I actually analyzed Necryptos from Mechquest, and have a kind of reference analysis/explanation that I came up with. The name of the girl on Necryptos, the vampire planet, is Mina. For those who have read the original novel Dracula, Mina was the nick-name of the girl who Dracula was attempting to change into a vampire. In the game, she is bitten by a vampire but does not instantly transform into a vampire, and instead assists in trying to defeat the vampires. This mirrors her role in the novel, as she does join with her fiancee Jonathon Harker and Van Helsing in an attempt to defeat Dracula. In the game, Han Velsing is the parallel to Van Helsing, and effectively your character is playing the role of Jonathon, as the man who is defeating the vampire, minus the fiancee part. Also contained in Necryptos are quite a few other references that I believe should be noted. One is the whole Sekali Desert zone. The whole zone is a reference to ancient egyptian mythology. The desert itself is a reference to the Sahara desert in Africa, and the zone ingame is actually in the area of Egypt, including pyramids and the Sphinx. Now the boss of the zone, Nephyrisis, is a reference to another ancient Egyptian blend of myth and fact. Her name is a blending of the name of an ancient Egyptian queen, Nefertiti, and the Egyptian goddess Isis. Myth has it that Nefertiti was so beautiful, she could make any man do what she whimmed. This is mirrored in game as her legend contains element of this, as she was able to make men vampires through attracting them with beauty, and then transforming them into vampires.