RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 23:46:12)

David: For the love of... You said you were done, just leave already.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 0:15:21)

Heh, I always find your comments so amusing Shadow.

I would like to know what everyone's fascination with Chaos is? AQW really killed it as a whole for me, then WarHammer 40K added insult to injury...

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 0:54:43)

Gla: Thanks, although I am serious about wanting David to just leave.

Chaos is actually very simple and easy to write with, and due to its nature it's hard to accidentally duplicate anything. Chaos has been used a lot lately in general, which is a bit annoying. Anyway, within our little mini-universe Chaos isn't even really all that Chaotic. It is really more Evil. For example look at Clown: He's violently insane, his acts are hard to predict, and in the end all he does just benefits himself. The rest of his carnival is just a themed squad of seemingly endless mostly-weak people, with a few named "important" characters. I'm not even going to rant about david's "White Chaos" (AKA: Chaotic Good), or the miscellaneous other "chaotic" people here.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 1:01:49)


his acts are hard to predict

This could be argued as chaotic.

White Chaos? Never understood it, course I haven't exactly been here long enough to. It's been a month, maybe.

And I figured you were serious (having got to know your nature somewhat from the Blitz Origin thread). I just find your funny.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 1:11:13)

Gla: I meant that his individual actions are hard to predict, it's easy enough to see the "flow" of what he'll do.

White Chaos is just what David says to "justify" his more recent idiocies. Character-wise of course.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 1:13:10)

Oh gotcha.

And well, ok then.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 1:15:41)

Gla: To be honest, it's beginning to look like we are the only sane men here.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 1:17:27)


Perhaps we are. Who knows.

On the note of White Chaos and its justifications, I have to attribute that yet again to being relatively new. I know nothing of Delta's stories outside Blitz Origin.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 1:27:17)

Of course Shadow borders on harassment in the way he treats David. <_<
Roughy half (almost not an exaggeration) of your posts are related to something negative in regards to David.
It should stop really. I think, personally, I've had enough of it. Because you tend to incessantly troll and/or flame him. It just disrupts things and happens without good reason.
The entire purpose of your post on the top of this page was to treat David badly. It had nothing to do with anything character related. It's just unrelated, blatant, rudeness.
He doesn't like it, and has asked you to stop before. So you should. He never did anything rude to you and I don't understand your "troll-thrill" with it.
So yeah, tl;dr you should stop. I request this out of concern for David because he seems to get rather flustered when you (constantly) treat him like this. Even if you act like it is somewhat humorous.

Related: Does anyone know of real life reasons why Jae has poofed on us, if I may ask? Her character seems to be floating in purgatory...
And where is Star Screamer? I have a couple questions for him! Saturn is under his control right now, and I have no idea what's going on lol.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 1:34:24)

Wait, who's Jae?

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 1:51:31)


Of course Shadow borders on harassment in the way he treats David. <_<

By this point, you should not be surprised.


Roughy half (almost not an exaggeration) of your posts are related to something negative in regards to David.

I have made a total of 3604 posts, not counting this one. I have not insulted David that much, which is a bit sad. 


It should stop really. I think, personally, I've had enough of it. Because you tend to incessantly troll and/or flame him. It just disrupts things and happens without good reason.

You seem to be the only one getting your jimmies rustled over this.


tl;dr you should stop.

If you think I'm trolling, you're gonna have a bad time.
[quote.]it is somewhat humorous.
David (somehow) realizes this is all a joke. I suggest you do the same, lest the other site give you a firm reminder.

Gla: Jae was one of the few females here and good writer. I don't know where she went exactly.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 1:56:35)

Oh, well the name was brought up...incredibly randomly, so...yeah had no idea where the mysterious "Jae" came into this, whoops.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 2:29:13)

Gla: It isn't your fault.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 2:53:17)


By this point, you should not be surprised.

This contradicts

realizes this is all a joke.

You admit that it is harassment, then claim it is all a joke. This confuses me.

I'm just asking you nicely to stop. I know it isn't literally half. It's still unpleasant. David has been "ruffled" by it, as I've seen how you treat him and how he responds to it, whether it be in-game or on the forum.
So far, very little has been done to stop it so I decided I'm going to go ahead and take the first step.

And don't threaten me with "oh you'll get a firm reminder" as this has nothing to do with me. Your posts directed at him are trolly. I don't think I need to elaborate further on that.
I don't like it and I can tell he doesn't, either.
I'll wait for David before I go any further, in-case it doesn't actually bother him.
If he does say it bothers him, though, then I expect you to knock it off.
I don't like seeing fellow players and members of the community be used as a form of unwanted and abusive comic relief.
It's just extremely lame. I don't want to seem like a mini-mod or whatever but I am going to try to stick up in whatever little way possible for my friends, even if it is just the internet.


@Glai: Go read Jae's story Legacy if you want to know about her. She's one of my favorite forumites, to be honest, alongside Swamp Croc and a few others.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 7:10:26)

*Looks at above post and sighs* I don't need to explain myself a 4th time x/ Shadow knows how I feel about his comments towards me and he knows if his opinion is bias and immature that I will ignore it. Being the bigger man is always the harder choice but meh some one has to be an adult and due to my high level of both tolerance and kindness(both thanks to my personal beliefs and past martial art training) I sometimes forget to put people in their place. As for the situation I have decided to let the mods sort this out and keep a small list for future reference.

I'm impassive(techically without emotions) so words barely scratch this stone heart of mine.

^ So don't worry Shadow doesn't have anything in his arsenal that can tick someone like myself off, I wouldn't want *that* situation to happen again.

Anyway(on to a more important subject >:)) I was merely trying to give you guys something to play around with (rather than ask for any of you to read my current story). No I'm not rejoining the RP for reasons I don't find the need to explain but I do enjoy watching you guys have fun so I might chime in once in a while if things get stale.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 11:43:04)

... Good to know, Jessa.

*reads basically all of the comments about chaos and things and ignores most of it* To be fair, he tries to be genuinely chaotic with White Chaos, changing whether or not his actions are evil or good on the fly, though in my oppinion the overall feel of them is still evil, to me, because of what he's caused with such actions, but meh.

I suppse I am not considered sane, then, hmm? You forget Jessa, as well. ;)

Idk. I'm somewhat neutral with regards to SL9K trolling David, mostly because of the fact that David tends to ignore it, and I find it funny, every once in a while.

Jae is stuck somewhere between school and chores, I think, with videogames helping to distract Rae much of the time, at the very least. I think she once described herself as serving in a capacity similar to a stay-at-home mom, though I could be confusing things, in my memory.

@Glai and/or Anti's comment to him: Actually, "The Puppetmaster" would be a better choice. Legacy hasn't really gotten too deep into its plot, and hasn't showed her at all, so far as I know.

Oh, and she was not just a good writer, but a VERY good writer. :P

I mentioned Jae because of the fact that she is supposed to be Jessa's mentor. Jae is also held in very high regards within the forumite community, so many other people picked up on that.

Actually, back in David's other story thread's commentary thread, SL9K got so irritated with DB's commentary style that it drew the AKs' attention, and since then he's been relatively layed back about it.
Personally, I think he holds a grudge about the large part of his life being taken away by having to read through David's story, which came across to him as horrible, both in the logic of the storyline, and in its grammatical correctness, though David has improved that, in his most recent story, which I should probably catch up on, some time...


"Bonjour, mon petite," he says, bowing formally, his long black hair flowing over his shoulder as he does so. He holds out one metalic hand with a red ringed orb-like structure, rays coming out of it and curving around at odd lighting-esque jagged angles, running down the length of his arm, up into his sleeve, his upper arm seeming more flesh-like than his hand.

He has an elegant demeanor, his motions always measured and striking, his voice soft and almost magically seething with charm and nobility, and as he raises his head, she can see his one white eye, with glowing scars flowing from it across the sharp features of his cheek and chin, and his other eye, with its eirie red glow, and visibly mechanical structures. The seemingly ravaged facial features only add to the air of foreign mystery and clear mechanical nature, but give him a chillingly human edge to it, along with an aesthetic sense of power and experience.

"I am sent by a friend to act as a shield against harm for you, in case of certain occasions that may be more than random chance would allow a victory, under normal circumstances," he announced, looking to Jessa with a pleasant smile, as he waits for her to take in the situation, "at least for now. Perhaps I shall not have to stay long, or constantly... I know not what the future may hold."

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 14:17:43)

(And now, at last, I can RP. Hope my style is acceptable. Oh, and Drak, you really should read up on French possessive adjectives. It's ma petite. ;) )

She turns towards the android, her expression a typical mixture of surprise and confusion. Several questions run through her mind in rapid succession. After a moment, she speaks a few aloud. "What friend? What 'certain occasions'?" As far as she knew, she had no friends which would be able to supply her with such a bodyguard.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 14:47:05)

(Interesting font color choice)

"Oh, just a man who cares. One who knows miss Jae. My name is Fredrick, by the way, thank you for asking." Having righted himself from his bow, he continues to say, "This is a very dangerous city, and he considers your survival important. Perhaps your powers would be sufficient protection, perhaps not. That being said, there are powerful organizations that make their home in this domeign, who would give quite a bit to control power like you weild. Indeed, this may be a bad time to initiate such a partnership between the two of us, because there is no immediate danger, but to be strategic, I was sent preemptively."

"I appologise for any inconvenience... but I have my orders. I would like this to be as pleasant as possible."

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 14:58:36)

(That came out a bit more purple [wow, I seriously forgot how to spell that for a moment] than I planned.)

His answer only adds to the list of questions quickly forming in her mind. "So, you're saying that you've been ordered to stick with m, matter what? What if I don't want you to? You seem nice enough, but I've done fine taking care of myself." She seems doubtful as to if the android is being truthful.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 15:24:19)


"Fair enough questions," he says, pausing momentarily, "Then again, eventually you will attract unwanted attention. Smashers always do, especially if they are active, and even if that activity is not brought to the public's attention. To be completely honest, it would almost be better if you were well known, because then your disappearance would be a riskier, and would probably cause unwanted attention to those who I mentioned earlier. Then again, that would also probably put you in much more physical danger, as well," he says laughingly.

"I completely understand your reluctance and suspicion. Unforunately, I doubt I could really do anything to fully assuage your fears, at the moment. You'd just have to trust me, even if you seem reluctant to do so... I know I'm not doing a good job selling this, am I...?" he asks, with a humorous air about him, and then he gets serious.

"You can run, if you want, though I wouldn't advise it. I could go away, and never meet you again, having failed in my mission to protect you, because I wouldn't force you to accept me, but the real question is whether or not my statements are accurate, and whether you would be better off, with that in mind, than you would be otherwise." And then he turns and walks away, with it in his mind that his point would be emphasized by doing so, and if not, it wouldn't matter.

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 15:52:45)

Don't worry Anti, I'm here, to answer a few questions you may have,
I actually don't have control, I'm just asked if I could use him in a
story, nothing further.

~Monsieur Star Screamer

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 16:00:45)


Actually, back in David's other story thread's commentary thread, SL9K got so irritated with DB's commentary style that it drew the AKs' attention, and since then he's been relatively layed back about it.
Personally, I think he holds a grudge about the large part of his life being taken away by having to read through David's story, which came across to him as horrible, both in the logic of the storyline, and in its grammatical correctness, though David has improved that, in his most recent story, which I should probably catch up on, some time...

Err well I know, I was there. It wasn't the commentary style so much as CC did almost nothing (that was one of my...many...complaints, along with e main character in general being mostly despicable). Eh, I could see that as. Reason, ut I really don't tnk it's that serious.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 16:30:28)

@Star Ah hey. Technically speaking you have control of him in your story, is what I meant :P

Mainly my question was how you plan on portraying his personality in the story. Is he going to keep the multiple personality issues, or go with a more steady one?

Velmur -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 16:35:28)


star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/5/2012 16:36:16)

I'm still trying to think.
I want him to be the leader of the gods and be serious
but still have that headstrong humor.

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