RE: Weapons (Full Version)

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Kenneth_danish -> RE: Weapons (5/24/2010 16:12:09)


Sharpened Hullscuffer weapon: It cost 35 gold - not 28

Toxic Guardian Cybud...
"Price: 3,450 Gold
Sellback: 17,050 Gold" <--- !!!

Looks like someone has looked at the lvl 88 version instead of the lvl 66?
The price can be raised in time! Both fixed! Thanks! ~AVA

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Weapons (6/18/2010 20:55:56)


Mogline Flamer < series
Location: The Bridge > Amada > MISSIONS > SPACE MOGLINES > Meet the Moglines!

Hits: 2
Element: Fire
Type: Ranged
BtH: +%

Hits: 3
Element: Fire
Type: Ranged
Damage: % Base and Random plus % LS each
BtH: +% each
Stats: No
Rate: 20%

As a sign of goodwill, Emperor Twang ordered his subjucts to forge these human-sized versions of the Moglines' flamethrowers.


Thanks to Numbers thanks to
Done. ~AVA

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Weapons (6/18/2010 20:57:32)


Mogline Sword < Series
Location: The Bridge > Amada > MISSIONS > SPACE MOGLINES > Meet the Moglines!

Hits: 1
Element: Fire
Type: Melee
BtH: +%

Hits: 2
Element: Fire
Type: Ranged
Damage: % Base and Random plus % LS each
BtH: +% each
Stats: No
Rate: 20%

As a sign of goodwill, Emperor Twang ordered his subjucts to forge these human-sized versions of the Moglines' fiery swords.


Thanks to Numbers thanks to
Done. ~AVA

Aelthai -> RE: Weapons (7/19/2010 2:06:14)


Veritos's Gun

Light Gun, Ranged - takes DEX to damage as usual for Ranged on the normal attack but does not take STR at all (using the new Gun standard).

Attack is 1 hit, Special is 2 hit.

Triggers on Nechron. Deals *= 1.1 when triggered and *= 0.95 when not triggered.

Level	75	75	86	97	108
Type	-	Z	-	-	-
PLvl	75	86	86	97	108
Base	13	14	14	15	16
Rand	17	18	18	19	21
BtH	9	11	11	12	14
Proc	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	9.25	10.32	10.32	11.33	12.27
SBtH	32	37	37	41	45
SLS	4.3	4.78	4.78	5.27	5.75
Price	8800	5400	27700	87200	275000
Sell	4400	Z	13850	43600	137500

Got it, thanks! ~$b

Aelthai -> RE: Weapons (7/19/2010 2:07:10)


Dark Madder's Staff

MAGIC darkness

Level	75	75	85	95	105	115
Type	G	Z	-	-	G	G
PLvl	78	86	85	95	108	118
Base	8	9	8	9	10	10
Rand	16	17	17	18	19	20
BtH	10	11	11	12	14	15
Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	11.79	12.75	12.63	13.78	15.16	16.13
SBtH	33	37	36	40	45	49
SLS	4.43	4.78	4.74	5.18	5.75	6.19
Price	8800	5400	25000	70800	201000	570500
Sell	4400	Z	12500	35400	100500	285250

Forgot to edit this post, but done. Thanks! ~$b

::Raist:: -> RE: Weapons (7/25/2010 14:09:58)


There's a typo in the description of the Sonic Axe series submission.

The blade of this axe if formed of focused sound!

The if should be changed to is.
Fixed, thanks. ~AVA

Vivi -> RE: Weapons (8/2/2010 17:05:46)


Frostval weapons (stats never got posted)


Lvl	10	20	30	40	50
Type	G	G	G	G	G
PLvl	19	27	36	45	54
Base	5	6	7	8	9
Rand	12	14	16	17	18
BtH	2	3	5	6	7
Proc	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	314	382	457	530	613
SBtH	8	11	15	19	23
SLS	184	219	258	298	338
Price	25	40	80	190	500
Sell	12	20	40	95	250

Ornamental Launcher

No special, so the normal attack deals *= 1.09 damage

Lvl	10	20	30	40	50
Type	G	G	G	G	G
PLvl	19	27	36	45	54
Base	5	6	7	8	9
Rand	12	14	16	17	18
BtH	2	3	5	6	7
Proc	0	0	0	0	0
Price	25	40	80	190	500
Sell	12	20	40	95	250

Got'em. Thanks Vivi! ~$b

Aelthai -> RE: Weapons (8/21/2010 17:36:35)



Let's go Ice

Nospecial, so *= 1.09 damage.

Level	40	40	60	80	100
Type	-	Z	-	-	-
PLvl	40	60	60	80	100
Base	8	9	9	11	12
Rand	15	19	19	22	25
BtH	5	8	8	10	13
Proc	0	0	0	0	0
Price	254	1400	1861	14814	119251
Sell	127	Z	930	7407	59625

Desertworm Dagger

Earth Melee.

+2 BtH and appropriate damage penalty.

Level	50	35	70	90
Type	-	Z	G	-
PLvl	50	57	73	90
Base	7	7	8	9
Rand	21	22	25	28
BtH	6	7	9	11
Proc	18	18	18	18
SBR	6.87	7.65	9.43	11.18
SBtH	21	24	31	38
SLS	4.3	4.76	5.82	6.94
Price	672	1200	5235	42016
Sell	336	Z	2617	21008

Posted by AVA, entries thanks to Archmagus Orodalf and Karika :). Thanks ~$b

Karika -> RE: Weapons (8/27/2010 12:49:47)


Desertworm Dagger
Location: Explore Erakkis
Level: 50
Price: 672
Sellback: 336

PLvl: 50
Damage: 7-28
Element: Earth
Type: Melee
BtH: +6%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: 687% Base and Random plus 430% LS
BtH: +21%
Stats: No
Rate: 18%

All normal Player attacks deal *85/87 damage and take +2 BTH.

This dagger can call on the fury of the mighty Desert Worm!

Image needed

Thanks to Karika. Numbers thanks to Aelthai.

Desertworm Dagger Z
Location: Explore Erakkis
Level: 35
Price: 1,400 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 1,260 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 700 Z-Tokens

PLvl: 57
Damage: 7-29
Element: Earth
Type: Melee
BtH: +7%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: 765% Base and Random plus 476% LS
BtH: +24%
Stats: No
Rate: 18%

All normal Player attacks deal *85/87 damage and take +2 BTH.

This dagger can call on the fury of the mighty Desert Worm!

Image needed

Thanks to Karika. Numbers thanks to Aelthai.

WarpGuardian Desertworm Dagger
Location: Explore Erakkis
Level: 70
Price: 5,235
Sellback: 2,617

PLvl: 73
Damage: 8-33
Element: Earth
Type: Melee
BtH: +9%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: 943% Base and Random plus 582% LS
BtH: +31%
Stats: No
Rate: 18%

All normal Player attacks deal *85/87 damage and take +2 BTH.

This dagger can call on the fury of the mighty Desert Worm!

Image needed

Thanks to Karika. Numbers thanks to Aelthai.

Desertworm Dagger
Location: Explore Erakkis
Level: 90
Price: 42,016
Sellback: 21,008

PLvl: 90
Damage: 9-37
Element: Earth
Type: Melee
BtH: +11%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: 1,118% Base and Random plus 694% LS
BtH: +38%
Stats: No
Rate: 18%

All normal Player attacks deal *85/87 damage and take +2 BTH.

This dagger can call on the fury of the mighty Desert Worm!

Image needed

Thanks to Karika. Numbers thanks to Aelthai.
Added(image including), thanks. ~AVA

Aelthai -> RE: Weapons (9/25/2010 16:09:45)


Plasma storm staff series

Please make this weapon accurate - let's go with +2 btH

Level	35	75
Type	-	-
PLvl	35	75
Base	5	7
Rand	19	27
BtH	4	9
Proc	20	20
SBR	5	9.31
SLS	3.31	5.95
SBtH	15	32
Price	162	8802
Sell	81	4401

Thunderclap Sword series

Normal accuracy on the weapon; the Special is Completely Inaccurate (-10 BtH).

Level	35	55	95
Type	Z	-	-
PLvl	57	55	95
Base	9	9	12
Rand	18	18	24
BtH	7	7	12
Proc	20	20	20
SBR	7.38	7.16	11.27
SLS	4.76	4.63	7.27
SBtH	24	23	40
Price	1200	1115	70781
Sell	Z	557	35390
Both seem to be taken care of. ~Koree

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Weapons (10/3/2010 21:20:20)

Oh my. Bork Dodger's Gun lacks an entry?!


Dodger's Gun
Location: Hangar Deck > Leet Stormfront > Missions > Mission Select > Time Anomaly
Level: 40
Price: 247 Gold
Sellback: 127 Gold

PLvl: 40
Damage: 8-23
Element: Ice
Type: Ranged
BtH: +5%

    TRIGGER (against all enemies in place of a special)
    Hits: 2
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Ice
    Damage: 109% Base and Random each
    BtH: +0% each
    Stats: No

As thanks for helping him get home, Bork Dodger gave you the schematics for his gun!


Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Numbers thanks to Aelthai.
Dodger's Gun Z
Location: Hangar Deck > Leet Stormfront > Missions > Mission Select > Time Anomaly
Level: 40
Price: 1400 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 1260 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 700 Z-Tokens

PLvl: 60
Damage: 9-28
Element: Ice
Type: Ranged
BtH: +8%

    TRIGGER (against all enemies in place of a special)
    Hits: 2
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Ice
    Damage: 109% Base and Random each
    BtH: +0% each
    Stats: No

As thanks for helping him get home, Bork Dodger gave you the schematics for his gun!

As powerful as the Level 60 gun!


Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Numbers thanks to Aelthai.
Dodger's Gun
Location: Hangar Deck > Leet Stormfront > Missions > Mission Select > Time Anomaly
Level: 60
Price: 1861 Gold
Sellback: 930 Gold

PLvl: 60
Damage: 9-28
Element: Ice
Type: Ranged
BtH: +8%

    TRIGGER (against all enemies in place of a special)
    Hits: 2
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Ice
    Damage: 109% Base and Random each
    BtH: +0% each
    Stats: No

As thanks for helping him get home, Bork Dodger gave you the schematics for his gun!


Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Numbers thanks to Aelthai.
Dodger's Gun
Location: Hangar Deck > Leet Stormfront > Missions > Mission Select > Time Anomaly
Level: 80
Price: 14814 Gold
Sellback: 7407 Gold

PLvl: 80
Damage: 11-33
Element: Ice
Type: Ranged
BtH: +10%

    TRIGGER (against all enemies in place of a special)
    Hits: 2
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Ice
    Damage: 109% Base and Random each
    BtH: +0% each
    Stats: No

As thanks for helping him get home, Bork Dodger gave you the schematics for his gun!


Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Numbers thanks to Aelthai.
Dodger's Gun
Location: Hangar Deck > Leet Stormfront > Missions > Mission Select > Time Anomaly
Level: 100
Price: 119251 Gold
Sellback: 59625 Gold

PLvl: 100
Damage: 12-37
Element: Ice
Type: Ranged
BtH: +13%

    TRIGGER (against all enemies in place of a special)
    Hits: 2
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Ice
    Damage: 109% Base and Random each
    BtH: +0% each
    Stats: No

As thanks for helping him get home, Bork Dodger gave you the schematics for his gun!


Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Numbers thanks to Aelthai.
Added, thanks. ~AVA


EDIT: One more thing. I think it wise to add to the entries of the VBG Series that the special deals damage to the PLAYER.
Done, thanks. ~AVA

Khimera -> RE: Weapons (10/4/2010 4:35:06)


The Dodger's Gun entry is inaccurate: There is no "trigger", but instead there should be an effect listed explaining that all attacks deal *1.09 damage due to the lack of special.
Taken care of, thanks. ~AVA

Merged to prevent double posting. ~AVA

Netgun has the same error as detailed in the above post. Thanks to Archmagus Orodalf for making me aware of this.
Taken care of, thanks. ~AVA

Re-fixed both of these. -Kaelin

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Weapons (10/4/2010 18:21:02)


One more thing: I apologize, but I made a mistake when doing the Dodger's Gun entry. The "trigger" - which is incorrectly named, as stated by Khimera - is only ONE hit, as is the regular gun attack. I apologize again.
Done, thanks. ~AVA

Vivi -> RE: Weapons (10/13/2010 14:53:16)


Both are Energy, the guitar axe is melee and the trombone is ranged

Electric Guitar Axe (CD Promo)

-5 BTH and appropriate modifier

Level	25	50	75	100	125
Type	B	B	B	B	B
PLvl	32	54	78	103	128
Base	10	13	16	19	21
Rand	7	9	11	13	14
BtH	4	7	10	13	16
Proc	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	4.86	7.12	9.54	11.85	13.74
SBtH	14	23	33	43	51
SLS	2.41	3.38	4.43	5.53	6.63


+2 BTH and appropriate modifier
*= 1.126 to damage to compensate for the nospecial

Level	25	50	75	100	125
Type	B	B	B	B	B
PLvl	32	54	78	103	128
Base	7	9	11	13	14
Rand	14	18	22	25	29
BtH	4	7	10	13	16
Proc 0

Sellbacks for both

Level	25	50	75	100	125
Type	B	B	B	B	B
PLvl	32	54	78	103	128
Sell	50	500	5000	50000	500000

Done, thanks! ~$b

Ranloth -> RE: Weapons (10/25/2010 15:47:19)


Picture for Electric Guitar Axe:

Taken care of, thanks. :) ~AVA

Scakk -> RE: Weapons (11/26/2010 18:31:04)


Image for Trombones


Edited. Thanks! ~$b

Ranloth -> RE: Weapons (11/27/2010 17:11:10)


I posted the picture for Electric Guitars above, and AVA was meant to take care of it. It wasn't yet added to the weapon's entry though.. Delete post (or else) when it'll be :P

It's there now! ~$b

arcangelgabrel -> RE: Weapons (12/9/2010 1:19:13)


It should be noted that in here; This (Tronzor's Real Dual Blade) is guardian only. The list doesn't have that.

Got it, thanks ~$b

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Weapons (12/10/2010 16:33:06)


Thunderclap Swords:


Thunderclap Sword

Level: 55
PLevel: 55
Price: 1115 Gold
Sellback: 557 Gold
Location: The Nice Pirates!

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 9-27
BTH: 7%

Hits: 3
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: 716% Base and Random total
Stat: 463%*
BTH: +23% each
Rate: 20%
Effect: Special takes -10 BTH and *=(85/75) damage.

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

This weapon may look magical, but it's actually the result of advanced capacitor technology!

Thunderous Sword Z

Level: 35
PLevel: 57
Price: 1200 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 1080 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 600 Z-Tokens
Location: The Nice Pirates!

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 9-27
BTH: 7%

Hits: 3
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: 738% Base and Random total
Stat: 476%*
BTH: +24% each
Rate: 20%
Effect: Special takes -10 BTH and *=(85/75) damage.

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

This weapon may look magical, but it's actually the result of advanced capacitor technology!

As powerful as a Level 57 weapon!

Thunderstrike Sword

Level: 95
PLevel: 95
Price: 70781 Gold
Sellback: 35390 Gold
Location: The Nice Pirates!

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 12-36
BTH: 12%

Hits: 3
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: 1127% Base and Random total
Stat: 727%*
BTH: +40% each
Rate: 20%
Effect: Special takes -10 BTH and *=(85/75) damage.

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

This weapon may look magical, but it's actually the result of advanced capacitor technology!


Plasma Storm and Rain:


Plasma Rain Staff

Level: 35
PLevel: 35
Price: 162 Gold
Sellback: 81 Gold
Location: The Nice Pirates!

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 5-24
BTH: 4%

Hits: 3
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: 500% Base and Random total
Stat: 331%*
BTH: +15% each
Rate: 20%

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

All attacks with the weapon (all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials) deal *(83/85) damage and take +2 BTH.

Taken from the armory of a Space Pirate, this staff can cause a rain - of PLASMA!

Plasma Storm Staff

Level: 75
PLevel: 75
Price: 8802 Gold
Sellback: 4401 Gold
Location: The Nice Pirates!

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 7-34
BTH: 9%

Hits: 3
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: 931% Base and Random total
Stat: 595%*
BTH: +32% each
Rate: 20%

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

All attacks with the weapon (all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials) deal *(83/85) damage and take +2 BTH.

Taken from the armory of a Space Pirate, this staff can cause a rain - of PLASMA!


Added. Thanks. ~AVA

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Weapons (12/11/2010 12:49:05)


Laser Rod

Level: 35
PLevel: 35
Price: 162 Gold
Sellback: 81 Gold
Location: Cornered!

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 3-26
BTH: 4%

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: 517% Base and Random total
Stat: 254%*
BTH: +15% each
Rate: 20%
Effect: Special takes +8 BTH and *=(77/85) damage (Does not include the *85/82 and -3 BTH; eventually get +5 BTH).

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

All attacks with the weapon (all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials) deal *(85/82) damage and take -3 BTH.

This is one of Trinni's powered laser rods, used in both her oceanographic study of Satiren and her personal defense!


Thanks to ArchMagus Orodolf

Laser Rod

Level: 35
PLevel: 57
Price: 1200 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 1080 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 600 Z-Tokens
Location: Cornered!

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 4-33
BTH: 7%

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: 742% Base and Random total
Stat: 351%*
BTH: +24% each
Rate: 20%
Effect: Special takes +8 BTH and *=(77/85) damage (Does not include the *85/82 and -3 BTH; eventually get +5 BTH).

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

All attacks with the weapon (all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials) deal *(85/82) damage and take -3 BTH.

This is one of Trinni's powered laser rods, used in both her oceanographic study of Satiren and her personal defense!

Laser Rod

Level: 55
PLevel: 55
Price: 1115 Gold
Sellback: 560 Gold
Location: Cornered!

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 4-33
BTH: 7%

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: 722% Base and Random total
Stat: 342%*
BTH: +23% each
Rate: 20%
Effect: Special takes +8 BTH and *=(77/85) damage (Does not include the *85/82 and -3 BTH; eventually get +5 BTH).

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

All attacks with the weapon (all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials) deal *(85/82) damage and take -3 BTH.

This is one of Trinni's powered laser rods, used in both her oceanographic study of Satiren and her personal defense!

Laser Rod

Level: 75
PLevel: 78
Price: 8800 Gold
Sellback: 4400 Gold
Location: Cornered!

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 4-38
BTH: 10%

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: 954% Base and Random total
Stat: 443%*
BTH: +33% each
Rate: 20%
Effect: Special takes +8 BTH and *=(77/85) damage (Does not include the *85/82 and -3 BTH; eventually get +5 BTH).

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

All attacks with the weapon (all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials) deal *(85/82) damage and take -3 BTH.

This is one of Trinni's powered laser rods, used in both her oceanographic study of Satiren and her personal defense! (Guardian Only)

Laser Rod

Level: 95
PLevel: 95
Price: 70800 Gold
Sellback: 35400 Gold
Location: Cornered!

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 5-43
BTH: 12%

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Ranged
Damage: 115% Base and Random total
Stat: 518%*
BTH: +40% each
Rate: 20%
Effect: Special takes +8 BTH and *=(77/85) damage (Does not include the *85/82 and -3 BTH; eventually get +5 BTH).

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

All attacks with the weapon (all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials) deal *(85/82) damage and take -3 BTH.

This is one of Trinni's powered laser rods, used in both her oceanographic study of Satiren and her personal defense!


Done, thanks ~$b

Khimera -> RE: Weapons (12/11/2010 13:01:14)


For the Laser Rod, on the special, it should be *(85/93), not *(77/85)

And for the Plasma Thingy and all other variants, should be *(85/87), not *(83/85).
Taken care of. ~Koree

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Weapons (12/12/2010 21:15:23)


Image for when Unaga Staff's stats are posted. Note that the Staff has a 2-hit Magic Energy special.
Seems to be taken care of. ~Koree

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Weapons (12/15/2010 21:25:22)

Unaga Staves (Also, AKs, please check the Monsters Info Submission thread when you get a chance):


Unaga Staff

Level: 65
PLevel: 68
Price: 3120 Gold
Sellback: 1560 Gold
Location: Enemy Mind

Element: Energy
Type: Magic
Damage: 8-23
BTH: 9%

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Magic
Damage: 857% Base and Random total
Stat: 549%*
BTH: +29% each
Rate: 20%

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

The Unaga have discovered a way to make magic as functional as technology in space - this staff is part of the result!

Unaga Staff Z

Level: 65
PLevel: 77
Price: 3400 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 3060 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 1700 Z-Tokens
Location: Enemy Mind

Element: Energy
Type: Magic
Damage: 8-24
BTH: 10%

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Magic
Damage: 952% Base and Random total
Stat: 608%*
BTH: +33% each
Rate: 20%

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

The Unaga have discovered a way to make magic as functional as technology in space - this staff is part of the result!

Unaga Staff

Level: 85
PLevel: 88
Price: 25000 Gold
Sellback: 12500 Gold
Location: Enemy Mind

Element: Energy
Type: Magic
Damage: 9-26
BTH: 11%

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Magic
Damage: 1062% Base and Random total
Stat: 681%*
BTH: +38% each
Rate: 20%

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

The Unaga have discovered a way to make magic as functional as technology in space - this staff is part of the result!

Unaga Staff

Level: 100
PLevel: 103
Price: 119000 Gold
Sellback: 59500 Gold
Location: Enemy Mind

Element: Energy
Type: Magic
Damage: 9-28
BTH: 13%

Hits: 2
Element: Energy
Type: Magic
Damage: 1196% Base and Random total
Stat: 780%*
BTH: +43% each
Rate: 20%

*Stat damage only applies when a lucky strike occurs.

The Unaga have discovered a way to make magic as functional as technology in space - this staff is part of the result!


Added. Thanks. ~AVA

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Weapons (12/16/2010 6:29:47)


AVA, the (Guardian Only) isn't part of the description. Yes, the item is Guardian Only, but the weapon itself does have that appended to the description.

If it's a guardian only item, you can add the Guardian Only to the Description. If it's not a guardian only item, the Guardian tag should not be added. ~AVA

Aelthai -> RE: Weapons (12/18/2010 0:56:49)


Parched dragon scythe

Melee Fire

Two specials - one-hit fire spray or ... looks like three-hit spin to me.
-5 accuracy on the fire spray and no accuracy change on the spin.
Fire spray happens 60% of the time and deals 2/3 of the usual special damage in one hit at -5 btH (normal damage boost).
Spin happens 40% of the time and deals 3/2 of the usual special damage (1/2 usual per hit) (at no BtH change).

Level	45	65	52	85
Type	-	G	Z	-
PLvl	45	68	68	85
Base	10	12	12	14
Rand	12	16	16	17
BtH	6	9	9	11
Proc	20	20	20	20
SBR	6.07	8.57	8.57	10.32
SLS	3.97	5.49	5.49	6.61
SBtH	19	29	29	36
Price	410	3117	2150	24945
Sell	205	1558	Z	12472

disc flinger


nospecial so *= 1.09

Level	5	25	45	65	85
Type	G	G	G	G	G
PLvl	15	32	50	68	88
Base	5	7	9	10	12
Rand	10	14	16	20	22
BtH	2	4	6	9	11
Proc	0	0	0	0	0
Price	32	74	410	3117	24945
Sell	16	37	205	1558	12472

candy tech slayer

Earth Melee
No BtH penalty or bonus (it's high Base).

Special is Magic
-5 BtH on the Special (and appropriate power boost).

Level	5	25	45	65	85
Type	G	G	G	G	G
PLvl	15	32	50	68	88
Base	7	10	12	14	16
Rand	6	8	10	12	14
BtH	2	4	6	9	11
Proc	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	2.98	4.68	6.62	8.57	10.62
SLS	1.99	3.11	4.3	5.49	6.81
SBtH	7	14	21	29	38
Price	32	74	410	3117	24945
Sell	16	37	205	1558	12472
Everything seems to be taken care of. ~Koree

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