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RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Tenseiga (Tensy-kun)

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6/26/2007 16:25:15   
Sir MaxiMo

...so hi!
Hello :P
Do you remember me? cuz i don't remember you...?
I'm afraid I do not. . .sorry?
okay...Biggest addiction?
Hmm. . .not so sure myself. I try to not get addicted to anything. Though being an AK, coffee is somewhat required.
TV, PC, PSP kind of consoles, or just a book is fine?
PC and Computer works ;P.
Egg in DF? House in AQ?
Yeppers ;P.
Would you leave a comment in my gallery, with the link on the sig? because nobody does it...too busy i think :P
Hmm, if I still remember to, I'll do it :P
Best Scary Movie kind of movies where they make jokes about something?
Scary Movie 3 was good as well as 4 ;P
Have you played Serious Sam 2? if not, best Multiplayer game?
Yes, though I don't think it's the best multiplayer ;P.
When you go out to eat, where you go?
Hmm. . .anywhere I feel like it :P. Haiku is somewhat nice, Kim Son is great, eh, mostly oriental I suppose, though a bar and grill are always great!!
House in real life?
Err, my parents'? I live in an apartment currently though :P
Meaning of life? and worst nightmare?
42 and the worst nightmare would be in finding out that 42 is false :P
That's it, i think..hope you are NOT dead, soldier! Enjoy your AKness!
Heh heh, I'm the sword of heaven. . .with reviving powahs :P.
Bai :P

< Message edited by Tenseiga -- 7/6/2007 2:08:32 >


AQ DF  Post #: 51
6/26/2007 20:36:19   

OK, that's it for Tenseiga ;P. Thank you for all those who came :P. I'll leave this up here until I manage to finish answering all these questions. . . probably a week at my rate XD. That's it. . .and bai bai!
AQ DF  Post #: 52
7/1/2007 4:15:43   
Icemaster Yeti
Snuggably legendary


Oh no you don't ... XD
CHEATER!!! :P. . .heya!
You get to answer MINE too .. even if I am 4 days late XD
lol. . .power abuse, it's what makes being an AK+ so great ;P
So, what was your reactiion when you were asked if you'd like to become an AK? (you all should know mine by now - 30hrs straight, huge grin, face hurting)
Heh heh, I said yay, smiled for a while and agreed :P.
How are you finding it so far?
Could you use a yetisnug about now?
Always up for a yetisnug
Answer is irrelevant anyway - /me yetisnugs Tensy
/me Tensysnuggles Yeti

So there you go - one last post to answer
And. . .DONE!!! :P

To keep in order with Dox. . .I'm still sane I think :P

< Message edited by Tenseiga -- 7/6/2007 2:10:39 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 53
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