in entry, it was jaques?was it not? im sorry im not so clear>.<), when he jumped out of the Geoto tower and destroyed the oringinal bases, while nautica was in the lead(in terms of health), though no victory was awarded. make sure you check to make sure is sultible for the faq...and you can remove the end if you just one of those militaristic kind of person who doesn't like getting his "win" quote:
5--) Devourer Saga The Devourer Saga is a story that that will influence all of Lore and Paxia highly. It is believed by many that the only mean to survive the Devourer –or The’Galin as it is his other name-, since the Devourer is a god and can’t be killed. Here is a good source of getting information on what it is at large: im not sure thats a correct sentence, you don't say whats the only way to survive the galin
< Message edited by Agent Val -- 4/11/2008 6:49:20 >