Zombie Files (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Zombie Files (4/13/2012 20:08:40)

Zombie Files

Location: ICU --> Nurse Helia --> Artix Cure?!
Objective Completed: Terrific! You got the original research files!
Requirements: Completion of Research
Release Date: April 13, 2012

  • Zombie Mecha D
  • Zombie Mecha E
  • EC04
  • Zombie Guy
  • Zombie Girl

  • Nurse Helia
  • Artix
  • Doctor Proctor

    Nurse Helia: The cure should be working.. How do you feel, Artix?
    Artix: Whaa... Where am I? Should I be saying "Brainssss...?"
    Nurse Helia: No. You just had the flu.
    Artix: Whew, I would have hated to slay myself.
    Nurse Helia: <You>, I've done a lot of research on the virus and have come up with some very interesting results.
    Nurse Helia: I wasn't able to confirm it until now, not until I got the samples from Artix.
    Nurse Helia: The Poozom reacts with the Polychromal Flu, converting the RNA chains to create a necrotic phage that reacts with...
    Nurse Helia: ...subject's lymphatic systems, and then cascading into-
    Artix: Whaaaaa?
    <You>: Flu plus Poozom equals zombie.
    Nurse Helia: That's what I said.
    Artix: Oh.
    <You>: But that was the short version. Was it just me or is there something familiar about this whole situation?
    Nurse Helia: There is. You remember the Nanovirus?
    <You>: The one that controlled Sys-Zero? Yes. Do you think this is related?
    Nurse Helia: Well, it definitely has similarities. The necrotic phage is a dormant component of the Poozom.
    Proctor: That can't be possible! EbilCorp Medical tested samples of Poozom before any human testing was done.
    Proctor: ...and I saw the results myself. "Negative for all harmful and potentially harmful components."
    <You>: Could those results have been tampered with before they were delivered to you?
    Proctor: Outrageous! Poozom is safe! I take it myself!
    Nurse Helia: My test results clearly indicate the Polychromal Flu triggered the dormant necrotic phage.
    <You>: We saw what it did to Artix.
    Nurse Helia: And even without the Polychromal Flu, that phage is residing in the Poozom...
    Artix: Just waiting to be activated - what eese might trigger it, I wonder...
    Proctor: Are you implying that EbilCorp did this on purpose!? That... that... EbilCorp is somehow in cahoots with the Shadowscythe!?
    Artix: If that were true, they would use this to zombify the entire planet.

    Nurse Helia: We need to look at those original tests.
    Nurse Helia: Please hurry! Get into you mecha and go to the file rotunda in Lab Prime!
    Nurse Helia: Dr. Proctor will stay here with me to help direct you.
    Nurse Helia: Watch out for Zombies!

    After battling two enemies:
    Nurse Helia: Grab the papers and get back here! Uh oh..zombie alert!

    After battling Zombie:
    Nurse Helia: Fantastic, <You>! Now hurry back with those papers and don't be seen by EC Security or Zombies!

    Reward Shops:

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