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Meet The ArchKnights - ~*Afina*~

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4/17/2005 0:03:43   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

~Glances around for a second and places a sign in the ground that reads "Straightjackets to the right, padded rooms to the left. Enjoy your stay, Afina will be with you shortly"~

Once again a new week begins and it is a time for another ArchKnight to field those not so burning questions in your minds, so fire away and I will answer. You know the drill, have fun! ^_^ Enjoy my world known as Confused Ville.
Post #: 1
4/17/2005 0:06:29   
Clockwork Aardvark

Can I have a few snuggles?
Sure! Snuggles rock!

I've heard you are preggy, just how preggy are you?
Due in June - so very preggy

Have your costume for the ren-fair picked out?
Not yet. Might go as a preggy belly dancer.

Do you like pugs?
Yeah, they can be cute.

Pugs with jetpacks?
YES! They are awesome when they fly into football goal posts!

Paper or plastic?

Do you like cookies?
~drools~ yeah.. >.>

What kind of cookies?
Favorite are called spritz cookies

Can I have a few more snuggles? ;)
Sure ~gives some more snuggles~

Byies ^^

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 0:10:56 >
Post #: 2
4/17/2005 0:08:22   

Hehe...my turn to torture you, Afi! The tables have turned! Bwahahahahaha!!!

Have you heard of me? (I just have to ask...for no apparent reason...even though I already know the answer...just cause I've asked everyone else... :P)
~perks a brow~ Um, what was your name again? >.>

Do you love me?
Love to hate ya

Do you hate me?
Hate to love ya

Do you want to hit me with a mallet yet?

A sword maybe?

Then what?
A rubber chicken

What do you smell like?
~takes a sniff~ baby powder

What do you taste like?
O.o Cheesecake

Is it chicken, cause I hear everything tastes like chicken?

If that's the case, how do we know that everything tastes like chicken? Couldn't it be that chicken tastes like everything else?
No, everything tastes like ferret

Do you like confusing people?
It is one of my greatest joys in life

Are you confused?

Is confusion a good thing?
Yup, best thing there is next to chocolate

Do you like to bore people?
Only if they annoy me

Are you bored?
Not yet. I'll let you know.

Is boredom a good thing? (I doubt it.)
Can be.

Boredom causes me to chop stuff up and light things on fire. What's it cause you to do?
Turn people named Zylo into Warrior Princesses named Zyla

Are you in denial?

Can you deny being in denial?
Why? Then I would just admit to it.

If you deny being in denial, then are you in denial by denying that you're denying about being in denial?
~acts like a scarecrow and points in both directions~ The answer is up

If you admit being in denial, then would you still be in denial?

Do you like pointless questions?
Only if they are amusing

Do you like these questions?
So far, you aren't dead yet, so that is a good sign.

Do you find these annoying?

Do you find me annoying?
Again, not yet, you are still alive.

If you want a question with a point, I could make it about something sharp.
Yuo would only hurt yourself.

Do you think I should shut up now?
~pulls out the duct tape~ You guess.

*Shuts up...for a moment.* That was HARD!

*Scrambles away and comes back in with a plate full of fresh cookies.* A token of thanks for not strangling me...yet. *Chuckles cause the key ingredient is laxatives.*

<.< >.>

*Runs away.*

~trips him on his way out~

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 0:17:55 >
AQ  Post #: 3
4/17/2005 0:09:22   

yay a new thread and im not late!
Good for you

how old are you?
25- turn 26 on the 28th of this month

where do you live?

where do you want to live?why?
New Zealand - I want to live in a hobbit hole

do you have any animals?if so what are they?
Not anymore - used to own cats though

do you like snuggles?
Of course

whats your favorite animal?

do you have a picture of yourself?

why am i usually late to these topics?
Not sure, but you were not late for this one. That is all that matter.

what is the meaning of life?

if you could desribe life in 1 word what would it be?

whats your favorite movie?
The Princess Bride - I can pretty much quote the entire movie from start to finish from memory.

just read first post...your pregnant?!

damn i was not expecteing that.boy or girl?
Little boy

its very creepy to have a mom on AQ.
hehe, I‘m not the only mom on AQ

whats your real name?

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 0:22:14 >


AQ DF  Post #: 4
4/17/2005 0:10:06   

Hey Afina,

How long is it going to take you to kill Zyla?
~hold up her gun and waves it around~ Not long, stay tuned.

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 0:23:10 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
4/17/2005 0:15:48   

Hey Afi

Can I call you Jenn?

Or Jenny?
No - I was not in Forrest Gump

Or maybe... um... Jennie?
No - I am not a female Genie

Am I crazy?

Are you?
I‘m innocent

Is Zylo?

Is everyone?
Could be but then Zylo would be, so not everyone.

Am I weird?
Weird is in the eye of beholder and I behold you are weird.

Am I even alive?
Checked your pulse lately?

Are you?
~checks pulse~ For now.

Are we dreaming?
Only of what may come

Can more than one person share a dream?
Yes, scary thing too.

Are dreams real?
Only if you make them be.

Am I real?
Not sure, probably just a figment of my imagination

What is real?
babel fish

Can Zyla be killed?
No, but Zylo can

Females cannot go through that, physically impossible.

Mauled by a cheetah maybe?
~smirks and scratches her chin with her claws~ maybe

Are you scary?

If I say you're scary will you hurt me?
No, you would like it.

And if I don't say it will you reward me?
Only by not calling you Zinsha!

Do I know what I'm asking?
Probably not.

If you miss the obvious... then is it obvious?
Only to Donald Duck.

If a plane crashes on the Canada/US border, where do you bury the survivors?
You don‘t bury those that are not dead, unless you are really cruel ~ hides the shovel~

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Why am I here?
Have the birds and bees talk with your parents.

Why am I asking questions?
Cause curiosity hasn‘t killed you… Yet.


ok, I think that's enough... is it?
Probably not.

Do you like kiwis?
At times

Do I?
I wouldn‘t touch that question with a ten foot poll.

edit: Can I ask more questions later on after you answer these?
Yeah, in another post.

ok... enough of this crazyness... I'm going to run before Mrs. Cheetah the scary person hurts me. or is it too late?
~trips him ~ To late.

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 0:33:10 >
Post #: 6
4/17/2005 0:19:14   
Doctor Zhivago
Professor of Ratings

Uh oh. It looks like it's time for another MTA!

What would you say is your favorite part of being an Arch Knight? Your least favorite?
Favorite - Helping out on the forum.
Least Favorite - Having to be mean at times.

Are there any games, video or otherwise, that you play besides AQ?
Besides a slew of online quick games not currently. I used to play games such as PT, K.O. Maplestory, Fairyland, Cronous, ect. I also table top Rp when I can.

What is the worst movie you have ever seen? Worst book you've ever read? Worst game you've ever played?
Starship Troopers 2, most romance novels, quarters

If you were a supervillain and had captured James Bond, how would you put an end to him once and for all??
No, just lock him up with out an Martini‘s

Speaking of villains, who is your favorite villain in any medium? Favorite hero in any medium?
Vizzini from the Princess Bride, Lilith - first women’s activist

Do you think we'll ever see another Spread the Love? I kinda liked the old one...
We will, it is still on my forum

Why do people ask for impossibly difficult to pronounce hugs in these threads? I'm fine with a plain ol' hug. *Wink*
They want to be different ~hugs~

Are there any movies coming out that you are interested in? On that subject, do you think that Batman Begins will be any better than the last two Batman movies? *Shudders*
many, I love movies, so most new ones draw my attention in one way or another. I hope so, if not they need to by shot.

Dangit... I know I had some more questions to ask. Ah well, I'll be back sometime, so until then...
K, see ya then.

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 0:41:50 >


^ Sig eaten by Spelly for exceeding file size limits ^
Max file size is 50k bytes!

AQ  Post #: 7
4/17/2005 0:25:19   
Mistress of Magic

Hello Afina ^_^
Hewwo! ^_^

So I know that you RP but what type?
any type for the most part. I love to Rp, gives me a lot of ideas for my books.

Do you read?
Yes, I love to read.

If so what are your favorite books?
The Dragon Prince, Crystal Singer, The Rowan, Ballad Of The Sad Cafe

Cats or dogs?

Snuggles or Huggles?

You are being good and getting the rest you need right?
Nope, never am.

Well you take care and I might be back later with a couple more Q's if I can think of anything productive

*Snuggles Afina Bye*
~Huggles Byies~

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 0:44:13 >


Lady Shandril
Priss the Huntress ~ Link under Avvy
Utena the Rose Princess
AQ  Post #: 8
4/17/2005 0:30:56   

How did you get the name Afina?
Actually I created it from what I know. I have an RP character known as Serafina, Afina is her daughter, I just dropped the Ser for the name.

What car do you drive?
POS Prizm

Ever seen that Monty Python movie with the Holy Hand Grenade it in?
Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals ... Now did the Lord say, "First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
-- Monty Python, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

Did you know that was just an excuse to say Holy and Grenade in the same sentence?
No, but I learn something new everyday.

What music do you listen to?
Most everything but I am not a huge fan of rap

Do you play music?
No, I sing

Ever played paintball?
Yes, it hurts

Who would win, Pzycho or Afina?
>.> ~cough~ ME!

Ever seen Ghost in the Shell?
Yup, loved it.

Cash or Charge?

What is on your desk right now?
Losts of empty water bottles, a plate with left over chocolate cover strawberries I made again tonight and tums

What country do you live in?

Who are you?

What is your current avatar from?
An Artist from GFX artists, I use the full version for my character Alice in my newest RP

Are you a fan of the Kill Bill Series?

Do you know you look like the kind of person that would be a fan of the Kill Bill movies?
I do? Never heard that before.

Do you ask random questions?
Not usually, then I find myself thinking to much about them and then they are no longer random.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being hardest, how hard is your job with AQ?
Depends on the day - some days1 - some 10, some 150

Who would win: Me or Galanoth?
O.o I plead the 5th

What's your stand on the recent marriage in Britian? (Prince Charles and that Camila lady)
I hope they don‘t have kids.

Do you play Counter Strike?

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 0:52:35 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
4/17/2005 0:44:11   


Do I?
I wouldn‘t touch that question with a ten foot poll.

How long a pole would it take then?
Ask the grinch

If you like being punished... is it punishment?
Yes, it wouldn‘t be liked otherwise

Would you whip me if I said the wrong thing?

Why not?
I would rather tar and feather you

Would I get hurt by Hubby Kitty if I asked the wrong question?

Can we give Zylo to Hubby Kitty as a birthday present?
He doesn‘t want another kid to raise.

Can we make Zylo pay for the shipping costs?
Only if I can have the money

Let's do it?
Lets not

Should I give up on questions for the night?
Probably, but knowing you, you won‘t but might now since I said that.

Should I be posting somewhere else?


~pushes him~

can I have a whip of my own?

Do I have to pay for it?
Sure, but I am not giving you a whip

and if I want a free one as a gift?
Nope, nothing is free

am I making ANY sense?
Yes but only because I don‘t

Any scents?

Don't you dare answer that the way you're about to

And no it's not too late for me to say that... right?
Never to late but perhaps to early

Why am I such a bad rper?
Only because I am

Why does everyone disagree about that?
Cause people hate agreeing

Do you use a magic 8-ball to answer my questions?
No, it broke

No ones

Even now that I asked?
~Is to lazy to go get a new one to ask it~

Should I just post or go to bed?
post then go to bed

No more 8-ball answers... maybe a cue-ball answer but that's different
Only if you put enough English on it

Save me?
Do you need saving?

From what?

Why won't you save me?
Not my place

With sugar?

fine I guess I won't be saved...
Probably not

That's it for now... I think
Don‘t do that, you may end up like Zyla

*puts on anti-trip sneakers*
~clothes lines him instead~ You are as bad at this as Aries

edit: One more: why can't the rest of us answer silly questions like these?
You aren‘t as special as we are. Gotta ride the short school bus.

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 1:02:34 >
Post #: 10
4/17/2005 0:45:27   


What is your favourite book?
Ballad Of The Sad Cafe

What is your favourite animal?

What is your favourite treat?

Favourite colour?

Do you believe in god?

Who's that in your avatar?
My character Alice in MSR

Do you play any other games besides AQ?
Rping for the most part on three forums.

Do you think "Archknight" is a weird title?
Yeah, since I am not a knight O.o But I like it.

What animal do you hate most?
my neighbors dogs

Who is your favourite NPC from AQ?
Don‘t have one, I love most of them

Would you like your very own NPC in AQ?
YES! And a race all to myself to go along with it in the game ^_^

Have any pets?

Favourite TV show?

What was the best thing that happend in your life that does not involve Adventure Quest nor birth?
Well since I cannot count birth ( won‘t count the birth of my children either) The day I married my husband.

Do you hate Runescape? I hate it.
Never even played it.

What is your favourite flash movie and if you do have one can you post the link to it if possible?
Anything by TK on PT Prophecy, sorry can‘t though. Rule on the forum saying we cannot post links to other games and such.

Is being a Archknight good enough for you or do you want more power?
I love being an ArchKnight but I would like to be promoted one day to mod or admin, but that’s only if smbdoll thinks I am good enough for the job.

Outta questions now...I will be back...mwahahahahahahahahaha...ha...I wonder why I laughed... *Leaves the thread and waits for all the answers to his own questions*

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 1:14:50 >
AQ  Post #: 11
4/17/2005 0:49:30   
Aries Vexic

haha oh yeah.. Aries time

whos yer fav nephew?
~adopts Zylo as her new nephew~ Zylo

oh i see how it is... so who on this forum have you known the longest?
Zylo actually, he was one of the first people to tell me hello

right.. and how long has it been?
End of Dec last year - almost 4 months now

who on this forum has been in Tifas Haven.. teh original?
Me and you

are these dumb questions?
They came from you, what do you think?

i dont care either way, just curios. So your nameing the baby after me right?
I may be crazy but I am not stupid.

didnt think so... hmm.. ren fairs are fun, i sugest going to one.. would you want to see me belly dance? im part gypsy.
Please, don‘t. I don‘t want nightmares.

finish the sentence... D&D _____
needs better character sheets

WHY MUST YOU TORCHER ME WITH VANILLA!!?? Just freaking tell it to the world why dont you!!!!!?? ARG!!
Okay ~makes sure to make a commercial and have it up by the next super bowl during half time~ :P

haha, ok. so tell me some of your past jobs >_> haha.
I was a body guard - do I need to bounce you?

*flees from her hubby at this point in time*
-Dave steps in and curbs Aries- ~Afina falls over laughing~

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 1:22:12 >
AQ  Post #: 12
4/17/2005 0:57:34   

im back yet again!
Welcome back

you sure do stay up late don't you get tired?

are you a isomniac?
Maybe, what do you think?

you said that there were other AQ moms,how do you know?who are they?
O.o Just keep an eye out on the forum, you will know. They talk about their children at times.

interesting avatar i like it
Thank you, I like it.

i said that if you could describe life in 1 word what would it be you said intersting did you mean interesting?
That too.

is it strange that my answer to that question was interesting?
Only if interesting is as interesting does.

first child?second?third even?!
2nd of my own, third of me an my husband - I have a step son that is 12

can you post a picture of yourself?

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 1:33:33 >


AQ DF  Post #: 13
4/17/2005 0:58:08   

*Ish tripped and falls on his head, while sliding out the door.*

Can I spend a week at Confused Ville?
Sure, most people do.

*Scampers back in like a lost little puppy.* Well, if you insist. :P
Sit, good boy.

What's your favorite kind of fish?
Clown Fish

Do you fish?
Used to, but not in years

What do you fish for, if you do?

If the chicken came before the egg, did the rooster come last or first?
Probably first

What's your favorite music genre?

What's your favorite band?

What's your favorite song?
Dig up her bones

Do you listen to Country music?

What's your favorite kind of ice cream?
Mint Chocolate Chip

Do you listen to Rock?

What's your second favorite ice cream?
Butter Pecan

Do you listen to the Blues?
A little

Have you ever tried fried ice cream?

What about deep fried ice cream?

Do you listen to R&B?
Not much anymore

Can you do a handstand on one hand, scratch your nose with the other, and wipe your eye with a tissue in between your toes at the same time?
Probably if I tried

Do you listen to Jazz?

Do you like shiny objects that you can drag along the ground, while the cat chases after it, until the pounce at it, and you lift it up and laugh as they hit their head against a pole?
~smirks~ Never tried it, what, did you hit your head?

Does that trick work on a cheetah?

Do you like sharp objects that you can stab people with, causing their blood to spew all over
your brand new clothing?
Dunno ~stabs Zylo~ Nah, boring

Do you like heavy objects that can be used to smash someone, beating their brains into a living pile of mush that slightly resembles scrambled eggs?
~drops an anvil on Zylo‘s head~ hehe, yeah that was fun

What do you think my brain resembles?
~moves the anvil~ O.o Road kill

What were you misinformed about?

Do you like to eat your toenails?
O.o No

What do they taste like? Mine taste like monkey mixed with chocolate tea.

What's your favorite kind of cookie?

What is your dream job?
I have my dream job - writing

What would you do if I knocked on your door?
Shot you

Do you like fire?

Do you like lighting things on fire?

Have you ever lit yourself on fire?

Do you want to light me on fire?
~lights him on fire~ Now dance!

Have you ever lit something, anything, on fire?

What was it, if you did?
a friend yard

Was it fun?
loved it

Are you a maniac?
Am I? Probably

What kind of person would you classify yourself as?
Renassance woman

What do you think would make a good title for me?
Warrior Princess

What do you think would make a good title for you?
Queen Of RP

Would it be 'I'm Not Scary!'?

Do you think we should turn Zinsho into Zinsha next?
Have to finish with you first

Why can Zylo be killed, but not Zyla?
Cause she is the warrior princess, duh

If I'm not crazy, what am I?
Just weird

What are you?

What kind of person would you classify me as?

Why does everything need to be classified?
it doesn‘t

Does everything need to be classified?

Spell classified?
c to the l to the a to the double s to the I to the f to the I to the e to the d

Who is classified?
you are

What is classified?

Why am I rambling on about classified things?
you hit your head one to many time on shiny things

If you ran out of cue balls and 8-balls, what kind of balls would you use?
the marbles you lost

Do you think I should come up with more questions?
what I think and what you do are two totally different things

*Vanishes in thin air, with the sound of his voice lingering on saying "I'll be back."*
Okay Terminator

EDIT: Ooh! Ooh! Zinny's putting out a vanilla scent? ...Oh ARIES!!!
He will never live that down

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 1:47:32 >
AQ  Post #: 14
4/17/2005 0:59:52   

Hi Afina.

Just out of interest, do you know who the first ARPer was?
Nope, I don‘t

Do you know who got to ARper status the fastest (bet it was you :P!)
Don‘t know, might be me. I was in less than 2 weeks after registering on the forum.

What do you do while you wait for people to post?
House work, work on my novels, take care of my daughter, spend time with my husband, take care of SI, watch over several forums I admin and mod on, ect.

Do you get along well with The One Wolf (my hero)?
I guess I do, don‘t know The One Wolf well.

That's all I got for now... Gotta go deal with my students in the Arena... (just kidding)
Have fun

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 1:50:26 >
AQ DF  Post #: 15
4/17/2005 1:20:05   

Time for Round 3... am I counting right?
You might be

why adopt Zylo and not me?
To mess with Aries

Mint & Chocolate Ice Cream with Chocolate Fudge Crackle? (I buy that stuff when I buy ice cream at the supermarket)
No, just mint chocolate chip

Why do I have to ride a schoolbus at all? The school is next to my house
Cause it shows you are special!

Not for me

God help us


cannot compute... memory buffer resetting... Hello master jedi

If I'm as bad as Aries... then why don't I have an obsession with Vanilla Coke?
Cause he hates vanilla, do you?

Does Anne Rice write romance novels?
Not in my book she doesn‘t

Why would she kill me for saying that?
Probably because she doesn‘t think of them as that

Or would she kill you instead?
No, just you

Am I asking questions that only make sense to me?

And to you maybe?
no, I just pretend to understand, makes my life easier.

Forums need help running?
Yes, we have to give them water and cheer them on

What should they take?
A nap before the race

Am I going to die against a fire wielding vanilla loving freak?
Aries after you?

what's a freak?

Why vanilla?
causeI wanted to keep chocolate out of this

Why not chocolate?
Already told you

Enough weird questions... more serious ones now?
you sure you want to go there?

Why am I single?
Cause you like cheese

Why do I live where I live?
Moving would take to much effort

Why am I still able to think when Zyla has lost it's mind?
You think?

Who is one?

Is one an insane freak?

am I one?
don‘t know, ask yourself

serious... now... right?
oh, yeah, really serious

Do you want me to stop?
you started?

Will telling me to stop do any good?
probably not

Why LL and not DoaR or MSR?
cause I want LL to stay caught up more. In DOAR and MSR you just have to worry about me, in LL, you have to worry about smbdoll as well.

will you answer my questionnaire in the next few days?
Aren‘t I already?

I have to write it tomorrow
Oh, that, I guess

it's for school
Well, I hope you wouldn‘t do it just to do it.

Do you wait for people to post?
At times

Can we give zylo to men in white lab coats?

As HIS birthday present?

Can I have more sugar?


Quantum Leap?


Save the whales?
Denis Leary

33% chance that's why you're here?



Company Clerk

Ferret Face

Colonel Taggert? (that was his name right?)
Who? You mean Potter? Or Lt Col Blake?

Favorite actor?(Mash)

Favorite person?(Mash)

-Vanishes by teleporting, avoiding anything Afina might do before she even does it-
~snaps her fingers and sets back time then tar and feathers him~

There... I godmoded and you can't stop it :P
~smirks~ So did I, gotta learn to Godmod better :P

And this isn't the rp forum so it's not against the rules... or is it?
No, but I still won

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 2:02:31 >
Post #: 16
4/17/2005 1:25:06   

Hi! I am Fred!
hello Fred

Is your name fred?

Do you like ham?
with green eggs

how long have you been ak?
I was one of the first three

How did you become ak?
Invited by the admins and mods to be

Is your name also bob?
No, what about bob?

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 2:04:02 >


*munch* Max sig size is 500px wide, 100px high, and 50kb files size.
Yours was 102.
AQ  Post #: 17
4/17/2005 1:27:33   
Mal Ganis


Darn... Zylo took, like, every question I was going to ask. What're the chances of that?
Pretty high since he asks so many

Hm... don't think this one was asked...
Where do you think you'd be without AQ/the AQ Forums?
Probably just on the other forums I frequent

Where do you think you'd be without me? (Oh I how I try to make a fool of myself ^^)
Lost :P

Would you want to have wings?
I would love wings

Hm... that's all. Buh bye now.

*scampers off*

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 2:05:29 >
AQ  Post #: 18
4/17/2005 1:37:36   
Mistress of Magic


ORIGINAL: spellfire77

You are being good and getting the rest you need right?
Nope, never am.

And why not?
I am to stubborn for my own good

Do I need to come duck tape you to your bed so you get your rest? I'll get Reens to help if needed ^_^

So do you prefer online RPing or actually sitting around a table with paper and dice playing the game that way?
Table top is my fav, but not many people around me now that do anymore.

You mentioned that you RP and it gives you info for your book, so do you write for the fun of it or are there hopes of it being published?
They will be published once they are finished. I have a 12 books series planned out already.

What type of book is it [aside from the obvious] ?
Fantasy - if you have read DOAR, you know some of the characters of mine I am using in the book series and have heard of the world it will be placed in. The Inferno, Serafina, Afina, ect.

Have you writen other books in the past?
Yes, I have 3 poetry books out right now of my own, one poem in a group publishing and one of my poems is on a group CD.

Perhaps I should get back to writing the book I was working on :P
Let me know if you do and when it is done. I would love to read it.

*Huggles Afina bye again*
~Huggles Again~

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 2:09:46 >
AQ  Post #: 19
4/17/2005 1:43:27   

first of all congratulations on being preggy, boy or girl?
thank you and a boy

if boy what name?, if girl what name?
Doyle Alexander for a boy. If it had been a girl, it would have probably have been Amythist Rose

whats it like being an AK?
Love it

Were'd you get the name afina?
I have a character names Serafina, Afina is her daughter. I just dropped the Ser to come up with Afina.

do you think Mongoose is a good name?
Yes, it‘s different

whats your motto?
Do not walk in front of me, I may not follow. Do not walk behind me I may not lead. Walk beside me as a friend - From the Last Unicorn.

whats your faverite movie or show?
The Princess Bride for a movie, M.A.S.H. for a show

Do you know me from the forums or have you seen me before? (cause i wanna be well known)
I saw your topic today.

what topic of mine did you see?

and last, have you met Artix in person or ever seen a picture of him?
I have seen the pic, and his doggie (its sooooo cute) but never met him irl

Have a great day Afina
You too ^_^

< Message edited by Mongoo$e -- 4/17/2005 2:16:33 >


» Schuèy «» War once more…
AQ  Post #: 20
4/17/2005 2:16:50   
Weaver of Epic Yarns

~shakes out her hands~ Goodness gracious, you people ask a lot of questions. All this in like 2 hours. lol Anywho, nighters for now! I will be back later to answer more when they are posted. Sweet dreams!
Post #: 21
4/17/2005 2:18:15   

Are you going to go to bed and answer these tomorrow?
~wakes up and yawns~ I think that answers your question

Ooh! I'm your new nephew?! Weally?! I feel so special!
Yeah, good, you are

Or is it a trick?
Or treat

Isn't it scary that a person like me has known you the longest that you've been on these forums?
No, I attract weirdo‘s

Brilliant minds attract brilliant minds?
Most of the time they attract idiotic ones

Oh wait...one of those would be my mind...That doesn't work, does it?
>.> ~whistles innocently~

Are Pringles addicting?

What about vanilla?


not sure

Do you like mushrooms dipped in chocolate horse raddish?

What does Aries smell like?
don‘t know, don‘t wanna know

Is it chocolate?
I hope not

Do you ever listen to broken records? Broken records? Broken records? Broken rec-*SMASH!*
does my daughter count?

If corn tastes like corn and sweet corn tastes like sweet corn then how do we know they don't both taste like
Try ferret, then you will know

*Hands you a rubber chicken.* What would you do with this?
~hits him with it~ That

What do I smell like?
I don‘t have a smell-o-monitor

Why not name the baby after Aries?
Afraid he might start acting like him

Where'd you get the name Doyle Alexander from?
Doyle is the name of the guitarist from the Misfits, Dave and I know him. Alexander is a good classic strong name.

*Bleeds.* You know, that tickles?
Only till it goes numb

*Starst licking up the blood.* I don't think you stabbed deep enough.
~kicks the blade further~ That better?

*Has a headache.* O.o My brain already looked like road kill. You sure you did it right?
Yeah, it was red before, now it‘s blue

*Does the hula dance, while on fire.* Oh wait! I forgot! *Strips and puts on a hula skirt.* Now, where was
I don‘t want to know

How were you misinformed about me?
Don‘t ask

Why were you informed about me to begin with?
Probably a warning

Were they good things?
Not saying

Did I prove them wrong?

Why am I classified?
The government is watching you

Should I look through the classifieds?
Need a job?

I use the classified's as toilet paper.
Doesn‘t that leave ink stains?

What do you use the classified's for?
I don‘t get the newspaper

What do you use for toilet paper?
Make little ships

If you use the marbles I lost, does that mean you stole them?
No, found them

Wait! What did you steal? My marbles or my cue balls?

Why are the X-files classified?
Cause of the rays

Why not the Y-files?
Those are restricted

Or the Z-files?
Their at the zoo

If you were a renaissance woman, what kind would you be?
O.o No, I mean that I am a woman that does many different things

A damsel in distress? (I doubt it. :P)
Only to shoot the knight

A were-cheetah?
Name, that’s Amaythia‘s job

A rogue?
Nah, over done

What about a french red?
Blush or lipstick?

You think I could be a writer too?
Why not

I doubt it. I bite at writing.
Careful, it bites back.

I'm trying anyways though, I've wrote the first chapter of my own crappy attempt at a book.
Well, at least you are trying

What kind of wings would you like to have?

What about bat wings?
No, to common

Have you ever eaten a bat?

With mustard?

Did you know they taste like chicken?

They do.
You have bee hanging out with Ozzy a bit to much

Have you ever dipped fried okra in burnt marmalade, lathered in sweet and sour sauce?

Why do I ask so many questions?
You have nothing better to do?

Why do you answer so many questions?
Cause you torture me like this.

Are these too many questions?

Should I slow it down a bit?
Will you be able to speed back up?

*Slows down.*
~looks at the speed bump~

OKay, that was lame. *Speeds back up again, only to smash into a wall.*

Try wearing a helmet next time.

I'll think up more tomorrow. Do you like that?
Probably not

EDIT: By 'you people' do you mean me?
You are not the only one that is asking so many.

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 11:04:27 >
AQ  Post #: 22
4/17/2005 2:29:27   

ok afina nighty night
and when you wake up just look at my other post i added another question
that you didn't see awell i ask now

which topic of mine did you see?
The Animal one I think

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 11:05:02 >
AQ  Post #: 23
4/17/2005 2:59:28   

Just read your answers to my questions, Afina.

How much less than 2 weeks? I got in (by some miracle) after a couple days... (Don't mean to brag, feel free to hit me if I am...)
Not sure - Not to much, but I didn;t start rping till about a week after I started on the forum. Who knows

Is Zylo starting to get annoying?
He always is, I am used to it.

On a totally unrelated topic, what's your favourite food? (Feel free to hit me if this has already been asked...)
Seaweed and Rice

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 11:06:28 >
AQ DF  Post #: 24
4/17/2005 3:33:26   
The Arch Devil

ok, here goes: (just realised I said that everytime I replied in one of these threads O.o)

How come you are Archknight in G.G.D and Clans, I mean I don't see you around at the clan boards so often, you seem to be more active in RPing ^^
Clan section doesn't give much chance for posting since I don't spam my group topic - we have a tag board for that, but I am there a lot more than in G.G.D. - most of the thread locks and deletes in the clan section are me.

... Why can't I ask as many questions as Zylo... ^^
I don't know, try thinking harder, you might.

< Message edited by Afina -- 4/17/2005 11:07:52 >
AQ  Post #: 25
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