Eric Ravenwing (Full Version)

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Highlord Sendai -> Eric Ravenwing (10/27/2010 19:00:19)

Eric Ravenwing

Location: MOP, 48 Weeks Later, Amityvale (Books 1 and 2)

Quests given
MOP Clearance

Shops owned


Eric Ravenwing: Always is. What else is there, really?

Eric Ravenwing: Chain... we talked about this.

(Everyone): ...

Eric Ravenwing: RUN!!!!!

48 Weeks Later

Eric Ravenwing: Where?!

Eric Ravenwing: How is he not a zardbie?

Eric Ravenwing: We have to contain them!

Amityvale (Books 1 and 2)

Eric Ravenwing: Maybe something... a little more subtle might be more appropriate? <Character>, can you help us hunt?


Also See: Kensai / Eric Greydawn, Eric Greydawn (forum user)

Thanks to
-- Stephen Nix for image.
-- Peachii for additional information.
-- Jay for location link and additional dialogue.
-- Voodoo Master for dialogue and correction.

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