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RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: bballman23

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6/11/2007 14:27:00   

1. Do you consider yourself cool?

Psh. Please. I KNOW I'm cool. ;)

2. Do you consider yourself addicted to dessert?

Yep. Pretty much.

3. What is your name?

You can call me Your Majesty.

4. what is your quest?

To find the unholy plate.

5. Is there such a thing as aerodynamically designed shadows?

Umm...I don't know that. Ahhhh! :P

6. Do you actually like basketball cause?

I like basketball, but baseball is much better.

7. How annoying is it to delete all of the random forum spam?

Only when one person does it over and over again. Although any amount is bad, it doesn't really get annoying until it is done over and over.

8. Why can't the Ak's have more fans?

I dunno...I think some people think the AKs and mods are evil because they have to be strict sometimes. If everyone followed the rules, though, we would all love each other. ;)

See you later bball.

Byebyes bball. ;)

P.S. my name has nothing to do with yours it is just a coincidence.

Thief! Oh, I know. Don't worry about it. I know you're more of a DF person, so you probably never saw me when you were choosing your name.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 12:29:00 >
AQ DF  Post #: 76
6/11/2007 14:48:42   

hehe.........question my answers!

Only if you answer my questions, first.






How old?


Says who?




When was that again?

7-Sony.....(yes again!)




9-The O.C


10-Resident Evil


Well that was all!


< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 20:12:36 >


Your sig has been Iced.
A dead link, which displays a 120px high photobucket image.
AQ DF  Post #: 77
6/11/2007 15:04:15   

Someone didn't read the first post. WAY too many. A few over is okay, but not that many. No answers for you! Come back one year!

Hello. These are my preliminary questions, the ones I ask every AK. Here.



What's your favorite color?

How did you get your name?

What level is your best character?

What do you like better, AQ or DF?

Whats your fav console game?

Am i an idiot?

Do you have any plans to ban me?

Do you believe there are spies everywhere?

Are you more a old AQ guy (Ok graphics and punnier), or new AQ (Good graphics and less punny)?

What is the max amount of questions you are allowed to put?

D0 U UND3RS7AND CYB3RSLANG ??? 1337 !1!

Do you like or hate GW Bush?

Whats your opinion? Nerf UM or not?

Where do you get the time to answer all my idiotic questions?

Am i stupid now?

Is the computer made of donkeys or cows?

Are you strict on rules?

Are you used to annoying people?

Do you have any siblings?

How many cupcakes do you eat in a day?

What do you spend your day doing?

If you where to make a monster in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a pet in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a guest in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a armor in AQ what would it be?

If you where to make a weapon in AQ what would it be?

Same only in DF.

If you where to make a monster in DF what would it be?

If you where to make a pet in DF what would it be?

If you where to make a guest in DF what would it be?

If you where to make a armor in DF what would it be??

How often do you hit your gold and exp cap?

Am i stupid yet?

Did you do all the quests in AQ and DF?

Maybe I'll ask you some more questions now.

If you where to make a weapon in real life what would it be?

More questions.

Do you think im stupid yet?

Can you rate my char? http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=5149080


Do you like pie?

What about bran muffins?


How do you answer all these qusestions?

Are you in school? (Like me)?

Am I dumb yet?


How fast can you type?




And now even more questions. Lol, you must be insane now.

How are you?

Am I an idiot now?

How many questions must I ask for me to be a idiot?

Change your mind about any of those other questions?





Deja vu??

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

So? Is everything repeating? Are there alot of echos?

I'm finished that now.

Yes I know I'm mean.

Am I evil now?

These are stupid questions, time to get serious.

Who's your favorite AK?

Artix or Cy?

Who's your favorite non AQ/DF related person?

Howdy ho?

Why is the sky blue?

Could you explain the reason of the universe?

Now, for more questions.

How does this sound? The evil ninja smurfs of doom sporks?

Can I PM you questions when this is locked?

Favorite sport?

Favorite book?

Favorite band?

Favorite type of music?

Play any musical instruments?

Play any sports?

Favorite food?

Favorite Forum?

Anyways, I'm low in questions now, I need to find some way to spare you.


Shh, be careful. There are spies everywhere.

What is...I'm captured!1!

Now that I thought of a way to spare you, I thought Id leave now.

Be careful, and lock this up before i can strike again.


more soon.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 20:21:41 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 78
6/11/2007 15:24:36   



It appears becoming an AK is getting more common.

It does, somewhat. The more the merrier, I say.

Wish they´d choose me to be an AK too.

Maybe they will...

How did you become one.Like did you get a PM telling the terms and will you be one or whatever.

Yep. I was sent a PM asking me if I would be one. Once I accepted, I was sent another PM telling me all about being an AK, etc. That simple. ;)

Will you still be as active as you were on the Ignei forums as before becoming an AK or is the work too tough.

I think I'll still be very active there. Maybe not quite so much, but still more than most.

Cats or Dogs.


Do you enjoy being an AK.

Yep. :)

I guess I´ll keep it short so bye.

Okay. Cya Tom!

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 20:16:40 >
AQ  Post #: 79
6/11/2007 15:41:19   

What's the first number to come to mind?

23, or course.

First monster to come to mind?

The Czard, the one I won the zard contest with. It's not out yet, but it still comes to mind.

Your fave monster?

It will be the Czard. Right now, I have no idea. There are so many great ones. I like the punny monsters the best, so it's one of them.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 20:20:10 >
Post #: 80
6/11/2007 15:44:52   

1. I'm back to ask more pointless questions, fear the wrath of my squirrels!!(Here's the question part, why squirrels?)

Because you're insane? ...

2.If a chocolate chip cookie monster fought a giant M&M(peanut) who would win?

Cookie monster. Peanut M&Ms are awful.

3. PEANUT, peanut, peanut, peanut, peanut????!!!?? What about pistachios?

I don't really like any nuts. I'll eat some peanuts at a baseball game or something, but nothing else. Certainly not pistachios.

4. Do you wear the Chiquita bannanna stickers on your head, cuz i sure as heck do?

No idea what Chiquita is, so no.

5. Play Pokemon Diamond or PEarl on DS, or even have a DS, or substitute Steak Sauce on one?

Don't have a DS, so neither.

6. A wii pwns 360, and everything completely annilates PS3, right, RIGHT (takes out club with nails sticking out everywhere)?

Sure, but only cause of the threat. ;) I actually like 360's the best. Wii's are fun, but not good enough for more "serious" gaming.

7. Am I annoying you yet?

Not really.

8. everyone knows rabbits will rule the world, don't you agree (Takes out club again)?

Nope. I despise rabbits. And I already broke that club, so too bad. :P

9. Did you see the Smosh stuff on YouTube (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Theme and Pokemon Theme((extra funny)) on the internet, cuz it's on youtube)?

Nope, never seen it.

10. TURKEY!!?!?!

Indeed, turkey.

11. Do you have knunchuck skillz, or even computer hacking skills?

Nope. Ain't got either.

12. Can I *cough cough* borrow *cough cough* 300 dollars?

*cough*no*cough* My money!

13. Can you buy me a Ferrari (pulls out 2 more clubs)?

Depends. How much will you pay me?

14. Do you think Artix makes some bad puns?

No. They're halarious.

15. Are any of your friends trying to kill you?

Not that I know of...

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 20:27:26 >


>=})<------- Click im (Evil French Guy Smily ©demonkid990 2007)

Remember kids, there are TWO great forces against evil: Chuck Norris and the BlendTec Total Blender!!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 81
6/11/2007 15:45:16   
Dark Paladin
Halenros worst nightmare

Greetings BBman (if i can call you that)

Hey Dark Paladin. Yeah, sure BBman is fine.

Congrats on becoming an AK.


I saw you on the forums a lot.

Yep. And I see you around. You're the one with the awesome old title. ;)

I noticed you became an AK i think either yesterday or the day before.

Coolio. :)

I just came here to congratulate you on a job well done.

Thanks again.

Maybe some day I'll get that privilege.

Maybe you will...

Oh well, I'm biding my time and being patient.

That's good. You gotta do more than just bid your time, though. Get out there! :p

Farewell and good luck on your AKness.

Bye, and thanks. Cya!

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 20:35:00 >
Post #: 82
6/11/2007 15:55:47   



Zorbak or Kabroz?

Kabroz, I'd say.

Twilly or Twig?


The Game or the Forums?

I'd say the forums, actually. I don't think one can really exist without the other, but I'm on the forums more than playing the game.

Money or Infinite Wisdom?

With infinite wisdom, you can make infinite money.

If you have a chicken, a wolf, and a bag of living chicken feed, how do you get across the river if you can only bring one along at a time?

Feed the chicken feed to the chicken, the chicken to the wolf, and bring the wolf across. I win!

Have you ever broken a rule of the forums?

I think so. Just one or two a long time ago. ;)

What is the answer to life?

Me! (couldn't say 42 because it's so obvious)

Well, bye


Oh, uh, im the one in charge of making the chains, were making a new model that is 2 feet long and 2 feet thick. What do you think?

Better than the six inch long ones. I'd vote for 'em! :P

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 20:40:50 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 83
6/11/2007 15:58:11   
Solar Boy
Vorpal Edges Biggest Fan!

<_< >_>


Liek omg, another GGD AK :O!

Like, omfg! Ze Solar Boy!

so... how's the uh.. things...?

The...uh...things are good.

What's your favorite baseball team? :P

I dunno...the Yankees? ;)

Who's favorite Vorpal Edge wielding forumite?

I don't have one. Vorpal Edge and anyone who wields one = fail. :p

Are you going to be one of those AK's who changes their title and avvy like, every day *cough, Evo, cough* or stick with that combo in a Chii-esque sort of manner until the end of forever?

Dunno yet. I won't change it too much, but I'm going to have a rotating theme. In between. :)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 20:45:35 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 84
6/11/2007 15:59:54   

Hello on congrats.

Hey, and thanks.

Do you like baseball?

What kinda question is that? :p

Whats favorite animal?

Pandas, if I have to choose.

Which you like better Aq or Df?


You consider yourself evil or peacfull?




Oh and a personally note....


Texas Rox I live there to

Yeah it does. Awesome!

You should get a minion like a demonic


baseball to answer ?'s

Sorry, what?

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 20:49:13 >
DF  Post #: 85
6/11/2007 16:02:10   
Tapeworm Shoelace

ZOMG! You used the color I told ya to! :D

I did? Thanks, then!

No fanceh font, though :(

I know...I just like the regular font.

So, howsa all the cooliness buttons and whatnot?


Monkeys or fruit smoothies?

Fruit smoothies, I guess.

Soccer of Baseball basketball?

Baseball, foo.

Do ya leik cookies?

Of course. ;)

If I had three bannanas in one hand, and four apples in my second hand, and another seventeen bannanas in my nonexistant third hand, how many grapes do I have?

Four? ...

Wrong. Four. I have an invisible ninth hand :0

Haha, no! You're wrong. I already said four! :p

Meh, more annoying, pointless questions coming soonish :D

Looking forward to it. ;)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 20:53:17 >
AQ  Post #: 86
6/11/2007 16:07:08   
Sir MaxiMo

..So Hi!


*steals cookie* Wanna say me something?

/me slaps Sir MaxiMo

That'll do.

*gives dollar (...fake?) * How about now?

/me shoots Sir MaxiMo

That'll also do.

okay let's start with the questionate challenge arena!


1)Scary Movie 1, 2, 3, 4, Date Movie, Or Epic Movie?

Scary Movie 3. I've only seen that and four of that group, and three was/is better.

2) Scariest Movie?

I don't really watch scary movies. I guess Saw 3 may count, but that's more gory than scary.

3) Your House? AQ/Real life

What about my house? It's big, if that's what you're asking...

4) Expensivest thing you bought?

I dunno. I've probably had more expensive things bought for them than what I've bought myself.

5) Meaning of Life?


6) Can i make a 6.5 Question?

I'm assuming you already did, so okay.

6.5) If this is allowed, what Shrek Movie is best?

One. I just saw three, and it and two aren't as good as the first.

7) Would you leave a comment on my gallery that i have the link on the sig? (don't worry. you can say you won't..)

I might. If I remember to come back here, that is. ;)

8) 1st war on AQ?

One of the Carnax wars. I didn't really actively take part, though, because I never played back then. The first war I really even played in was the Future War.

9) And DF?

Probably the first 13th war. Not sure, though.

10) If i say this is the last qusion, what would you say?

Yay! Oh dear...

Then say it again because it was...Bye!


< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 21:07:41 >


AQ DF  Post #: 87
6/11/2007 16:22:44   


Sup, dawg! ;)

who's ur favorite hip-hop artist?

Probably Jay-Z or Jurassic 5 (although they're a group).

8th-10th grade or 11th-12th?

You mean which is better? Neither. They're both school. ;)

So u live in Houston ehh?


U know a asian (vietnamese) kid named Kevin?

Now I do.

orientation? (a little awkward? eheh)


Like Al Pachino and his movies?

I've only seen him in Oceans 13, but I've got to see the Godfather and the others. I'm sure I'll love 'em.

Favorite Movie and Al Pachino?

See above. ;)

Rate Oceans 13 from 1 - 10

I thought it was a solid eight. Now as good as the first one, but better than the second.

yellow or black?


yellow or gold?


Ever heard of the Hyphy Movement?


How great is it to be an AK?

Very great. :)

how cool am I?

Not at all as cool as me...

Aite, I believe thats quite enough for now, farewell in your ways of becoming a great AK!!

Alright, thanks. Cya!

Dood, Congrats

Thanks again. ;)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/25/2007 21:13:55 >
Post #: 88
6/11/2007 16:52:18   

Good hello


Scared of the tests we are going to out you throught(the ones you dont know about)?

Since I don't know about them, how can I be scared? ;)

Looking forward to modding ggd more?

Yep. It should be and is already fun. :)

Enjoying you can become evilly controlled and lock all my topics?

I think that sounds fun, actually...

I like sarcsim do you?

[sarcasm]No course not. I never use it.[/sarcasm]:p

If your from texas what do you think of us brits?

I like them/y'all. ;)

What first got you into aq?

I think I found it in an internet search for free online games...

PLay df as well if so what go u into that?

Yeah, I do. I think I found a link on the forums or something that got me into it.

are u worried ur fingers will bleed and die from posting and locking so many topcis?

That would NOT be fun...

Are you going to lock this topic after seven pages like Kupo becuase u cant handle so many questions?

Nah. I'll just lock it after a week (which I already did, actually).

Can u be scared of me?

Should I be? >_> <_<

Is it your personal touch to be freindly when u lock topics (just someting ive noticed)

I guess, yeah. I've got plenty of time, so might as well be as nice as I can.

do you know that not asnwering my questions will hurt me and ill hate u forever?

Oh noes! Good thing I'm answering them...

Keep up the good work!

Thanks! Cya!

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/27/2007 1:46:30 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 89
6/11/2007 16:54:27   

|_| so lucky.

i have known you since i joined the forums here,you are a lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky luck man.

Thanks, I agree. ;)

first you win all sorts of contests,and now your an AK!!!!

It was actually only one contest, but yep! :p

is your favorite baseball team actually the red sox or do you use that avvy because it has a B on it?

The Sox are definitely my favorite team. Just out the sig. ;)

thats all...for now...

Alright, bye.

oh yea,i had to run the mile today...|_|

Oooh, painful.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/27/2007 1:59:51 >
AQ DF  Post #: 90
6/11/2007 17:18:45   



where in texas do you live? (that is where i live by the way)

H-Town. Coolio. Small world. ;)

that all i got since most people have already asked the other questions

Okay. See you 'round!

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/27/2007 2:01:38 >
AQ DF  Post #: 91
6/11/2007 17:26:31   
.*. .*. .*.
Pfft hahaha!

wow one more AK...this is unbelievable @_@

Yep. I'm the only good one, though. ;)

Congrats to your new title!


So is it baseball or baskeball?......oh I just looked at you avatar...now I know for sure.

Yup. Baseball.

Fav baseball team and player?

Team: Red Sox Player: David Ortiz

What's your biggest fear in AQ?

I dunno...That's a hard one. Probably having no gold the day an awesome item comes out for one day only. Might never happen, but I would hate that.

How does it feel to not be a plain member of the forums?.....Hmm wierd sentence...my english is poor.

Nah, your English is fine. ;) Anyway, to answer the question, I don't feel that much different. I'm only special in certain forums, so I'm just plain like y'all in all the rest.

pumpkin golem pie or turkey lurky soup?

Turkey Lurky soup. Pumpkins = ewww

I'm not going to bother you anymore.

You don't bother me. :)

Keep up the great work

Thanks, I will. You keep up your great work, too. ;)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/27/2007 2:06:52 >
Post #: 92
6/11/2007 17:55:28   
ice cream man
Ribarg? Zard contest runner up

Yo BBallman, creator of th Czard!

Yo, ice cream man, drawler of da Czard! ;)

How's it goin?

Good, and you?

Liking the AK life?

Yep. Can't complain. ;)

Anxious for that Czard to be put into the game?

Can't wait. I understand the wait, though, because everyone's busy with the Sweep, The'Galin, etc. I wonder how much they'll change the looks from what you drew...

Isn't Bball basketball? Or can it be baseball too?

Eh, it may be basketball usually, but I use to for baseball. Whatever. I like basketball too, so it works. :p

I'm thirsty I'm going to go eat something, peace.

Okay. Byebye.

BTW Congrats.

Thanks. ;)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/27/2007 2:10:42 >
AQ  Post #: 93
6/11/2007 18:03:31   

Gratz BBall

Thanks, Tayma. ;)

4 questions

Four answers.

1. Do you like the red soxs?

Of course.

2. Favorite Red Sox Player

David Ortiz.

3. Favorite CLothing Brand

Probably Lacoste and Vineyard Vines.

4. Why do people ask so many questions

Because they're weird curious.

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/27/2007 2:13:39 >
AQ  Post #: 94
6/11/2007 18:41:40   

Man, alot of the recent AK's have been from Texas. I wouldn't be suprised if I knew one of them :O


< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/27/2007 2:14:37 >


AQ  Post #: 95
6/11/2007 18:50:02   

Meh, finally you decide to make a MTAK. . . .(I told you to make one when I first noticed you were an AK. . . .*glares with jealousy *)

I did. Hey, it only took me a couple of hours to make it... ;)

1) I live in Texas, what city do you live in exactly?


2) Not really a question, but Texas rocks. . . .I live in Lubbock btw. Pie also lives in Texas, I'm sure you already know that though.

Really? Cool. Tensy also lives in Houston.

3) What are your feelings on the Sweep?

I'm sure I won't like some of the changes, but it's definitely needed.

4) Age? (you don't have to be exact if you don't want to, but give me a range)

I'll go with 0-30. :p

5) The last and most important question. . . . It's a dream of mine to become an AK , can you offer any advice on how to become as great and powerful a being such as you?

Bribes! I dunno. Just follow the rules, be nice, and help others. That's all I can think of for you. ;)

6) Done.


It was nice to ask you some questions lol. Now, answer . . . Or else! See you around. =)

Haha, alright. Cya! :)

@Below~ For a locking saying for bball, I'm rather fond of, Blocked. XD


< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/27/2007 2:19:37 >


AQ DF  Post #: 96
6/11/2007 19:02:22   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

well bballman23 you are one of the few people who I knew would get a job in the forums, now there is only one person other than myself than everyone that I knew a long time ago will have a job. Congrats thou and maybe but I doubt it I will get a job on the forums SOMEWHERE!

Thanks! Maybe, you never know...

Anyways on to the questions


chocolate or vanilla

Chocolate, for sure.

evil or good

Good. Light > Dark, IMO.


HAHA, SORRY. I DIDN'T KNOW IT MEANT SO MUCH TO YOU. ;) I liked it, but couldn't pass up a custom one. :p I used to have a snowman avvy before that, too.

does this shirt make me look fat


does it make you look fat


what do you get when a gecko crosses a goofy with darthvadar and the mets team with a pie in there hands?

PaSCAEvUPP. That's the one.

who gave you permission to come aboard and join the crew of AK's


what will be your lock? ie lockity, shutdown, frozen, or my favorite "B"locked

Dunno yet. I usually just say lock or lockity right now, but I'm working on a phrase. ;)

cya old friend Ill miss seeing you around dont forget about me

I won't, and I'm sure you'll still see me around. :)

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/28/2007 0:01:10 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 97
6/11/2007 19:14:50   
HK 47

woah woah woah! You became an AK? Seems like everyone with a helpful title is becoming an AK these days...*grumbles how I've tried hard but not even a helpful title*

Yep. I know, a lot of us helpfuls are becoming AKs...Well, we'll need some new helpful people, so we'll see.. ;)

Oh, sorry about that, the questions.

That's okay, and alright.

How are you?

Good, you?

How long ago were you made an AK?

On the tenth. So sixteen days ago, in my time.

How does it feel?


What's your first order of bussiness?

Ban everyone! I dunno. Cut down on questions in GGD, I suppose.

That's all for now.

Okay, cya!

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/28/2007 0:05:51 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 98
6/11/2007 20:06:22   
hooded figure

*wanders in*

*hides file he's using to break chains* Yes?

interesting,quiet yet noisy.


on to the questions!


Fav Ice cream flavor?

Sweet cream.

Fav cookie flavor?

Chocolate chip.

Mint or bubblegum?

Gum. I prefer minty gum to bubble gum, though, if that's what you're asking.

Fav hobby?

Playing sports (mainly baseball, tennis, and golf).

baseball fan?

Never... ;)

football fan?


WoW fan?

Nope, not really.

Fav food?

All sorts of beef.

Fav culture?

Probably American. If you mean ancient, it'd be Roman.

Biggest pet peeve?

The sound styrofoam makes when squeezed. Physically hurts me...

Done,for now.....he..he..he


*slithers out the door*

Pulls file back out...

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/28/2007 0:18:53 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 99
6/11/2007 20:11:18   

Wow bballman.

Hey dc73west.



I'm proud to say that I've participated in some threads with you.

Hopefully we'll get to participate in some more together. ;)

I really don't have any questions for you, but I'm glad you got your Akship.

Thanks, me too. :)

These past few months have seriously been the baby boom of the AE Forums.

I know...There have been a lot of new AKs recently.

Don't you agree?

I do.

Well...I guess that's my question.

Good one... :p

P.S. I'm a Yankees fan. Sorry. But I have a lot of respect for you Sox. So let's be buds.

*pulls out knife* Nevah! ;)

We shall be buds until our bats/blades clash again.

Alright, if I have to...



< Message edited by bballman23 -- 6/28/2007 0:22:58 >
AQ DF  Post #: 100
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