Varium vs Non-varium . (Full Version)

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Snaipera -> Varium vs Non-varium . (2/7/2011 7:18:24)

I'm writing this topic regarding this post .

Now first of all read the whole post . I find it unfair that I could not say my opinion and present to you my point of view in the topic . I do not care if people hate me , despise me or whatever verb for 'not like' you can think of . I just hate it to see things unfinished and unexplained .

In order to see my point of view you must first be a varium player or at least a player who adores ED and sticks with it no matter how commercial it gets .

A low level player comes to me , tells me " There was this guy who told me I should buy varium . Should I " . Indeed I stick to my words even now and say " Yeah , totally ,get the 10k varium package! " I'm just being honest . Varium rocks nowadays . Then he told me he couldn't afford varium and asked me if I wanted to buy him varium . Heck , I got my two varium packs hard enough not to mention buying for someone else .. Then the player called me "Hypocrit" and "Selfish" . I go to an English school in my country . Heck , I'm taking CAE next month , yet the meaning of those words seem ... well misused in this situation . Actually , better said , those words are in there as a way to insult me . Of course , so called softcore insult [:D] (Yeah , I totally LOL'd too [:D]) .

Anyway , that's me , that's my point of view . I'm not here to make you pick sides , I just wanted to come clean and tell you how I saw the things happening . Thanks for your time . I did not write this to justify myself in front of anyone . As I said , I hate it when things are unfinished .

Your fellow duelist , Snaips [:)]

Larcell -> RE: Varium vs Non-varium . (2/7/2011 7:35:51)

Varium should only be purchased if a particular person is wanting to go beyond casual gameplay to hardcore gameplay. Varium players should spend lots of time playing ED....they paid for it, so they better play. If one only has a passive interest to play, they shouldn't pay. But, yes, ED is expensive to play when you're a varium player; there are always new weapons every month, and the rising upper-tier characters will force one to buy the new weapons if they want to keep up. But varium can be earned freely; I've did many offers which enabled me to purchase the first varium package like 6 or 7 times. I've only bought varium with my own money just twice.

In conclusion:

Casual player=Don't Pay=Inexpensive=Disadvantage

Hardcore player=Pay=Too expensive=But has Advantage

Snaipera -> RE: Varium vs Non-varium . (2/7/2011 7:37:00)

Umm what does this have to do with my post ?

Larcell -> RE: Varium vs Non-varium . (2/7/2011 7:40:31)

Well the topic is varium vs non-varium. If the guy really wanted varium, then I suppose he wanted to risk carrying on the weight of the game getting expensive. I'm just laying the facts if he chooses to pay or not.

Snaipera -> RE: Varium vs Non-varium . (2/7/2011 7:43:10)

Ahh , I see now . Well yeah , sure ,varium will rock your world but this game is indeed expensive . However , I love this game so I will continue supporting it [8D]

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Varium vs Non-varium . (2/7/2011 8:06:38)

In my opinion, there should NOT be a thread about Varium vs Non-Varium to prevent any negative effect(s).

Therefore I'll have to lock this. Sorry, guys! Thanks. :)

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