We Need Some Epic Missions (Full Version)

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Chosen 0ne -> We Need Some Epic Missions (8/11/2013 22:11:11)

Epic Duel should have missions that take a long time to complete, and give good rewards.

For example, AQW has the Blinding Light of Destiny missions (This is Artix's personal weapon) that take approximately 6 months to complete. Epic Duel needs things like this.

Long missions that players have to DARE to try and attempt. It needs to take such a long time and require such a substantial amount of effort that most people don't even want to attempt.

This would give level cap players something to do.

Predator9657 -> RE: We Need Some Epic Missions (8/11/2013 22:12:38)

Why not suggest some?

Chosen 0ne -> RE: We Need Some Epic Missions (8/11/2013 22:16:02)

Why not suggest actual mission chains and types?

This comes later Predator, first we need to see if this is something the community would like, and if it matches what the devs want to do with their game.

Baby steps. That's why I didn't type paragraphs and paragraphs for this.

It gives players a good incentive to do them because if you possess these items, you are the biggest BA around.

Mother1 -> RE: We Need Some Epic Missions (8/11/2013 23:23:37)

@ chosen one

We did have something like that in the form of the yeti trainer missions. Those missions without the varium shortcut took me quite a while to complete and many did give up and use the shortcut.

But at the same time from seeing the community's response to those missions many might not want these.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: We Need Some Epic Missions (8/11/2013 23:25:22)

Supported! It can give us something to work hard for, and brag about!

I suggested something like this 2 months ago. Here are my mission suggestions Clicky


Who said that you had to do the missions? They are to symbolize your effort and perseverance. It is not like you will HAVE to get these items or you will be at a disadvantage.

Like prize codes. Who said you had to get them? They are practically useless as they have no cores, and you need to spend a lot to upgrade them.

tgod -> RE: We Need Some Epic Missions (8/12/2013 18:52:09)

Supported if it doesn't have farming npcs

Charfade -> RE: We Need Some Epic Missions (8/13/2013 7:25:07)

Missions are on hold atm until the mission system revamp is implemented into the game.

We would love to add more into the game, and hopefully will get a chance here in the near futrure. ^^

CN2025 -> RE: We Need Some Epic Missions (8/14/2013 4:42:59)

supported long missions like 1000 pvp wins and stuff like that im tired of npc

Chosen 0ne -> RE: We Need Some Epic Missions (8/14/2013 10:50:09)

A wild charade appeared.

@CN, that's not the way to go about it, trust me. Lol.

I was thinking more on the lines of what you see in the AQW Juggernaut item quest or the AQW BLoD quest.

It seems missions will be revamped after the war, that's pretty exciting.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: We Need Some Epic Missions (8/14/2013 19:29:07)

Well... Jugg items and BLOD take weeks soooo....

1,000 PVp kills would have to be the least of our worries...

Chosen 0ne -> RE: We Need Some Epic Missions (8/15/2013 0:07:56)

1K PvP kills is a joke for a mission. If this was implemented with just a 1k wins mission it would seem like the devs didn't even try. Epic Duel needs DIVERSITY! You need to be trying to get something you wouldn't normally try to get with the missions not there.

This post reeks in bad English, forgive my 10th grade minimal knowledge.

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