=ED= April 10th Design Notes (Full Version)

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Basicball -> =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:14:28)


April 10, 2012
Bunny Battalions Continued
Post PAX Preparations

First things first: welcome back Nightwraith! For those not in the know, our creative lead was away at PAX East over Easter weekend. He got back safely so we can all bother him to tell us all about PAX. Will he do a recap? I dunno. That's up to him.

Don't worry. I've written enough to punish him for having too much fun.

Roll On Roll Up Roll Out


We are finally moving the game to CS5. For realsies this week. If all goes well, you guys won't notice a thing! Maybe a reduction in lag, and better performance with Flash Player 11. For us it means enormous changes and vast potential for implementing all the cool features we've had to put off until we upgraded.

Some of you might be wondering why we didn't just use CS5 all along. Well, at the time EpicDuel was first being developed CS3 was new, and it was impossible to forsee it's limitations. This happens all the time in software development, but it was an extremely valuable lesson to learn and formidable challenge to overcome. Hopefully, we can wrangle Titan into giving us more details in the next EpicDuel Q & A.

Last week we also rolled out quite a few backend things. For example, you can now hit shift while you click to add or subtract 5 points from a skill. Armors got a little cheaper, and you can now buy misc or mission items with a full inventory.

Nerf a Derf

RabbleFroth is planning a nerf for Tech Mages. What is it? I dunno, nobody tells me anything. Watch here for details.

New Promo Packs!

I am sorry to report that these new packs will be delayed by another week. This week was very trying with all the CS5 testing, so we were unable to implement and thoroughly test the new packages. We really wanted to get this in, but it's not something that can be rushed out. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.


This week we will be adding new items to packs at different price tiers and different levels. This should increase the usefulness of promo items for our players who wish to upgrade but have not yet reached the level cap. In case you are wondering, the Bionic Battlegear will remain as promotional package for the time being.

The new packs will include sets of brand-new weapons that can asist players who are having trouble climbing the ranks or finding just the right set of gear for their level. Behold!



These new packs will also give us more flexibility for players to mix and match Varium quanities with promotional items, and will allow us to give players more exciting options for packaged gear in the future.

Happy Dueling!


We will be continuing the Bionic Battalion saga by accompanying Myxoma and the others on their mission to save little Lepus. While in the Biodome, the bunnies will discover the secrets of their origin. What else will the rabbits uncover in the Archives?


Maybe they know!


Two points I want to address. Yes, I'm helping out with words on HeroSmash, but I am not leaving EpicDuel, as I know many of you were concerned.


Also, if you are a fan of EpicDuel on Facebook, you are now able to send me a direct message. I don't care if you use it to send reports, ask why you were banned, or things of that nature. However, if you have an account issue, payment issue, want to ask for free things/varium or send me death threats, please don't. Account issues must be dealt with by the help team (thru the help link on portal.Battleon.com) and I am not authorized to deal with master account issues. I also cannot give you free varium. Even if I wanted to. Threats, it should go without saying, are unwelcome and can lead to bans or worse if they're serious enough.



When the first miners came to Delta V, it became increasingly apparent that Varium mining is not for humans. Varium does not form like a typical ore, and after one too many fatalities in the subterranean caverns, the workers began to imagine sentience in the stones themselves. In response, scientists and tech mages worked on a form of artificial life. The idea was for robots that could build and maintain tunnels, keeping them safe from the dangerous earth. But the mages took it one step further: the robots could replicate themselves, repair and evolve. The inventors were amazed that after only a few generations, the mechanical bees had formed a caste structure and had started building infants with different qualities: workers who dug the tunnels, repaired the machinery, nurses who tended to the sick and injured, and warriors who protected the workers from wandering Hazards. The mechanical bees were nicknamed "Mechachillids". For generations, the Mechachillids and mine workers worked in tandem, but as the human workers turned into slaves, they grew distrustful of the social robots, who recognized Baelius's authority without question. When the citizens were exiled by Baelius, the Mechachillids were forgotten by the humans, but happy to evolve without human interference. They've been working and living in the tunnels beneath the minetower for a while now, and mostly don't trust any animal who keeps their skeleton on the inside...

Wednesday Livestream at 4pm with Mido!
Mido comes to AQW! If you've played through Etherstorm, you'll have met him already. If you have only played EpicDuel, we can only assure you that he is an awesome artist and now you get to see his incredible art skills in action! This Wednesday at 4PM server time, log in to AQWorlds and /join stream to see Mido take YOUR suggestions and turn them into an awesome in-game item (AQW that is)!


Real Life Kraggor

Kraggor and her people are based on real life animals called Megachillidae: the family that includes mason bees and leafcutter bees. While Kraggor's people are eusocial, many megachillids are solitary, including the creatures which serve as Kraggor's visual reference: the orchard mason bee. This shiny bluish purple bee will find a natural hole or opening in which to build her nest, and she protects her babies by building a house out of mud bricks. They are gentle, industrious bees and rarely sting. They are cosmopolitan across North America, and are efficient pollinators, keeping the pollen on the underside of theory abdomen rather than on their legs like honeybees. They do not produce honey, feeding their young with pollen.

Tags: PAX East Cinderella Nightwraith CS5 Flash development programming livestream Art Bugs Bunnies Promo packs

love how i spotted the new promos before they went live

A message from Practel

Hi EpicDuelists,

I have an important message to tell you guys before the release. Due to new Flash CS5.5 changes, the new promotional packages are unable to make it into the game this week. Testing has been going on in the core game for about 2 days now, as we had to re-test the entire game from scratch. Having it put in the game now would take way to long to work out and test, along with the other things that need fixing and testing. If you were planning to get the new mid-level promotional, we recommend you wait till next week when they are released.

Here is Nightwraith's message:


I am sorry to report that these new packs will be delayed by another week. This week was very trying with all the CS5 testing, so we were unable to implement and thoroughly test the new packages. We really wanted to get this in, but it's not something that can be rushed out. Nearly every system in the game had to be tweaked for the CS5 update -- even small stuff like your eyes blinking and bike wheels turning. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.


If you have any questions, I encourage you to PM me or any other ED staff member about what is going on.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and Duel On!

Updated! ~Practel

Joe10112 -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:18:07)

Why does the title say "April 11 Design Notes"? Dem Time Travel Faries...

Basicball -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:20:09)

it's april 11th over here =3

i just took the date i saw on my pc, lol

Joe10112 -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:21:45)

Interesting! Do the new packs come with the 10k package? Ie. I buy 10k var, I get the Veteran/Beginner Package as well as my Bionic Battlegear? Moar free var and creds!

Ranloth -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:22:38)

Nerf to TMs? AWWWWWWW YEAAAAAAAAH! Remember people, it's the OP Caster ones, not whole class so don't expect it to be destroyed nor acting like you didn't know. :3

Basicball -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:24:10)

@joe: i take it it'll be like the beginner pack

@trans: i'd rather have them nerf str BM, or balance jugg, but this is nice as well

Fay Beeee -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:27:25)

Very interesting and informative. Nice to see there could beeeee other beeeee's joining Delta soon. (I will no longer beeee alone.) lol

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:34:29)

Well, who says that DNs are final thing before weekly release? We had some things in the past, even last week that were a surprise - like Shift thing when retraining, lower prices on Armors. :D
This year could be the year for ED, I do hope so. Let's just see! :)

Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:36:38)

@^: I remember when the forumites were all complaining about lack of releases and pushing back the releases and stuff. And now we have timely, great releases! Heck, last week they BEAT AQW to the release! This is the year for ED!

Nerf to Caster TM? Sorry, those are OP but not quite as OP as the Caster/Zerker/Gun BMs. My W/L ratio against equal Caster TM = 6/4 or 7/3 (in my favor), against STR BM is usually 1/20, only if I block zerker...

JohnMenzies -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:37:09)

Which varium packages will those weapons packages be given with?

Mr. Black OP -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:43:25)

Its probably going to be like the starter kit.

Rayman -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 18:53:51)


RabbleFroth is planning a nerf for Tech Mages

Why Not Nerf STR BMs First? :/

Stabilis -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 19:10:07)

If I had to take a guess, those packs are for levels 10 and levels 20 as the Bionic gear shall be remaining here for another couple weeks.

Whirlwindstorm2 -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 19:44:12)

Oh goodie! I was planning on changing into tech mage, but predicted this nerf. Why? In the pvp i've been fighting, in most level cap players are tech mage, as they are able to 4 turn npc's quickly with a dex supercharge build. The many strength blood mage's i've seen are varium users who are not level 34 yet. I could never stand being a class where EVERYONE else was, so I decided not to turn tech mage. Good thing, too. Who knows, after this nerf, i might turn mage.. lol


Hun Kingq -> RE: april 11th Design Notes (4/10/2012 19:56:20)

Things that everyone is forgetting about the strength Blood Mage, they nerf fireball, a tier 1 skill and make it weak then it affects low levels too much and all tier 1 skills must to be matched in damage at all levels so if they weaken it then there is a lack of balance between all tier 1 attack skills if they nerf fireball then Cheap Shot must be nerfed as well by taking out the part where it ignores a percentage of all defenses and the 25% chance to do a critical strike. Then Double strike would have to be nerfed reducing the amount of damage it can dish out. Now on to Berzerker, everyone complains how weak the merc class is which they are not as weak as people think, it is a linked skill so if they nerf Berzerker it affects the merc class and if they Nerf Berzerker then they must nerf Massacre making it block-able and reducing the amount of damage.

Due to players having high Dex, High tech or both a blood mage has to increase stats the highest they can to get any substantial damage. You know the strength blood mage rely on physical Damage and have no energy regain and low defense and resistance. Increase your health, Use EMP, Atom smasher, Assimilation, Increase your Dex, wear physical armor, use shadow arts, use defense matrix, try different builds.

Stop trying to get an easy way by asking for nerfs use your heads, use your skills and figure out a build.

rej -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 19:56:46)

Hmm, excellent. It appears that there will be more missions created. I'm not sure how I feel about all of the advertising for other AE games that was in there, though.

midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 19:59:16)

I have a feeling that they are adding a new bot.

Basicball -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 20:01:05)


midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 20:04:35)

Nothing I just have a feeling when I saw those 3 bots. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Sipping Cider -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 20:21:54)

Sounds like yet another exciting update. And goody goody missions ;P

However, I do wish they would explain this new promo stuff. Will there be weapons with the smaller varium packages? Will these promos permantly replace any other promo? Do you get all of these promos with one epic varium supply or just the promo that fits your level? So many questions haha.

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 20:35:58)


Will there be weapons with the smaller varium packages?

I am not totally sure but these look scaled by design, descending from the best varium package, likely for the 5000 and 2500 varium packs accordingly.


Will these promos permantly replace any other promo?

No, as the starter kit is really rewarding considering the requirements and statistics


Do you get all of these promos with one epic varium supply or just the promo that fits your level?

The promotion is given according to the amount spent, the larger the buy, the better the promotion. You can compare them with levels. When you think of in-game costs that is.

Would anyone like to rate my answers or am I wrong?

ScarletReaper -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 20:48:21)

^Sounds about right. Also bout time they nerf techmages. When my cyberhunter loses to a tm, there is something wrong. I lose more to them than strength bm.

Mdmarvel -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 20:59:05)


Kraggor and her people are based on real life animals called Megachillidae

waaaaaaiiiit..... Kraggor's a her?!

Retrosaur -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 21:06:01)

My entire childhood....ruined in an instant T.T

drinde -> RE: =ED= April 10th Design Notes (4/10/2012 21:17:04)


What else will the rabbits uncover in the Archives?

Finally, something to use in mah story. [:D]


Kraggor and her people are based on real life animals called Megachillidae



They've been working and living in the tunnels beneath the minetower for a while now, and mostly don't trust any animal who keeps their skeleton on the inside...

What about Hazards? Bony spikes protude OUT of our bodies. :D

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