Welcome to the chain gang fold! ;D Firstly.. you'll need to know that every time someone asks you what it's like to be an AK, you get a dollar from Rimmeh (don't let him tell you it's a quarter), so to get you started.. what's it like to be an AK? Hehe, thanks West. By the way, what's it like to be AK. What's your forum weapon of choice? The Massive Mace of SPAM Mashing +5 is already taken.. :P The Unleavened Axe of Constant Lockage Last book read? Favorite book? The Great Gatsby, Pillars of the Earth. Same for movies. Pirates 3, and the Star Wars Saga Penguins or puppies? Penguins Penguins or penguins with nukes? Still penguins. It's great to have you on board, chaos! Remember, Rimmeh pays, so collect from him. :) Thank you, West.
< Message edited by chaos oracle -- 6/17/2007 13:16:18 >