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=AK= Meet the ArchKnight: bballman23 [bball=outta there]

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6/10/2007 22:41:57   

Hello, peoples. As some of you may have noticed, I'm the newest AK in town. I hope you'll enjoy your torture time with me here in GGD. Anyway, y'all know the drill. You ask the questions, I answer them. I've got a couple of FAQs first, but after that feel free to fire away:

Q) Do you like pie?
A) Somewhat. Only chocolate. Those fruits and other healthy things gross me out.

Q) How old are you?
A) I'm older than some people, and younger than some buildings (ten points to whoever can tell me where that came from). EDIT: the reincarnation wins ten points!

Q) What can I call you?
A) I go by many things. I'm fine with bballman, bball, BB, bb23, etc. I don't really mind, as long as I know who you're talking to/about.

Q) Where do you live?
A) Texas, USA.

I shall be editing in this purty red. Ask away!

Note: I'll ask you to please limit your posts to fifteen questions, and no more than one post per page. I like y'all, but not enough to where I want to answer 10,000 of your questions. :P

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 8/6/2007 14:53:36 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
6/10/2007 22:42:45   

I noticed you were an AK all of a sudden a few minutes ago. XD Ummmm...questions...[thinks of one]

Okay...That was an easy first round. This is easier than it looks... ;)

Things go from easy to hard in the span of one post, as evident by all the posts after mine. ;D

< Message edited by Aeonis -- 6/10/2007 22:53:28 >


AQ MQ  Post #: 2
6/10/2007 22:46:50   
Time to be a [BIG SHOT]

Fav Color?

Blue or red. It depends on the day.

How did you become an AK?

I was kidnapped politely asked by SCAKK. >.> <.<

Fav Drink?

Probably just water. Simple, but awesome. Other than that, Dr. Pepper.

Beer or Soda?


Don't i know you?

Maybe, but I certainly know you...

Are you a Shadow the Hedgehog Fan?(Sorry had to ask)

No idea what that it, so that'd be a no.

What forums do you mod?

Just GGD right now.

Not true! He also is taking Paxia, kupo :P

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 2:03:34 >


DF AQW  Post #: 3
6/10/2007 22:47:02   

Nice congrats :)

Thankee. ;)

When'd ya get the honors ol' bean?

*checks watch* (and by that the clock on the computer, watch just sounds better). Around six hours ago.

I knew you before you were cool >.>

Oh please. I've always been cool.

Do you like whips as much as I do!? :D

That depends on how much you like whips...

Howz life?

Can't complain about anything, so pretty good.

Favorite Author/Book?

Lots. For right now, I'll just say Harry Potter (it's on my mind and I can't think of anything else). It changes around, though.

Seen any good movies lately?

I just saw Ocean's 13 two days ago. I thought that was pretty good, so it counts. ;)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/10/2007 22:56:55 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
6/10/2007 22:47:26   



Wow Pie lives in texas too
Yes I do, tis a grand state, kupo?

Yes, he does. He's lucky enough to live in my state.
Do all AKs live in Texas?

Most GGD ones do. :P

do you live in houston :o?(I live there)

Yep. Nice guess. ;)

favorite food

Just to be general, I'll say beef. I like almost any variation of it, so that pretty much counts, I guess.

so on a scale of 1-10, 1 being really good and 10 being really evil what are you?

Probably a four or five. I'm pretty good...Unless you mess with me. ;)

whats better tacos or pizza

Depends upon where they come from, but probably pizza.

so are you guys really chain to the comp 24/7?

I'm not allowed to answer that question due to my terms of enslavement contract.

for real?

See above.

swords or axes?


spears or staffs?


chocolate or bannanas?

Chocolate covered banannas.

Are the Spurs(a basketball team) going to win the championship :o

Definitely. Lebron James can't carry his team to the title by himself, and the Spurs have several great players. Series over.

ok im done

Alrighty. 'Twas fun.


Cya 'round!

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/10/2007 23:05:12 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 5
6/10/2007 22:47:58   

1. I see you like the red sox also....why is that?

Because they are ze uberness.

2. Who is your favourite red sox player?

Big Papi.

3. Are they gonna win the World Series this year?

I don't want to curse them, but I think we've got a chance this year.

4. Enough with those.


5. Who made you an AK?

The SCAKKinator.

6. What is your favourite part of being an AK?

Being able to boss around help others and contribute the an awesome game.

Bye Now


< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/10/2007 23:07:12 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
6/10/2007 22:48:41   



How are you at this particular moment?

I am good, thanks.

Get on MSN! :D

You're not the boss of me!

Who is cooler, Aeonis or me? >:D

Me, for sure.

SCAKKers or Evo?

Dunno. To me, they've always seemed kind of similar, so it'd be hard to choose between the two. I like both.

Well.... am I annoying?

Not really.

-Starts n00b Speak- liek gimme moneyz so liek i can buy that toakens -Ends n00b speak-

Yeah, I think I'm good. Thanks for the offer, though.

Hopefully Kupo won't see this but.... I think you are cooler than him. By a LOOONG shot!

I agree, by a LOOOONG shot.

Like my new thing that ends my sentence, kipo?

I do. Very nice. Better than a silly kupo, at any rate.

My msn name is Ultra Power Cookie. Guess where I got it from?

I couldn't even venture a guess.

My thing say Kipo, also. Guess where I go it from? lol

Same as above.

I hate Pie and Moogles! How about you?

Eh, they're okay, they just tend to get ahead of themselves.

You play Baseball? I am in outfield!

Cool. I play pitcher and first base.

Staying funny, not too serious. Right? >:)


Well more questions after the ball game! :D Really. I am in baseball!

All right. I'll be here. Chained and all alone.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/10/2007 23:13:16 >
Post #: 7
6/10/2007 22:49:10   

Do you remember me?

Sorry to say that I don't. That could be a good thing, though, I guess. :P

Do you enjoy other games? if so, what comes to mind first?

Yeah. I like all sorts of games. I play PC games, Xbox, Playstation, etc. If you mean browser games, though, I only play AQ and DF seriously.

Do you like watching movies?

Yep. I love it.

Cats or dogs?

Dogs, if I have to choose. I only really like puppies and small dogs.

Jimi Hendrix or Pink Floyd?

Not really my kind of music, so I don't know enough about either to make a decision. Whichever one you like better. ;)

Guitar or bass?

Guitar. I don't play, but I find I like its sound better.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/10/2007 23:17:35 >
AQ DF  Post #: 8
6/10/2007 22:49:50   

Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest

Yes, Another Texan!

Yep. You're lucky to be from the same state as me.

Do you like moogles?

If you're how the rest of them are, I'd have to say no. ;)

How do you like being an AK?

I haven't been one too long, but it's awesome so far.

Any other areas you wish to moderate in?

I would probably pick NH and/or Q&A next, if it were up to me.

Do you plan to be more active in Paxia?

Depending upon how much I'm needed in GGD, yes.

What about the NH?

Same as above. I'd like to keep helping out there, but it all depends upon where my responsibilities leave me.

What's your favorite FF?

Never played any of them. *shields self*

Favorite flavor of Pie?

Gosh...An AK not reading the first post! Removal of powers! ;)

You better be a UT fan my friend...

Eh, not really a fan, but I'll root for them if they're in the hunt for a championship or something.

When do you plan to go insane by working in the GGD?

If I'm not insane right now, I don't know what it. ;)

What are you going to do this summer?

Lots of stuff. I just got back from playing tennis for a week in Florida, I'm going to France, Nantucket, MA, and California, and I'm playing golf in Virginia for a week and hot Texas baseball for a month. Busy summer.

Are these questions too much for you?

*fingers start bleeding* I'm quite fine, actually.

Do you like my avatar?

It's not as good as mine, but it's passable.

When are you getting a theme? And what will it be?

Maybe tonight or tomorrow. It'll probably have something to do with baseball and/or the Red Sox and Astros, my two favorite teams.

How do you feel now that Paxia is almost completely in your hands since I'll be gone for an entire week?

Pretty good. Expect to see some changes when you get back. *hand taps delete key*

Do you feel lurved?

Oh, so lurved.

Do you have a catchy lockdown phrase? Mine is my sig, kupo.

Nope, not yet. I've only locked five or so threads, so haven't really needed one. Any ideas?

Will you say something in every post, like I do, kupo?

No. I'm not a loser as cool as you are.

I'll be back... Even if this is locked :P

O RLY? Then maybe I'll have to add some things to your thread...

And if you think this is easy now, just wait... heheheheheheheheh, I'm just the first of many AK's, kupo.

I know. I think I'm ready for them... <.< >.>

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/10/2007 23:30:19 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
6/10/2007 22:50:43   
Evil Artix

Ok, Congratulations on the Ak'ship!

Thanks. ;)

(Theres nore than 15 questions lol, but Ultrapowerpie posted 20 lol, blame it on him :P)

Blast that moogle...

I'm an Aussie bloke tassie Bloke!, Ever been to Australia/ Tasmania?

Nope, sorry. I hear Australia is awesome, though, so maybe sometime soon.

Is there anything you like about Australia(or Tasmania :P) you like that different from the states?

Like I said, never been there, but I bet much of it is more attractive than the US.

Vicious things those Tasmanian Devils arn't they? I almost got my finger taken off by one of them while feeding it lol

Owie. I hear you have to watch out for those tornadoes they create, too. :P

Well how does Ultrapowerpie feel about you not liking pie?

I'm fine actually. As long as he likes one flavor of pie, he'll be spared from the moogles, kupo. :D

Eh, he's just a moogle. He doesn't have feelings.
What about Cupcakes?

I like them, but couldn't stuff them down like dna. They're a good treat every now and then.

Cold, Hot, Tropical or Humid climate?

Cold or Tropical. The other two are pretty miserable, and that's pretty much the climate I live in. XD

Do you have an Favourite Aussie/Tassie animal?

The koala bear!


Yay, you got it!



Purty red? Whats up with that? lol And don't give me the original "It was the only colour that other Ak's didn't use lol"

It's the only red that wasn't taken. I need red for the Red Sox, see? Nix suggested it, so I took it. I did the naming. ;)



Favourite Smilie?

I usually use this one: ;) However, I recently discovered this one in a typo of mine and like it a lot: :{ Mustache!

Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate or dark?

Milk chocolate.

Hehe, Last time I checked, You were "The Helpful Ribarg" Lol, Or something like that :P.

My sequence: Member, Ribarg! Zard Contest Winner, Ribarg! Helpful Zard Contest Winner, Ribarg! Helpful! Zard Contest Winner, ArchKnight. I miss that Ribarg! ...

Evil or Ebil?

Evil. Ebil is for fluffy little moglins and evil is for tough AKs. :)

Good or Evil lol?

Usually good. This changes, though.

Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, Anerican Dad, King of the Hill or Robot Chicken?

Family Guy.

Like any good comedys?

Movie or TV? If movie, yeah, I love a lot of Adam Sandler's stuff. If TV shows, I adore Friends. Best show evah!

Have you got a favourite Theme park ride? (I.e., roller Coaster etc.)

Not really. I don't really love heights.

Who would you choose for president of the States in place of the Bush :P(Does not include you :P)

Me. Oh. In that case...David Ortiz. :P

now, If you get picked on by the other Ak's for being..different :P Don't come running to me...

It's just...their words ring in my head...I can't sleep...The horror! The horror!

Ok, thats all for me :D And once agains, congrats :D Byes! (i know its alot of questions, but i'll probably only post once...or twice...or<puts hand over mouth>

Okie dokie, thanks again. Don't come back, you! ;)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 2:02:31 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 10
6/10/2007 22:51:35   
feelin ducky



r u asian?

Nope. Norman English, sorry.

do u like asians?

I try not to generalize, but I like most Asians I've met, yeah.

r u in any way related to an asian?

Not that I can trace, but I'm sure I am somewhere back there.

what is ur fav color?

As I said above, red or blue.

what is the worlds greatest invention in ur opinion?

The wheel and fire, if they count. If you're talking modern day, it's probably the telephone. That led to the internet and other forms of communication, which has opened the world up hugely.

what is the best animal in the world?

It's gotta be the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus. :P

r u older than 12?

Yep. Good thing I am, or I wouldn't be allowed to be here.

do u like sushi?

No. No seafood for me.

do u like n e thing that hes to do with paper towels?

I think paper towels are useful, if that counts...

do u like n e thing that has to do with toasters?

Same as above.



< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/10/2007 23:55:45 >
AQ DF  Post #: 11
6/10/2007 22:51:52   



I just have won quick question, if you dont mind me asking?

I don't mind. Okay, there's your question. ;)

Here's the question.

1. What kind of music do you like?

It may be surprising, but I actually like Hip-Hop the best. If you know anything about it, you can pick out the good from the bad. Other than that, I pretty much like anything that relaxes me, which Hip-Hop ironically seems to.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/10/2007 23:57:43 >
AQ  Post #: 12
6/10/2007 22:52:21   

congrats on the AK'ship

Why thank you.

so onward with ze questionz


do you think you will make a great change in the forums.You know,no more spam and such?

I'm not sure getting rid of spam altogether is possible, but I would love to cut down on it with new rules, good moderation, etc.

what kind of genre of shows or movie do you like?(comedy,action,mystery...)

I usually like comedies the best because I can watch them over and over again and pick them up whenever I want.

what are your hobbies?

Mainly playing sports. I play baseball, basketball, football, tennnis, and golf. I also ski, if that counts.

Now,my favorite part of MTak's...

say a word that comes to your mind when I say...





Four (just saw the ad for it).








Peanut butter.





what is your favorite subject in school?(pe,english...)

I'm a history buff, so that would be it.

do you have an alter ego?what is your alter ego?

Can't say that I do.

emo or goth?

I'm neither and wouldn't be either, but I don't really mind either too much.

see ya around.good luck ^_^

See you, and thanks. ;)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 0:03:35 >
Post #: 13
6/10/2007 22:52:32   

Hey, BBall! Congratulations Again! :D

Gracias. One can never have to many congrats. ;)

This is the First one of these I've ever posted in. :P

That's good. I'm worth it. :P

So, first Question, what was your Reaction when you Were Asked?

I just sat there. Then I started laughing. I was so surprised, I thought it was halarious. I still smile when I go back and read the PM to see if it's real.

Do you think you'll enjoy working with the Other AK's?

Definitely. They're an...interesting...group of people, and I'm sure I'll love getting to know all of them better.

Do you Plan on getting a New title, besides "ArchKnight"?

Yep. Already sent my request in. It won't be anything fancy, but I can always change it, so it's okay.

Will you Stay Funny, and not turn Too Serious? ;)

I'll try to. I never really found being totally serious to my liking, so I pretty much always manage to sneak a similie of some sort into my posts. ;) If you think the AKs are serious, though, you're sorely mistaken. You should see some of what goes on behind the scenes...

Favorite Video Game/Series of Video games?

I think that the Halos are pretty addicitive and fun, as are the GTAs.

Do you like any other Online Games?

Other than AE stuff, I haven't really found anything else as addictive. I tried some others out, but always came back here.

If so, which ones?


That's all for Now! :D

Ah, no more? I was just getting warmed up. ;)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 1:13:05 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 14
6/10/2007 23:05:51   
Soul Keeper

Peace out Bball!

Hey, SK!



Do you like unbalanced stuff?

As long as I own it. :P

Do you like talking reasonable and in english?

Not quite sure I totally understand you, but yep.

Can you rate me? (JK! But you can if you'd like)

I might. I was thinking about making another foray into rating, but recent developments may push that back... ;)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 1:15:55 >
AQ  Post #: 15
6/10/2007 23:06:23   


Thank you!

1. How did you rise to the ranks so quickly?! What is your favorite color?

Bribes! Red and blue. It depends on the day.

2. Have you watched the movie Napolean Dynamite? If so, what are your comments on it?

Yep, I've seen it a couple of times. I thought it was funny the first time, but after the second and third times realized that was just because it was so stupid. There's nothing wrong with stupid-funny, but that's not the kind of thing I can watch over and over again.

3. What is the answer to life?

I read somewhere that it was 42...I don't quite remember, though.

4. What areas of the fourm are under your juristiction?

GGD and Paxia right now.

5. Is it true there is a secret lounge only accessible to AKs and Mods?

No comment. >.> <.<

6. How does it feel to have a seat of power under your belt?

More like chains of power around my wrists...And they hurt!

7. Will you abuse the power? Personal gain? Pleasure?

Of course not... :P

8. What is your favorite food?

I like most kinds of beef, so let's just be general and go with that.

9. Who is superior? You or Ultrapower?

Hah! That's not even a question. You should know... ;)

That's all for now. I'll be continuing this interrogation pleasant conversation later.
I suppose good people are rewarded for their deeds. =D

Okay, looking forward to your doom more conversation with you.
If you say so. I have seen any of that going on around here, though. :P

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 1:22:20 >
Post #: 16
6/10/2007 23:11:00   


I'm sorry...Do I know you?

Time to make your life difficult!

You already do, but okay. :P

But first, Congrats on Ak'dom!

Gracias, Ja- WOPP.

How good are you in Bball?

The best there is, like on the forums. :P

Time for Multiple Choice!


Which is your favorite Ak

  • Dna Cupcake
  • UltraPowerPie
  • Dox Para
  • Asesbesen
  • Darkflame of Ebil

I know im forgetting a new/ Uber Ak. BB, Please dont choose your self.

Textbook answer: They're all good in their own way...But not as good as me.

Who asked you to become an AK?

Goofy a.k.a. SCAKK

Arch-Mage>>> Arch-Knight, Dont you agree? *No realation to your position*

Actually: ArchKnight that is ArchMage > All

Why does your custom title well, Why is it so bad?

I've had like eight and a half hours as an AK. C'mon, give me some time. ;) I already submitted a better one, so it'll hopefully be up by tomorrow.

I mean comeon.

Quiet, you!

I know: Supreme Overlord of the GGD/ \Paxia (Ak)

That's got a nice ring to it, yes...


See you soon, WOPP! :)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 1:33:32 >
DF  Post #: 17
6/10/2007 23:13:03   

OMG congratulations >:D -hugz-


1. Would you ever move away from where you live?

Definitely. I like where I live, but would certainly move away.

2. Do you like photography?

It's okay. I like art (including photos), but am not really the master picture taker. I enjoy taking pictures of different sights and stuff, though.

3. If so do you know who Robert Mekis is?

Nope, I don't. Sorry.

4. Were you excited when you found out you were an AK?

More stunned at first. Then excited.

5. What do you enjoy to do besides play AQ?

Lots of things. I like reading, watching movies and TV, playing video games, playing sports, and more.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 1:42:29 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 18
6/10/2007 23:16:22   
Elemental Leviathon

So, bball is it?

I prefer for my minions to call me "Sir".

We'll see about that now won't we?

Yes we will... *pulls out whip*

Well lets get this over with!

Please do!

Why are you here?

For the cookies!

Trying to steal our secrets, eh?


I knew you were trouble! or should i say trobble XD

Yes, I was in some trouble with that trobble. You get me? (my hands still hurt, but the way; I may never be the same)

Ever been on the IRC?

A little. Since you people all seem to get on there so much, I may have to start doing it more.

If so, come join us, it'll be fun!

I just said I would, fool.

If not, you must be crazy and I'll be sending you help soon!

You're the one that needs the help, Mr. Sage of Lore.

That's pretty much all i can think of right now.

Well...That was a pretty weak effort. My post in yours was much much better.

My brain dies at night, makes it a tad bit hard for me to think.

Or maybe...you never had a brain. Ever thought about that?

So I'll come back later with more questions.

Okays. Sounds fun.

Have fun ^_^

Oh, I will. And I'll be sure to visit you in Info. Submission.

Oh yeah, go get me some doughnuts and coffee will you?

Sure thing. *dumps coffee on Nix* Whoopies.

Also, tell Pie that he needs to answer questions in his MtAK thread or else >:)

I know. I thought I would have to wait for that lazy moogle at first and that I would never have get to make my thread.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 1:52:46 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
6/10/2007 23:19:33   
Zero Hex

Hey, cool! A new AK! :D Congrats. n_n

Hey! Cool! A minion of Kabroz! Thanks! ;)

I don't really have any questions, but here's one...






-takes my time-


Your all time favorite drink/food/band? xD

Dr. Pepper/Beef (all sorts)/none

Congrats, once again. :D

Wow...That was...wonderful...

Thanks! ;)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 2:01:28 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 20
6/10/2007 23:20:26   

Hey BB

Hey david!

Congratulations on your Archknightness


Here Are My Questions

Good. ;)

Any Games Rather Than AQ or DF?

As I said above, no browser games that I play consistantly, no.



Weapons You Like?

Real life? Eh, in that case, I guess I like rifles, shotguns, etc. In Texas, everyone's gotta have the classic hunting weapons.

Ummm Pokemon?

I used to like it, but it got old. I still play it on Gameboy sometimes, but, other than that, no.

Im Out of Ideas Anyway Enjoy Being AK

I'll try. ;)

PS:Watch Out For Undead Doughnuts

<.< >.>

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 2:29:53 >
AQ DF  Post #: 21
6/10/2007 23:20:59   

I told you I'd come and here I am :P. Tensy-kun always keep his words ;P. Anyways, I'll save the congrats as that's already been done and dive right in? Do you mind? Oh, even if you do it doesn't matter XD

That you did. I do mind, by the way...

1. I take it you like basketball? If bball stood for baseball then I might just cry. . .

It does stand for baseball, but I also like basketball. Not nearly as much, though.

2. Who'll win? If you say Cavs you might just go bai bai

Spurs, definitely. Lebron is good, but he can't carry that team by himself.

3. Predictions on the final, ie 4-0 or 4-2, etc. . .

4-1, I think.

4. Like to gamble?

I think money always makes things more interesting, but I don't really love gambling. It's okay now and then.

5. Howdy pahtna? What's crackin?

Howdy...? That was like a half Texan, half something random comment...

6. I know where you live. . . :P

Oh yeah, well I know where you live. So I guess we can just cut each other's throats late at night...

7. Does that frighten you? Please note that I will only start to stalk people who answer these questions incorrectly so hopefully, you won't be scared out of your mind when you're in bed later tonight and you hear a creak from beneath your house :P

Nope. I'm not afraid of someone like you. Plus, I thought you already said you're not a stalker at all. :P

8. Like to gamble?

You already asked that, fool. ;)

9. What games? Got money on the Finals?

Nah. I don't care enough about either team to bet.

10. Favorite bball player(s)? Note, I'd like current players please and do tell me why you like them :P Limit to a max of 3

Baseball: David Ortiz, Carlos Lee, and Manny Ramirez
Basketball: T-Mac, Lebron, and Tim Duncan

11. No, just. . . NO :P. You're a gangster right? Bah. . . everyone is these days :P

Of course I'm a gangsta. Hood fo' life. :P

12. What happened to you and IRC? Lies, I want to see you there by the end of this week XD

I'm there right now, actually.

13. Think I'll reach that 15'th mark? Don't look down :P

Op, already looked. ;)

14. The answer is no and I'm purposefully stopping it here because. . . well, I feel like it :P. Expect to see me back I suppose if I do remember to come back :p. You can remind me. Anyways, last question and to make sure that you've read three lines of writing in this and not dismiss it as a farewell: Do you get annoyed by seeing the ";P and :P" that I do?

Nope. I've actually started doing :P because of you. I used to just do this: ;).

Guess that's it buddy :P. Have fun in that dungeon with your leg chained to a chair with only bread and water. . .

No! Don't leave me in here!

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/23/2007 0:19:14 >
AQ DF  Post #: 22
6/10/2007 23:22:32   
The mentor

how long have you played aq?

Two years in August.

do you play DF?


is your charcter uber?

Nah. My AQ character is in the 90's, and my DF is level 16. Not quite uber, but okay, I guess.

who is the better texan ak you or powerwordpie?

I'm just better all around. ;)

are you going to be a mean ak?

I hope not. I will if I have to, but I don't really like being nasty.

why do you "helpful" or "ak all seem to know each other?

It's pretty much because you know who you post in the same forum(s) as. Since a lot of Helpful/AKs come out of Q&A, NH, Battle Strategy, etc., a lot of us know each other. Also, I for one try to congratulate every person I see who get a title and/or AKship, even if I don't know them. And then you just go from there.

do you like weird al yankovic?

Yeah, a lot of his songs are actually pretty good. They're good for a laugh or two. ;)

just by the sound of the names what do you think is cooler "friends" or "hutchins"?

I don't know what "hutchins" are, so I'd say friends.

what do points do?

If you mean from the first post, it's nothing. Just a joke. I'd be impressed if anyone knew where that quote was from, though.

how do i earn some?

Since they don't do anything, you don't need any. ;)

you really like chocolate don't you?

I do. All my favorite sweets are chocolate.

can u send me some chocolate?

Nah. All chocolate for me!

you seem kool and .......... amusing enough.......... or are u??? *dan dan daaaan *dramatic music**

Duhn duhn duhnnnnn

u are dubbed kool enough to be.................. a Kool AK

Yes! I'd like to thank my parents, my friends...

Good luck c ya around.... *whisper* don't lock any of my threads or delete my posts ok?

Alright, see you! *whisper* What's the bribe?

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 3:16:09 >
Post #: 23
6/10/2007 23:26:36   

1. congratz!


2.u are very cool indeed!

Thank you. Back at ya!



4.favourite moglin

I'm gonna go against most people's answers and say Twilly.

5.Df or aq or rs?


6.hwo many characters and what lvl are they?

Four right now. A main in the 90's, my displayed level 50, and a couple level 30 or so's to test out builds, weapons, etc.

7.I asked dox this question: isnt nerfkitten cute?

Yeah, until it attacks. Then it's EVIL! :P

8.that's all and bye

Okay, byebye.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 3:20:30 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 24
6/10/2007 23:34:33   
Lord of Angmar



Congrats on becoming AK, you earned it!

Thank you!

A or B

B, of course.

Star Trek or Star Wars

Star Wars.

Whats your favorite food?


Whats your favorite TV show?

Ever: Friends. On now: 24

Cheese or Potato?


I might come back for more

Looking forward to it. :)

See ya!


P.S. Do you like chickens like me?

They taste good, if that's what you mean.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/11/2007 3:24:15 >
DF MQ  Post #: 25
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