RE: Pets / Guest (Full Version)

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majesticstar3800 -> RE: Pets / Guest (3/5/2011 15:59:30)


Nemesis Guardian

Level: 135
Power level: 135, MasterCraft
CHA Level: 135
Price: 711,970 Gold
Location: Nemesis Set Quest
Element: Neutral

Attack Rate:
-66 CHA- 67%
0 CHA- 100%

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Ice
Damage: 21-36, with the MC bonus of 371.5% Stats each
BtH: 33
Rate: 100

After the pet attacks, there is a 10*(# of pieces of the set you're in, not counting the pet)% of the pet doing a third hit that heals You. The pet does 21.25% normal damage on this hit.


1 part- 10%
2 parts-20%
3 parts-30%

Note that these parts do not include the pet as it doesn't get counted.

Note: All attacks have -5 BtH and *1.0625 damage.
I appreciate your effort, but I didn't use anything from your write-up. Thanks anyway. ~Koree

Lectrix -> RE: Pets / Guest (3/5/2011 21:26:35)


The Goldyfish series is missing from the Index. Just thought you'd like to know...

Edit: In the Element/Level part, that is.
Added. Remember to give links next time, though. Thanks! ~Koree

eddywardster -> RE: Pets / Guest (3/17/2011 21:15:03)


Wizard Class Elementals:

Added, thanks! ~Koree

Ianthe -> RE: Pets / Guest (3/19/2011 2:11:39)



(Uh, it should be fixed in a few minutes.)

It's a standard guest, with a 50/50 chance of Ranged Light or Melee Fire. All its attacks do *1.1 damage because of the weird elements.
Level	PowLvl	MPLvl	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	MP
10	10	10	3-11	205	2	11
30G	36	34	10-30	418	9	23
50	50	50	14-43	532	12	32
70Z	81	78	25-75	785	20	51
90	90	90	29-86	859	22	59
110	110	110	37-112	1022	27	75
130G	133	132	48-145	1210	33	95

Got it. Thanks. ~Scakk


Wizard class elementals!

All elementals start off the same:

If you're in a wizard class armour, then its GuestLevel is equal to your current ScaledPowerLevel.
If you're not, then GuestLevel is equal to 30 +4*WizardClassLevel.

Upkeep: round(0.175 * (38.1 + 2.3375*GuestLevel + 0.01125*GuestLevel)) MP
#If you're in the same element Wizard armour (ex: it's a Darkness elemental and you're in Tenebromancer armour) or an allied Wizard armour (ex: it's a Water elemental and you're in Tenebromancer armour), then the cost is 90% of the above.
#If you're in the Generalist armour, then it costs the above amount.
#If you're in anything else, then it costs 120% of the above.

**Base: 0.3 * (5.25 + 0.5625*GuestLevel + 0.00375*GuestLevel^2) damage, rounded normally
**Rand: 0.3 * (10.5 + 1.125*GuestLevel + 0.0075*GuestLevel^2) damage, rounded normally
**Stat: 1.125 * (100 + 6.6*GuestLevel) % (not rounded)
BTH: +(GuestLevel/4), rounded down, plus Stats

For the individual attacks:
Elem	Fire	Earth	Dark	Water	Ice	Wind	Light	Energy
Type	Melee	Melee	Melee	Melee	Melee	Range	Range	Range
Hits	4	2	1	1	2	3	1	1
When attacking it does (the listed number of hits). Each hit does 1/(the listed number of hits) damage.

#If you're in the same element Wizard armour (ex: it's a Darkness elemental and you're in Tenebromancer armour), then it does 110% damage.
#If you're in an allied-element Wizard armour (ex: it's a Water elemental and you're in Tenebromancer armour) or if you're in Generalist's Robe, then it does 100% of the above damage.
#If you're in the Archmage class armour (Not Yet Implemented), then it deals 90% of the above damage.
#If you're in anything else, then it does 80% damage.
NOTE: This assumes that there's just one hit, and that you're in Generalist's Robes.

Class	PowLvl	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	MP
0	30	8-23	335	7	21
1	34	9-26	365	8	23
2	38	10-29	395	9	25
3	42	11-32	424	10	27
4	46	12-35	454	11	30
5	50	13-39	484	12	32
6	54	14-42	513	13	34
7	58	15-45	543	14	37
8	62	16-49	573	15	40
9	66	18-53	603	16	42
10	70	19-57	632	17	45
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Shirefolk -> RE: Pets / Guest (3/21/2011 17:13:39)


Baby Klang, Guardian Baby Klang, and Frankenspine's Remains all need to be in the rare section of the pets/guests index.

Got it. Thanks ~D

Ianthe -> RE: Pets / Guest (3/24/2011 17:46:04)



Energy pet.

90% of the time, it attacks with one hits of Magic Energy.

10% of the time, it attacks with two hits of Magic Energy. Each hit does *85/90 damage and gets +5 BTH.
The effect occurs 100% of the time if two hits connect, or 50% of the time if one hit connects. It attempts to paralyse you, the monster, and your guest for one round each.

The monster gets no bonus to its save if it's a "golem", "robot", or "mecha"; otherwise, it gets a +20 bonus to its save:
    Level: PLvl vs MonsterLevel
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
You and your guest get a +20 bonus to your saves, each of which is,
    Level: PLvl vs YourLevel
    Major: YourCHA vs YourEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs YourLUK <--Not a typo
All its attacks (both the normal attack and the paralysing one) do *1/1.016 damage, to account for the effect.

Level	9G	29	9Z	49	69	89	109G	129
PLvl	18	29	44	49	69	89	112	129
CHALvl	15	29	35	49	69	89	111	129
CHA	-21	9	19	49	94	134	134	134
Base	3	5	7	8	12	17	23	28
Rand	7	10	16	17	26	34	46	56
Stat	164	219	293	318	417	516	629	714
BtH	4	7	11	12	17	22	28	32
Price	162	806	600	3030	10714	37270	129038	446150

Got it all x.x. Thanks ~D

stratuscone -> RE: Pets / Guest (3/24/2011 21:52:40)


since the Blarney war is no longer in the today's event list, the Dragonchaun guests need rare tags

Taken care of. Thank you. ~B

BlackAces -> RE: Pets / Guest (3/25/2011 9:29:05)


Here's an image for the pet:


[image] [/image]

Got it. Thanks ~D

Aquapyre -> RE: Pets / Guest (3/31/2011 10:35:52)


Brontus is supposed to link to The Fall of Augerthorne! but the link instead brings me to a page telling me that access is denied.

Also, Brontus's link to Drakel Civil War is actually linking to the Drakel madness war.

BTW, both the madness war and the civil war say that the Location is: Travel Map > Travel South > Keld Naer. When i do that though I only get to the civil war. I have not played through the civil war though so I am not sure if the madness war comes after it, but some additional information there (or a correction if necessary) would be nice. Thanks :)

Fixed, thank you. The Drakel madness war is a rare event as indicated in the pedia entry by the rare tag. ~B

Ianthe -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/1/2011 1:44:27)



nonBM Earth pet.

It has a 90% chance of doing a two-hit Melee attack. Each hit does *(8/9)/2 damage.
The other 10% of the time, it does a 7-hit attack. Each hit does *2*(85/80)/7 damage, and takes -5 BTH.
Level	PLvl	CHA	Base	Rand	Stat	BTH	$$$
12	12	-66	3	4	101	3	216
42	42	-66	7	14	212	10	1928
4Z	42	-66	7	14	212	10	550Z
72	72	-66	13	26	324	18	12925
102	102	-66	20	41	435	25	83570
132G	135	-66	30	60	557	33	537374

Got it. Thank you! ~B

Aelthai -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/1/2011 2:12:49)


Locomotive: to match the monster's theme -10 BtH. Darkness and Wind. *= 1.155 for Poor elemental alignment. (see the spell section for level variants and whatnot). Costs MP.

Got it. Thank you! ~B


Sapphyro: Darkness element all the way. Trigger on were, change element to Fire there 110% damage triggered, 95% untriggered; 80% cost triggered, 120% untriggered). Nothing else of note.

Aquellon: Since this is a male Aquella, Water damage normally, Energy damage against monsters of base element Water. With the usual penalty for seeking to a second element (95% damage, 105% cost at all times)
Got these. Thanks again!~In Media Res


LOCOmotive: 50% chance of 3-hits Dark Ranged; 50% chance of 2-hits Wind Ranged

			Dark			Wind
Level	PowLvl	MPLvl	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	MP
19G	27	25	3-9	137	-4	5-14	205	-4	18
39	39	39	4-13	175	-1	7-20	263	-1	26
59	59	59	7-21	240	4	10-30	360	4	38
79Z	89	86	11-33	337	12	17-50	506	12	56
99	99	99	13-39	370	14	19-58	555	14	66
119	119	119	17-50	435	19	25-74	652	19	83

Got this part. Thank you! ~B

Xrai -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/1/2011 2:32:34)


Finally I hope I'm posting this correctly! ><
New pet - Twily!

Location: Twily(Red and muscular!) > Hello! > Twily's Kwest!

Level 4 Twily! Z - Description: Twily will use his muscles to fight bad guys! Basic CHA 0; Recommended CHA 0 As powerful as the level 42 Twily!

Level 12, 42, 72 & 102 Twily! - Description: Twily will use his muscles to fight bad guys! Basic CHA 0; Recommended CHA 0

Level 132 Guardian Twily! - Description: Twily will use his muscles to fight bad guys! Basic CHA 0; Recommended CHA 0 (Guardian Only)

Got this part. Thank you. ~B


New summoned guest: LOCOmotive

Location: Today's Event > Mortal Side Effects! (New April Fools quest)

When not enough MP to sustain LOCOmotive, it will disappear and the following message will be shown:
LOCOmotive powers off into the distance. (Not enough MP: ## MP required)

When first summoned and not enough MP to allow LOCOmotive to attack, the following message will be shown:
LOCOmotive's boiler temperature rises. (## MP required or it will leave next turn)

And the rest. Thanks again. ~B

SysRq AQForums -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/1/2011 4:33:22)


Image for the LOCOmotive guest:

Got it. Thank you. ~B

BlacKitten25 -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/2/2011 3:28:00)



Location: Guardian Summon LOCOmotive I
Level: 19
Power Level: 27
MP Level: 25
Upkeep: 18 MP

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 3-9 with 137% Stats each
BTH: -4 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Wind
Damage: 5-14 with 205% Stats each
BTH: -4 plus Stats
Rate: 50%



Location: Summon LOCOmotive II
Level: 39
Upkeep: 26 MP

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 4-13 with 175% Stats each
BTH: -1 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Wind
Damage: 7-20 with 263% Stats each
BTH: -1 plus Stats
Rate: 50%



Location: Summon LOCOmotive III
Level: 59
Upkeep: 38 MP

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 7-21 with 240% Stats each
BTH: +4 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Wind
Damage: 10-30 with 360% Stats each
BTH: +4 plus Stats
Rate: 50%



Location: Summon LOCOmotive IV Z
Level: 79
Power Level: 89
MP Level: 86
Upkeep: 56 MP

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 11-33 with 337% Stats each
BTH: +12 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Wind
Damage: 17-50 with 506% Stats each
BTH: +12 plus Stats
Rate: 50%



Location: Summon LOCOmotive V
Level: 99
Upkeep: 66 MP

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 13-39 with 370% Stats each
BTH: +14 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Wind
Damage: 19-58 with 555% Stats each
BTH: +14 plus Stats
Rate: 50%



Location: Summon LOCOmotive VI
Level: 119
Upkeep: 83 MP

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness
Damage: 17-50 with 435% Stats each
BTH: +19 plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Wind
Damage: 25-74 with 652% Stats each
BTH: +19 plus Stats
Rate: 50%


Stats and Numbers thanks to Aelthai / In Media Res. Image thanks to SysRq AQForums.

Got it. Thank you. ~B

Mystical Warrior -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/5/2011 6:49:59)


Can't believe there still no Twilly! pet here's one


The pedia entry on the Twily! pet is up. Thanks though. ~B

Xrai -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/5/2011 7:32:40)


Guardian Twily!'s Power Level should be 135, not 132.
Fixed, thanks! ~Koree

Khimera -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/6/2011 12:49:06)


There's a typo in the Sapphyro entry. IMR put the upkeep as 1.3125*(38.1 + 2.3375*YourLevel + 0.01125*YourLevel^2)) SP when it should read 0.105*(38.1 + 2.3375*YourLevel + 0.01125*YourLevel^2)) SP
No, it's 0.13125*stuff. 0.13125 == 0.175*0.75*1.25*0.8 (normal*SP converion*scaling*trigger). I just misplaced the decimal.

...and since I copied that off another entry, it means that I have a lot of typos to correct :/ ~In Media Res

Whoops, forgot about scaling, my mistake.

big E -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/12/2011 11:02:34)


Vince Guest can also be picked up at the Chimeran Set Quest.
Added, thanks! ~Koree

infuturity -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/13/2011 17:19:22)

CheeseZard pets do not include the rates of attack in the pedia entry. Please fix


Mordred -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/13/2011 20:19:44)

^Actually, it does.

Additionally, if the monster is not already Dazed (or is Dazed with <15% chance of not acting) and the Cheezard hasn't "learned" that the monster is immune to Dazing, then the Cheezard does Attack #3. Otherwise, it does Attack #1 half the time, or Attack#2 the other half the time.

Balu -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/14/2011 15:00:57)


Robocockatrice--lvl 0
Created by the almost-mad scientist Kamui, this mechanical nightmare is almost as nasty as the real thing! ...Well, actually, it's a little nastier.
Level 45 power.
Basic CHA0: Recommended CHA 0

Robocockatrice--lvl 30
Created by the almost-mad scientist Kamui, this mechanical nightmare is almost as nasty as the real thing! ...Well, actually, it's a little nastier.
Level 54 power.
Basic CHA0: Recommended CHA 0

Guardian Robocockatrice--lvl 50
Created by the almost-mad scientist Kamui, this mechanical nightmare is almost as nasty as the real thing! ...Well, actually, it's a little nastier.
Basic CHA0: Recommended CHA 0
(Guardian Only)

Robocockatrice--lvl 60
Created by the almost-mad scientist Kamui, this mechanical nightmare is almost as nasty as the real thing! ...Well, actually, it's a little nastier.
Level 73 power.
Basic CHA0: Recommended CHA 0

Robocockatrice--lvl 90
Created by the almost-mad scientist Kamui, this mechanical nightmare is almost as nasty as the real thing! ...Well, actually, it's a little nastier.
Level 100 power.
Basic CHA0: Recommended CHA 0

Robocockatrice--lvl 120
Created by the almost-mad scientist Kamui, this mechanical nightmare is almost as nasty as the real thing! ...Well, actually, it's a little nastier.
Level 130 power.
Basic CHA0: Recommended CHA 0

image: [image][/image]
It seems the description was changed slightly. Added, thanks! ~Koree

big E -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/15/2011 5:44:41)


The Twily series needs a Rare tag.
Done, thanks! ~Koree

Ianthe -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/15/2011 10:37:24)


Okay, the numbers on the Robocockatrice have been finalised.


NonBM pet. All attacks deal 120% damage, to make up for the weird elements, and they occur equally likely.

Attack#1 is two hits of Ranged Earth. Each hit gets +7 BTH, with the usual *85/92 damage penalty. (Err, and /2 damage, since there's two hits.)
Attack#2 is one hit of Ranged Wind.
Level	0Z	50G	30Z	60Z	90Z	120Z
Type	Z	G	Z	Z	Z	Z
PLvl	40	54	54	73	100	130
CHALvl	30	53	48	69	97	127
CHA	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66	-66

Base	7	9	9	13	20	28
Rand	13	19	19	27	39	57
Stat	205	257	257	327	428	539
BtH	10	13	13	18	25	32

Price	500	3230	1050	2750	7400	10000

Experimental Robocockatrice

BM pet.

Attack#1 is the petrify attack. It's two hits Ranged Earth with +7 BTH (and the usual damage modifiers). It does 46% damage, to account for the effect:
If both hits connect, then there's a 50% chance of trying to Petrify the monster. The monster gets a +20 bonus to its save:
    Level: PLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
Earth-element monsters are immune to this effect.

Attack#2 is one hit of Ranged Wind.

AI: If the monster is Petrified or the monster's Element is Earth, then it does Attack#2. Otherwise, it does Attack #1.
Level	0Z	50G	30Z	60Z	90Z	120Z
PLvl	40	54	54	73	100	130
CHALvl	30	53	48	69	97	127
CHA	9	59	49	94	134	134

Base	7	9	9	13	20	28
Rand	13	19	19	27	39	57
Stat	273	342	342	436	570	719
BtH	10	13	13	18	25	32

Price	500	3230	1050	2750	7400	10000
Added, thanks! ~Koree

Ianthe -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/21/2011 19:00:20)


Hybee guest

Light. Evil. Costs MP.

Attack#1 is one hit of Ranged Light. It gets +5 BTH and deals 85/90 damage.
Attack#2 is two hits of Melee Light. They get -3 BTH and deal 85/82 damage. (Err, /2 damage, for the number of hits)

If you're Evil (alignment < -6), then the guest costs 80% of the usual.
If you're Good (alignment > 6), then it costs 120% of the usual.
If you're neutral, then it costs the usual amount.

Note: This has all the numbers rolled in already.

Level	PowLvl	MPLvl	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	MPGood	MPNeut	MPEvil
10G	19	16	5-14	239	9	3-8	131	1	17	14	11
30	30	30	8-22	317	12	4-12	174	4	25	21	17
50	50	50	12-37	457	17	7-20	251	9	38	32	26
22Z	50	43	12-37	457	17	7-20	251	9	34	28	22
70	70	70	18-54	597	22	10-30	328	14	54	45	36
90	90	90	25-74	737	27	13-40	405	19	71	59	47
110G	113	112	33-99	899	33	18-54	493	25	92	77	62
130	130	130	41-121	1018	37	22-66	559	29	112	93	74


Earth, with a rarer Fire attack. Good. Costs MP.

All attack do *1.05 damage, for the elements.

Attack#1 occurs 20% of the time. It's two hits of Ranged Fire. It gets -6 BTH (with the usual modifier) and deals 160% damage. (Err, /2 damage, for the number of hits)
Attack#2 occurs 80% of the time. It's one hit of Melee Earth, and deals 85% damage.

If you're Evil (alignment < -6), then the guest costs 120% of the usual.
If you're Good (alignment > 6), then it costs 80% of the usual.
If you're neutral, then it costs the usual amount.

Level	PowLvl	MPLvl	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	MPEvil	MPNeut	MPGood
20	20	20	5-15	236	-1	4-14	233	5	19	16	13
40G	45	43	10-31	404	5	10-31	399	11	34	28	22
60	60	60	14-43	504	9	14-43	498	15	46	38	30
80	80	80	20-61	639	14	20-60	631	20	62	52	42
68Z	80	77	20-61	639	14	20-60	631	20	60	50	40
100	100	100	27-80	773	19	27-80	763	25	80	67	54
120	120	120	34-103	907	24	34-102	896	30	101	84	67

Temp MegaZard guest

As above, but costs SP, and has *1.25 cost for the scaling.
All done. Thanks! ~Koree

Balu -> RE: Pets / Guest (4/25/2011 10:39:20)


Image for the Hybee guest:

and for the MegaZard guest:
Added, thanks! ~Koree

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