=WF= Announcement Discussion IV (Full Version)

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Aelthai -> =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 12:22:07)

Official WarpForce Announcement!

Use this thread to discuss the newest AE game to be announced: WarpForce!

with Exciting New Storyline Developers' Notes!

and scintillating screenshots of our WiP pre-alpha test.


ORIGINAL: Captain Rhubarb

Oh, want to see my first WF test character?

EDIT: Updated link to new page!

Nickwright -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 12:26:01)

I'm liking that the sword turns into a Dagger, I kinda wish the Character pages had more grays and blues though :o

can't wait. I have WarpForce on my favorites. :D

hucki -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 12:34:52)

The screenshots look quite good!
The character page should definately look more futuristic, but I'm assuming that this one is just temporary.
The drakel head looks strange to me for some reason. Could just be because I'm used to the DF/MQ drakels.
Can't wait to play the game!

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 12:48:24)

To be honest, the first thing I thought when I saw the character page was "this looks like some sort of joke"...Still, the Drakel person there still looks cooler than the AQ-style humans or elves, so I am still going for a Drakel.

I too have Warpforce bookmarked...And I would have said "I can't wait" too, but I probably won't have internet access at the time of the launch, so I'll have to wait like 5 days after the launch to play anyways. v.v

poomaster -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 13:28:08)

well atleast beta will still be open after that time

waffles lol

sword looks cool

kuld did u draw all that anime?

when i open irc what do i do to get to the mystery discussion?

Seriyu -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 13:43:31)

Nah, that's recent anime that s/he's watched, admittantly it is worded kinda poorly. :p

penguin moglin -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 13:46:50)

no offence but the graphics on the character are kinda bad for yuo guys but i know that it is only rough and will get improved

Davosaur -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 14:08:51)

lol kuld nice K-ON avvy =P

looks..err like 6-5 years ago?

awesome draft, i can see its not the real one, hence the horns, how well shaded they are

and Falerin.. why do you have that same beamsword in AQ .. HUUUUUUH?????? O___o

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 14:51:49)

Yes, Seriyu is correct...But how is it worded poorly? Even if I had never seen a MAL signature before, I wouldn't have any problems understanding that it was refering to stuff that had been watched - I mean, isn't the whole (ep. 3/26) thing a dead giveaway?
But I can understand how it would be misleading to some...I suppose I could make the autotext title white, and add a title of my own to the base-sig....But I'm drifting off-topic here, this isn't a thread about anime or sigs or anything. xP

In any case, back on-topic..I really hope that test character is just a draft, since it looks a tad bit ridicolous as it is now. xP

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 15:41:43)

I just now swapped out the armor with a different one.
How's it look?

And yes, the character page needs lots of other changes for WarpForce.

Nickwright -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 15:45:00)

Heavy Gunner looks SICK! :D

I love it...mayhaps the Air Bubble/Aura could be a might bit more transparant though

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 15:47:38)

Also the weapon is half in and half out.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 15:48:56)

Ooooooooooooh, very nice armor, tis shiny :D

Yagno2000 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 15:58:54)

So much work to be done! D:

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 16:01:03)

...Wow, that armour looks...EPIC. With each passing preview, I want this game more. :D

Minar -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 16:22:04)

This game is getting more and more amazing by the previews. :)
I look forward to it's testing/release. (Which comes out near my birthday! :B)
Also, I agree with Nick's suggestion that the Aura for the armor could be a bit more transparent. It's taking away from the epicness of the armor itself.


Balthier -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 16:54:02)

My excitement meter has hit its limits.

Sarmondia -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 17:09:00)

So tempting... can't wait for WarpForce!!
I think I'll stick with good ol' humans though, as most people will probably flock to Dwakel and Elves.

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 17:17:21)

Yeah, I bet in beta only like 5-10% of us will be human since for the first time we will have multiple races. When the game goes public that will probably change due to all the new players.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 17:22:45)

New WarpForce char page viewer:


DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 17:23:31)

Ya im gonna be dwakel or elves cuz the sword entry for somp. i put in was made for either of the 2 races. and i guess humans to but whatever. :D

Rhubarb, AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nickwright -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 17:24:14)

Awesome Captain, MUCH better :D

Balthier -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 17:24:50)

That one is much better Captain. Could still use alittle work but its good enough for me.

Good job!

DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 17:28:35)

Well i just have one question...
Since Warpforce is going to continue on with the Devourer Saga, where does that leave AQ?
Is AQ gonna be fight against Devourer on Lore and WF in space, or will AQ go its seperate ways as its younger brother (WF) continues on with the saga.
Cuz personally i want aq to go back to its old stuff, (devourer is getting old for me in aq). well really everything in aq was leading upto the devourer all along but i want classic dragon wars and undead wars and Vampires and Werewolves, and TWIG THE MOGLINOVERLORD... *cough*

ChrisX -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion IV (6/17/2009 17:33:48)

Awesome! The force field thing looks awesome.

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