Nova Knight Great Helm (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Nova Knight Great Helm (7/17/2010 18:09:29)

Nova Knight Great Helm

Also see other Nova Knight set items:
  • Weapons: Machete Z, Cleaver, Machete, Guardian Broadsword, Kilij, Falchion
  • Armors: Hauberk Z, Cuirass, Hauberk, Guardian Mail, Light Plate, Plate
  • Shields: Shield Z, Buckler, Shield, Guardian Heater Shield, Ward, Aegis
  • Misc: Bascinet Z, Sallet, Bascinet, Guardian Armet, Helm

    Level: 130
    Power Level: 130
    Price: 200,000 682,338
    Sellback: 100,000 341,169
    Location: The Nova Knight
    Element: Fire

    Activation: 0 turns
  • +7 Melee/Ranged Defense
  • +35 STR

    Cost: 30 SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

    This is the helmet of a Nova Knight, an order from Lore's future sworn to defend endangered creatures! It offers additional ranged and melee defense and a boost to the wearer's Strength.


    Numbers from JMill. Images thanks to balubamboto and johnnyquest.aqrocks. Descriptions from AVA. Write-up by devbhargava.

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