RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (Full Version)

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Glais -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 21:41:37)


Drageth's involvement in Luminovia is significant and more will be learned but it is intimately tied to Erebus and he is presently in exile.

You have no idea how glad I am to hear this :v

Shadow -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 22:48:46)

What about the OverSoul and AdventureQuest3D Timelines?

Glais -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 23:18:25)

AQ3D happens on a different Planet. Wouldn't make any sense for Slugwraths to be there.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/24/2012 23:51:24)

And Oversoul operates in the same universe but on an altogether different timeline, it's the darker version of the traditional AE universe, I believe.

Baron Dante -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/25/2012 0:10:42)

Lu: Wouldn't OverSoul be a separate dimension on the same timeline of AQW though? That's how I understood it.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/25/2012 1:30:44)

That's a possibility, but it'd complicate things a lot. I mean, some players find difficulty in grasping the nature of AQW and that whilst it was the result of Galanoth's slaying the Eternal Dragon of Time, the original timelines still exist parallel to AQW.

Vagaran -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/25/2012 5:58:18)

Pretty sure Oversoul is another dimension on the same timeline as AQW. (Just a little after the Dage vs Nulgath war)

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/25/2012 6:30:42)

Ah, you're probably right. I wouldn't call it another dimension, then, but rather another planet operating within the same universe and timeline as AQW. It could be another dimension, but from what I can remember of the pre-test design notes, the war carried some weight in establishing the story behind Oversoul.

Baron Dante -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/25/2012 7:53:59)

James: I went through the Design Notes, and couldn't find anything about this setting there. What I find interesting though is that despite this being something Nulgath didn't expect, there's still plenty of Nulgath's minions here. (At least if Fiends of Suinotlim and whatnot are looked at)

But yes, the War basically existed just to create the setting for the game.

Vagaran -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/25/2012 9:56:15)

Baron Dante: Are you talking about in Fiends in Oversoul? Nulgath can make people sign under a contract, and promise them endless power.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/25/2012 15:53:58)

@Baron Dante: Ah, interesting. Yes, there are quite a few fiends! :P

If this is set on the same universe as AQW, perhaps we might see Drakath and his kith and kin?

kors -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/25/2012 16:02:09)

@James Lu: I doubt that the Slugwraths would show up anywhere other than Lore. They are consistently an important force in the politics of Lore, but are rarely talked about in non-Lore settings. If it is a parallel Lore than we just may see another Slugwrath.

Baron Dante -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/25/2012 16:57:31)

While it would be possible, I doubt it'll be the case. Granted, there is literally no story within OverSoul itself right now, so it's simply too early to think about.

Vagaran -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/25/2012 17:00:26)

Oversoul is more another world, that is existing alongside the timeline of AQW. (can't tell for sure, but I think so considering Dage locked Nulgath there) so I don't think Slugwrath will make his appearance there.

lordkaho -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/25/2012 21:06:45)

I find this thread EXTREMELY relevant to my interests. Now if only we have a proper slugwrath family tree.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/26/2012 0:50:18)

@Vagaran: But isn't Dage a lesser being and Nulgath a greater being? That said, all the background info behind the war precludes me lol.

@lordkaho: Well, we know Dinkelheim is an antecedent to Drakath and his father. anything between, before and after, we are unsure of. So it'd be very hard to draw one up.

Baron Dante -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/26/2012 1:13:04)

@James: From what I recall, Nulgath had access to the Oblivion Gate, and in the end of the war, Dage did SOMETHING to it, and Nulgath basically slipped on a banana peel and fell through it, thus reaching OverSoul. It's implied in time he could return, but he stopped caring about AQW when he saw the OverSoul world.

Don't go quoting me on details, but I think that's how it went.

Why don't I recall this Dinkelheim at all?

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/26/2012 1:32:27)

Oh I see. So essentially, Nulgath is taking over the world of Oversoul, hence the "great and powerful evil" the Archangel mentions?

Dinkelheim was the first name of the deposed Kingadent in MechQuest.

lordkaho -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/26/2012 2:10:36)

Was drakath's father's name ever mentioned?

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/26/2012 2:11:40)

I'm not quite certain, but I think it was.

Vagaran -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/26/2012 4:59:42)

I'm pretty sure Kingadent Slugwrath is Drakath father....

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/26/2012 5:17:43)

No, the Kingadent doesn't have any children, plus his head gets sliced off and he becomes a head-in-a-jar. :P

Vagaran -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/26/2012 5:25:07)

Well....that's a creepy think btw....

Grixus Faldor -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/26/2012 5:30:11)

When it is found out that the Kingadent is a Shadowscythe agent, the hero verses his mecha and defeats him. He then ejects and upon learning of his defeat, Lord Valoth has him beheaded and put in a jar, I think Zorbak owns that jar.

Vagaran -> RE: The Slugwrath Bloodline - why is it important? (Spoilers) (12/26/2012 5:37:44)

I know the part with Kingadent as part of the ShS, but didn't know about the part with his head....

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