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RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Nixtrix

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5/10/2007 15:37:48   

hi nitrix
Hello squirrel
Yes, no, maybe so
1. where were u born?
2. what do u like to do on ur spare time
Anything fun
3. is this ur job or side job?
Job, I'm looking for a real job though
4. if side job what do u do for a regular job?
I sell puppies!
5. favorite movies?
Children of men, RotK, Star Wars, Lion King, 300
6. religion?
Roman Catholic
7. what is ur favorite armor in AQ?
Little Me, so cute!
8. how did u become Ak? were u nominated?
I was asked to by Reens
8. u got a Dragon Fable Character?
9. will u be apart of the AQ team on the game?
I want to be
10. if u are gonna be on the team what will u get for ur character?
I would like the Essig Falchion
i think thats it, thanks for answering my questions
Alright, thanks for asking them ^_^

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/10/2007 16:56:59 >
DF  Post #: 51
5/10/2007 16:17:20   

Make me an Arch Knight (But i wanna be an Doom Mage)!
No, I don't have that power
Hair coulor?
lvl on AQ and DF and AK
85, 29, and i don't know
what king of movie's do u like
Are u a human?
Yes, or i think i am *Does not compute!*
Are u happy as an AK?
I would say i am
Damn school if u have school u like it and whish? im in .... i won't say
Its alright, free education!
C u!!!

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/10/2007 16:59:22 >


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AQ  Post #: 52
5/10/2007 16:36:57   
Sir MaxiMo

*takes a cookie*
That was mine!!
*gives some Pies*
This isn't a fair trade
Alright, let's start before this get locked!
Nah lets wait
1) Scary Movie 1,2,3,4, Date Movie, or Epic Movie?on sig
Scary Movie 1
2) Have you check my gallery? (on sig)
Not yet but i will
3) Do you have any gallery you wanna show me?
I've been thinking of starting one
4) Best Breakfast in the world?
Frosted Flakes
5) Most Expensive thing you ever bought?
6) Best...Game...EVER!!! for you?
7) Funniest enemy you ever saw?
8) How about the Most Powerful?
Terror Zard
9) Can i make a 9.5 Question?
That would be kinda hard but go for it
9.5) If this is allowed, why have you chosen your name of forums?
Well my whole name was actually a coincidence, I just randomly made the name Nixtrix and then i later found out that Nix ment snow and i love the snow or anything cold!
10) Creepy! 10th Question! In Whaqt kind of house do you live in?
In AQ, a log cabin, in real life, i don't know how to describe it but it is your upper middle class house
That's it. Bye!
Bye bye :)

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/10/2007 21:38:20 >
AQ DF  Post #: 53
5/10/2007 17:57:25   

hey nix.
im back
More Yay!!
your th fastest replyer i know so far.
I try to not let these build up on me
dna still didnt reply to me
because this is my thread and dna isn't allowed in here
so, now for some opinoin questions
Canada, they have snow and maple syrup!
/ / ??

I'm actually healthy but my friends joke around and call me fat or phat
Dragon skin
keyboard. who needs a mouse any more?
me a idiot??
Still not yet
now??is me a idiot nows??
Not even close
harry potty/LotR??
harry pot 7 is coming out
Teh Hobbit is coming out!
its the deathly hallows
It has short people
me stupid??
Still no
pirates of carrabien 3 is coming out
28 Week later is coming out
its at worlds end
look at the trailer.
Kill teh zombies!!!
am i dumb yet??
how many times must i ask to be dumb??
As many times as you want
anyway, as alot of those questions are statements, i ma not past 20.
lol I've just given up on that rule now
top o the moring
bottom of the evening
and the rest of the day to you too
...Here have the world
goday? maybe gomarrow
see you
buh bye
ill be back
I'll be here

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/10/2007 18:51:37 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 54
5/10/2007 18:37:03   

Heya, Nixtrix!
Hiyas Reincarnations
Do you like cereal?
Yes, I'm a cereal killer
If so, do you steal Trix from rabbits and little children?
He just never learns does he. That cereal is just to good for him
Do you like Ice Cream? It tastes good.
It's cold so yes!
How did you react when you got to be teh skillzorz Archknight?
Very surprised
How would you react if my name was Bob?
I would chuckle a little then ponder the thought of why you were named that
Bob is an awesome name, isn't it?
Yes, hence the reason i would ponder it
How many of the other AK are you bestest friends?
I don't know... I think Astral is but once i play the prank on him then i don't think he will be any more
I don't got no more questions so, See ya!
You ran out so fast :(
Btw, you have been Reincarnated.
Can i be a moose?
Sure. -makes you a moose- Moose powers, ftw.

< Message edited by Reincarnations -- 5/10/2007 20:12:00 >
AQ DF  Post #: 55
5/10/2007 19:05:33   
lesserdemon champ

im back with some more questions
what dose being a ak like?
Its like have the legal right to mini mod in certain areas
fav animal?
fav tv show?
Who's line is it anyways?
best food you ever ate or still eat
did u fight me and who won?
Me, as always ^_^ it did come close though
what is your id #
you can get it from my first post
Snugglebear: ( or ( :Chikencow < my fav (armours)
Does tomorrow know any limits?
No because tomorrow is always one day away

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/10/2007 19:26:54 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 56
5/10/2007 19:29:37   

Hey Nixtix!
Hello Blade_fighter
How do you explain the rash of new AKs lately? (of which you are one)
They need people so they abduct them
are there *any* other good questions you haven't been asked yet?
What type of cellphone do you have if you have one?
If not, well...er.... answer the questions I didn't ask here, somehow.
so... how about them Pancakes?
They are like cookies that are floppy and can have syrup poured over them and they are just like heaven. They come 3rd on my list of top 2 things i like
well... I guess I'll stop before your opinion of me goes into the negatives.
Would my opinion ever do that? Well it might...

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/10/2007 20:10:27 >
AQ DF  Post #: 57
5/10/2007 20:14:10   

whoa your fast, i still idnt get a new question yet so........look out!!a spy you didnt eat!!
Oh nose!!!!11

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/10/2007 20:24:50 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 58
5/10/2007 20:17:37   

Heya, Again!
Hello again :)
More questions for ya!
Moose or Deer?
Moose, big antlers
Chicken or Cow? :)
Chicken, they can fly for a bit before falling
3.14 or Pie?
Again, A pie question? Do you like pie?
Yes, very much
What's your awesomest flavah in da worlds?
When you abduct people, do you wear little alien costumes with glowing eyes, and high-pitched voice-make thingys?
No, we wear black suits and dark sun glasses
What're the top 2 things you like? :O
1. Frozen things 2) Cookies!!!!!
Also, You taught me something. Have a 3rd of a top 2. I should try that sometime. I bet my math teacher would throw me out. :D
Wouldn't doubt it ;P
Dang, I can't think of any questions! Here comes some random ones.
oh joy
What's 2 + 2378913729871328932/890132 x 123? Take a random guess. :D
random guess: Some huge # that will boggle my mind but in numbers i would have to say 47645857436452
put into a calculator: 328722468998053.36612996724081372

Enough math! I can't think of any more questions so.... Bye, and you're still a moose.
Yay! I'm still a moose :D

Do you have the power to make my title, "Nixtrix's Biggest fan"? xD
I could ask reens but i doubt she would

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/10/2007 21:32:51 >
AQ DF  Post #: 59
5/10/2007 21:20:52   

first off i wod like to know how you wod respond to this "i live in hawaii nananana" cuz i do
I don't know how i would respond to it
are you marred
No I'm not married
do you have kids
do you have a brother
4 other brothers
how about a sister
0 sisters unless you count my sister-in-law
do you like pie
which is better DF or AQ
do you like chuck norris
A bit
do you like my siggy
Yes, it makes me laugh
thats all for now see yea
Bye :)

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/10/2007 21:37:49 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 60
5/11/2007 5:30:25   

Can u tell us your real name
Only my first name, Matt
Where do u live
Do u like cheese
Its good
What Dragon Egg did u pick
4 and 28
How many hours a week do u play Df And AQ
a lot
If the AQ world was real what class would you be and why
Dragonslayer, you gotta be ready to defend from those pesky little reptiles
Your welcome
It Flew
No it didn't, it hopped

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/11/2007 7:28:10 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 61
5/11/2007 6:15:11   

hey, congrats on the AK-ship :)
Thank you
favourite text smily?
do you have an imaginary friend?
No, his name Mike
what do you think about the currents AQ saga?
I like it!
do you play either DF or AQ? (or both?)
wheres the beef?
In mah fidge
what would you say if i said "look out, theres a giant monster behind you!" ?
Pray to god that i can find my blade of awe and cast powerword die
cool name btw!
Thank you
thats all, byesies
Alright, Bye ^_^

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/11/2007 7:29:59 >
AQ DF  Post #: 62
5/11/2007 11:07:58   

Stupid computer, reset itself when I was about to post again. :(
Its always the computer's fault
Anyway, Hello again!
How 'bout dem wars?
Dey b fun for teh hole famly
What weapons/armours/anything do you think will be in the war chest?
Probably the armor the Exodus warriors are wearing (I want it so bad)
How 'bout dem Red Soxzors? :O
Tehy b haxxors >.<
How many pancakes have you eaten at once?
How lond did you smile when you were asked to become an AK? :O
3 days
That is, if you did smile. >.>
I think i did, if not i was a menacing grin of d00m
WOuld you like a cookie?
I'm going to steal your cookie.
Or maybe I'm not.
Ahh the mind games!
What'm I gonna do now? -enter funny noise here-
Play i spy with me :)
I spy a round object with chocolate, made out of dough and it is sweet

Well, you still get a cookie, so, Bye! Again.... 3.14!
Bye, 3.1415!!

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/11/2007 16:15:31 >
AQ DF  Post #: 63
5/11/2007 13:43:49   
teh Zombie

I hope u dont mind if i ask more questions.
Not at all
what was your fave war?
Drakonnan War
who is your fave npc?
do u like chocolate cookies?
Any cookie is good
what is ure fave moglin?
whould u like an element cookie?
It has an element in every bite!
what do u think about pie?
Mmmmm... Pie
do u like spoons?
Yes, they scoop and they are easy to hold!
have u got a ps3, 360 or wii?
I have a 360, want a Wii and a PS3 just isn't worth it
do u like zombies?
*Pulls out shotgun* Yup ^_^
do u speak french?
A bit
yoink! *steals cookie jar*
:'( I earned that
ok u can have it back *hands empty cookie jar*
Thanks, but- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! what have you done!!!

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/11/2007 16:19:26 >
AQ DF  Post #: 64
5/11/2007 14:17:25   

Yay! No, I will not fear your post
But i am eviler then u *an tear falls*
You wish, I once punted a moglin 20 feet into the air and made him hit a tree and then he landed on his head.
But why Lemon? *thinks to Lipton Lemon* mm.... icetea.
Cause lemons are better than limes
Why are some posts gone like in 2 hours? Because it happens sometimes, I see that sometimes.(Mostly at mine post).
Because i got tired of looking at them
Why people that are adventure, May NOT play other games, Why only Guardians. (Like Zardwars).
Its their marketing scheme, once you buy you get a lot of perks
Ur married to an girl/boy?(Incase if gay/bi ore straight).
I'm not married
But why u love joking with 1 person? Just make REALY fun of them, Just like throw a pie in their face ore something.
Because I can, Pie+Face= Instant Hilarity
Ever bungeejumped? I think its kinda cool, Xpt if u fall on the rocks and die o.o.... Dieing is scary.
I want to, either that or BASE jumping
Whats the most awfull thing that happend in your live?
Split my chin open and not waking up for a few hours. Scared my parent :D
Can you give me a cookie? Their all gone here! :( AND I CANT LIVE WITH OUT COOKIES!
They are my cookies and mine alone!
But why u bought an gilde annyway? U got 500k of that Pirate.
It has good defenses as compared to nemesis and it is just better
*has an good plan that aint evil* I'M MAKING COOKIES! :D AND I SEND THEM TO U
Yay more cookies for me!

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/11/2007 16:24:29 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 65
5/11/2007 14:42:54   

So... why do you like ice exactly?
I don't know, cold things are more fun than hot things<<Hoo, you wish.
Zorbak vs Twilly?
Kabroz vs Twig?
Twig (he is the master of destruction)<<Yup, but nope.
Warlic vs Xan?
Artix vs the undead?
Vader vs Chewbacca?
Chewy<< Finally, someone got that one right!
Pie vs cake?
Cake vs pie?
Do you understand this obbsessive hatred of minimods?
Yes, it is in the mini-modder's hand book to success<<Uhh... is it?
...Have you figured out what the word ArchKnight means yet? Because I haven't...
A person who has proven they can eat more monsters in one bite than anyone else on the forums<<Uhh...
Goodbye, Nixtrix. May the force be against with you.
Yay, a force is with me ^_^<<Interesting, the power of the Twig is strong with this one...

< Message edited by sjra -- 5/13/2007 8:06:22 >


Post #: 66
5/11/2007 15:10:07   

im back!!your a good replyer, so i post alot in your MtAK!!
I'm beginning to see a pattern in this madness
isee you are getting slower, still 4 posts you didnt answer
I have school :P
whoops, i didnt count myself
Should you?
so, now i have questions for you
hows this title sound to you??The Qwerty Arch-Ninja of Pink Smurfs???
It fits In Media Res more than me
Battleon is under attack??
Oh noes, where is me sword?!
so............do you have a dragon egg too??
your a hero in DF??
Yes, my charater is a Hero in both DF and AQ
is that a coinidence??
No, my character just lives for a long time and changes quite a good bit
i am too!!
whoa, this is weird.
I know
See answer below
See answer above
Repeat and Mix
deja vu??
Cookie Moo!
so, howdy ho, and watch out for the qwerty ninja masters.they know evil techniques with a laser sai and nun chuku
Tehy b 1337 haxxors >.<
cya.ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.its another spy.
Another spy, and he's got my cookies!?!
run for your.................ah.....................??..................house???i cant think of anything else
No! Thats where i stash my cookies and frozen things!

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/11/2007 16:31:43 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 67
5/11/2007 15:40:49   

Hello Nixtrix! Got some questions for you to delete answer. 7 of them are plain ol' silly. The rest is normal.
Hello extremeattack, I hear you have some questions for me, is that correct?
Silly Questions (of DOOOOM)
1. Are you a hillbilly?
No even though i do live down south
2. D0 y0u l1k3 t0 ta7k l1ke d15?
y35 1 d0
3. What is your favourite soup?
Chicken Noodle!
4. Can you give me $1?
No! Its my frozen Item dollar
5. Do you want to eat spinach?
No, it makes me feel weird
6. Do you take nappy times?
Only during school
7. Can you say deoxyribonucleic acid?
I can shorten it to DNA
Normal Questions
1. Do you like being an AK?
2. About how old are you?
3. How long have you been playing AQ/DF?
AQ: 4 years
DF: 2 years

4. Are you married?
No, but don't tell the misses that
5. What's your favourite weapon in AQ?
Eggbeater Supreme
6. In DF?
Claw of Gorgok
7. Are you gonna play MechQuest when it comes out?
Yes, and i will buy an upgrade for it too
8. Which weapon do you think looks the best in DragonFable?
Nalmir's Gift
9. In AdventureQuest?
Sea Slayer
10. Fave food?
11. What is your favourite author?
Gary Paulsen
12. Gender?
13. Do you believe in bad luck?

Please answer them!
I have
Okay okay. I fix your spelling mistake.

< Message edited by extremeattack -- 5/11/2007 17:56:40 >
AQ DF  Post #: 68
5/11/2007 16:07:54   

Sup NixTrix
Wassup soulpiper
Can i ask you some questions (obviosly yes right)
Do you rember grade 9 lol
Yes, very much so
Do you do martial arts?
Cookies or mushrooms %D
Cookies, though the mushroom is intriguing
Ill go easy on you and give you few questions bye
Alright, bye

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/11/2007 16:37:41 >
AQ DF  Post #: 69
5/11/2007 16:48:10   

Hi Nixtrix?
Hello Vanon
Love your avatar?
Yes i do, i made it myself
Are you fond of outer space?
A bit, it just intrigues me to know that it is so vast
What is your favorite class in game?
What is favorite armor?
Golden Plate
Which side are you for good or evil?
I like a little of both but more towards evil
You have lots of friends?
I would say i do because i have a large sum of them in all of my classes
Well nice talkin to you see you later?
Nice talking to you too

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/11/2007 16:59:35 >
DF  Post #: 70
5/11/2007 17:30:11   

hello.i would like to just tell you i will be back tommorow, as soon as i find more questions
You have so many questions, but ok ^_^

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/11/2007 17:45:01 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 71
5/11/2007 18:35:39   
Matthias Rose

Howdy Partner!
It's cool that your a new AK, because I'm pretty new too.
Yes, i love it
Chocolate or Vanilla icecream?
Old Cartoons or New Cartoons?
Old cartoons
Is there any pressure of being an AK?
A bit but not to much
Do you want a free card?
Free card to what?

< Message edited by Matthias Rose -- 5/13/2007 9:42:08 >



AQ DF  Post #: 72
5/11/2007 18:44:40   

I got 500k gold in AQ, did i win an event?! Oo
No, its from the Refund they forced Yuglar to give people 60+
What time is it if your in the core of a dark hole that just happens to be circling a blue super giant consuming its flames into its eternal darkness?
Its about a cosmos past a nebula
How many questions do i have left?
17 including this one
What about now?
Were am i...
There by your computer
Do you like cookies?
Very much so
Where do you live.
I hope you didnt answer that because im going to bug you until you give me infinite amount of gold In real life.
Infinite amount?! I would have to steal that back sooner or later
Edit: Whats an AK? Is it like a GM in world of warcraft? Because those guys are like freekin robots... ROLEPLAYING ROBOTS THE WORST TYPE EVAR.
A bit but i actually have a life outside of the game and forums.
Edit2: Do you know what saxatoxin is... and if so where do you find it.... i need... some...
I know what it is but why do you need it because i don't know where to get some
EDIT 3 OMFG: K74/\/k5l3u\/
I remembzorzd what i was gonna ask you last! Do you embrace death or fear it? (Answer right and you get a cheesy cookie of DOOOMMMMMNESSS)
Btw nice burn on blizzard ^^

< Message edited by Shame -- 5/11/2007 19:05:31 >


Remember me as you pass by,
As you are now so once was i,
as i am now so must you be,
prepare for death and follow me.
... What hath god wrought? ...
AQ DF  Post #: 73
5/11/2007 18:48:06   

Hey ^_^
I bet you knew I would come here
I knew it was only a matter of time
Let's seee....
My quiz to all archknights:
Who will win the world series?
Me and three monkeys named george, mike, and fred
Who had the greatest empire: Mongols or Huns
How many zeros are in a google?
Do you remember....
Yes, stupid photographic ememory
The PM that I sent about 2 months ago saying that you would become an archknight?
Yes, i remember that like it was yesterday
When we first met?
Never really met you just PMed me XD
Random Questions:
What did you think when I PMed you as a little inmature new member asking if I could do the Nautican Mentor Thread?
I didn't know what to do, my thought then was "what is this about?"
Are you still in Nautica?
Of course
Do you know that there are now four "Personal" Nautican Archknights?
Yup, me, Dox, Maeg, and Lkeas
Do you like:
Yes i like
Never seen it or read the books
Who doesn't
Stop Growing!
That's it for now!!!

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/11/2007 19:08:17 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 74
5/11/2007 19:35:48   

Do you embrace death or fear it?
I ignore it
Do you want a kookie?
K insted of C, hm very intriguing i would have to say i want one
What about a cookie?
How about a pie!
Mmmm.... taste just like cherry

< Message edited by Nixtrix -- 5/12/2007 0:20:26 >
AQ DF  Post #: 75
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