RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (Full Version)

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Legendium -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/3/2012 2:50:50)

I have to agree with Joerte.
This thread is confirming some things I've had questions about for ages.
I've been lurking around this area. And what with so many things being explained in AQWs, I'm wanting even more to finish the storyline there.

I regard video-games as books. They're something to be read, something with a story. This is by far my favorite video-game company. The stories are complicatedly amazing.
And I feel like we're finally closing a chapter here. Like questions are finally about to be answered. This is like re-reading the soldiers of halla.

But every answer in this game makes a thousand new questions. Gah! This is awesome and aggravating at the same time!

So, back on-topic.

In which game did we find out Drakath liked Robina? I could swear that in DF she was an enemy of his or so, because he said "Now I can kill you at the same time!" during the Surewood chapter of the Dragon Egg saga. Can anyone clear that bit up?

Baron Dante -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/3/2012 3:27:04)

@Legendium: Considering the whole thing about how DFDrakath would be the same as Chaos Drakath, and the newest AQW release mentioning this (That "Drakath rejected the hand of a princess", that being Robina. Of course, it didn't mention he didn't know she was a princess), I'd say it's safe to say it took place in DF.

But that does raise a valid point on why'd he want to do that.

Glais -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/3/2012 3:29:56)


Considering the whole thing about how DFDrakath would be the same as Chaos Drakath,

I still say please no. If you love me please no. If you don't love me please no.
There you go staff, you have no other options.

To be fair, DFDrakath did seem to greet her in a mocking way, I'd always wondered why exactly that happened...

megakyle777 -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/3/2012 4:30:07)

Glais, much as I don't like AQW for it's lackluster gameplay, it's story so far has been improving. For example, with the situation of DF's chapter 2 ending I could totaly see Xan of DF becoming Xan of AQW. Sometimes a mind just cracks with all the stuff he's been through, and I'm sure that when AQW explains Drakath's story it will make sense and we will be all "Actualy that's pretty awesome!"

Look, I hate AQW's gameplay (And sometimes the community) as much as the next man, but the fact of the matter is, AQW is part of the AE family and like it or not people have to deal with it. Like I say above, I was one of the most focal haters of AQWan, but with the events of DF occuring it makes sense and now I just see is a a evolution of the character. The same applies to Drakath. He was selected by Chaos for a reason and soon we shall find out that reason.

Glais -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/3/2012 5:55:19)

I'll be honest, I hate AQW in general. That said, I'm not going to be biased against it just because I dislike it and I will definitely acknowledge its victories. EtherStorm and The Span have all been steps in the right direction for example. The idea of it becoming so crucial to DF slightly bothers me in some cases, at least when it concerns NPCs.

The thing with alternate timelines is...we don't have to deal with it, but situations like this basically force the other continuities upon us. Chaos Drakath and DF Drakath have been vastly different characters and I was quite glad about that. With them being the same person, it's sort of a step downward in my opinion. There's also the fact that Drakath being my favorite NPC, I quite dislike the notion of "losing" him to a game I hardly ever play. I don't mind cross-game tidbits as far as the overall story goes, because different timelines just mean all the games are part of the same collective multiverse. They will ultimately have some ties to each other in one way or another. We saw Erebus in AQ mucking about with various alternate Universes.

megakyle777 -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/3/2012 6:06:26)

I can see that viewpoint. I like Drakath as a character too (Which is why I made this thread) but just because of that cutscene in DF does not neccicarily mean we "Lose" him to AQW. He may cause havoc there before or after emigrating to AQW. Worst case scenario there's always wibbliy wobbly timey wimey stuff.

Since I can't see them ever killing off Drakath for good or anything since Artix posted here he and his bloodline are one of AE's most interesting characters, and so it is entirely possible that after AQW's Chaos Saga DF will get him back.[;)] Maybe when if Chaos fails in AQW he will pull off a different rick in DF?

Falerin -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/3/2012 16:09:21)

As for those confused about the fact that the AQW timeline does not actually obliterate the timelines it mixed. You now have an idea why my old timeline graphic showed the original timelines as branching off and continuing but of uncertain nature.

If we use the stream metaphor. I.e. time is like a river. Then think of the timelines as tributaries. Tributaries can branch off and merge into another river without eliminating the original tributary. Indeed. A single stream can branch off repeatedly and merge into multiple rivers. Time is much the same here.

Glais -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/3/2012 18:43:55)

Yeah I always liked your interpretation on the timeline, people always heralded it as confusing but it made things a lot clearer for me anyhow.

@Kyle: Eh, I guess on this I'm just a bit too stubborn to want to see him enact with the purple virus :P Een if we do get him back, it will be a vastly different character. AQW Drakath is a powerful guy who can raze cities while DF's is a schemer. They're effectively different people and characters entirely. If AQW Drakath is the future interpretation of DF's then it effectively kills off the original character with such a drastic change. Just a bit...unsettling for me.

The Big Guy -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/4/2012 16:22:01)

Hey Fal, will we ever find out what Drageth had to do with the fall of Luminova? He was introduced with Erebus in the first Hall of Memories, and then you never saw him again. What gives?

Hatterwell -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/6/2012 4:12:47)

sigh... I think my brain just melted....

Falerin -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/6/2012 13:26:03)

Drageth's involvement in Luminovia is significant and more will be learned but it is intimately tied to Erebus and he is presently in exile.

megakyle777 -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/21/2012 5:35:59)

Just read my first post for this thread and I can't beleive I forgot to mention the Dragfon Drakath from the original AQ. (Facepalms.) So yeah, Drakath is a dragon of darkness in AQ, and no doubt that ties to his bloodline somehow.

Vagaran -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/21/2012 8:16:05)

Wait, isn't there a timeline like this:

MQ --> DF --> AQ --> AQW?

If we take timelines into consideration, in DF he merged with fluffy to become a Dragon, in AQ he just was did that happen?

Caststarter -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/21/2012 12:02:55)

It is rather complicated for the fact that each game goes by their separate timeline and AQW is like a very weird merge of the three games.

Now I am sure that Drakath being a darkness dragon in AQ could be in fact not the Drakath we are talking about. Hard to see if AQ's Drakath full name is Drakath Slugwrath.

@Megakyle: With the note I just said, I am sure Dragon Drakath in AQ is not a Slugwrath but who knows?

megakyle777 -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/21/2012 13:05:32)

Caststarter: Check the latest Frostval War. Dragon Drakath does indeed refer to himself in one of the cutscenes as Drakath Slugwrath. [;)]

Caststarter -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/21/2012 13:29:03)

@Megakyle: Yet I have been playing that thing lately... .-. That is interesting to hear... so if Drakath has turned into a dragon... well.... zombie frost Darkness Dragon. How would he be able to stay in dragon form? I guess as Falerin said, we will learn about that later on....

Actually, that cutscene brings another question, since when did he had a thing with the brilhados?

AcidDrago -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/21/2012 23:25:08)

The brilhados bought him back after we defeated him at the end of the Sinister Seven war.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 14:39:11)

Yes, but do not forget that Drakath turned himself into a powerful dragon of pure darkness in DF by absorbing the power of the Ultimate Orb. As he first appeared in AQ as a dragon, I think it is safe to assume the events that transpired in DF then were carried over into AQ pre-timeline split.

Vagaran -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 14:55:28)

Don't forget he also merged with Fluffy to turn into the uber darkness dragon.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 15:19:35)

He merged with Fluffy, but the two separated afterwards. Remember Fluffy appeals to the player to free him? What became of him after, I know not.

Vagaran -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 15:31:20)

Yes, but could be part of Fluffy still remained within Drakath alongside a shard of the Ultimate Orb.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 15:34:02)

No, that's highly unlikely, nigh on impossible, given that Fluffy assists us in defeating Drakath and separating him from Drakath. The telepathic communication ended there, so it is safe to assume that Fluffy is now independent of Drakath.

BraveSirRobin -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 20:39:59)

Wouldnt Fluffy still be part of the Mysterious Stranger and therefore Drakath?Unless the power of the world saver was enough to break through.

Elryn -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 21:35:51)


If we take timelines into consideration, in DF he merged with fluffy to become a Dragon, in AQ he just was did that happen?

Old lore has it that Drakath was first a man who was turned into a dragon and then into a dracolich (see the Fire War) in AQ. More recently, he has been revived as a fully living dragon, defeated, revived as a undead by the Brilhado.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 21:39:39)

No, the Super Ultra Mega Darkness Dracolich was defeated and severed the bond between the Mysterious Stranger (who is probably missing or dead), Fluffy and Drakath. As Drakath does not have any trace of Fluffy in AQ during his early appearances I'd say that by extension he too has been separated from Fluffy and thus the three are now separate.

EDIT: Elryn beat me to it :p

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