Skyblade (Full Version)

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Balu -> Skyblade (5/21/2011 16:54:53)


«Light spell. Costs MP.»

Also see: Guardian Skyblade

Location: The Other Side - Unleashed!
Element: Light
Level	15	30	45	75	90	105	120
PowLvl	15	30	45	75	90	105	120
CostLvl	15	30	45	75	90	105	120

Price	43	107	410	8802	42016	200927	961252
Sell	21	53	205	4401	21008	100463	380626

MPCost	76	118	166	277	340	408	481
Hits: 3
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage	5-14	9-25	13-38	23-68	29-86	35-106	42-127
Stat%	66.33	99.33	132.33	198.33	231.33	264.33	297.33
BTH	3	7	11	18	22	26	30
This spell scroll calls down mystical swords from another universe to rain down on your foes!


Numbers from In Media Res. Description thanks to SysRq AQForums.


Starts off as a standard spell:
Level	15	30	45	75	90	105	120
PowLvl	15	30	45	75	90	105	120

Damage	17-52	22-65	34-101	63-189	80-241	99-297	120-358
Stat%	225	265	364	562	661	760	859
BTH	3	7	11	18	22	26	30
With three equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.

All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


May 21, 2011: The spell was released.
June 8, 2012: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
Level	15	30	45	75	90	105	120

Price	800	2200	6000	45500	70700	104900	155650
Sell	400	1100	3000	22750	35350	52450	77825

Balu -> RE: Skyblade (5/21/2011 16:55:23)

Skyblade Z

«Light spell. Costs MP.»

Also see: Guardian Skyblade

Location: The Other Side - Unleashed!
Element: Light
Type	Z
Level	62
PowLvl	75
CostLvl	71

Price	1400
S <48h	1260
  >48h	350

MPCost	261
Hits: 3
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage	23-68
Stat%	198.33
BTH	18
This spell scroll calls down mystical swords from another universe to rain down on your foes!

As powerful as the Level 75 Skyblade!


Numbers from In Media Res. Description thanks to SysRq AQForums.


Starts off as a standard spell:
Level	62
PowLvl	75

Damage	63-189
Stat%	562
BTH	18
With three equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.

All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


May 21, 2011: The spell was released.
June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
Price	3050
S <48h	2745
  >48h	1525

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