RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 14:45:22)


And don't ask how I got hold of dark matter, it wasn't easy.

No, especially with 94% of all of space comprised of dark matter and energy. Terribly difficult, indeed. XD

You know, if you open an interdimensional portal, it would pull everything in the surrounding area into it, right, since the entire place is a vacuum... Effectively causing the equivalent of a black hole, but without gravitational disturbances, meaning it would only effect the moon, most likely, and not earth, no? It very well could lead to the actual creation of a black hole, however, if the matter is compressed enough on or arround the event horizon, on either side... To be fair, it depends on the way you breach the dimensional barrier. It could be quite a bit worse. It could also be completely pointless, if your security arround it is powerful enough.


Odd, plant life was duplicated successfully, but no animal life exists here.
*Blows a crater in the ground in Liberty Square Zero. In Liberty Square Prime, a large crater inexplicably appears, sending people screaming*

... /facepalm /facepalm /facepalm

That being said, I suspect bad things will result from this. Baaad bad things. ._.

It would seem so. I do not like this idea, double jeapardy. Hmm...

*notices that there is no sun in "Dimension Zero", and that the seismic upheavals and the oceanic tremors just begin to end, with the moon's appearance, and that the atmosphere there is overoxygenated, with no animal life on the planet, while the planet slowly cools and the atmosphere leaks out, without a sun, while the planet begins to fly into another orbit, as the sun's gravitational effect is not felt there, and the momentum and inertia from creating a copy of the earth cause it to continue on the path it would be on*

*the connection between the two dimensions begins to become unstable, as the contradicting forces of nature effect dimensional barriers, threatening to destroy them, one or both*

Interesting conversation, between Lunarox an Carona.


And there is indeed space in this dimension. I will need to conduct more research as to the reason.

This would be because of the fact that the entirety of the thing, while remaining a vacuum, still contained dark matter and dark energy across the spectrum of it. They leaked in from inter-dimensional connections, and helped it from ripping apart, or rather becoming something incompatible with our three-dimensional universe's various things, with nothing within the dimension at all, as would have happened without them.

*not all of the events occuring or having occured in Dimension 0 are effecting Dimension Prime as it would seem, such as the people's actions within it, and most of the natural disasters, though some of them are, in seemingly random areas*

Note that specific circumstances are required to allow for actual matter to exist within Dimension Zero, such as the messing around with the effects of dark matter in conjunction with devices designed to manipulate dimensional barriers, which Lunarox has apparently done without any sort of proper testing at all. I blame the fact that he is intelligent but has not had the discipline and training in proceedural studies and techniques that professional scientists go through.

Oh, yes, and Warehouse X only is capable of existing within a dimension with no space because of the fact that it has special properties and devices that cause it to technically exist within a pocket dimension within that dimension itself, protecting it from potential consequences.

Also, note that there are not two Lunaroxes. One of the few unique things that do not have paralels.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 16:20:19)


Interesting conversation, between Lunarox an Carona.

Well, while destroying the sun seems like a rather foolish thing to do, I assure you it's far better than the...alternative....

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 16:34:32)

Tell me, is this whatever a world ending threat? Because if so, Ommicorp Tower can use certain surrounding buildings to effectivly make the largest laser cannon ever. EVER.[;)]

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 16:36:05)

Yes and no. It could be, but thus far hasn't. Effectively it made the world of my time a living Hell though.

While MORE DAKKA is always a good option, we never got to test it. Due to the circumstances of the future, we're without any way to fight back. Which is why I'm here in your present.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 16:54:34)

YES!!!!!! MORE DAKKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, it quite certainly is a world ending threat, but it hasn't escalated that far yet, and it could go either way. It is most certainly... problematic, to have the dimensions linked, though.

I blame sun spots, Carona. XD

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 16:57:28)

I was referring to my Sun Issue. Lunarox' VoodooEarth is definitely world ending.

Sun spots? Well, it could have caused them all along!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 17:00:48)

Yes, I know you were refering to your issue, and not Earth Zero. I decided to have fun with it. Oh, and don't forget the solar tsunamis!

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 17:06:27)

Ah alright, wasn't sure.

Solar EVERYTHING. Of course, what would be worse is if this problem occurred in....multiple stars.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 17:07:23)

So if I were to fire said laser cannon at this fale Earth, it would destory our Earth?

The potential for abuse is too great. We must shut down the gateways between the worlds!

...Although, that means I could team up with myself...[sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 17:10:05)

Finding dark matter was easy, obtaining it and transforming it into a form that could be utilized was not.


You know, if you open an interdimensional portal, it would pull everything in the surrounding area into it, right, since the entire place is a vacuum... Effectively causing the equivalent of a black hole, but without gravitational disturbances, meaning it would only effect the moon, most likely, and not earth, no? It very well could lead to the actual creation of a black hole, however, if the matter is compressed enough on or arround the event horizon, on either side... To be fair, it depends on the way you breach the dimensional barrier. It could be quite a bit worse. It could also be completely pointless, if your security arround it is powerful enough.

No worries. My Arch fully contains the effects that the interdimensional portal would cause to anything near it or in it. The dark matter indeed is quite compressed, but that is only necessary to breach the barrier.

I must say though, that this technology is possibly eons beyond what modern humans can possibly produce so I won't go into the technical matters on how I stabilized the transfer so that the molecular structure of whatever passes through remains intact and how I ensured a two-way path between the dimensions.


*notices that there is no sun in "Dimension Zero", and that the seismic upheavals and the oceanic tremors just begin to end, with the moon's appearance, and that the atmosphere there is overoxygenated, with no animal life on the planet, while the planet slowly cools and the atmosphere leaks out, without a sun, while the planet begins to fly into another orbit, as the sun's gravitational effect is not felt there, and the momentum and inertia from creating a copy of the earth cause it to continue on the path it would be on*

That is another thing I have been observing: the effects of a lack of the Sun. Dimension Zero seems to be affected more by Earth Prime than vice-versa. That is to say, that Earth-Zero possesses the exact same orbit as Earth Prime, despite the fact that it isn't revolving around the Sun.

The oxygen levels also seem to be perpetually consistent with that of Earth Prime. Excess oxygen simply ceases to exist. Much like matter that is brought over from Prime that hasn't been duplicated into Zero.

Interesting theory as to the origin of space in Dimension Zero. It might be accurate.

And yes, using the Earth as an experiment was quite rash. But the results were basically what my research has shown that they would be.
Earth actually wasn't my first experiment, I tested with smaller objects as well with the same result.

@Dealer: Yes, it most likely would. And no, it's my Archway, I won't let anyone destroy it. Besides, I would never abuse it, you can trust me. *laughs*


megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 17:13:03)

SO what is the ultimate goal of your experiments SHadowlight? I am curious as to your intention. i once tried to make a way of forming worlds and it went poorly. Man should not meddle with the power of gods. Just most of them.[:D]

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 17:15:38)

Goal? Right now, none, I just did it for fun.

But this has incredible potential wouldn't you say?

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 17:17:34)

I think I'm gonna start over with a new character to RP with. Fairgates will always be my main character but I need something I can contribute with while not being more powerful than just about everything.

Probably won't be writing a story to go with it.

I'll be back in a bit with some information and maybe introduce myself. Going to essentially scrap the other characters in regards to the Character Discussion thread, lol.


Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 17:20:56)

*captain Orain appears just outside the archway floating in space with several Star Gate ships behind him* LUNAROX I CALL TO YOU FROM DIMENSION PRIME! HEED MY WORDS! Stargate will not harm you or you`r arch way, as long as you promise to not use it for evil! DO YOU PROMISE!
~Captain Orain

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 17:21:20)

Actually, I think I do have a goal.

Nobody can touch me in this dimension. I can cause all the mayhem I want and no one can stop me.

So, the humans in Earth Prime will have no choice but to bow before me! *maniacal laughter*

*blows a hole in a building*

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 17:24:52)


I'll be back in a bit with some information and maybe introduce myself. Going to essentially scrap the other characters in regards to the Character Discussion thread, lol.

I await this then.

@Lunarox:"Not if I stop you first!" Quite literally applies when dealing with me :P

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 17:34:53)

*Stargate sicnetests hack into the archway and it turns on* OK good, everybody else stay in this diemisson, I`m going in! *captain Orain flys through the archway*

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 18:03:23)


That is another thing I have been observing: the effects of a lack of the Sun. Dimension Zero seems to be affected more by Earth Prime than vice-versa. That is to say, that Earth-Zero possesses the exact same orbit as Earth Prime, despite the fact that it isn't revolving around the Sun.

This is occuring very slowly. The inter-dimensional connection is causing it to attempt to correct itself but it is indeed shifting out of its orbit, moving for a short time in one direction, and then actually goes into the normal (though slightly expanded because of the fact that it moved away from where the sun would be) path's line. It would take many years to begin to see the effect on it.

Because of the fact that excess oxygen is constantly being produced, and the destruction of it occurse immediately after that, there is constantly a very slight increase in the oxigenation in the atmosphere.

I appologise if you took my comments to be indicative of a massive ammount of either phenomenon's effectsI just take notice of things that most would not. To be fair, that was not a theory about the reason space exists in that dimension. It is completely accurate, though there were quite a few other things involved in the overall situation, obviously.


Goal? Right now, none, I just did it for fun.

*facepalms* This is why people aren't allowed to become gods, most of the time. -.-

Good to know, Anti.

Hmm... You do remember that that dimension has s HeroSire, right? I think that implies heroes, as there are civilians, too. ;)

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 18:03:46)

So, some very small details.

His name is Asclepyus, and he is part of a group known as the Wardens. Usually, he is referred to by his title of Guardian. Just a quick and minor spoiler;

They're lifeforms that were created by Saturn from complete scratch, and serve as his elite protectors in the event he needs any. Asclepyus was the chief of said group and was released from Saturn's mental control as a gift for his deeds. He still holds Saturn in high respects and does as he asks, but it is of his own free will.

He's going to (and consequently all Wardens) look somewhat like this, when put into HeroSmash form.

That was created for me by my friend, Migo. I made none of it, but it was a gift to me so I'm choosing to base my character's appearance on it.
Check out his other stuff if you haven't. He is seriously an awesome artist!

That's all for now, I'm not telling his weaknesses though. I will have a short little... description(?) up later.

EDIT: Might change his title to Warden because Guardian is a name used by both DC and Marvel...

EDIT 2: Anyone know any good synonyms? ._.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 18:12:13)

Yay, Greek mythological reference! :P Unless you came up with that name on your own... <.<


Interesting armor. I like it, but to me it leaves a little to be desired. Just a bit. It's pretty good.

Good to know, with regards to information about backstory, along with the timing bit, for other details.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 18:13:53)

It is a Greek mythological reference to the God of healing. It is also my AQWorlds name, lol

Overseer, Keeper, Watcher...

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 18:15:55)

I am glad it was not just random chance that you came up with such a name. XD

That wouldn't have been weird at all.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 18:17:01)

If I had claimed that it was an original name, I'd be a rather silly liar. xD

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 18:42:37)

@Kinzville:The Archway isn't floating in space, it's in my Moon Base, and you'd need one heck of a good hacker to get in.

But if you can already hack into my Archway then I can assume you can hack into my base as well.

But then what? Thinking about fighting me? In that case I'll give you some time to compose an epitaph before I deal with you.

@Drakkoniss: Not at all. It's interesting to consider the real-world effects of such a development.

Maybe I should duplicate the Sun to avoid the complexity of Dimension Zero not having one. I'll need a lot more dark matter. in that case. Beats egg hunting, I suppose.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/7/2012 19:50:28)

To be fair, they are a very specialized and highly experienced group of people. I say it's theoretically possible for them to get in, so let it fly. More effort probably should've been shown, but whatever.

Yes. Egg hunting vs. Aquiring dark matter to fuel a DOOMsday machine would go in favor of the second one if I were you, as well.

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