Wyvern Knight
*Walks in, and scratches head bandage* Wait, what is this!? I can post on a differen't page as long as it's below 15 questions!? Awsome! Yep, you can. ;) 1) So, do you like Pie? No, no, Pie! Not pie. The Moogle Pie. I mean, the moogle Pie, that guy. The AK. I do. :) 2) Why is it that I stated I would only post a few questions at first, yet your the first AK to be graced buy my pressence.... Twice? Maybe because I'm the bestest. :p 3) My arms bleeding, should I care? Probably... 4) Could you find that file that might state whether I've been a good forumer or not? Y'know, I lost my copy :p ^.^. *cough cough* Hehe. How much will you pay me? 5) So, you got a Wii? (I officially suck at baseball, I'm sorry :p. *Ball. Meet. Bat. Bat. Meet. Ball. Bat. Ball. Kaboom! FOUL!! Boo >.<!*) I actually have two. =D I can teach you baseball... for a price. 6) How many cans of bottled smoke would it take to burn the Ozone Layer? Lots. 7) ...You think moogle pie taste good? *Stares at Pie* I've had a couple of bites. Can't complain. ;P 8) *whew* That's that, I'm done, have a nice day B! And try not to get shot k'? You too. =D 9) Kidding. Where were we? I don't recall... 10) Oh that's right, questions :p. When it comes to Computers, what is one feature that you would LOVE to have? Everyone done by talking to the computer. Much easier than clicking. ;) 11) If I had supernatural powers, how dead would you think the human race is? Very dead. 12) Do you know what "Wyvernkni" stands for? You get it right, you get the last slice of moogle pie! Nope, no idea. Sorry. 13) Did SCAKK ever intimidate you too? *shivers* He did up until... until... um..... *stares at something in the distance, and starts tearing* He used to yeah. But now I realize he's just a Goof. ;) 14) I kid SCAKK :p. Anyhow, do you like strategy games? I love em :p. I like 'em a lot, too. The Total War games are my favorites. 15) Ooooh! Is all this money all for Bri- *Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! BANG! KABOOM!!!* *THUD!* Uh oh. Wyv is deaded... Bonus Question: (...Super Mega Upgraded Gun* this time?) Bonus Question2: (Why do I always get SHOT!? *continues to rant to the doctor who is patching the numerous gun wounds*) Bonus Question3: (Sugar Content.... 5g per serving? Serving size 0.001 Piece.... 1000 Servings pe- Wait, WHAT!?) BTW: Ooh! that's "GUMS" Backwards!!! Neat huh? (I like sugar. I like sugar. sugarsugarsugarsugarSUGAR! W00t!!!) To all above: Okay... XD
< Message edited by bballman23 -- 8/6/2007 14:48:49 >