(AQ) [Quest] Something In The Water... (Full Version)

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Zyrain -> (AQ) [Quest] Something In The Water... (9/3/2011 17:03:13)

Something In The Water...

[Comments Thread]

Zyrain -> RE: [Quest] (AQ) Something In The Water... (9/3/2011 17:04:48)

Part 1: Ripple Effect

«The scene is a sunny beach. «You» enters.»

«You»: Such an amazing day to spend down at the beach!
Water Monsters: Hissssssssss *bubbles*.
«You»: *Sigh* being a hero can be really hard work sometimes.

Random Water Monsters
Full Heal after battles #2 and #3.

«Aquella enters the scene.»

«You»: Aquella! Boy am I glad to see you!
Aquella: I can see, I felt the disturbance in the water and I came straight away.
«You»: Do you know what's causing these water monsters to come on land and attack?
Aquella: I have no idea, but lookout there's another wave!
«You»: Haha a wave of water monsters! I didn't know you were a comedian!

  • Battle with Aquella
  • Battle by Yourself

    Random Water Monsters
    Full Heals after battles #2, #4 and #6.

    Aquella: This is really troubling. Why are these monsters so intent on coming on land?
    «You»: It's like an invasion, but how do we get to the bottom of this?
    Aquella: There's only one way; we go for a swim in the sea to see if there are any clues.

    «The scene is deep under the sea. «You» and Aquella enter.»

    «You»: What exactly do you hope to find all the way down here?
    Aquella: I'm hoping that we'll bump into more intelligent sea creatures such as Mermazons or Sarkanians, or maybe even Vargans, who may be able to provide some answers.
    «You»: Best we hurry up because we've already over-stayed our welcome!

  • Battle with Aquella
  • Battle by Yourself

    Random Water Monsters
    Full Heals after battles #2 and #3.

    «A Mermazon enters the screen.»

    Aquella: *Whispers* Now's our chance, «You».
    Mermazon: What businesss do you have here land walkersss?
    «You»: Oh urm hi there! We were just wondering if you knew anything about the weird water monster attacks?
    Mermazon: Hisss! We fight for our Water Lord! We will rule not only the seasss, but the landsss and skiesss! Now die!
    «You»: I take that as a no.

  • Battle with Aquella
  • Battle by Yourself

    Random Mermazon Monsters
    Full Heals after battles #2 and #4.

    ???: Be gone vile creatures!
    Mermazon: Hisss!

    «The Mermazon exits the screen. A Water Dragon enters.»

    «You»: A talking Water Dragon!?
    Water Dragon: Yes human. Unlike the rest of my kind I can be heard by other creatures, but only under water. Excluding other hyper-intelligent dragons of course.
    Aquella: Are you able to provide us answers?
    Water Dragon: You will not find your answers here. Go east to the island of Paxia. Whom we sea creatures refer to as the wise ones will be able to help you.
    «You»: Thank you so much for you help and for getting rid of those Mermazons so we can escape!
    Water Dragon: Escape? I don't think so human. I only scared off those creatures so I could eat you myself!

  • Battle with Aquella
  • Battle by Yourself

    1 BATTLE
    Water Dragon
    Full Heal after battle.

    «You»: Why does everyone who helps turn out to actually fancy me as a snack!?
    Aquella: That's a question for another day. We must go to Paxia. These "wise ones" the dragon referred to must be the Nauticans!

    «The scene is Paxia Island. The screen zooms into the Nautica base. The scene changes to the Nautican base where Nautica is. «You» and Aquella enter.»

    Nautica: What brings the two of you here?
    Aquella: Hello Nautica. I'm afraid we have some troubling news, the water monsters are coming on land and attacking!
    Nautica: Yes, we know. What is it you hope to seek here? The Nautican clan is far away from where the trouble is brewing.
    «You»: We were hoping you may be able to give us some answers and help us?
    Nautica: I see. Head outside and find Jacques. If anyone can give you answers; he can.

    «The scene changes to just outside the Nautican base where Jacques is. «You» and Aquella enter.»

    Jacques: You are here about the growing evil within the seas? Hello my dear friends «You» and Aquella.
    «You»: Hi Jacques. What exactly is going on?
    Jacques: I fear that someone or something is filling the creatures of our sea with anger and hatred.
    «You»: So how do we find the source?
    Jacques: There is a sea witch who may be willing to help if we bring her a boon.
    Aquella: «You» this is much darker than what we originally though.
    Jacques: Isn't it always? I will accompany the two of you on this journey, though I will not be able to aid you in depth of battle.
    «You»: So it is settled, we set off for this sea witch!
    Aquella: But do you have any explanation as to why the creatures are attacking?
    Jacques: From my studies, it seems the sea creatures are unknowingly passing their rage on to each other as if it is a disease.
    «You»: A ripple effect...

    To be continued!

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  • Zyrain -> RE: [Quest] (AQ) Something In The Water... (9/3/2011 18:05:09)

    Part 2: The Source

    «The scene is the deep ocean. «You», Aquella and Jacques enter.»

    Jacques: We must find a boon for the witch before going to her palace. It is dark in the depths of the ocean, she will treasure a source of light.
    Aquella: How about an Ocean Star Gem? They produce a great amount of light magic when touched.
    Jacques: That will be perfect. If we can find one.

  • Battle with Aquella
  • Battle by Yourself

    Random Water Monsters
    Full Heals after battles #2, #4 and #6.

    You need 50 LUK to continue the search for the Ocean Star Gem.
    If you fail the roll, you have to defeat another 6 monsters again and roll again.

  • Battle with Aquella
  • Battle by Yourself

    Random Water Monsters
    Full Heals after battles #2, #4 and #6.

    You need 75 LUK to continue the search for the Ocean Star Gem.
    If you fail the roll, you have to defeat the second set of 6 monsters again and roll again. If you have enough SP you can defy the roll.

    «The scene now has a glistening gem bedded in the sand. «You», Aquella and Jacques enter.»

    «You»: There's one!
    Sarkanian: That'sss oursss!

  • Battle with Aquella
  • Battle by Yourself

    1 BATTLE
    Adult Battle Whale
    Full Heal after battle.

    «You»: We finally have the gem. Now to the witch's palace!

  • Battle with Aquella
  • Battle by Yourself

    Random Water Monsters
    Full Heal after battles #2 and #4.

    «Scene changes to an under wayer palace. Standing there is the sea witch, Urvulara. Her face is beautiful. Dangerously beautiful. Yet the lower half of her body is monstrous, a mixture of parts from sea creature. «You», Aquella and Jacques enter.»

    Urvulara: Why do you enter my lair mortals?
    Jacques: Greetings great sea witch. My companions and I came in search of answers.
    Urvulara: And what do you have to present me with?
    «You»: We present you with this gift. An Ocean Star Gem.
    Urvulara: Ah it is so beautiful, I have not seen the light in so long. Thank you, mortals. So what is it you ask?
    «You»: We need to know who or what is corrupting the water monsters into attacking.
    Urvulara: Hmm, the anger and hatred that grows amongst the creatures is caused by a powerful water demon in the heart of a whirlpool.
    Aquella: Thank you for your aid, Urvulara.
    Urvulara: Take this sea shell. It will stop the whirlpool allowing you to confront the demon.

    «The scene changes back to the ocean floor.»

  • Battle with Aquella
  • Battle by Yourself

    Random Water Monsters
    Full Heals after battles #2, #4 and #6.

    «There is now a whirlpool blocking your well. The sea shell comes out of your pocket into the middle of the screen. The whirlpool fades the the shell returns to your pocket. A Water Demon enters.»


    «The Water Demon draws the shell from your pocket and smashes it. A glowing orb lays in the shell dust.»

    • Challenge Battle

      1 BATTLE
      Water Demon
      Full Heal after battle.

      After the battle he immediately regains his health and stands up.
      Continue below (Option to touch orb again).

  • Touch the Orb

    «The orb grows big to human size, then Urvulara appears from it.»

    Urvulara: Oh but how it does, Demon.
    «You»: Urvulara!?
    Urvulara: Indeed. I figured that fighting a Demon was unfair so I came to stop his immortality. As well as his lies. The Water Lord would never command his creations to attack as an army. The Demon used a corrupted image to create an army in name of the Water Lord, though really he wanted power for himself.

    «Urvulara casts a spell on the Water Demon.»

    Urvulara: I have cast a spell on him to remove his immortality, though that is as much as I can do for I cannot harm another water creation.

  • Battle with Aquella
  • Battle by Yourself

    1 BATTLE
    Water Demon
    Full Heal after battle.

    Jacques: And so it is over.
    Aquella: Yes, I can sense the calmness growing in the sea!
    «You»: Thank you everyone for all your help.
    Urvulara: It is our duty to Lore, mortal. Until we meet again.

    «Urvulara vanishes.»

    Jacques: I suppose I should head back to Paxia now. It was a pleasure seeing the two of you again, though I wonder when we'll be able to simply see each other outside of battle.
    Aquella: Farewell Jacques! «You» and I should go back to Battleon anyway.
    «You»: Another day, another quest completed.

    The end!

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